tv [untitled] April 12, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT
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-- speakers. >> i have been a frequent speaker here. i would like first to commend and thank you for unifying the northeast corridor of the mission all the way up to the freeway. that was a lovely and wonderful change for the mission to be unified there. i am less happy with the northwest corner being carved out. i understand that -- i do not know why that occurred. that would be something that would be good to join back with the mission and once again, note the liberty hill neighborhood association is a very active group. it is a group that has gone to the trouble of being recognized as a historical district that requires a lot of community work, a lot of affiliations, a lot of hard work and is a place that would be quite easy to
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alter in this map. doing so would alleviate some of the overcrowding or overpopulation in district 9. the blocks along valencia are densely populated. you do not need to move much territory to move plenty of people. if doing that would get more unified with the corner, that would get a welcome. trade off and once again, i will know it the district, five has gotten unified on the northern end on a block by block recognition of communities there. i would ask for that to be given also to the liberty hill area. thanks for much. -- very much. chairman mcdonnell: thank you. >> i am richard ivanhoe, the
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president of the haight-ashbury neighborhood council. and i also want to thank each of you for all your time and your work. i am going to focus on the northwest panhandle and on golden gate park. you have heard from many residents in the northern panhandle area. the bylaws which were adopted in 1960 have our northern boundary as fulton street and the greater haight-ashbury may have a lot of neighborhoods with a net -- within it but nopa it should be made whole. there is a few institutions i am aware of that have a connection to the haight in the few blocks
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on hayes street, within that area. there is mr. natural's is a studio, new traditions school, and sacred ground coffee house which has the longest running open mike poetry in the city. so again, keep northwest panhandle in district 5. as to golden gate park, i have heard the district one supervisor said that golden gate park is too big for just one supervisor. you have spit mclaren park in two different districts. the district between -- connection between golden gate park and the haight ashbury is obvious as is the park police station and the park branch
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library. thank you. chairman mcdonnell: thank you, sir. >> good evening. i have -- i have been around for a long time, a member of the eastern neighborhoods task force, the cac, a dog patch for years, potrero for years and worked very seriously and hard on mission bay as well as the ucsf campus. in the latest iteration -- i would like to point out mission bay is this big. the ucsf campus is exactly --
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we're requesting that you move the southern boundary of six down to 16th street. it has absolutely no impact on population because there is no population. what we are suggesting is that ucsf's hospital as part of a community of interest. you have general hospital, there will be a kaiser clinic here, and then you have the cfs -- ucsf hospital. we're working closely with our neighbors on mission creek. originally, they had three choices or three pecking order. number one was important to keep all of mission bay whole. no. -- number two, the bottom
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line is all the land use and height and bulk issues for mission bay have been completed. there is no more redevelopment agency. thank you. chairman mcdonnell: thank you, sir. >> hello and thank you for your work. found out about this last night. my husband came home and said they're taking us out of district 5 and putting us in district 1, what does that mean? i have lived on clayton street for the past 33 years. in my place. we got together a group of us from the haight and bought this building because we bought what we could afford back then. we have worked in this neighborhood and on every single supervisors campaign to today, i
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am not sure who the supervisor is. i do want to urge you to keep that -- we did not identify with the richmond district. we do all our stopping on haight street. on divisadero. we go to the farmers' market there. we use the panhandle. my son was 23 and grew up in the panhandle when he was not home. also, my deed of trust says this is the western addition. is not the richmond. it was called the haight, now we're cold -- called nopa. it is crazy to be part of district 1. i ask you to consider that 15- block neighborhood as part of district 5. thank you. chairman mcdonnell: thank you.
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denise, sally ross, mark caswell, and ou next spea -- or next speaker. >> earlier the gentleman came up and said it would be a good idea to keep the transbay terminal area in district 6 and the benefits would help the tenderloin. i do not think there is anything that chewing up and established neighborhood in the tenderloin could offset that. i would like to disabuse you of the notion or maybe it is abuse. i would like to abuse you or maybe i want to just want to use you. we started out witgh 4140. we're down to 8%.
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it is still a high number. we were looking for that one block between post and gary -- geary. that will bring it down. to get down to 5%, we tried to get below five that is possible. if we're asking for too much. the block beyond that bordered by shannon and jones and post and geary. that would bring it under 5%. there of the neighborhoods they have managed to preserve completely. that is it. chairman mcdonnell: thank you, sir. >> good evening, commissioners. thank you for your work in -- and efforts to date and thank you overwhelmingly for listening to the west 20 council.
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although the improvement association adds this map, hopefully it will be adopted this evening. it is divided into three districts, 5, 8, and 7. the important piece of that has always been twin peaks boulevard which we believe is the eastern boundary based on your criteria of geography and communities of interest. that is an appropriate district as is and map you have before you represents that. i really also want to thank and i saw the name for the first time. the advancement project, the nonprofit organization who provided the map for people like us the work, that could not get there every night, but we could look the next morning and there was a map on line. not only are transparency and work and listening to neighborhoods and respecting neighborhoods and landscape 27 scope, your a bet -- the availability of information from
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your clerk call your office, somebody picked up the phone. our supervisor still picks up the phone but others do not. the redistricting has forced them to pick up the phone and the answer your question the next day. thank you for your accessibility and accountability. please support the map before you. >> are there the names on lists over there que? chairman mcdonnell: are there others wishing to offer public comment who have not signed up? the remaining names i have after ms. ross, mark caswell, and other speakers. is there anyone else?
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wishing to speak who has not signed a. >> ok. >> good evening. i would like to thank the task force for their forbearance. you're hearing from me yet again. i live in district 8. when i've spoken to before i have urged youtube keep the west side of district 8 at," street and i see it has been moved over now. that is disappointing. that removes or rather key element. the sunnyside conservatory from district 8. our supervisors from district 8 have historically been very helpful with the conservatory. bevan dufty was in office and was really helpful. supervisor wiener had just this morning a problem we're having landed on his desk and he said
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-- they said are you in district 8 and we said yes we are. that is where the boundaries were pounding -- standing. they changed after your last meeting. the area that is no. -- the areas that are in the area that has been moved over and included in sunnyside. the area from baden street west is oriented toward glen park and the community. they have supported the developments and changes. i really think they deserve to stay in that area while all these projects are going on. thank you very much. chairman mcdonnell: thank you,
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ma'am. >> hello, commissioners. i am a resident on masonic avenue at fulton. the next point between district 5 and district 1. i want to thank you for your time. you have been through many of these meetings and i appreciate you hearing that. i announce that the theoretical concept of where we are making these lines, they're mostly along traffic's errors and high- speed activities. whether it is lincoln boulevard, 19th avenue bay shore, a masonic avenue which is where i live, we to know what these lines, and they're dividing communities and i acknowledge that. let's not get knocked -- walk into that. sonic avenue has a project that will improve safety for people and people like myself who would love to sit in front room and your car crashes and rory trafford. if we're dividing our communities on these really horrible sewers will live on, it
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would not require two supervisors to approve the committee. i am urging you to include all the north of panhandle area. use a line that would be not usable. if you say, district 5 goes all the way to golden gate park and into the border, that -- i would rather see masonic itself with support from district 1 and district 2. i want to make sure we are not letting these horrible scars throughout their neighborhood. let's use that to build better streets and better communities and bring people together rather than divide them. thank you for your time.
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>> good evening. i am here to speak for my professor. he is a man who lives in district 1. he sent me here today because he does not want them handling the -- district 1. the asian population is not going to have their voice in district 1. that is it. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. chairman mcdonnell: the last two named trade is there anyone else to offer public comment tonight? >> the evening. -- good evening. i am resident of district 5 and i am here to echo the comments
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previously with respect to keeping the area in district 5. is the committee's interest and i think this last-minute change was televised. thank you. chairman mcdonnell: thank you very much. >> good evening. i am a candidate for district 5 supervisor. i hear that the current lines of moving -- i should be here thinking of for that but instead, i am looking at the bigger picture. the north has worked really hard to make changes in the neighborhood. we have experienced a huge drop in crime and quality of life that has brought a lot of people together. we have great restaurants, we have a great community, we have a number of people who are actively involved and making a
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difference. i notice that one of the things in the list of factors to take into consideration are recognizing geographical boundaries, keeping distinct neighborhoods is one of the things tree that is one of the goals of this task force. spot in this neighborhood, it does not take that into consideration. i am here to ask that that be taken into consideration and especially with one more meeting left to go. i know there is a number of changes back and forth but the reality is district 5 is like no other. we have so many different kinds of people, so many great places, and will want to stay together. i understand changes need to be made but please, keep in mind that we have neighborhoods that should not be torn apart. thank you. chairman mcdonnell: thank you. is there anyone else who did not
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have the opportunity to sign up and wish to share public comment tonight? ok. thank you so much. we will close public comment at this time and began deliberations among task force members to consider potential changes to the current draft maps. i will say thank you to everyone who is in the room tonight. everyone who has submitted oral and written testimony. we do value all and put an want to -- we want to consider. task force members, as we engage in this discussion tonight, and how both comments for context where we should directionally try to go. first that we will break from
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the discussion of -- [inaudible] the rest are population related proposals. i will go through a short list of some we identified in our last meeting as well as those who have come out at several meetings of public comment and e-mail submissions for it the second point of the map, discussing will put this on other proposals and we will do that. with all that, i would like it to be the goal tonight to land on as final and a draft as possible. the only reason i say as possible because it is not final until april 14 when we are done. i would like us to land tonight on a map that if our filing -- final offer is subject to public comment and put on a 14. with that, let me share just a
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few, a short list of potential population related discussions to be held and certainly again, walking -- welcoming proposals. they are russian hill and that discussion of the border, and discussion of -- we had the last meeting related to the northern border and i am not advocating. i am higher with a special wisconsin. that includes the scheurer us -- short list. are there other items for consideration to be added to the list?
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actually if we're going to talk about the -- would have to find another community at similar size. hence the domino go straight to the russian hill line. they're all interconnected. if we could -- if we have to do we have to do it in that order. nopa, anda vista, russian hill. chairman mcdonnell: are you done? we will come back to you. >> in response to some of the speakers'testimony, i do not know if it is possible. if we could look at the filipino population in two areas, in the
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ting lee cayuga which removed on monday evening and the other is the no. mission. it is hard for me to read the map because the shading on this version that one of the speaker is distributed is pretty subtle but if it is possible to clarify the concentration of the filipino community in those areas. one is the blocks north of northeast of ting lee and the northern part of cayuga that we move from -- moved from d 11 to d 8. and from 14th street -- one of the speaker said 15th street. up to the freeway.
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commissioner leigmilar: in connection with -- if possible looking at the panhandle issue that has been presented is to look at california lake, that area to move some of those blocks from district two to district 1 to balance that out and that was put us into district two to look at the russian hill issue. if we're looking at the populations of the areas that member lee has mentioned, you have to look at all the -- the other populations, not just the filipino community. >> when you say all of them, i know what the word all means.
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commissioner melara: a problem numbers. -- >> this is related to changes we have just made. could we look at all populations, like even the filipino community. is your request about relative to what changed? >> we were not supposed to be looking at these issues from an ethnic, racial perspective but communities of interest and there are other communities of interest in those two areas. and in order for us to look at this community, we need to look at other communities as well to make sure we do not dilute other communities if we were going to make any changes. >> your request for information or assessment of that is what?
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in a specific way that we can ask commercial as this data? he said show was all -- show us all. quex in those two areas -- >> in those two areas so we have a comparison. chairman mcdonnell: thank you. >commissioner leighlam: i am interested -- as well as the last move to the ting lee andre. commissioner pilpel: i have a couple of tiny box that do have
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some population and applications, one of which -- couple of tiny blocks that do have some population areas. at the edge of portola. the more significant areas, south of st. luke's. i would like to look south including the block that was referenced tonight near 27th and duncan. we made be back to the border -- we may be back to the border along silver. if you rotate, you rotate. chairman mcdonnell: restate the last one for me. tbhe 0-19-11 border.
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i am concerned three is unpopulated. i could consider moving treasure island from 6 to three. chairman mcdonnell: you can have a reaction. it has to be silence -- silent reaction. commissioner schreiber: thank you. the other would be the 49 people in sea cliff we could consider looking at. commissioner tidwell: the other question i had and this was the district issue was the line between six and 10 on 16th
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street. i thought that was due to the map, right? >> that was due to the map, we cannot move anything. >> there is the line between six and 10 and the corner of 16th street. >> ok. >> can i ask a clarification question? chairman mcdonnell: it may ask a question with regard to a break. -- you may ask a question with regard to a break. i will hold you hostage to your own question traded depends on, this just in, paetec at 8 -- pizza at eight. we will break as close to 8:00 p.
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