tv [untitled] April 12, 2012 6:00am-6:30am PDT
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this is going to be an item that will continue to be before us, whether through another hearing or through the budget, and there's a lot of things to be ironed out still. so if we could continue this item to the call of the chair. we will continue this item that objection. are there other items before us? >> that completes the agenda. supervisor chu: thank you. we are adjourned.
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into executive session. >> before we do that, i would like to make a statement on the record before going into closed session. that is before the vote, i would like to receive that i'd received campaign contributions in excess of 200 but the dollar's from peter osborn, so i will not participate in agenda item number 4a regarding golden bear restaurant company lease. president woo ho: i think that was 4a1d. thank you. >> thank you. president woo ho: so noted. >> conference with legal counsel and prop it the shooter -- property negotiator. president woo ho: we are currently in executive session. >> item 4a was taken off the calendar.
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the property at pier 30-32 have been taken off the calendar. president woo ho: i think we will continue to have a brief update. >> ok. thank you. president woo ho:president woo t discuss anything discussed in executive session? all in favor? second. >> please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones and a similar sound- producing electronics are prohibited at this meeting. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room for any person responsible for the
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rating of any cellphone were similar sound-producing electronic device. there will be three minutes for the public to make any comment on any pertinent issue. item 7a, executive director report. >> we have a lot of us today. i am not monique moyer. my name is susan reynolds, and i am the deputy director for real- estate. i have a short report today. the first item is we are happy to announce the department of environmentat on tuesday, march 27, the department adopted a resolution for the department of san francisco for adopting the zero rates in defense activity policy. the department of environment thank staff for ongoing
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contributions to protect the san francisco bay and in our midst and have encouraged other city departments to follow the leadership and adopt similar environmental policies. the next item is the san francisco giants opening day is this friday. let's hope it does not rain. april 13. it will take on the pittsburgh pirates. it should be an exciting day for everyone. let's hope it continued the street they started yesterday. [laughter] this is great news. beginning may 1, the opening of an anticipated very successful salmon season, according to larry collins, president of the standards as the crowd owners association a great season is expected. the commercial salmon season
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begins may 1 and runs through mid-october. early reports are that there is a lot of fish, and there are numerous boats expected to visit fisherman's wharf, both local and transient. also, our ice machine is working, so i think we are ready for the salmon to come in. that includes five report. thank you. >> any public comment on the executive director's report? >> request authorization for the executive director or her designee to enter into a memorandum of understanding between the port commission and the san francisco public utilities commission to facilitate the pier 70 shoreside power system. president woo ho: so moved. any public comment? all in favor? we have moved it.
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thank you. >> item 0s, review a port park and open space projects for possible inclusion in a 185 million neighborhood in waterfront parks general obligation bond measure proposed for the no. 6, 2012 ballot. >>-- november 6, 2012 ballot. >> good afternoon. i am once again thrilled to be here to present an opportunity for the port to consider the inclusion in a general obligation bonds. i will take a few minutes to go 33 items. first, explain the city plans surrounding the $185 million general-obligation bond on the november ballot. second, provide an update on progress on the similar 2008 general-obligation bonds, and describe what the bond might look like for the waterfront.
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also here to assist me if there are any questions following, don " the city and recreation parks department. the city's 10-year capital plan. in 2005 the adopted the capital plan, which prioritizes basic critical capital projects that impact public safety and well- being. the capital plan identifies two opportunities, the first of which occurred in 2008, and the second of which planned for 2012. in february 2008 the citizens of san francisco passed proposition a, a $185 million general obligation bond known as the clean and safe neighborhood parks bond. the receive 33.5 million, spread throughout the jurisdiction with two-thirds of the funding going towards projects out of channel bashabasin channel. this would provide the greatest
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public benefit. 2008 projects included the pier 43 bay trail, not here yet here is an image showing progress. it looks like demolition. this is now under construction. it is expected to be complete by late summer. the brandon street wharf. this project is a week old, and it does not even look like this anymore. the shed is gone. pier 36 is being removed, and we are expected construction to come in in june of this year. the brave front part edge is complete. -- bay front park edge is complete. the bayview get away at cargo and third street, we have about completed the community design process that is scheduled for design review on may 7 with the design review board and the advisory committee, and
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construction is anticipated in 2013. it includes a day of landscaping, circulation path that leads across the site. the community has been quite designed -- involved in the design layout of this. when developed, crane cove will be one of the was developed parks in san francisco. other projects along the blue greenway and of a 2008 bond include cited, at the park expansion and new entrants, which is under construction right now and will be complete later this summer, and some other projects as well. the result is many or all of the project from a 2008 bond will be complete or substantially under way by the 2012 bond question could be called in november of this year. the 200812012 bond would be simr
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to the 2008 general obligation bonds. the port will receive 35 million this has occurred at community meetings, district meetings, and citizens advisory committee meetings. proposed projects for the bond are based on community input and obtaining geographic equity, port obligations to deliver open spaces, and then the public benefit of removing light and waterfront land use plan public access and open space plan and policies. possible projects for the 2012 bond from north to south are starting with pier 43 plaza. adjacent to the pier 43 bank project under construction. the new plaza would offer places
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to sit, picnic and dramatic use of the very arch. =-- ferry arch. with the exception of the natural area, a 2012 bond could include the two largest public spaces to be developed along the port of san francisco waterfront within the entire history. these are the northeast work plaza come in front of the new cars terminal, and the second is crane cove apart. the largest new public spaces on the port waterfront. at pier 27, the northeast wharf would be a 2.78 park. the plaza will feature a long and many places to enjoy views of the bay and cruise ships. all of this debt as a waterfront park at the southern edge of mission bay that was originally
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approved in the 1970's. it would be renovated and connected to the edge of bayfront park with 2008 neighborhood bond proceeds. when completed, these parks will boast over 2000 linear feet of new shoreline access. just out of that, crane cove park is set to be one of the most celebrated new parks in the city, located within it eligible national historic district, the 7 acre project would include preservation of the historic shipbuilding, slipway, and historic trains. and the completed park would include a variety of landscapes and plaza areas. 1,000 feet of shoreline and use of the dry dock bay. funds could be used to fund other public spaces. this existing park originally
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approved in the 1970's would be renovated and expanded as an open space for gathering. this 1.85 acre park is in need a new planting, site furniture -- furnishings and would be expanded by 1 acre. the short creek shoreline access to complete a pass from i-82 third st., it would provide new public access along the north edge between tennessee st. and the third street bridge. the proposed budget for public space in approximate numbers. this describes how bond funds might be allocated and reflects minor adjustments from the staff reporter in front of you. the total comes to 35 million, as shown here. recreation and park and port staff presented a proposal to the city capital plan committee on march 19. the next step is for final presentation on april 12. hearings by the board of
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supervisors, finance and budget committee on may 12. that concludes my presentation. >> any public comment? president woo ho: commissioners? >> i should remember this from 2008, when the bond gets drafted or the language from the ballot, it doesn't have to be completely specific about the projects for which the funding would be used? >> no, it does not. there are represented projects included in the description, and that is how the bond language is being concluded right now. >>president woo ho: any other comment? >> any plans for any off-leash dog areas? >> i will address this in two
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ways. the bond description does not go into that level of detail. there is an area included in the park with the expansion of the new entry that is now under construction. that is the only one that i know that contemplates the use. i think it is probably possible in the pier 70 areas, although they are not to that level of detail at this point in time. there are none in any of the other open spaces. it has to do with the level of intensity of use. >> the one i am thinking of his warm water cove. >> there may be spaces for that to be accomplished in the future. >> that is an idea we could go forward with with the planning begins. >> thank you. >> public like to thank you and the whole planning staff and park and recreation for allowing
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us to be a part of this bond measure. i think the 2008 measure was a huge success, and we have a lot of beautiful open space along the waterfront, so thank you again. i hope this is equally as successful. >> i would agree with what the commissioner just said. i think it is exciting to see the open space development. hopefully we will get this passed. i think it really complete the waterfront the way we would like to see it. thank you very much. >> item 10a, request approval of lease #l-15108 with golden bear restaurant company, a mission rock resort, for a 15- year rest at least for premises located at 817 terry a. fritz is boulevard subject to board of supervisors' approval. >> senior property manager for
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the port of san francisco. i'm here to request approval of at least #15108 with golden bear restaurant company iii doing business for a 15-year press release for premises located at 817 terry a. france what boulevards of the to the board of supervisors approval. -- terry a. francois boulevard. the owner and manager purchased it out of bankruptcy for $375,000. he has determined the existing rest of sight requires investment of $2.1 million and tentative apartments and associated cost to make the restaurant viable at this site. he has also determined and port stop concurs that the 11 years of term remaining on the lease
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is not sufficient to amortize the required investment. on february 28, 2021, -- on february 28, 2012, court staff received a resolution 12-20, approval of the port commission to negotiate a new lease with mr. osborn for the extended term. upon receiving approval, the port commission and force that negotiated a new 15-year lease with 15-year option that contains the terms and conditions described in a memorandum to the board. staff our request to approve the number one with golden bear restaurant doing business as mission rock resort for a 15-yr + 15-year extension option lease for premises located at 817 terry a. francois boulevard.
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president woo ho: all in favor? >> any public comment? motion is carried. >> i do have a question. i want to thank mr. osborn for fighting this out of bankruptcy and working to make as a destination point hopefully. i want to know, is there any word on when you may be closing on the liquor license? or if you do not get a liquor license, then what happens? >> the long answer is this process has been anything but traditional. the short answer is that i have
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an elected to close escrow prior to the actual transfer of the license as a gesture of good faith and goodwill to the porch. those documents have been executed by both parties involved. the trustee has received a final payment, and i am itching to get started as quickly as possible. with that said, but that is a conversation to have within port stack. -- staff. everything is in place. there is no more due diligence to be done as far as the allocation of funds to debtors. just a question of when i can get started. >> thank you. president woo ho: commissioner crowley has recused himself. i think we are prepared to vote. the motion has been carried. >> i am looking forward to rest
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are returning back there. i used to go all the time. >> item 10b, request authorization to issue a request for proposals for a rest opportunity site located at 601 caesar chavez street. >> jeffrey tauber. seeking approval for the request for the proposal of the redevelopment site located at 601 cesar chavez. it is 7300 square feet. the goals of the rfp are to provide high-quality casual dining in the local community. and to encourage local business participation in the rfp process. to provide physical renovation and maximize revenue to the port
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of san francisco. port staff will come back and present the election of results to the commission and recommend approval of that responded to follow negotiation of a lease. the schedule of action items is contained in the commission package. staff recommends the commission approved for the rfp. that concludes my presentation. president woo ho: motion to approve? any public comment? i do have a question. i understand it is part of the standard policy to prohibit any nightclub or entertainment usage, but given that this site is remote and difficult, is there any reason come if it was not operated, that it was
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interested since it is next to pier 80 in an area not in the neighborhood that that would be reconsidered? to make it more of a destination? >> the history was that the prior operator had issues, and the police has asked us specifically not to allow that type of use in that location? we have had issues there. president woo ho: any other questions from other commissioners? >> just to the commissioners point, is there a way of putting it that currently it is prohibited unless it is some point in the future we would agree to authorize those uses might occur? >> absolutely. i would not say it goes to the character of the neighborhood. i think it went to the control of the specific operator and
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someone who had more control. we could address that in the least. >> we understand the economics in terms to provide the opportunity whoever came in and son operator to extract a little bit more revenue in terms of the nighttime activity. it is not affecting the neighborhood, but i understand issue of control, and they would have to have adequate control not to make it issue. ready to pass the motion to approve? all in favor? approval has been passed. thank you. >> item 11a informational presentation on ports issuance of a request for qualifications to provide water taxi service at the port of san francisco.
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>> peter daly, director of maritime at the port. this is an informational presentation on a topic we've talked about for a number of years regarding water taxis. san francisco is california's leading passenger port between 3 million carry passenn ferry pasd hundreds of thousands of cruise passengers. for a number of years people have talked about the idea of a water taxi service on san francisco. and water taxis have been a very popular means of transportation in a number of the world's port cities. three years ago the port, began exploring the idea of a water taxi operations in a more concrete way. we organized a meeting of interested parties, and we hired
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a consultant to analyze market demand, identify possible locations and qualifications of water taxi services. we also recommended minimal bustle and opera ration -- operational requirements. subsequently, the port issued an rfi on the waterfront in 2009. we received a three responses, only one of which operate -- pauperized and operating agreement. -- one of which authorize an operating agreement. it became clear the economic situation would make it clear for the water taxi to obtain financing to fund the
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procurement of vessels necessary for sufficient operation, and the agreement ended without operation being put into place. in hindsight, it is now pretty clear that the difficult economic climate of 2009-2010 played an important role in the difficulty that we had in finding an operator in that timeframe. port staff felt it would be prudent to wait to seek another water taxi operator with the specification of a better overall economic climate. timing is everything. we think that time is now. the san francisco's waterfront has seen many new and exciting improvements in the next few years. dan talked-about them in the previous item. we will celebrate the 150th bounding celebration of the port. -- founding.
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the significance will help drive significant increase tin traffic to our port. obviously the leading attraction will be the third fourth america's cup races, which will start this summer. the introduction of a sustainable water taxi service has become a meaningful transportation component of the america's cup races. it will become a new maritime attraction to san francisco's waterfront. i want to thank peter albert and lesh curshner for a lot of work towards this request for us to go forward and issue another rfi. having said all of that, the port stepped wishes to request water taxi service. given the positive changes
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