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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2012 3:00am-3:30am PDT

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-- public comment on this item? seen none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner lee. >> as i understand it, your organization contracts bought with services to accomplish these goals. what kind of metrics do you employ to see that your service providers, contractors are accomplishing what you outlined here? >> commissioner lee, we have several metrics. we have a contract management database which requires all of our grantees to enter and monthly data into our system, data that is just general, how many kids in the program, but also updates along the lines of how many hours they spent in that particular after-school program. but we really want to do is correlate the hours of what we
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call structured activities because we believe national data and research shows it is not just a young person showing up at a program, it is about them participating in something that is structured and enriching. that system is connected to our invoicing system. a nonprofit cannot invoice us until they enter that data. in a way, we guarantee we collect that data. another way we make sure we are providing the appropriate oversight for the provider is we have our program officer go out and do program observations, as well as fiscal and contractual monitoring. that happens on a yearly basis, more if necessary. finally, we work with research and entities in the city. these are consulting
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organizations or universities, such as stanford, uc berkeley, to help us design and evaluation tool, but also about winning the nonprofits. those are three broadways we ensure quality. i would be more than happy to bring our data manager to come in and describe more in depth. >> when cbo is not living up to a particular standard and you identify problems, what are some of the corrective actions that you take? >> dcyf participates the comptroller's office and what they call a joint fiscal monitoring collaboration. we go out -- program visits and also fiscal compliance visits with the comptroller's office and any other departments that fund that particular agency. we participate in all the
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policies and procedures of the process. if we were to identify and that process that there were any fiscal issues we are concerned about, we use the controllers template to inform the nonprofit there are concerns. if there are any program issues we identified in the process, we have a correction action tool that we used to share with the nonprofits that these are concerned we have. in situations where it is a repeat offense, we initiate a more aggressive process to work with the executive director as well as the board presidents and members, to figure out a way to resolve that issue. if it is a first-time offense, it is generally handled through our program officer and goes through a longer procedure. >> do you have a way for the community and neighborhood to
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communicate with you and let you know when they have identified the problem, a way to investigate and address concerns from the neighborhood in which your program operates in, the populations who are serving? >> yes. all city departments are part of the whistleblower programs. any resident of san francisco that has any concerns around the program or anything else can call 311 and say they want to issue a whistle-blower complaint. when that complaint comes through, the whistleblower office would contact us to follow up on the complaint. once again, we have program officers and did a manager that would look at the data and do program site visits. community members can also come to our monthly community citizen advisory council and voice concerns or share thoughts and
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opinions. >> thank you. commissioner harrison? >> it is nice to hear about the appropriations and all of this intermission about the goals of your funding. when i would like to hear at some point are your successes. it was mentioned a little bit about the gardens and other such things, but i want to hear more about successes. what successes have you had? the program has been index since 1951. there must be somewhere out there in the world that there are children with families who have succeeded through this program. i would like to hear about that. >> we have lots of successes. maybe one day and general manager ginsburg and i can tag team on all of the wonderful young people that have gone through the work creation
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program that rec and parks runs. i am sure you have hired a whole bunch of them as programs and staff. we have done some innovative programming with young people who are in the juvenile justice system, so we can give them the same opportunity. >> in high school, my brother was part of the work creation program. that is how i became a gardiner. >> so you are one of our success examples be done there is. i did not even realize. >> mr. ginsberg? >> let me dovetail on that and talk about the importance of the partnership backed iraq and parks department has with the department of children and youth, and families. the relationship today is vastly different than it was seven years ago.
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i wanted to complement maria for recognizing the recreation and parks department role in accomplishing some of the dcyf strategic goals. if you look at the presentation -- maria focused on the core investments. under maria's leadership, she has realized the recreation and parks department is a key player in accomplishing those strategies, which was not historically the case with dcyf. this is a very different philosophy that dcyf has today than it used to have. just to highlight for you some of the success of the in our departments, some of our partnerships include -- marie
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catoctin and recreation. we find about 120 youth working in the system in the summer and about 35 youth working with us year-round. very recently, and dcyf was also a partner and our first inaugural effort to bring children from our juvenile stuff -- justice effort. dcyf was one of the key sponsors in the program. out of the 30 kids that we brought up to camp, 12 were on our peril today -- 12 are on our payroll today working with us. we had a conversation in which our recreation funding for the fiscal year expires in march. we spend most of it during the summer and then we have a little bit left that allows kids to stay on the payroll but we have this period between march and the start of the next summer cycle where we have -- do not have funding to keep our kids employed. we recently hired these 12 kids
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from camp and dcyf came through in a heartbeat and was able to offer us some funding that allows the program to continue year round. dcyf is also working with a lot of the nonprofits currently in our clubhouse. the rent that those nonprofits are paying, " hass to be service actually comes from dcyf funding. the nonprofits have added 35,000 hours of programs and social services to our inventory of about 80,000 hours of programming, so it is a substantial augmentation, particularly when we have been struggling to come up with the right amount of staffing. they are the future. has become clear to maria and dcyf and thereby the report at the recreation and parks department can provide the
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excellent level of services with transparency and oversight and accountability to meet their strategic goals. we have had a number of conversations about how the partnership will grow over time. i want to really complementary and dcyf. we cannot do it alone but we are the core agencies in many respects that are primarily focused on helping families to arrive in san francisco. it has been a great partnership. >> thank you. commissioner bonilla? >> i have been hearing over and over again, by parents, concern over the role that computer technology is playing -- how it is impacting the lives of the
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use -- youth, especially in terms of texting, cell phone use. i know computers have played an increasing role in terms of how children learn. there is a concern that it is overkill, over utilization of computers. particularly, in school, when teachers are asking you to do all your school work on computers. when they get to school, to do projects on computers. my question is, in terms of how
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you are funding these programs, on an overarching level, how are you approaching the utilization of computers for learning versus learning people to people, developing those communication skills, socialization skills. it seems we are fast-tracking, pure and simple, the art of conversation, or the art of communicating with each other and having -- learning how to do problem-solving and those kinds of things. so my question to you is, how
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are you approaching that challenge of still having kids come up -- i mean, some are perhaps not even using computers -- and they need to develop their computer skills and work with that technology nurseversus and over utilizatiof computers for learning. has that been a challenge that you have been addressing? hasn't even been looked at as a problem that you have? >> yes, thank you for the question. we have looked at the challenge of technology, or the
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appropriate usage of technology, which i think would be something to offer as a refrain. maybe as a broader society, we need to a knowledge technology is here and we need to figure out how to better utilize it to help gauge our young people, to use it as a tool to teach our young people the 21st century skills necessary, so that they can be a viable candidate for those technology jobs that mayor lee is working so hard to bring to the city. on the flip side of all of this, you're absolutely right, we are losing something around the skills of communication, and being able to pick up nonverbal communications, which is why we have this great partnership with the rec and park department. we heard over and over again in our community needs assessment,
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we need more open spaces. we need our kids to be able to just unplug and connect to nature, to the environment. they are constantly in a different world. i can not check with my kid because i do not understand how to get on facebook or twitter, youtube, all of these other things. but when we go down to golden gate park, when we played tennis -- i play tennis. that is when i can connect with my son, my daughter, my child, my family. we want to build that partnership out so that we can ensure open space is going to be as another tool to engage our families. i 1 harder% agree. we need a new way to utilize technology that will benefit our children and technologies so
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that they can be there for the future but we need to make sure we bring back the other things that we value, such as nature and open space. >> so those concerns were raised in some of these meetings that you had? >> yes, definitely. >> good to hear. >> thank you. that was very good. let me take item 18 out of order and wish you a happy birthday. [applause] >> thank you. i apologize for being late. it had nothing to do with being my birthday. >> we are now on item 8, the golden gate carrousel request for proposal.
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>> good morning, commissioners. cassandra costello. i am here to present to the request for proposal for the operation of the carousel and food kiosk. just to start with some background, the historic golden gate carrousel was built in 1912 in upstate new york and moved to golden gate park in 1941. it was featured in the world's fair at treasure island before being moved to the children's playground, where it has been enjoyed by many san francisco generations of children. the current agreement for the operation of the carousel and adjacent food kiosk are currently operated under servant -- separate agreements, both of which have expired. the price for the carousel is said by the board of supervisors. $1 for children, $2 for adults.
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the department does not intend to raise these presses as part of this opportunity. some key rfp terms, looking at a five-year opportunity. one of the main qualifications experience and managing a business nature of this nature. respondent shall also submit proposed rent consisting of a minimum annual guarantee as well as percentage rent payment. the winning respondent shall be required to put together a $6,000 maintenance fund specifically for the carousel. respondents also be required to submit a plan for operating children's birthday parties in the adjacent areas to the carousel. thank you to lisa who had done a tremendous amount of work on this and as the manager. there was quite a bit of public outrage on this, including the surrounding supervisors to golden gate park, which is
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supervisor 0 olague, mar, and carmen chu, as well as in the district 5 neighborhood action canso which consists of a variety of neighborhood organizations. just to go over the schedule for this rfp. we hope to issue it tomorrow. the proposed deadline is may 18 of this year. we hope to bring it back for your consideration. we hope to commence our lease negotiations in july and bring you and negotiated lease this august and hopefully commence this opportunity in september.
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that concludes my presentation. happy to answer questions regarding this item . >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i just want to say, i mentioned this when we were in committee. you will remember this. i had mentioned how grateful we were for the extent of your coverage. ongoing efforts to the knowledge how important it is to this department. i wanted to give you the opportunity -- i just wanted to say publicly we appreciate what you did on this. >> i cannot take credit. lisa worked on this, but thank you. >> seeing no other questions, can i entertain a motion? second. all those in favor? thank you. approved. >> we are now on item nine.
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pga tour inc., third amendment to the master toward agreement -- tour agreement. >> good morning, commissioners. property and management. it is easier to do a chart because there was a lot of information. powerball and would not give you a good overview. as i said in the committee meetings, this is the third amendment we are requesting for the masters tournament agreement. for those of you who remember, this was written before any tournaments started coming here, and as any business operation as you are moving forward, you understand the necessity for certain changes. the current agreement as amended still calls for six events to be
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held before 2020. four have been held. the next thing on our schedules will be the charles schwab cup, to be held in 2013. there has been some press written about this item today. i want to say, this is not a sudden thing on our part. general manager ginsberg and i have worked on this, negotiated this agreement over the last several months. the pga tour did not release bringing us -- this on us at the last minute. they certainly told us ahead of time there might be issues as far as other contractual agreements. i think we have negotiated a very good agreement for our department. some of the fees for future
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events are going to be higher than originally we had in the agreement as amended in the second amendment. we will also be guaranteed two and possibly three events, should we get the president's cup in 2021. this amendment will also reflect the changes in our agreement, but also the agreement for it to be extended to 2021, should be announced in 2017. i wanted to mention one thing about cost to our department as far as these events are concerned. most people remember, it is always the bad things people remember. the 2009 president's cup was quite expensive for us to do, and a lot of it had to do with the fact that we were given a brand new car.
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we had an instruction manual from an earlier car. our staff and crew at harding park worked in their hearts out. it has only been in the last couple of years that everyone has begun to understand what an important element harding park is to our parks system. it is truly one of the finest public golf courses in the world. there is a sense of pride in the knowledge they have all gained, especially with the help of the tour, to reach that. our operating cost for these tours have gone down since 2009. considering that and the addition of these we have italkd about, i think we will be pretty good with this.
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that includes the presentation. >> is there any public comment on this item? the none, public comment is closed. >> can we entertain a motion? so moved. seconded. all those in favor? approved. >> item 10. friends of the friends of the sharon arts studio memorandum of understanding. >> good morning, commissioners. i work for the department, manager of the cultural arts division of the recreation part of the department. i am here to request a continuation of the existing memorandum of understanding between the friends of the
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sharon arts studio and the department and an extension for three years. the initial agreement was for one year. given the success of the first year, we would like to extend the agreement for an additional three years. there are a couple of changes in the agreement and i apologize -- the first time i appeared before the committee, i give you a copy of the agreement that only reflected a two-year extension. the intention was three years. you have that with you now. the first year was extremely successful between the friends of the sharon arts studio and the department, and that we were able to leverage about a doubling of the program we were offering at the studio. even better than that, all of the residents in the data points
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that go with offer programs were collected in the system data base. friends of the sharon arts studio relationship with our department has been around for a long time but was never formalized until this mou approximately one year ago. one of the benefits of the mou it is we are able to track and the programs together in the same database, so we know month over month, year over year, exactly how we are doing. i also have with me the president of the board of friends of the sharon arts studio. i have our rec and park manager of the facility as well, and the administrative director. if you have questions for them. the new agreement basically continues but we were doing before with one fundamental
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change, and that is, in the past, the department was picking up the cost of publishing a brochure that goes out to about 2000 people. friends of the sharon arts studio has 500 paying members. they have a mailing list with 2000 people on it. those folks get the catalog mailed to them. in addition, the catalog is made available at as many rec and park facilities as we can so that people that are not members have access to their programs as well. the change in the new agreement is friends of the sharon arts studio is picking up the cost of printing and mailing the flyers, which amounts to a significant amount of money, over $20,000 a year. they do that four times a year. in addition to leveraging programs, they are not picking up the cost of publicizing those
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programs. that is the significant change in the agreement. that concludes my presentation, if you have any questions. >> is there any public comment on this item? been none, public comment is closed. >> commissioners? >> i move to accept staff recommendations. >> moved and seconded. all those in favor? it is unanimous. item passes. >> item 11, lafayette park. >> good morning, commissioners. product manager from the recreation and parks capital division. the item before you is an award of construction contract for the lafayette park renovation project. lafayette park is one of the parts being renovated under the 2008 clean and safe neighb