tv [untitled] April 9, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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by the department of finance, and that may improve or actually may make the situation even more difficult, since the state has really gone after redevelopment funds and redevelopment programs and has not let the affordable housing component of redevelopment benefit at all in any way during this dissolution, so we will await the outcome of that to see whether, what the situation will be for the future, but, clearly, historically, we have depended allot on redevelopment. thank you. and i and the rest of my staff are available to answer any questions. supervisor chu: we are very lucky to have such a very
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active office that is dedicated to building affordable housing in san francisco. and i do want to thank my colleagues for being patient by not asking their questions yet, and i do know we have a lot of questions for the mayor's office on housing, so stick around, and we wanted to get to public comment, and i have about 50 cards, and i have not picked up the next staff yet. you have to the limits for public comment, and i will call the first 10 names that have on a card, so if you can come and lined up, and i know that two minutes is not a long time. i apologize for the amount of time that we are giving, but i do want to thank you for your patience and for being here today, and first, i want to bring up keep camp. i apologize if i can read your card very well. jack, bruce, patti, -- conti,
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angelina, rose, jason fraser, henry webb, and steve wu. >> thank you, supervisors. my name is keith kemp. i lived in san francisco. free my people, free my people, free my people. those who would abuse the brothers and sisters. they will never be allowed to feel brave and secure until people step up. what can affordable housing do for you and i, you asked, when you are being lobbied to say no to the sacred trust? this city is named after the best st. i know, st. francis.
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the laughter of children will be hurt more often. what happens to a world-class city when they do not build for these? in washington, d.c., and in sacramento, california, they have told the city and county of san francisco that you are on your own when it comes to people living in safe and affordable housing. we show the world what justice for all looks like. in san francisco. when you vote yes for this, i hope you will no longer see me sleeping in your doorway, because i will be in my home, returning to the work force with my retraining and a work ethic that never dry -- dies. if you say no to my humble request for affordable housing, you will not see -- can i have 30 seconds? then perhaps you will not see me
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sleeping in your store doorways because i froze to death in the cold sea air. he knows? 11 protectors' know. thank you for your time. goodbye. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jackie. first of all, i want to thank supervisor kim for allowing public, to go forward. i am jackie. i just turned 65 on march 27, which means i have managed to live long enough to attain a goddess standard. i always knew that, but now muni knows it. it took me from 1999 when i was first accepted into the care to
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get placed there, and 2005, probably because mayor newsom wanted to shut me up. they were tired of me coming in giving my weekly shelter help report to the board of supervisors. it pays to be mouthy, it really does. i am a disabled person and and now a senior person, in one of my concerns as a baby boomer that does not know how to bloom, there are many baby boomers who do not know how to boom. we have to also have housing for disabled people. i do not know -- i found myself writing on muni a lot more of the things i do not even want to talk about, like spending money in hotels, but as a single person, i was only allowed to
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have a studio apartment. i could not have a 1-bedroom apartment even though my walker takes up as much space as a person, the same as a person in a wheelchair. i want to thank you again, and now i am going to go to the back and each my sandwich. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, kimbryson. >> i am one of the people that spends 75% of my income for housing. i live on $300 a luxury. pg&e, other utilities, and food. there are many people like us, and also, there are people, and i work with a group that look
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for ways of housing the poor, like we did at the occupy commune. there were people willing to get arrested to get a bed, and the census says there are thousands of the can units. there ought to be a way to find some money to put into the housing fund. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, mr. allison. >> i came here, in me and my ex- husband work hard, but due to divorce and economic crisis, i have lost housing, and in 2010, i lost my business in san
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francisco and a condominium. everything in my storage i lost, including all of my children's baby pictures. i had nowhere to go. i also lost my health insurance with kaiser. with the help of the community doctor for healthy san francisco who encouraged me to live, i went into the home mish smelter -- the polish -- the homeless shelter. i am grateful that i have a place tuesday, but my daughter is going to an art school in san francisco. she is still homeless and has been for 10 months. even that this is real small, it is a safe place for me.
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i am grateful, and i can sleep at night, and the people and the staff there are nice. many people have it worse than i do. i hope they can find a peaceful place to stay like i have said they can go on their new life. people have a stereotype of homelessness, but lots of them become homeless for different reasons. maybe they cannot find a job. i never thought i would be one, but now, i think the city needs to help these people. i ask you, supervisors, to help us. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, ms. canti. >> hello, supervisors. my name is -- and i work as a community organizer with a corporation. for a number of people that work a lot of part-time and odd jobs
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to make ends meet, i know how hard it is an difficult it is. especially the poor folks. they pay the most out of their paychecks for rent, and consider what would happen if there were no apartments kept affordable for them. they would all have to leave san francisco and live in oakland, richmond, and they would be kicked out. affordable housing keep san franciscans and san francisco, and these are the people who bust your tables, all your trash. these are the people who make san francisco what is. we need the funding to keep more affordable housing, and i ask you, supervisors, to do a better job with housing, whether there is a market rate housing that these people cannot afford, what can be built. i support you for affordable housing in the tenants' rights.
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thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, ms. lee. >> oh, my name is henry. i have been in san francisco since 1971. i want to talk about people who live on fixed incomes, people who do not have much to pay for rent. i came out here in 1971 and lived with my mother. 1995. then i got employed and then got laid off. in november 2007, i got hired, and they helped make. i have seen a whole lot of improvement in my life, and those who have had nowhere to go. we need more affordable housing for the homeless. i see more homeless people sleeping on the streets at night. the supervisors do not know what
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is going on out there. what they need to do is come out and take a look at themselves and see what the situation is. we need to set aside things to help the homeless to afford rent. you need to step up. i ask you to support housing for the people who need it most. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, mr. webb. >> hello, supervisors. hello, my name is jason frazer. i have lived in san francisco for 30 years. before, i have been to new york, hawaii, europe, and i liked san francisco so much that i moved back to live here. i have lived in the tenderloin for about one year. i like it. in 1996, i was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and got on social security. my income is fixed, which makes
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paying rent on my income but not the market rate difficult. i pay about 65% of my income to rent. it leaves less than $300 per month for food and everything else. because i live in one type of building, the benefits are really good for me, but if it were not for affordable housing, i would not be able to live in san francisco at all. what is great about the city is that it has places for people like me, but i am worried that san francisco is becoming so expensive that people like me are being kicked out. so affordable housing should be one of the city's ultimate goals, to allow divorced people to live here and have a reasonable means to enjoy life.
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i ask the supervisors to adopt better policies for what kind of housing is being built in plant so that it is just not for the super wealthy and takes away from san francisco because san francisco is about people like me, and that is what makes it a great place. thank you. supervisor: thank you, sir. next speaker. >> my name is steve wu, and i am here with brothers and sisters from housing organizations and also here with our sister agency, the community housing partnership. we are here with our residents to tell you about the human cost of the affordability of san francisco. if you come down to our neighborhood, you can witness
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every day people sleeping on the streets or sleeping in overcrowded situations, six, seven people to a studio or an sro, and it is an ongoing cost on the human lives in our neighborhood and other residents of san francisco. at the same time, we are faced with all the information provided in front of you today by city staff, but projects like 8 washington, which are accessible to multimillionaires and only the wealthiest of san francisco, and so we have a problem which really needs to be addressed, which is the out of control development of market rate housing, which becomes more and more expensive, and the lack of production of affordable housing, and so we know that there is a proposal in front of you and in front of the city about better monitoring of the housing element, better monitoring of the city's production of how affordable
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versus market rate housing, and we support that proposal for better monitoring, but we need additional steps, additional actions to take beyond monitoring the production, beyond monitoring the developments, but what are we going to do to ensure that enough of the affordable housing is created in out of control market redevelopment, that it is mitigated of this so that the cost of the and affordability of san francisco is addressed adequately, some think you for your time. supervisor kim: thank you, mr. wu. >> good afternoon. good afternoon, supervisors. hello. my name is gloria. i am lived here since 1989. about 25 years in san francisco.
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i am in the tenderloin, and it is a one-but apartment, and i share it to help pay the rent. we only depend on our social security. that is all of our income. if they say it is an affordable units, then it should be lower rent, but we pay one-third of our income from social security, which is still kind of expensive. affordable housing is important to me because of low rent, and we can save some money for our food and clothes. i think you can make some improvements for affordable housing for low-income people. we must think about a lower rent
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for seniors and lower income people that cannot afford housing. i ask you, supervisors, to support us and find a way for more housing for people like me as opposed to continuing to build expensive housing. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, ms. salazar. >> hello, supervisors. i am -- 81 years young. a retired teacher. i had been teaching in the public school for 45 years. i arrived here in san francisco in 1989 after my retirement.
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i have lived in the tenderloin ever since for 24 years. i lived in the alexander residents, where most of the seniors live. they are all low income. i am very much interested in affordable housing, as i can hardly make both ends meet, so affordable housing for seniors like me is very much welcome in my life. i think the city is doing well to help seniors to live, but there is a problem, and that is rent. i think it could be cheaper, and to do that, the supervisors should find means to fund the housing. to help seniors like me to pay less for rent. there is less money for
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affordable housing from the state and the federal government. it is time for san francisco to create local money to build more and keep affordable housing for low-income people. i ask you to help us stay housed in san francisco. thank you. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. i am going to call 10 more names. i am sorry. 10 seconds. i am going to call some more people can line up after you speak. kile, ben, joshua, derryl, and tony. thank you.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is -- i live in the tenderloin for 24 years now. and i am a member of the tenderloin filipino american community association. i live in alexander residents, too. it has been 15 years. i pay a large percentage of my income for rent, and i think it is still expensive for may because i am only on social security. but maybe without the affordable housing, i would not be able to live here in san francisco, so i am very thankful for that. i have been here for a long time. i ask you, supervisors, to help us in building more affordable housing for the poor and the seniors that have low-income. it is also important to have
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money set aside to build housing for the people. please support the housing. please support this for low- income communities. we need affordable housing to live in san francisco. thank you very much. supervisor kim: thank you, miss. >> that afternoon, supervisors. my name is denise, and i have lived in san francisco for 25 years and in the tenderloin for 24 years, and i have also lived in affordable housing for the past 24 years. for low and in -- low-income people, it is hard to find housing in san francisco. we need to keep affordable housing here now and in the future. please, let's keep affordable housing in san francisco for everyone. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is victoria, independent living in san francisco. if you do not know our agency, we work with people with disabilities of all ages, all kinds of household configurations. i actually did a little information paper for housing for people with disabilities, and i also emailed a copy to the clerk. i do not want to read it. i gave a couple of suggestions about what to do. funding wise, i hope the federal funding for people with disabilities will get funded. i am hoping that our nonprofits will be able to take advantage of this. the state wants to do this, but they want to put it into vouchers, which is problematic in san francisco because it is hard to rent here. people with disabilities, most
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of my clients have an income that is less than 20% of ami, and even the lovely housing, and believe me, i think it sounds lovely. it makes me want to almost cried. they cannot afford it. i do not think they have income that can qualify. we need some form of subsidies, and we need some way of making the existing older housing accessible, and i have made some recommendations. i will not take a lot more of your time. i will leave you this, you can also see what i emailed to the clerk of the board. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is tom. i have been living in the tenderloin for six years at the ambassador hotel. prior to that, i was homeless for about one year. one major problem of housing is
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it can be as much as 60% or more of your income if you are on social security or ssi and there is a lot of crime, of all, and prostitution. i think what we need in san francisco is not more expensive housing beyond our grasp of affordable housing for those with fixed incomes. i am not just speaking for myself but on behalf of the thousands of people that are in the same boat as i am. also, i know that there are about 7000 homeless on the street right now, and also families with kids are moving out of san francisco because they cannot afford to live here. this means that we lose money from the state for public education. we need to have a heart with those with small incomes so they can have a reasonable housing costs. i would like to see the supervisors have a measure to dedicate more funding for the low income.
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thank you very much. supervisor kim: thank you. >> my name is -- , from the tenderloin. for the past six years. my family had been wanting to buy housing for us in the tenderloin, but said he said, after many years, we still live in different places because we cannot find a place that is supportable and can accommodate all of us. because of this, i would like to call upon our supervisors to ensure that affordable housing will not only be retained in san francisco but would go to support this fund.
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the affordable housing and the families in the tenderloin. thank you very much. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is lorenzo. i am a community organizer and a member of the tenderloin. there is the need of affordable housing in the tenderloin. i know for a fact there are many filipino families of 6 to 10 people sharing one-bedroom and sometimes studio units in the tenderloin. had it not been for the affordable housing, my own family would still be sharing a small room with relatives. the reason for this is because
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working families like this cannot afford rent and sharing rooms with relatives or friends is our only option. what would happen in san francisco did not anymore invest in low-income housing? seniors, people of color, and working-class families like us will be pushed out of san francisco or will be living in overcrowded apartments with relatives so that they could stay in san francisco, or worse, they could end up homeless. we believe that investing in affordable housing will create more benefit than harm to the city. affordable housing will prevent displacement. affordable housing will create great jobs. affordable housing will stabilize our schools, and affordable housing will keep san franciscans in san francisco. there are compelling reasons for affordable housing that our city should report, and we urge our
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board of supervisors to support this project and the inclusionary housing and the creation of a housing trust fund. thank you so much. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. good afternoon to everybody who came out here to support affordable housing. my name is antonio. i am here to support the mayor, the trust fund proposal. i think affordable housing is very important because it does not only affect the poor. it also affects the rich. i come from a standpoint of safety. people who live in san francisco, they are going to contribute in terms of emergency and disaster. we get hit by earthquakes.
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