tv [untitled] April 13, 2012 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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wiener looks up. supervisor wi: sir, do not addrs the supervisors directly. >> i am upset with you. this is ridiculous. when are you going to do something about this? the oldest building, and the oldest renters, and you do nothing, speaking of building new buildings so you can make have your client developers. it is interesting and impressive, but let's get real. do something about this.
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some time. supervisor kim: thank you. [cheers and applause] supervisor wiener: supervisor kim, apparently the last speaker is unaware that i am sponsoring legislation that is barring student housing. >> hello, i am -- and i work with the collaborative that is made up of seniors and people disabilities, many of whom have lived in san francisco for decades. many of them are living on social security, trying to make do with $800 per month or less, so when we talk about affordable housing, we are talking about people at very low or extremely low-income, and i hear from people every day who never been on waiting lists for years. summit zubaida said he was something like no. 1332 on a
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list, which certainly does not feel very encouraging. people are living in substandard conditions. we obviously need more affordable housing for people living at very low incomes, so i urge you to set aside money, to ensure that it helps people at very low income and to look how we can continue to have market rate housing with the production of affordable rate housing so we do not continue to approve luxury developments without keeping up with what we need in terms of affordable housing for everyone. supervisor kim: thank you. >> hello, my name is omar. i am a housing rights attorney with the caucus. i just wanted to make three points. one of them is the report clearly identified a lot of what is needed for the policymakers to make an informed decision,
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and i wanted to point out that besides a lot of talk about the plight with the income brackets, and i think we should keep in mind that there should be data collection on raise -- race to make sure that if we find at the art in the communities that are disproportionately impacted by the housing crisis that we can come up with an adequate housing response that addresses the community needs, and then the other two points i wanted to mention our two innovative ideas in dealing with affordable housing that do not get as much attention, but i think it should be considered now, especially considering the crisis we are facing now locally as well as nationally, and one of them is with the idea of promoting and encouraging secondary units. it is in the housing element, and it has been there.
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it is in our current housing element. i think in 1996 planning department survey had estimated that there are over 25,000 secondary units in the city. that is about 8% of the housing stock. i think it is something to at least think about. at least new york city has reinstated their task force on illegal housing there, and then secondly, the limited equity housing cooperatives. we know it is a success with the san francisco community land trust, and they are hoping to replicate it. to keep that in mind. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is whitney adjourns. i am with a center.
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this stabilizes the lives of low-income folks. it creates a good jobs, and it keeps families like mine in the city. the performance audit has also indicated that we have a very effective city agency in developing housing. what we need our tools. ways to fund housing, like the proposed housing trust fund, ways to develop housing, in the private market, like improving our inclusionary housing plan, and wasted resources, with sites for affordable housing developments. affordable housing is a good thing. let's make it more possible. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, mr. jones. >> hi, i am michael lyon, and i am on the action board. i want to talk about linda yueh just moved in to us. she is on ssi, a senior was
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severe disabilities. she struggles just to move around. linda is not a basket place. for years, she held our neighborhood together. she knew everybody in the neighborhood, what they needed, and arranged that there needs got taken care of. in her 50 pashtun yes, she graduated from mills as a full scholarship student, so if there is anybody who should have been able to find affordable housing, it should have been linda, but for decades, she and her disabled son lived in a house that had huge leads in the roof and mold all over the place. there was no hot water. the toilet was iffy, and meanwhile, the mcmansions were being built on vacant lots in bernal heights. she was afraid to call her landlord. finally, the landlord died, and her relatives wanted to fix up the house. she had to move out, and so now,
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this incredible woman with hundreds of friends as having to leave san francisco, and there are many -- for every linden that i know, there are hundreds of hundreds of others, so what do we need? we need more housing for people on very low income. san francisco has to put in additional money for affordable housing, because the market is not going to do it. and third, the approval of market rate housing must be contingent on the production of affordable housing. supervisor kiim: thank you, mr. lyon. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am -- with the senior action network. i want to put a spin on this. the income bracket that has not been thoroughly looked on in all
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of these years is an extremely low-income, and put a $with that. that $is someone who makes $12,000 or less. even though our minimum wage at the city, that is only 12,000 plus dollars. when you have got the median income at 50%, everyone does not fit that 50% threshold here. we have to include the other incomes that have not been included, even with the housing element. with the housing rezoning process, affordable housing. that threshold has yet to be met. this is not only low-income. this is an extreme poverty. extreme poverty. anyone whose income is under $35,000 per year. that is an extreme poverty.
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let's add this work into our conversation when we talk about affordable housing. supervisor: can you repeat the last eight and on how to redefine ami? >> we have to define it as anyone who makes less than $35,000 per year. you are looking at extremely low income, which is an extreme poverty. supervisor kim: thank you. >> my name is -- i am with san francisco tomorrow. i am also with a supervisory
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committee. i want to commend both you, supervisor kim, and supervisor campos for performing the audit. bureaucracy needs performance audits to keep them going. however, iraq of leadership and resolve for the people who make those decisions, and what i find lacking is for the last 16 years, it has been laissez faire of the way around. so even the mayor will be brown had a bond initiative, only half of that was completed. more often, we at san francisco tomorrow have to follow up against the city for providing
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the housing element, that'd be correctly done, according to state law, and it took some time. here i am saying -- i object to the planning department acting to the contrary of affordable housing. a remarkable proposal for eight washington, which requires the exemptions of the city code, the planning code, as well as the district, which believes the city a further loss of revenue. supervisor kim: thank you, mr.
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chang. >> do i have more time? supervisor kim: no, and that people finish the sentence. thank you, mr. chang. >> my name is diane, and i am here also to speak about the age washington project. my question is why the city would -- supervisor kim: i am sorry. we want you to stay on point. you can talk about eight washington, but this is not just about that. you can have it relates to the larger topic -- topic of affordable housing. >> i think that the condominiums
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there and do not allow for the affordable housing. supervisor kim: what i am saying is you can speak about it in reference to the larger issue, not specifically to eight washington. >> ok. i guess i will not speak today. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am with a golden gate tenants association. i am here today to express support for increased funding for affordable housing. in that context, we live immediately across the street from a proposed development at 8 washington street, which will do very little in itself to promote affordable housing, but, instead, it will require the first increase in height limits along the waterfront in the last 50 years.
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we support the opposition by the friends of golden gateway to the age washington project and encourage the board of supervisors to signal its support for increased affordable housing, like when the eight washington project comes before you to vote no on it. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, and land use. ♪ affordable house is coming, affordable housing is coming, affordable housing is coming out we are completely positive there is no doubt about it we are going to really, really thrive. it is coming. the new house is coming out
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there is a new house coming out for us, us to live we are completely positive ain't no doubt about it we are going to really live -- we are coming out ♪ ♪ with a little luck we can work it out we can make this whole house then work out with a lot, we can lay down can do you not feel the town building exploding? with a little but, you can sell the stock and bonds you are holding with a little city luck we can lay it down we can make a better town ♪ supervisor kim: thank you, mr.
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i also am with senior action network, and also with the committee, the senior housing action collaborative, and i am also a member of the californians for disability rights, which is a statewide organization of advocacy for disability rights. i obviously am aligned with the sentiments of the previous speakers, and i wanted to contribute something that perhaps had not been contributed. related to statistics, i believe that a lot of rental market properties are advertised on craigslist, and since mr. newmark is a member of the san francisco community, it is probing possible to ask him personally to provide some data on housing advertisements on
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craigslist. i certainly cannot imagine it would be that difficult for him to do with his technical expertise. related to funding for affordable housing, i wanted to suggest the possibility of the city requiring a 1% remuneration from city vendors. every purchase made by the city of san francisco, 1% returned for the housing trust. if that was done, that would be a great generation, and, quite frankly, the companies that would be doing the enumerations would probably get a tax write- off because it would be nonprofit. also, i was going to suggest that there be a penalty for long-term vacant properties in san francisco so that homeowners to have properties that are valuable have to pay if they do not have housing. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, ms.
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benedict. >> think you for listening. my name is monica. i am an active member of friends of the golden gateway, and i sit on a port commission citizen advisory group as well. i live in the golden gateway, and i must say, listening to this litany of hardship provides an enormous contrast to where i live and to what has been proposed for my neighborhood. i live within one block of a beautiful building of affordable housing that was sponsored by the chinese community. we are also looking at the development of a luxury
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condominium in the opposite direction. it has received a number of exceptions. one of those exceptions is that there is a very low expectations for a trade-off for affordable housing for this development. i am asking this committee to examine this very carefully in light of this huge contrast. in our neighborhood, we have welcomed affordable housing. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. friends of golden gateway. i have arrived in san francisco in 1953, believe it or not, with
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my wife. we have lived in the avenues. 17 years ago, we moved into the golden gateway. moderate housing, we're both on fixed incomes. we founded a delightful place to live. in the last seven or eight years, what we have seen is a fleeing of families and seniors who could no longer afford what the cost of living was in san francisco. the cort trucks that come and go, loading and unloading, temporary furniture for the corporations and hotels are now subleasing this property. it takes away from the need for moderate and low-income housing.
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i do commend the supervisors. i believe you are facing this issue in some reality. i think you heard the people speak today. i would like to concur that the 8 washington project will, in no way, a benefit moderate, low- income housing. the changes they will get did not substantiate any need for such high-priced condominiums. thank you very much. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am president of the barbary coast neighborhood association. my wife and i had a small income property and we had an open house on saturday. one-bedroom, one bathroom apartment. we had at least 30 prospective tenants who came to the open
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house. the couple we selected to rent this small units was being displaced from the marina district, where they were in a six-unit building that was to be demolished and replaced with two luxury rentals. four units lost. this is happening all over san francisco. i'm afraid our planning commission and planning department does not appear to be on the same page as the rest of san francisco when it comes to affordable housing. it brings up what i call the poster child of unaffordable housing. the planning commission has approved a luxury condo development for the top one-half of 1%. " i need you to focus on affordable housing. >> i will get there. the planning commission is rewarding the developer with
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enormous bulk and inappropriate mass and four times the number -- >> please focus on affordable housing. >> how can the city be serious about making housing affordable windy like8 -- when deals like 8 washington are pushed through the pipeline? that is what is happening at the planning commission. we need to change the culture, change the pattern, rethink what san francisco really needs. it is not luxury condos. it is affordable housing. moderate priced housing. new developments like those we have mentioned are not paying their share to that end. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. supervisor kim comment thank you
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for allowing me to speak. -- supervisor kim, thank you for allowing me to speak. when a developer comes in and gives you a promise, he will commit 50 apartments to the low income -- and he comes back to the building committee and the planning commission and says, i have almost -- i have most of the building built, but i can only give you 25. every building has to have some percentage of low income people. i know most people do not know that the building on mission street was built with hud money. the supervisors should make sure that when a developer promises low income housing in a
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development, he should not be able to walk away from aunt and say, i can only give you 10 or -- and walk away from it and say, i can only give you 10 or 8. the land use people are doing a wonderful job, but they are making high-rises for the 1% of people. anything we can do in san francisco, i am in a property that is a blessing. we have a lot of activities. we need more low-income housing. the bayview is going upscale. the mission is going upscale. please put the brakes on this development. thank you. [applause] supervisor kim: i want to call tadmor names. -- ten more names. [reading names]
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>> thank you. my day job is a community partner -- housing partnership. my moral compass around housing policy comes from my uncle. we used to walk around south market and he pointed out for the redevelopment agency had torn down his, and put up a monument to martin luther king. he never told the story in the impacts of him and his community of elderly working-
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class men. the rainbow coalition of victims of redevelopment. it shaped the way i think of things now. my moral compass and my optimism thinks that we can eventually build a housing strategy that keeps everybody who needs to be here in town. from people living in cardboard boxes, to middle-income families looking at a way to stay in the city that their labor helped to build. i would encourage all of us, we have enough smarts and creativity to deal with. i would encourage everybody to start to move away from the idea of affordable housing as simply a ruse for the people who are lucky to come up on the waiting list. front and center of the
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