tv [untitled] April 7, 2012 3:00am-3:30am PDT
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has been a longtime supporter of our efforts to support families. i am here to request your support for cpmc and their efforts. i want to commend the mayor and the department staff for all of the good work they have done in negotiating with cpmc in good faith. i think it will make a huge difference in terms of our community. not only bring jobs -- i am on the faculty of san jose state. it is great to hear a student, and make their case. quality care, safe care, jobs, i do not think there is anything that can be argued in terms of not going forward. they have made commitments and i know the city will be good about pursuing those commitments and it will benefit all of us. i appreciate your support for cpmc.
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thank you. >> linda chapman. i want to say that i think the mayor's development agreement is an entirely appropriate approach. the coalition has a concern about actually mitigating a physical impacts and analyzing the alternatives. there are many worthy organizations that have been offered benefits. they have nothing to do with the devastating impact that will occur for the community surrounding the cathedral hill or for the communities that will be very poorly served when most of the campus thies are eliminad and one is reduced. what happens after an earthquake?
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the earthquake said hospital will be miles away. what about people in an emergency situation having nothing near the matter all? what about trying to get them in all that traffic? what about the completely on mitigated traffic impacts of this project? giving money to the brt is not going to help. they will not be able to get across the impacted intersections. it is very crowded in the rush hour, but there is terrific meltdown on weekends and evenings it rains. that is without having those other huge source of circulated traffic. giving money to an organization in my neighborhood, for example, an organization that has created major problems in the neighborhood for pedestrian safety, where the residents are complaining about it all the time, so that we can support --
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is not a mitigation for the devastating impact this will have on our neighborhood. i urge you not to be influenced by that. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i've worked at cemex for 39 years. i have a lot of some debate -- i have worked at st. luke's for 39 years. i have a lot of sympathy for the construction workers here today. they've been out of work for a long time. we had 154 experienced applicants for one job at st. luke's along. this project, as it stands, it represents a net loss of several hundred jobs. what we are asking for as the registered nurses of st. luke's
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is transfer rights as well as carjacked. so far, no go. we are completed -- cart check. so far, no go. we are long-term health care workers. there is a reason for much of the labor unrest at all of the centers do not the bay area. i do not know if you are aware, local 39, a hospital engineers, they have been on strike for two weeks. i am proud to be a union member, and gives me a platform to advocate for patient care. that is an important part of being a nurse and i would not like to see that disappear with the construction of a new facility. thank you. >> i am a critical care nurse for st. luke's hospital. as a nurse and resident of san
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francisco, i see a clear need. st. luke's no longer has a si psych until. because of lack of psychiatric facilities, non-psych nurses have to take care of such patients, which was not always safe. my co-worker was attacked by a patient who was confused. this happens because psychiatric patients did not have a proper care. with this agreement, we continue to be exposing such danger. the patients do not have sufficient psychiatric care. when a hospital is not for profit, i do not see any reason why cpmc does not continue care.
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concerning an increasing senior population, we will need more nursing facilities. thank you. >> good afternoon. thank you, commissioners. i have been in a labor union, local 261, for over 30 years. i worked 30 years in construction all over the city. i have been on historical landmark projects. the palace hotel. the one where i want to remind you of is the vision.
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in the 1980's, we had a vision of the ballpark. i heard the opposition. what a magnificent place. the one thing working 30 years, the vision of the city leaders. today, we have another vision on the table. the cpmc project. we have for the pros and cons. as a union worker with a vision of the state-of-the-art hospital, with the commitment and possibility for local hires, the ability for students to start and complete an apprenticeship, it is extremely amazing. the lead instructor at the academy in bayview come up 47 students are ready to go to
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work. 18-week commitment to get to that career project. i want you guys to think about that word, a vision. this is a great city. i hope you think about this. another version i heard about was the 49ers stadium. we know what happened to that. let's stay on course. let's make this great city what it >> [reading names] >> i am a community union organizer. i was an iron worker for over 30 years. i am definitely with the labor movement about bringing jobs and
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opportunity, especially to those who have lacked access and the opportunity to be in a lot of these trades. the opportunity of this particular project is for multi years. not only will the construction trade benefits. i am in great sympathy with that nurses to have issues. one of the things i have always been able to say, if nothing else, the union has had a talk about the issues. i would hate to see buildings not being able to go up. it would be public and community benefits that would be able to benefit from this, especially the low-income housing, which is greatly needed. there are too many things and too many opportunities for us not to be able to recognize that
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this is a win-win situation for everybody. i applaud the opportunity to be able to stand here before you and plead the case that a hospital of this magnitude and in this many different districts, representing this many different job opportunities. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am a local contractor in san francisco over 25 years. i am here to speak in front of you and ask your support to build this hospital. it will not only create jobs and health care for san francisco, and i think the building looks pretty good. thank you.
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>> good afternoon, planning commission. ♪ come on, come on and touch the building and make it better than before what was that promise that you made i am going to make the hospital better than it has ever been before i am going to make it better until the sky falls down with money even more , and fix it now -- come on and fix it now if i were a carpenter and you delivered babies would you fix it up
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and maybe fix it up time to make it better and i have waited forever forever and ever m♪ ♪ ♪ long-range development plans lead me back to your budget storm you left us standing thereby a long time ago del leave us standing there -- don't leave us standing there ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> thank you very much. [applause] >> good afternoon. i do not have a song for you
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today. i would like to point out that -- i represent a 2500 electrical workers in san francisco. i was born at st. luke's hospital. it is a place close to my heart's in that respect. san francisco has rebuilt laguna honda hospital. ucf is building hospitals in mission bay. the cpmc campus would be a fabulous addition to the city. a structured rate stays seismic addition that needs to happen. -- a structurally safe seismic addition that needs to happen. we need to be able to provide safe medical care for all the residents of san francisco. there is no hospital in the
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outer son said. -- sunset. i am not concerned with the fact i do not have something right next to me. my family has been born here in san francisco at the hospital i needed to get to. i effort a lot of arguments about the area and the effects on the area and traffic. if you are a resident, you do not use van ness avenue to get anywhere. that is common knowledge. they are coming from the golden gate bridge and headed to the bay bridge. if you are bored about transit, that is not the case. -- if you are worried about transit, that is not the case. it has all been very hard work, it continues to move this project. i urge you to continue to move this project forward. there is no way to put a
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timeline to begin this project. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. thank you very much. i am grateful you are allowing us to talk to you today. i am with the mission hiring hall. i am a past student of the construction administration training program. i have worked in for-profit sector all my life, a legal secretary. i have never had the opportunity to be affected and change people's lives. it has had a major affect on me personally. the way i do it and the way we do it is one person at a time. i would like you to support the project because this is something that you can do
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individually to have an affect on it so many people at one time. what you do, if you do support the project, will not only get jobs at the time, but also jobs in the future. at the good work you will do will live on after you. i would appreciate it if you do that. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. my name is cassie cook. i represent the san francisco of negro business professional women corp. as well as the naacp.
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i am on the executive board there. i also represent the third baptist foundation. i also represent the glen ridge cooperative. these organizations served many under a ort -- under in short clients -- insured clients. i am now advocating and urge you to support to the cpmc project. so we may continue to serve the needy and uninsured individuals in the western edition and the surrounding communities. then a member of these organizations -- we have been
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able to come in contact with people that are really in need of health care. five years ago, we partnered with cpmc. after that partnership, but we start to realize their dream. the our dream was to make sure that these under insured people have good health care. more importantly, some of them had never had health care. through cpmc, we have served many individuals. i cannot tell you how when portent is -- how important it is for you to support this
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project so we can continue on behalf of you, on behalf of cpmc, and other people in san francisco, so that we can realize a healthier community. thank you very much. >> thank you, president fong. i am a health care architect and i strongly support the rebuilding of of the state of the art facilities. i understand the issues and challenges associated with a project like this. i am currently the partner in charge of the kaiser permanente it oakland medical center under construction. these kinds of issues are very familiar to me. i will give you three reasons why i support it. place and function. over the years, there has been a
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great effort t. health care its inwardly focused an average refocused. i believe that this plan has addressed this complex balance between place and function. secondly, innovation. you have for from others about the importance of seismic safety. i been made aware of the state of the arent technologies inc. and the plan. -- did of the art technologies inc. in the plan. thirdly, world class. san francisco is a world-class city and deserves world class medical facilities. i am convinced the systems are in place to adopt unchanged ways that benefit the patients and
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families. i see great vision in what has been down, a great thinking, and a great opportunity for the citizens of san francisco. thank you. >> after this speaker -- [reading names] >> good afternoon. my name is angie brown. i am the development director and we are a cpmc community partner. i support the building of cpmc. i bring with me strong support
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for the rebuilt from our board of directors and our executive director. for over 50 years, we have been providing an array of commodity based resources to help san francisco self managed mental illness. from our residential treatment programs to supportive housing, our mission to this -- our mission is to win power climate -- empower clients. cpmc continues to be a partner in our mission. cpmc has helped us provide breast health education and outreach and comprehensive breast diagnostic treatment services to our clients free of charge. preventative care and educatio nal care is essential to lifelong health. all patients deserve health care regardless of their background. cpmc is a primary sponsor of our
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annual gala to raise funds. many of our clients in residents will be served at these new hospitals. the decision will make a positive difference in the lives of many people. thank you. >> thank you, members of the planning commission. i am a project engineer the general contractor that has been hired to rebuild cpmc. i am also a graduate from the mission hiring hall. i have been a san francisco resident for 30 years. i have a degree in landscape architecture. i love might -- i lost my job
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when the recession hit. i spent 18 months unemployed. i sent out hundreds of resumes, applied to hundreds of jobs. i only got three interviews out of all of that. they gave me the opportunity that i sony did. they gave me a job opportunity. six months ago, i did not know if i would qualify for my third extension of might unemployment benefits. now i am a full-time employee. i am working full-time and going to school at night. i am pursuing my master's degree in construction administration. six months ago, i was hired to work for the cpmc hospital project. without this project, my prospects of having a job would
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disappear. i ask you to do right by us and help us rebuild cpmc. cpmc will provide so many benefits for our community. it will bring revenues to the city and create jobs. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am with local union 104. i wanted to speak on why i think this project would be a great addition to the city. you will have two seismically safe hospitals added to the city. $62 million, and affordable housing to the community. that is wonderful. let's move forward. this is a great project for the
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city. it will allow graduates to enter our apprenticeship program and a ladder for other san francisc ans to learn the craft and support their families. let's move forward with this thank you for support. >> after this speaker, our next speakers. thank you. >> can you pull that microphone down? >> is that better? did get my name -- did you get
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my name? i am with a local small business in san francisco. in my colleagues strongly supports the -- and my colleagues strongly supports the cpm sec. as a small business, these projects will allow us the opportunity for our business to grow and hire locally. without these projects, it would not be likely to happen. i would like for you to take this into consideration when you're making your decision and be able to let us participate in building cpmc. thank you. >> good afternoon. i am a member of the international brotherhood of
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electrical workers, local 6 in -- and a san francisco native. 12 years ago, i started an apprenticeship program that had me in school at night and drink on the job for five years. labor and management worked together to provide an apprenticeship that sets the standards and produces a divorce and highly skilled workforce for san francisco. it does not end there. i continue to benefit from this training program through continuing education that keeps me current and in compliance to my state certification. rebuilding will be an amazing opportunity for journeyman to continue to pass on their knowledge to our up-and-coming premises. the future of san francisco's workforce. i am proud to speak on behalf of the membership that builds the best and continues to be the best in our industry. the last few years have had a devastating affect on so many members of my local. well nothing can get back what many have lost, rebuilding is a step in the right direction.
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this is a great opportunity to move forward, getting our members back to work, and restoring hope. let's get this project going and get workers and their families back on track. thank you. >> thank you, commissioners and president fong. i am a local six member. i live and work in san francisco. today i stand in front of you speaking in favor of cpmc. on behalf of the industry, tim donovan and -- i speak on behalf of them. as an industry will invest over $1 million into our pressure program. from that prog w
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