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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2012 6:30am-7:00am PDT

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our waterfront. with the upturn of the economy, hotel occupancy rates are higher, a number of indicators are improving. tourism numbers are up throughout the city. we think that the opening of the exploratory am in the america's cup races that i mentioned earlier will bring even more people to san francisco's waterfront. the third area of interest is we have more operational authority now in terms of where we can have water taxis land. it appears, and we will talk to the port commission in subsequent meetings, that self beach harbor may come under control of the port. we will see. if it does come it becomes a new venue that the ports would have management control over directly. the port would put out an rfp that we would offer through different locations.
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pier 1.5 adjacent to the port headquarters building, and then if it comes to pass, the south beach marina doc would be the third of the three locations the port controls that we would have an agreement with to use as a taxi stand essentially. we wish to issue an rfq by men oay of this year to gauge debate. there is still need for financing in debate to build the boats. they are not cheap to build or cheap to buy. we hope to attract a viable operator. we will aggressively distribute this to maritime and entertainment industries, as well as advertise in trade magazines, websites. if we received more than one commercially-viable proposal, port suckled judged response
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based on experience, financial capability, and our mental initiative. th-- environmental initiative. this would come back to the commission clearly. a couple of quick things. i think it is important to note, and i have had dialogue with a number of the tenets. there are concerns that a water taxi service would impact commercially our current good tenets of the port of san francisco. that is not the intent of this offering. we do not want them to compete with ferry boats. we will not allow them to dock at port ferry facilities. we will not allow them to do dining or entertainment. this would clearly be a water taxi service.
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i know there are concerns. you have our work we will work with the current customers. we will make sure their issues are addressed, and we will not bring it back to the port commission until we have everyone on the same page and a good business plan to present to you. with that, that is our informational item. we look forward coming back to you this spring with a proposal for a five-year written agreement with an operator to be known later. i will answer any questions later on. thank you. president woo ho: we do have some speaker cards for public comment now. taylor zucker. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am with the president blue and gold fleet. i appreciate the comments today, and i want to make the commission aware that the prior
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components of the taxi service, and i headed number of discussions about the viability of the service, and where he was going with that, and it was clear to me the intent was to really use it as a springboard to get into the excursion business, and potentially to use public facilities to potentially compete with the 20 votes that blue and gold has on the bay. i just wanted to make sure the commission was aware of that, and we craft the rfp as nearly as possible to protect the interests of the existing tenants and the infrastructure rebuild and try to build over time. thank you. president woo ho: captain ray. >> thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. i do not get a chance to get here that often. welcome to me.
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i represent the masters sister. we would both like to make some comments regarding this issue. we both had an agreement with the water taxi l l c, and we're looking forward to that bill in a foreword. the gentleman wasn't able to secure the financing that he probably needed for the service. we don't have any problem with the water taxi service. lead to narrow the definition of what we're going to do here. we suggest that those intentions be reflected the. so that it is absolutely clear to the prospective raiders that we are -- what they are getting themselves into.
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i would like to say thank you for the time and the ability to speak to you. >> is there any other public comment on item 11? commissioners? >> i have been involved in the ground work process of the development. we want to construct a really cohesive idea. i work in conjunction with george, a founder and pioneer with maritime logistics' in addition to san francisco port development. the sustainable business model based on the parties here today, will apply to say that we
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are here to work in conjunction with the competition. other cities as well the post taxi services. we feel that we are in a very good position to support the existing community. how to introduce myself as a maritime individual. the contract, help us develop a program. we have really dynamic idea.
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the other areas of the bay might like to have something like this. >> is there any further public comment? >> when we first put this out and had the proposal, i don't think there was ever an intent that the service would duplicate or try to compete with other services. i assume we can craft a proposal about what this is? >> if there are concerns, the beauty of the three facilities we have identified, they are going to be monitored very closely.
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the harbor bay marina, it is man to 365, 24 hours a day. we will work closely, crafted narrowly. lien gives some people some flexibility in terms of the viability. clearly, we don't want to harm to the customers. it is not the intent of this proposal. >> if we don't take back to the south beach harbor, is there an opportunity to create a landing? >> is fully in accessible the whoever would takeover, we can craft an agreement with them. just the change in the
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redevelopment agency status has put it somewhat in flux. and this offering in the next couple of weeks. >> it seems you have completed the loop on the waterfront. >> you are going point to point. and it is an on-call service, you're not going to be competing. it is a narrowly defined rfp. >> i am very anxious to hear who decomposers, what they have to suggest to us. the point to a point of water taxi, if i want to get to fisherman's wharf pretty quick,
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and if i want to get down to the ferry building, i will take it to the central waterfront. >> i know you're trying to encourage more participation, but to the extent that we can put in some language to where and if possible, a cleaner approach. it seems there might be more opportunities there. and then to commissioner crowley's point, those listening to the point you made, the briefing that we received, the request is for them not to compete with existing diving excursions.
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it may be concerns that are out there. >> i had a couple of questions related to one concept that i guess wasn't on the waterfront, it was more on the riverfront. it was a little bit wider, bigger boats and things like that. it does get you from place to place, and i don't know if the concept -- or if you have to actually call. is it something that people can depend upon? these points are all determined, and if that is something we can get clarification.
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i am just relating to my and experience which was a very pleasant experience on the water taxi there. just to encourage that we can go to the other places that you referenced. i guess it will make it more attractive to be able to go to some of the places where we don't have control. it will go that great a distance. we will put together a plan from
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the water taxi to go to fort mason for an event. when we go back to the port commission, i want to make sure that everybody has a clear understanding as to what they are getting into. >> i just want to thank peter, you have been responsive to any questions. >> and can be exciting.
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any new business? any public comment? do we have public comment? >> i am michael, the president of the international longshore warehouse union. i am here with members of the locals. i am here to show presents. -- presence and make a
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statement that we are ready to take on the american cup and do the work. there will still be cargo and things moved on those socks. we have had comments and in meetings and negotiations. it is aware that they are ready to do it. we experience the high-volume cargo, we have the trained work force. we have met with the commissioners and the city officials, that the staff --
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excuse me to. that the staff his understanding we are ready to do it. i am kind of jumping around here. we're communicating the position with the commission that we are included in the moving of the cargo on the dock. it is set up as an event at the general public doesn't realize that the talks have been used for cargo, and the word that
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there are 200 containers going in and out. we want to make sure that they were used. i am just making this comment we have been around for many years in san francisco and through of the bay area. i wanted to make a point. i understand why time is up. >> christa? >> my mother has been a longshoreman for 21 years now. i want to speak in favor of doing labour work for america's cup. it's important here supported by
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the city of san francisco because of their long history for the union. >> thank you. patrick kim? >> i am the secretary treasurer. the marine clerks, right next to at&t ballpark. we are trained to scream cruise passengers and handle high- volume crowds and provincial the videos. we know we have a membership of over 200 people devoted to
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security with a very diverse workforce. over 25% are women. i lost track of how many meetings, but it will be a tremendous job creator. last year, we guarded the oracle race boat for two months. we were dismissed in may without any reason given.
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the lack of many presents a huge risk. the races will urge them to -- it is tedious in a long period of nearly ruined my back. it is right around the corner. for the safety of the public, i hope they will use our qualified members that these venues. >> is there any further public
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comment? and i have a motion for adjournment? the meeting is adjourned.
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>>. touring england was a time when robert as mentors were being challenged by a quickly growing middle-class. for endeavour's crew of new artists began to assert themselves, offering new definitions of the athletics of arts and beauty. over 180 objects of avant-garde design and art from the victorian england has been collected inside the legion of honor snoot exhibition, it's the
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cold of the ec. -- the cult of beauty. >> there was this group of artists that were not only revolutionaries in their artistic expression but also in their personal lives and their interest in democratizing art in introducing beauty into the growing middle-class. >> one of the inspirations for the victorian avant-garde was the industrial revolution. quality household goods were now being mass-produced. artists responded by either creating elaborate unique court or by embracing technology and trying to share a beautiful creations with as many people as possible. >> william morris was in a difficult position, because he wanted the middle-class to be able to acquire really beautifully made objects. but the piece is that he
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actually made, you know, took so much handcrafting that there were quite expensive. i think he would have been pleased to know that there are things like restoration hardware anne craig and bare all that tried to make available to the middle-class -- and crate and barrel that tried to make these things available to the middle class. >> over 60 lenders contributed art and craft to the exhibition. one of the partners is london's victoria and albert museum, which has been collecting the finest examples of victorian craft since queen victoria herself attended the groundbreaking ceremony. the artist of the victorian avant-garde believe that every object could contain an expression of beauty. the attention given when creating a towering sculpture should be the same as when creating a simple cottage gate. they embraced arts for arts own
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sake. whether in the curl of a flower or a stray lot of unpin hair. surprisingly, sensuality returned to public view during the victorian era. albert moore and others were inspired by ancient greek sculptures and found new uses in modern times. >> many of these paintings are large. when you get close to them, they seem to wrap you in this luscious colors. there's a great sensuality to the paintings, even though there's nothing sexual going on in the pictures. the artists just took delight in luxurious fabrics and colors and beautiful women. >> symphony in white is a life- size portrait of the immense stress of james wisler. it is featured prominently in the exhibition. harmony in gray and green was an of socially judged as a disagreeable presentation of a
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disagreeable young lady. the first public reaction of this series was so divisive that led to court proceedings. today, they hang in london's tate gallery. walking to the exhibition, you might be distracted by objects that seem to modern war appeared to be at least art deco era. forward thinking victorian artists emerged the economical ambitions of 18th-century cottage's style furniture with the asymmetrical design elements of japanese art that was introduced to london in 1862. >> so you come out with these very beautiful and sleek design worms that the artist combined -- a design forms. very modern. our visitors are really surprised that so many of the works at a very modern feel to them. >> they believe that no object needed to be considered
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worthless or low class. each thing, existing in its own place, was the best thing for its place. and what first seems to be idle showiness, shows the richness of today and yesterday. >> it is exciting to have a project you have worked on for so long coming in know, come to your own museum. and museum curators are among the luckiest professionals, because we get to share with tens of thousands of people the things that give us enjoy and the things that explain to our visitors the relationship between art and society. art is not just a frivolous, you know, sidebar. it is a very important expression of culture and morals. this particular moment, the artists were interested in community.
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>> san francisco is the exclusive american host for the cult of beauty exhibition. the legion of honor is website has more information about the artists and tips for planning your visit. learn more at the website. thank you for watching