tv [untitled] April 14, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT
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the night. i am. -- i am sure it feels more like the bottom of the 54th. baseball analogies aside, there are a bunch of us here to make one last pitch. in 55 laguna into district 5. we have talked about community and compromise. we have gusty to recognize haight is the spine of the community and should not be treated as a border. we appreciate what you have done in the commercial destroyed by moving the boundary down. the closest to a win win would be able to split the property. i understand that is beyond your purview because it involves changing precinct boundaries. it may be that is the direction we need to go.
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most of us would be willing to work with supervisor wiener to achieve the closest to a win- win, but we may not be in to do that at this time. i urge you to establish the baseline at the most logical and consistent place with their review your purview. we believe that would be to establish 55 laguna as part of district 5. thank you. >> thank you, sir. >> i am steve courier from district 11. everything in this ever hart said -- miss eberdardt said, ditto. thank you. on tuesday night, we flyered census block 2008.
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i did get some phone calls thanking us. it is good that they are happy and i am happy. i want to thank you for this process. >> hello, everybody. i am a lower haight street merchant. i have been there 25 years. i have a record shop. the police and merchant association has done so much to make our world better. we're all anticipating 55 laguna opening up. i just assumed it was part of our district anyway. i did not know until all of this came around. we need that to be part of our corridor. we have worked to make it safe and keep an eye on it and have customers from that world coming to us. thank you for your attention on that. >> thank you, sir.
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>> clinton womack. tony, olga, and tommy. >> i am both a resident of the panhandle neighborhood and also serve on the neighborhood association board. i would like to express our gratitude for being incorporated into district 5. i am hoping after the final lines are drawn today that the eastern and western span of the panhandle will remain in district 5. thank you for your work on that and accommodating our resident'' wishes. i would like to second the comments by bruno. i have been very involved with the event planning and community activism. it has been central to the neighbor works out of there. i would want to make sure moving
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forward the boundary stays at turk and the boundary south of there still stays in district 5. thank you. >> good morning. >> you are next. >> my fault. >> no worries. >> my name is tony robles with senior action network in district 6. i have worked with the filipino community as part of the heritage foundation. the tenderloin area has been a starting point for many filipino immigrants and their families historically. they have gone through a lot, the community, with three development, the high cost of living, removal, displacement.
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a lot of our folks are elders who have been forced to relocate to other parts of the city and bay area. at the same time, we have many community centers that our elders and youth frequent and use. we have the country's only filipino bilingual school. we have health centers, parks, churches with filipino residents and their families. we still have a concern about the recent move to push the border north to 13th street. is higher than the previously proposed 15th street northern border, which was in the map as recently as april 4. it is higher than the community unity map version with the district 9 border at 16th street. it is important to filipino community stays unified and has a voice politically. [tone!]
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our people come out for community matters. they want to be involved. we urge you move the northern border of district 92 least 15th street and extended from valencia to harrison street. i cannot convey to you enough how important is that the filipino community stay together. we bear the brunt of a lot in the city in terms of policy development. [tone!] we want to make sure our voices are unified and heard. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. >> my apologies again for stepping in. my name is dan doat from the bayview district, a resident there for many years in district 10. i am here representing the baby merchants association.
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of interest to the merchants associations and other organizations along with the recycling water task force occurring along the waterfront. i am here to speak in support of an alignment on your map, a move from the northern boundary of mariposa street to 16th street. we recognize in redistricting as in life, no one gets 100%. you have recognized a great deal of support for including the larger mission bay in district 10. that has now significantly changed. many believe moving the border to 16th street supports workers in mission bay in a much stronger way. advocacy of the ucsf campus is
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strengthened by dividing the area with the border at 16th street. the northern border with the 16th. the southern border would be at sixth street east of seventh. [tone!] again, advocacy is strengthened in the areas where two districts are supporting the overall mission the campus. thank you for all of the hard- working and done in support of district 10. i appreciate you have retained a view -- bay view and others together. you have kept portal whole. your wisdom speaks volumes. [tone!] thank you. >> thank you. yes, ma'am. >> oh, can you? ok.
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>> my name is olga. my house is on grove street. we strongly oppose the move to district 1 from district 5. we just learned about it last tuesday. it is just because some good soul put a fire in our mailbox. -- flier in our mailbox. we have been in the northern panhandle community for a long time. we would like to remain. it is a strong community. we have a lot of students using the panhandle playground. we have block parties for the entire community. we're clearly separated from district 1 geographically by the hill, usf, and the hospital.
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we did not have a chance to voice our opinions of all. -- at all. we have a proposal we mailed you last night to use a different block instead of hours. there is new housing in that block. they are all property homeowners. we, on the other hand, are a block of very old buildings with a healthy mix of homeowners and renters. [tone!] i think it would be a shame if we move out of the established community. thank you. >> thank you, ma'am. tommy gallegos. >> i am a resident here to support your map the way it is
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drawn in the portola district and ask that you made no changes. thank you very much. >> howard cheng. i need the other list, please. thank you so much. again, if you are wishing to offer public comments, we want to make sure you have signed in. hopefully everyone here has. the last name on the list is robert rusky. if you have not signed in,
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please do so and indicate you wish to offer public comment. we will hear from christopher bowman, mary briscoe. thank you. [tone!] >> it is on 30 seconds right now. i am chris bowen. i have kind of lost my voice. it has been a pleasure to come to the hearings except for two in los angeles. i did and all nine your -- nighter. i wanted to do an analysis of the plan, what you have accomplished, and where you need to go. i would like to say you are about 40% there. [laughter] there are 24 neighborhoods.
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i am really tired. 24 neighborhoods, communities of interest on institutions -- communities of interest, institutions divided in the redistricting. you have new united -- united nine of them and put five very close together. you can make five additional moves very easily that will not create ripple effects and unite by more neighborhoods. showplace square starting at 16th street, move into district 6. i know commissioner pilpel will appreciate it because it is a straight line for 16 blocks. but the 803 people in the southern part of the financial
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district into 3. [tone!] that will allow you with the surplus population to reunite the tenderloin. also, the campus of usf. there is one block at the top of clarendon with 35 people. they are not contiguous to district 5 but you put in there when you unified -- [tone!] parnassas haights. i hope you will put that back into district 7. thank you. >> my name is mary helen briscoe. i want to thank you for all the hard work on a difficult task. i want to thank you for restoring part of district 5,
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where i live, along the panhandle, to continue to be part of district 5. thank you very much for that. i am here today because of another isolated block. it is the block bordered by hayes and cole. it is the left hand arrow. it is surrounded on the west by st. mary's hospital, on the north by usf. this neighborhood has been beset by these institutions. there also isolated from district -- they are also isolated from district 1.
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our neighborhood group was formed to fight the encouragement of these institutions that did nothing for our neighborhood. the people on this block were involved in the fight and other struggles we have to keep our neighborhood intact. [tone!] please do not remove an integral part of our neighborhood. do not isolate this block. please restore this to district 5. thank you very much. >> thank you, ma'am. >> good morning, everybody. lisa spinalli, president of the sunny side neighborhood association. thank you for making our community intact in district 7. a promise to make sure we're
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good democratic participants and work hard on communication to make sure we do a good job as members of district 7. i want to offer to you that when richard goldman spoke earlier, he showed you this map. there is one block under question shared between glen park and sunnyside. district 8 would like to have one box. this block right here is one that could go to district 8. i wanted to make that available to you. our goal is to make sure we do this as cleanly as possible respecting every neighborhood association. thank you very much. >> following mr. buckner will be tess and brad, gilliam, brianna,
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and joe. >> good morning. i am tab buckner from district by. thank you for restoring most of the precincts we discussed. i do ask that you adopt the proposal mentioned about bringing back to district 5 4002. it is just one block north of the panhandle and has been very much a part of the community for many years. in turn, give to district 1 census block 2006. it is north of fulton and mostly new developments with people who do not have the history that people further south do. as a member of the lgbt community, i need to reiterate that a lot of us do not live in district 8.
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a consisteconsistently the disci have had with people is that district 5 is the appropriate place that will integrate and improve -- include 55 laguna. i urge you to heed the advice of others and put 55 laguna back into district 5. >> thank you, sir. yes. is that someone going to buy as lunch? pizza. when phones go off and introduced -- interrupt proceedings, they are subject to pizza attacks. >> it feels like a commission. you have been committed. we all have been committed. [laughter] thank you for your work.
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thank you for your sensitivity throughout the mapping process and looking at different parts of san francisco. what i found myself thinking reflecting is that you are a good example of how ordinary san franciscans can do extraordinary work in a challenging situation. you are not getting paid. you have to listen to people for bowman said your insurance exceeds the previous group. thank you. i would like to echo my support of the group here from the north of panhandle's suggesting a one block swap where the population is about equal. the swap puts the block into one that is all new construction,
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only about five or eight years old. it has a significant asian population. that neighborhood is not as invested as people who have lived for 20 or 30 years in the north of panhandle. i would like to support that. also, i would remind you that we still really want 55 within a -- really want 55 laguna. [tone!] >> thank you. brad? >> good morning. thank you for your support and hard work. a famous architect said scott is in the details. we are still at it. i would like to reiterate 55 back in district 5. the little block in nopa, please. i do not agree with chris on a
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lot of things. we are in accord on the residential district and commercial district being one. it is a spine. i am a member of members power. we represent home care workers. we're very sensitive to the issues of soma. it is one of the key population centers of our members. the central district business soma is not the same thing. is the buildings, luxury high- rises that are proliferating. they are similar to the housing in the north side of the central business district. they are renovated, luxury condos in historic buildings like 87 new montgomery. they also relate to buildings in the north of market -- the old financial district like the
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royal globe insurance building. [tone!] these similar conditions should be put together and be roughly down 52 howard -- roughly down 5 out to howard. we have the difference between modest low-rise housing and luxury high-rise housing. let's keep the residents in the same kind of district united. it will also help for numbers. [tone!] last thing. the west side is underpopulated, slightly over represented. east side is the opposite. it has industrial land that will be going to housing and grow. you have a counterintuitive situation here. thank you for your work.
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for 13 years. we were only notified our block was being considered for annexing 24 hours ago. i am brianna green. we have collected 27 written signatures and seven on-line signatures. we believe with more time we could easily get over 100 if not a lot more than that. we disagree with the decision by the task force 10 years ago to have removed any blocks south of fulton street. we emphatically disagree with the idea of removing -- we're physically separated from the richmond by a steep hill. we do not participate in the richmond in any way. our libraries and stores,
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everything we participate in is in the haight. we are a number of the panhandle. we're not a member of the richmond. [tone!] we're asking you to consider the other residences. they have 391 people. we have 309. their 64% white. we're 74% white. they are 27% asian. we are 9% asian. they are 4.8 hispanic. we are 6.8%. [tone!] their neighborhood more closely reflects the demographics of the richmond and they would be a better fit. we're not related to the richmond and like to remain a part of district 5 as we have been from the beginning. >> thank you.
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>> gillian gillette? >> thank you so much for the opportunity to make comments. thank you for all of your work. it is extraordinary the san francisco has so many citizens willing to step up for hours of testimony. my hat is off to you. thank you for the action you took earlier this week to close the block into 8 and into 9. i think it was a mistake you corrected. we're all grateful for that. i want to suggest today that you make another move, that you consider not continuing to
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gerrymander the neighborhood are live-in -- i live in by not going west on randall and then back east on 29th street. just stay north along mission street and the west on duncan, north on san jose. this is a neighborhood, an emerging neighborhood, trying to reemerge as a result of the freeway wars of the 1950's. san jose avenue is between 280 and randall. north of that, [tone!] the buildings in my neighborhood were on the east side of growth -- guerrero. none of those homes have rear yards. the city has begun to push about
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40,000 vehicles down san jose- guerrero. it has been injuries to the neighborhood. to build capacity in a neighborhood like that, you can get into political -- [tone!] i suggest you consider moving us all the way over to mission street. thank you. >> following joe will be tony kelley. >> good morning. dittos to the kudos and thanks and how intelligently you folks have handled this. i am back again to talk about the northern boundary of district 10 or the southern boundary of
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