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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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i was confused as to what 30 days you are leading to. >> the 30 day requirement, 30 days that the proposed amendment is available. this latest version is dated march 13 -- march 12. it was introduced at the board on march 13. elements of it were available at the elections -- at the ethics commission meeting the previous friday. there are elements that were not available 30 days before her. and so i think that it is not quite timely. supervisor kim: if i could have the city attorney address the specific question? >> good afternoon. i think there are a few different issues presented.
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the first is to clarify the purpose of what was substituted in on the 13th was to change or to delay the operative date of this new nomination deadline. i want to be clear on that. that provision is a section of the municipal elections code, not the conduct code. it is not within the ethics commission's purview at all. it is part of this entire package, but not part of the legislation subject to the special amendment's role. i would just add that the universe of amendments that of gone back and forth that were initially made on february 28, 30 days ago, what ethics did was a subset of that. all those amendments have been out there for 30 days. supervisor kim: thank you.
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are there any further questions on this issue? supervisor wiener: i believe the only thing that ethics change from what we had was reverting to the original calculation for health funds are deposited. that is the current state of the law, right? it is no longer an amendment. what we sent back, we change the way the money is deposited into the fund. after that, the ethics commission went with reinstating the previous method of calculating the annual contribution of the fund, meaning that it is no longer an amendment. it is maintaining the current state of the law. is that right? ok. the 30-day rule would not apply to that. everything else is what came out of the board last time. supervisor kim: thank you.
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we do appreciate and we want to make sure we're following our charter. are there any other comments? >> i want to say thank you to my colleagues for working on this. i know you have worked very hard. i still have issues with the -- i am happy to put it through with that recommendation. if that it and -- if that makes it ok for you guys. supervisor kim: i do appreciate that motion. supervisor wiener: i will be voting for this of the full board. i do supportive. i did address my major concern, which was the extreme over funding, in my view. we now have a strong mechanism to prevent that from happening. we were depositing too much
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money into it. this address is that any meaningful way. i will be voting for it. i am happy to go along with the motion. supervisor kim: with a compromised -- there will always be aspects you are not thrilled with, but overall, i am content. i didn't think we're making the public financing program stronger -- i do think we are making the public financing program stronger. i will be supporting this ordinance. i am happy to move this out with no recommendation. we can do that without opposition. >> [inaudible] supervisor kim: yes. can we entertain a motion? we can send this out as a committee report. thank you, madam clerk.
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at this time, the community will be entertaining a motion to convene into closed session. would any of the members of the public like to speak on items 60317? public comment is now closed. do we have a motion to convene in closed session? we do that without opposition. to the members of the public, it will be vacating the ram. we can enter into closed supervisor kim: because
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discussion and open session on but likely prejudice the city in the position of claims and litigation. i understand the committee will move on items 6-17 afford to the full board with recommendations. -- forward to the full board with recommendations. we have a motion not to disclose. we can do that without opposition. >> a motion to move the items 6- 17 ford with positive recommendation to full board. supervisor kim: we can do that without opposition. are there any other items? >> no, madam chair. supervisor kim: thank you. meeting is adjourned.
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>> good afternoon, and welcome. this has to be the coldest and windiest. i want to thank san francisco for your hospitality. i often feel i have one of the best jobs. every spring we get to work with communities putting in green spaces, and this is what this is
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all about, helping communities benefit from green spaces in urban areas. we could not have done this without partners. gerwe have the park conservator, and we have volunteers from lows and fresh and easy today. you really are the reason we are in the rain and cold during this great work, so we were talking about partners co., and we stard talking and realized we have
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added them as a partner, so i would like to introduce jocelyn to say a few words about our program. >> good afternoon. it is living up to its reputation of rain. we are thrilled with our partnership says. many are committed, and we join with our partners for our gardens and green space program, and we are recognizing the moral leadership and the development of green spaces across the nation. we are honored to present the award for outstanding leadership in this area. >> thank you. first, i think they huge grant
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we are getting today is of a recognition everyone has participated in. i want to thank the neighbors and volunteers a. it has been in the works for so many years because of the love in the community, and i know that for a fact because i was here years ago, and we said to ourselves and we need to not looking at this community in a negative way, to see what is positive, and not only is this garden appreciated by our community, but it is recognized by the u.s. conference of mayors and by scots miracle
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grow, because we are one of five cities being recognized with this award. is very special. they really wanted to express support for people taking seriously the movement around healthy environments. gooyou are going to find there a little kid living the dream by helping to grow edible things, someone we are going to recognize as a special person as well, and as someone who has been in city government for 23 years but started dpw days right here aunt knew how hard it was
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for people to generate a positive feeling, but they did it using a garden, so people could say, what is wrong having a garden that represents us, and having the youth center establish alongside the neighborhood, so there are so many stories to tell about how the community has come together, and now i think we are in historic times where there is a sense of community that has not been felt for many years. i knew there was fear that drove a lot of decisions, and these gardens, there is a special
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thing we are getting. we are using opportunities everywhere weekend. richard -- everywhere we can. you see that it is now being recognized as a national model for everyone to follow, so i want to say thank you, community. thank you to our young people for sticking with us, for example of buying your -- for exemplifying your faith we have a community way to green ourselves into success.
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i get to drive. this is my first year as a member of the conference of mayors. i get to say we have not finished the first year, and we have a national award because our communities are strong. thank you so much. >> this is the kickoff year as well. i would like to introduce a gentle man who had a huge part in putting the garden on the map. jeffrey, where are you? [applause] >> can i do this? thank you. this is quite today. this does not happen every day,
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and i love it. if the spirit moves, feel free to move out. did there are so many people to thank. know you would not be here if you were not part of the solution, but there is one person i would like to acknowledge, and that is annette smith, who needs no introduction. of one of the founding gardeners 10 years ago, who started planting on the median strip and doing the outrageous thing of shaking hands and hugging people they did not know. >> hi, everybody. thank you all for coming out. it gives me great pleasure to stand before you and say welcome
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to our neighborhood. it has been a lot of work, but it has been a lot of fun. it has been helpful to me mobility-wirese, so the neighborhood is a much better neighborhood. people come out to talk to one another, where they did not in the beginning, and i am not going to say anything else but thank you. >> you can see why we love her. thank you, stocks miracle gro, and who am i forgetting? franklin county, my hometown local gardens curator -- my
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botanical gardens. this is an amazing example of what it takes to turn a community are round. it takes leadership from the public sector. we have two community challenge grants and the department of environmental justice grant, and that has kept us afloat. we would not be here if it was not for that. mendoza from the mayor's office is here. she would tell you she is first and foremost the mayor. she is on the school board. good we are blessed. it takes a lot of bridges with the community sector and the
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corporate sector to do things like this, and we feel like we have derived region we have arrived. and we are moving into the future because of you guys. thank you so much. good >> we would like to present a sharcheck. >> it does not look like it will fit in the atm. >> no. >> thank you.
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>> we have john murray who is here. we also have lynn here. we also have nicole riviera from leader pelosi's office, who is going to read a proclamation. >> are usually say the leader is in d.c. working, but she is in ireland, but she did want to send a letter. congratulations to the gardens initiative as you celebrate your wheen award.
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so many of you represent the health and are underserved neighborhoods. it has created a beautiful haven in neighborhoods that will only continue to flourish. they demonstrated community partnerships can create extraordinary work zeroth. all of this demonstrates the power this garden will have on the community. this would not be possible without the volunteers who have made it a reality. congratulations and best regards, nancy pelosi. >> i feel like and billy crystal at the oscars. good eveninthe next person i woo
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introduce is stephen. steven is going to talk about our grow 1000 program. goo>> i get the best part of the presentation, which we will get to in a little bit, but frankly i prepared some comments. this is our inaugural kicked off a. rather than try to explain, i thought a show of hands might be more oopprobrium. anyone living here, raise your hand.
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the work and you started fostering the community through gardening efforts, things you have already started, that is what it is for us, providing more support, providing more opportunities for the relationships to strengthen and continue to develop. for us the means finding more opportunities like this, hopefully to participate in 1000 of these throughout the u.s., canada, and europe, so this is one of five major ones we have chosen this year, so thank you for the opportunity. i have not gotten to shake everybody's hand, but mary, tom, jeff, i have gotten to shake a lot of hands today, and linda has an almost 1-year-old.
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that has an older brother in kindergarten, but it is not only about community biaseut about hg a nice place to go and a community spirit of the third- generation davey resident, just thought a house here. that is what is about, providing opportunities for kids to grow, so that is what it is about, and it is not about us doing the work, and we just want to provide the help to do that. thank you for the work you have already started. now for my favorite part of the presentation superior -- presentation. we are giving a give back to
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grow award. the students had to write an essay and tell why they like gardening, so i have the honor of introducing serenity williams. i have been told serenity has a green thumb herself. she loves to water the plants, so she is going to read a little from her essay. strikes and my neighborhood garden, we are planting food for everybody in our community. the garden is colorful and has healthy snacks. the healthy snacks include fruits and vegetables like strawberry and squash for people
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who do not have much to get healthy food. goothis is shaped like a rectangle, and is outside of my home. inside our garden, there are stones to walk on and different levels. the role i play in the garden project is planting seeds and watering everything in our garden to keep plants healthy. i spent an hour and a half an hour community garden every week. the good thing our garden has done, it has grown healthy food
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and we have eaten the reagan region we have eaten. environmental education is important because natural food is really good for the body instead of candy. it helps care for the environment because people can walk through our garden instead of using gas to go to the grocery store and spend money. [applause] >> great job! one second. louie, i think we may have a
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future employee. when she came here, serenities said she was very nervous. she read them pretty well. they have a couple of words and gibsofts. >> thank you for making such a great effort inspiring people around you. you will have some tools so you
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can get started this season, so congratulations. >> you did that so well, i need someone to do the next question answer. you want to do that for me? all right. >> congratulations, serenity. [applause] >> i know everyone is freezing, but i would also like to say thank you to the members who have been out here weeding,
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carrying heavy stuff. i would also like to thank my other colleagues. i think that is the end of our program. we have a sign we would like to officially unveil. >> 1, 2, 3, there