tv [untitled] April 5, 2012 2:00am-2:30am PDT
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transformation of the embark, the same with doyle. it will be a cherished part of the city and a worthy addition to what is there. >> it will be a safe and beautiful entrance to a spectacular beautiful city. it will be the entry to golden gate that san francisco deserves. commissioner buell: here roja commissioner harrison: here commissioner bonilla: commissioner martin: here. commissioner lee and levitan are on their way. ok? ever so quickly, reminding everyone to please turn off any electronic sounding devices that
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may go off during the proceedings. and we would ask that you please take any secondary conversations outside in order for the meeting to proceed as efficiently as possible. commissioner, how many minutes a day on public comment? commissioner buell: let's get a raise of hands of how many people think there will testify. not too many. three minutes is fine. how many will say nice things? [laughter] never mind. >> that is not fair. >> ok, three minutes. each person will have three today. please address your comments to the item that is being heard. if you want to speak on general public comment, that is item four and continued down on item 13. last, please address your comments during public comment to the commission in order to allow equal time, neither the commission nor staff will respond to any questions during public comment. the commission may ask questions
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of staff after public comment is closed. with that, we are on item number two, the president's report. commissioner buell: thank you very much. i have an unpleasant responsibility as part of my report, and i have a resolution that we're going to present, and then i am going to ask the general manager to weigh in because i think he has an accompanying officials duty here. let me read this resolution, and that it will become clear what we're up to. whereas the va dario elesando received her law degrees in 1981 and started her career in june 1989 and whereas she has a passion for public-service, as shown in her work not only in the city attorney's office but also as an attorney and the california indian legal services, her lectures in american indian and other
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studies at san francisco state university and her mentoring and supervising of the legal interns on her chin, and whereas she joined the government team in 2002 and has provided her clients, including the recreation and park commission that a department with wise counsel, zealous representation, and tireless support, and whereas she has a deep understanding of the boards of public parks and recreational facilities and a passion for open spaces, and whereas as an avid gardener, intrepid sailor, she has a profound appreciation for the san francisco botanical garden and the striving arboretum and was a key contributor to the planned upgrades to the department's marina. and whereas the recreational park commissioner of the department have been fortunate to have a deputy city attorney with such intelligence, patience, and knowledge, counseling, and advising them for more than 10 years, and whereas virginia will be sorely
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missed. i repeat that, sorely missed, as well her input and expertise on issues now. therefore be it resolved that members of the recreational park commission, on behalf of the employees and citizens of the city of san francisco, do hereby agree fully recognize v irginia's contributions and express great appreciation for her high quality and a passionate work in which -- and wish her success in all their future endeavors. a little applause, thank you. [applause] and we have a little something to present her, but i am going to ask the general manager to please continue. >> thank you, mr. president. it is a great honor to join the commission in this resolution thanking and commending virginia. i have had a very distinct pleasure of being virginia's colleague and the city
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attorney's office and her client. you know, being a good or even a great lawyer, you can have done well in law school, you can be super smart, super analytical, but at the end of the day, a great lawyer is someone who really cares about her client. and i think that is what makes and has made virginia's tenure here so meaningful. just as you articulated so well, mr. president, you know, virginia has a tremendous passion for open space and recreation and has as much institutional history about the goings on in this department as just about anyone. there's one other thing that makes a great lawyer, and that is being kind and nice. those are two of virginia's
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most expert -- must exemplary qualities, her kindness and patience, too, because you needed a great deal of that over the years. you know, you're moving on to another challenging assignment, the department of public health. that might be a rec and park cue, but we know you are only a phone call away and you will continue to help us and a guide us on a couple of matters in which your particularly vested. we're very grateful and appreciative for all your support. in addition to the resolution, we have a little keepsake for you. which is in honor of your wise counsel and your dedicated service on behalf of san francisco's treasured open spaces and recreational amenities.
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>> well, i have to tell you, i am the one who is grateful. i have been very fortunate to serve you. and a good job making me pretty much speechless. you managed to go pretty far -- i managed to go pretty far in my career, but you did not go back far enough. in high school, i interned for the national park service. when i grew up, i wanted to be a park ranger. when this assignment of and the, i practically beg for it. is unfortunate. probably one of the longer- serving deputies. tenure in our job rotates. that has been the office policy. it is a good policy. it keeps you fresh. it also keeps looking forward in some ways. i cannot have been more grateful. i work with very passionate
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people. i have devised probably dozens of department heads in the last 23 years that i have been here. >> hopes to slow that rate down a little bit. >> yes. across the board in the department. and many commissions. like i said, every day i looked forward to coming to work, regardless of whatever the issues we were facing, because i work with an incredible team of park advocates over the years, people who have shared my passion for recreation and open space. and people every day in your department who give everything they have to creating and protecting the open space for the city. it has been interesting, some of the political issues before long time i did homeless. they followed me into the parks. but the dog issues are quite a challenge. i feel really proud of the staff, some of whom have been here as long as i have. on some of these projects -- one
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of the first projects i worked on, looking back, i looked back to francesca, who will degrade job. we talk every day. so we're transitioning well. with the marina. working on the marine a loan application was one of my first project. certainly the 2008 bond, it has been gratifying to see that project move forward after sort of the fallout from the previous bond. the concourse, where first started, the garage was a concept. and and not well-financed concept. so we have moved on from that. i also cover the museums and the rebuild of the dm. i look at the concourse and the last project, the fountains. the congress has really come to life. and a soft spot for the japanese tea gardens. we would come to san francisco for a visit to the japanese tea garden and move on and with my
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father. and the zoo. just so you know, i am taking a little piece of you with me. i will keep a project for the foreseeable future. i have to really commend your staff on the work on the park, a fabulous work product with out the door yesterday to u.s. fish and wildlife. i have to abolish -- acknowledge lisa wan'g's work. a lot of people were behind-the- scenes. thank you very much. i will miss you. i will not be far. the department of public health certainly has its own challenges to the i am dealing with some of every kind of complicated issues. but thank you very much. commissioner buell: thank you very much. [applause]
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the only other item i have, and commissioner levitan is not here yet, but it is her birthday. we will just kind of wish her a happy birthday when she comes in. >> is there anyone who would like to make public comment on this item? seeing none, public, disclosed. item number three, general managers' report. >> thank you, commissioners. sadly, i need to start with the difficult announcement. we received word on monday morning that carter church, a partner who was before the commission last september to receive the recognition award, passed away on friday evening, march 9, after a long illness. carter began his employment with rec and park in 2005. and he quickly began making a huge impression on co-workers and supervisors. he first worked in the mission. and then transfer to section two point golden gate park, where he was responsible entry led to the
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shakespeare garden and for one- third of the japanese tea garden. while working for the department, carter pursued part -- additional i get to the credentials on his own time, elevating his own skills and those around him by affording what he learned. while he was before the commission last september, his supervisor, james mccormick, said "every gardener is a painter of the landscape. some people like chaos and color. others prefer a sharp line, symmetrical animals, the clutter, while more desire order and let the. carter's character and eye or a fourth, patience, and strategy. his personal style price sensitivity and intelligence to his crew. he made everyone wanted to come to work because he was never just a co-worker but a friend as well." in august 2011, food and wine magazine named the shakespeare garden is one of the nation's
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top picnic spots, and honor that is a direct result of carter's hard work and a passion. i have had the great pleasure of getting to know him a little bit. i learned a great deal from him and a truly enjoyed his warmth and support and camaraderie. and he will be sorely missed. and i would ask, commissioner, if you could a jury in his honor. commissioner buell: absolutely. >> aren't more happy stuff. summer camp registration begins this saturday at 10:00 a.m. our summer camp program has become truly one of the most popular and most talked-about summer programs in the city. registration can occur both online and will be happening at 12 neighborhood sites around the city. this is our biggest season of the year, and we're offering more than 60 camps to families, including development and a
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movement camps for tots, skateboard cans, fishing camps, art in the park, and of course our traditional camps. for the first time, we're offering a summer overnight camp experience of that camp nader. in july, 12 let the boys and 12 like the girls will be able to register for that. there will be camping up there and will lead able to participate in their programs. on saturday from 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., we are hosting a summer sampler event in district 6. families can register for camps at the site and a sample of variety of fun activities they will find this summer. more positive news. helen keller playground reopening. this is truly some great news from the mission, with generous donations of more than one part $5 million from the mercer fund in honor of helen diller.
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with the great support of the friends of the delors park playground and other stakeholders. our major renovation of the delores park playground has been completed. we will be hosting a grand opening event on march 31 starting at 2:00 p.m., including air ribbon cutting ceremony, music, and entertainment for children and families. if you have had the opportunity to drive by the playground, it is truly spectacular. spurring extravaganza. april 7, another family- friendly end on april 7 with egg hunts, carnival rides, games, live entertainment, and the animal -- annual barbecue read cookoff. park and directing staff, police department staff, and fire department. richmond station has taken the rib award two years running. a lot of teams are ready to topple them. presells start on march 26.
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this is one of our great four family-friendly even if that we do year-round. we have our tree lighting in front of the lodge in the winter. extravaganzas in the spring. play day on the marina green in the summer. that actually concludes my report. i now want to actually show a short video this month in parks. >> q the monitor, please. -- cue the monitor, please. >> i love parks. i love them because the air is good, because there are plants. i love parks because there are lots of good people in parks. ♪
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>> we cannot do it alone. we have to educate new generations of people to recognize the value of our trees. when we do that, there will be other generations that will appreciate it. i want to thank all of you for coming on carper date. -- on arbor day. ♪ >> 131,000 trees, many of which were planted well over 100 years ago. so one of the reasons you all are out here today is to
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jamie and mark for the great work. that concludes the general managers' report. >> is there anyone who would like to make public comment? richard, come on up. >> good morning, commissioner and general manager. i kind of like seeing all this activity and of this kind of show in the general managers' report. it gives us more insight on what is going on in our parks. i just want to say keep up the good work. commissioner buell: could you say that again? [laughter] >> is there anyone else would like to make public comment? public comment is closed. we're now on item number four which is general public comment, of the 15 minutes. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public better with in the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission and that cannot appear on the agenda. with respect to the agenda items, your opportunity to
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address the commission will be afforded in went the item is reached in the meeting. is there anyone who would like to make general public comment? richard? >> good morning, commissioners. i will touch on the subject matter and will try to remain anonymous on it. to the kind of tetchy. i will be talking about what happened to my brother when he was and didn't call in our parks. he is the kind of -- when he was bitten in one of our parks. he is the kind of fellow that is tough and the part of our muni department. i do not know what to do, so i shall remain anonymous while i speak about it before the public. when i went down to the west end on the south park, going back roadway, there is a parking area out there. that is where was pointed out to
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meet that was where the dog bite incident happens. a dog runs past him and he is doing is cardio fitness routine with his bypass surgery, so he is not healthy. the dog passes among, comes behind him, and slams it's fangs into his calf muscle. such dog has not been found. there were three of them. he does not even want to talk to me about it, but he did tell me that he had a dog bite. he has been through the anti- rabies infections. one thing i did notice in looking at parks, there was not many signs in the area. the polo grounds. and i think that is an area of san francisco that should be better secured, better security. a lot of people go there, play soccer there. you can see the grassy fields, people running around.
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most of the people when i went out there to do kind of like an investigation, as soon as they see me and other people around there, they put the leash on their dogs. giving it a once around. i would recommend that there be better science in different locations -- better signs at different locations, parse -- possibly the north end or they had the restaurants, have a better signage. no off-leash in the park and play areas. the issue of enforcement, we have park patrol people and we have sfpd and the animal control people. [bell rings] thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. >> is there anyone else to look to me general public comment? >> cocamonga zalea resident of the city of san francisco. -- i am i resident of the city
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of san francisco. i will like to note the golden gate park golf course is being discussed today? i was told that that was part of the agenda. the first tee program will be taking over. that is not part of the agenda? ok, thank you. >> you're welcome. anyone else? general public comment is closed. item five, consent calendar. i do have two cards. jonathan and meredith, come forward, please. >> good morning, commissioners and a general manager. meredith with the san francisco parks alliance. i wanted to touch on a couple items on the consent calendar. the park's alliance supports the approval of the botanic nursery project for the arboretum. we look forward to the completion of that project in
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the value added to the park system, as well as the approval of the community opportunity fund program. it enables community groups to see improvements to their neighborhood park, even if they were not specified on the bond itself. and your continued support and approval of the waterfront playground project is very important to as as we kick into high gear on fund-raising to enter the community can deliver the playground at sue bierman park. on behalf of the board and the parks alliance apart stressed, it is our pleasure to engage in fund-raising activities with you and hope that you enjoy and appreciate the kids we're getting from the funds raised at the party for the parks. the relationship with the department and ensuring that our parks system as well funded. it is core to our mission that will engage in philanthropy activities. thank you for your support on that project and enabling its success. i want to thank the board and
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the staff of the san francisco parks trust that may no longer be affiliated to the parks alliance. thank you very much. commissioner buell: thank you. >> jonathan? >> good morning, commissioners. my name is jonathan goldberg. i am here with a small 65-year- old organization called san francisco beautiful. we have long been involved in approving the amenities of golden gate park and the restoration of murphy's windmill to the alternative preservation for mill rights house to access to performance appeared we're here to ask you to adopt a negative declaration for the new botanical garden and improve its construction. we found a new nursery fits perfectly with the park's master plan. it will enhance the educational opportunities for the over to a dozen students visiting the
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garden each year and greatly enhance the collection of plants for further agricultural uses. the new nursery locations allays the potential to static impacts in the parks. on a personal note, as a former botanical garden volunteer and avid horticulturalist, this proposed nursery is sorely needed. i witnessed firsthand the conditions that the is and gardeners do their best to promote the jobs in the existing nursery, and i wholeheartedly recommend that this construction move forward. i hope that you can go ahead and support this today. thank you. commissioner buell: thank you. >> anyone else who would like to comment on the consent calendar? seeing none, this item is closed. commissioners? commissioner buell: mr. denver? >> i wanted to extend our profound thanks to the san francisco party alliance, which was previously the san francisco parks trust and the
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council. they came together, and the partnership rehab with the parks alliances so important. we cannot do it alone. they have done an amazing job of helping fill the need. the money they raise, a lot of it does to our youth scholarship program. we have focused on our youth scholarship program so we can fulfil our mission to make sure that no one is denied access to our programs and services based on an ability to pay. four short years ago, the department offered about $80,000 in scholarships. this year we are well over six and a thousand dollars in scholarships. it is because of the work of the san francisco parks alliance and our other park champions. meredith, please bring our profit odd banks for your partnership back to your staff for doing such an amazing job. and a brief thank you to jason and jessica of philanthropy
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batik, who held a special event and a donated all of the profits generated at the store in the summer and fall of 2011, looking to a total of nearly $20,000. commissioner buell: thank you. >> ok, commissioners. do we have a motion? >> moved. >> second? it has been moved and seconded. all those in favor? opposed? hearing none, unanimous. thank you very much. >> we're now on item 6, san francisco at the zoo -- san francisco zoo. >> good morning, commissioners, commissioner buell, phil ginsburg. >> on behalf of our executive director, it is my pleasure to get this report to you. i'd like to start with a quick attendance that day. attendance that day. february was a great month for
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