tv [untitled] April 14, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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i know the state has the ability to determine whether it is enforceable publication. in terms of the board level, i want to anticipate the workforce programs that we may need to find other sources of funding for. june 30 is really quickly approaching. not having those answers is frustrating. we have to deal with the state. the best answer that we can get is that we can anticipate what might happen in june and that would be incredibly helpful. >> we can provide those lists of contracts and pull that up from the schedule. >> it does not have to be a board responsibility to see if that happens. >> this would be an important part to be able to fund. we could probably extend that if
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we do not see that there's anything there. >> i just want to clarify, in terms of the items that we believe our obligations, have we received confirmations that those are enforceable from the state? >> we are at the beginning of that process. we submitted this after the oversight board unanimously acted. there is a 10-day review process from the state. >> we are still at the point where we are trying to get the state to interpret that this is the obligation. it is 10 days to review that and provide either a yes-no. in terms of enforceable
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obligations, do they have a stream of commitments that we need to pay out to carry that forward? >> yes. the next fiscal year, what are we expecting? is it contracts? >> we have said that forward already. as part of the conversation, have we sent that forward the same time we did these other three product areas for their review? >> the full scope of everything that would be considered an obligation, whether it is the money for mohad or other payments. even if we are using other sources of revenue. >> in 10 days, what the state has confirmed is enforceable or not. >> it is through this 10-day process where we would come to some resolution. if there is more information
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gathering, we would continue to work with the state on that. >> at this time, we are concerned about what is enforceable in many areas. >> those are absolutely clear. those do not appear on the schedule. the dollar values to fund those activities. >> in terms of the staffing issue, i know we talked about having a general agreement with the labor unions that are going to be impacted by the layoffs and the severance and everything else that is part of the conversation. is that something that has to be ratified by the labor union or it does not? is it something that we are going to be implementing? >> i will have the mayor's budget director respond.
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>> my understanding is that there is an agreement that has been agreed to by both the city and the affected unions. the board will see that ammendment through the committees and the existing board. >> we see the actions that need to be taken. >> and to implement the changes to the agreement. >> in terms of changes, which are not expecting changes from where we are right now. it sounds like there is an agreement. >> the answer to that is yes. the city is in negotiations with all of our labor unions. the agency's unions is a part of that. the former employees are
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renegotiating. >> we have retained a certain amount of staff to be able to carry out and wind down the redevelopment agency projects. we have made an assumption about our past guess as to where our obligations are. given the fact that the state does have some discretion, how would those decisions potentially impact the us? have we been good about where we have been needed in terms of staffing levels and we do not need to change very much even if there is a change at the state level? did we go aggressive in terms of what we have assumed and we would potentially have to ratchet back? >> i will respond first.
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we were conservative and appropriate. it was a discussion dialogue with the other city departments whether the work could be absorbed or whether it makes sense with the city office of housing. i talked with the mayor's budget office md controller. we would not be in a situation where we were doing additional layoffs. we are in a wait and see process once the state comes back. we do not expect substantial changes. i think we will be in a different situation with the state. they take a completely different view. we have had a good relationship with san francisco and the department of public finance. working with them on preliminary audits. we are in a good position moving
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forward. >> the final question is for botht h the mayor's office and success of agencies. it looks exactly like the current year budget. i am looking for more information than this. i am looking to see how we expect these payments to change over time. the conversation that many members of the board are talking about is how is it that you are going to be funding whether it is work force development work that we were previously doing with redevelopment, whether it as affordable housing. there was a kind of conversation as to what we were doing with redevelopment that we were not doing because of an forceable
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obligations. if there was money going back to the general fund, how would we understand the money coming back to cost? i think we're still not answering that question very clearly. in the foreseeable future there is going to be a large part of our budget that is point to be eaten up by debt service. there is a huge part of our obligation that is to be paid. when do we start to see opportunities? we do not know when the obligation scheduled payments look like that we have committed to the states. we generally know where we are going to go with our staffing levels. there is no additional money coming into the general funding. is it 5 or is it 2? that is something i would be
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interested in getting more and for mission on. >> are there any more questions? why do we not open this up to public comment? are there members of the public that wish to speak on this? there are a number of speaker cards who wish to speak on this. ramon, brett andrews, anne cochrane, please come forward. >> supervisor carmen, avalos, kim, and scott. i come here today to see if i have a chance to see our mayor and see my supervisor kim. i come here today because i have a problem in my home.
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i have a letter to the mayor today contiguous to the letter i gave you yesterday. i think it is a shame. shame for anybody that closes their eyes. coming here with some money to open company. trying to kill us by making something outside of historic. he did something else wrong. you talk here about the bark. the use two cars -- parking lot. where did the money come from? why do you must cry that we have a problem for the budget? he paid some money to someone under the table to give him permission to do that. i don't give him any chance to
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kill anyone of us. one of my neighbors has a heart problem. he cannot go to the hospital because he has no place outside of the home to get the ambulance to help him. wake up. he takes money from someone. put him in jail. i wish i catch who gave him permission to do that to us. wake up. >> thank you. >> i want to state to those who give the presentation that the san francisco redevelopment agency was created by statute. governor jerry brown from the
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state of california by statute broght about the solution. to the children, the sisters and brothers who hellped us in the bay veiw, hunter's point area, this new entity that has been created, the oversight board, it is just another ploy to take this city down the drain into a cesspool. there is oversight that has not been given to the public. i will state it here. it is versightboard. if you go to this website, you
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can get all of the intermission. we are in a very corrupt system of black ink transparency and accountability. we have entities that want to continue what they have done before. i don't find any transparency. we have a representative from the agency who asks too many questions and disrupts the meeting. i am going to forward everything to the california department of finance. itththank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> eric brooks representing the san francisco green party. i was very happy to hear
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supervisor cohen press the importance of community involvement. we see that it is not just fiscal decisions that are being made by these agencies, but a lot of structural decisions about how to build out these cities. there are huge ongoing issues with the current programs, especially with the bay view, hunters point. for the last few years, there has not been adequate community decision making in this project. we know and tire classes, sometimes entire ethnic groups, groups that have major environmental concerns have been left out of this process. two key points on that. one is just public medicine. there have been thousands that have made comments on environmental impact reports and
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other aspects of this project. every one should be notified of the oversight board meeting so that they know to show up. i have been one of those commenters. i have been one of them. i received no notice of oversight board meetings. the other key point is, this is really crucial, the project area committees and the citizens' advisory committees are nowhere near adequate public involvement. we need to put community members sent by the community as advisory members of the oversight board. we need to have the community vote for those people so that we are getting the public fully engaged in this process. we need this to we need this to get out of the echo chamber of the community branch so people can get
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involved. supervisor chu: thank you. i want to read a few more names. [reading names] >> we have been around for 30 years, and we train young adults to enter the construction trade. as current contract is under the redevelopment agency program we provide great construction and solar installation training to 20 trainees a year, and replaced 80% of these graduates in a construction job. our graduates have opportunities to get placements on construction projects in solar and other employment. we understand that the mayor's plan for the city includes many references to jobs. our workforce program trains san franciscans for these jobs. with a system through the barriers that can hinder or prevent them from getting or seeking a job such as lack of a ged, driver's license, substance
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abuse. the impact of the closure of the redevelopment agency close the remaining half of this year's funding. this is 20 graduates who might not have any other opportunity to get a job in this area or trade. we ask that you consider reinstating the landing necessary to complete the contract so we can continue to train individuals and overcome barriers. i would like to introduce one of our current students who can tell you what chain -- changes and opportunities our training has provided. again, i want thank you for your time. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am and attending student at asian neighborhood design. asian neighborhood design has been one of the biggest impact in my life. i am learning skills that will provide a pathway of success for my future. not only is it about building and framing homes, but ideas about building and framing the mine.
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through this employment training center, they are sharpening my craftsmanship techniques, making me more diligent and aware of my short-term, mid term, and long- term goals. in all, becoming more reputable in this competitive job industry. i could be in numerous other places making decisions that would impact my family and my life, places like a king neighborhood design and other resource centers are a crucial added it in our community to provide directions for those who've lost sight. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am the executive director of positive resource center. i live in district 6, a positive resource center located in district 6. part of district 6 is the northwest corridor.
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i did want to say, with all due respect to the presentation, it was a little stunning to see that jri was not mentioned in more detail and the impact it would have with the dissolution of the redevelopment agency. it is important to note that the services that are being provided are barrier removal and, for positive resource center, the barrier's disability. while san francisco maintains and 8.1% to 8.2% unemployment rate, for those who are disabled, it is much higher. the services provided our community-based. the whole project over 18 months was a little over $1.7 million. we are looking for, if you continue that 18-month contract, until december of 2012, we would need another $617,000 approximately. if you annualize that on our
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city fiscal year budget, it would be $1.2 million worth of an investment, which has an incredible return on its investment. you cannot have economic empowerment and development without work force development. i will tell you this -- i see cannot recreate history, and when we have welfare, it would take us 55 years before we have welfare reform, which led to welfare work. we should not take 55 years to figure out that when you want economic development, you have to have work force development that is tied to it. thank you for your consideration. >> good afternoon, supervisors. san francisco resident, executive director of young community developers inc. i definitely want to commend the director and her team for being able to continue a lot of the development with the dissolution of the redevelopment
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agency, but also ask questions and stated there is a big piece that was not part of the discussion in terms of the job rate initiative service providers from july 1 until the end of the year and actually for the entire complete fiscal year. we do not have six months to wait on the state. we will need restoration funding starting july 1 within this new current budget, and that is just the reality of this. we are hoping that the possibility of finance from the general fund is a possibility. we have had conversations with directors at oewd, human services agency, and even though they do have to book its services, with the elimination of redevelopment, that creates a service debt. i do believe in efficiency. i understand that it would be great for another government entity to pick up the funding, but that is not the case. there are no more dollars that
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are dedicated to restoring the funding. i cannot begin to tell you how many organizations, with their participants to receive assistance in mitigation funding for driver's license issues, reentry restitution, union dues, that the participants as well can be connected, and our jobs are not just in connection with construction jobs. there is going to be a huge gap. services will be eliminated as of june 30 in terms of the funding we receive from this. we're talking about $1.2 million of loss of human capital. just for the record, in 2011, organizations like young community developers place over 50% of participants, so this is critical funding to making drug connections, so thank you. >> thank you.
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-- supervisor chu: thank you. >> i am the director of operations at young community developers inc. i want to echo what my colleagues are saying. we have hit it over the head when it comes the finances, but being on the program side, what i worry about most is there's no real transition or exit plan for the participants currently in the program. we have folks that still need help with these barriers to overcome in order for them to gain meaningful of climate, but there's no real strategy for these participants, so i definitely want to make sure that when we are having these conversations, we're keeping in mind. it is not just about the dollars, but the participants we are working with that we are really talking about here. not only that, but we are also talking about key staff. i know key staff that are on this redevelopment project that we have, and we definitely need
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to make sure we keep that in mind when we're talking about this. i want thank you for your time. >> good afternoon. i am a longtime worker from the community from the view hunters point. many years ago, i was a housing development specialist under alioto when he was the mayor of san francisco. the program was 833 units that were built. what we're looking at is the community is in dire need of work. i am not just talking about shovel and paperwork. i am talking about the kind for
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families to send their kids to college. those opportunities are not getting to the community. when you advertise for your work or for your project or contracts, it never reaches the community, the newspaper, and they only find out when someone calls them or lets them know that something is getting ready to go down. they are not in the loop, and that the quickest way to suppress a community. when i first got to san francisco in 1972, there were 37,000 people that live in bayview hunter's point. over 80% of those were black. you would be lucky if you find
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10,000 black people there. it is tantamount to -- i hate to say this, but ethnic cleansing. we need to do something to help the community because there's other people out there other than people who have fixed and shovels. there's other people who have other things on the agenda that they can do, and i hope you pay attention to that. pleased with the oversight board in plain view for everyone to see what they are doing and policies that they are setting. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> ♪ well, i think it is time we went up the redevelopment ladder to the roof you can see the revenue we can be closer to budget have been
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we can see we can see better than ever you can see all the money you endeavor you can see budget money and better forever oh, would you like to ride in my pitiful budget redevelopment balloon away up in the air in my beautiful budget and blew the lead we can follow along the money starts to get there, you and died for we can fly we can fly up, up and away my beautiful budget balloone has suspended all of the city and city is down below us
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keep the money and we will ride it up up and away in the redevelopment way up, but, and away today ♪ thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. if there are other speakers who would like to comment but have not heard the name scott, please line up in the center aisle. otherwise, this will be the final speaker. >> you had given me two minutes, but let me tell you something, you are not going to get the full truth of how all of this came about. when i saw in the report that the third street corridor is left out -- let me tell you one thing -- when redevelopment came
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back into my community, i was the vice-chair for the southeast community development corporation to bring redevelopment back into my community, and that was prior to the committee being set up. we have the first saying what did we want redevelopment to do on the fourth try? we came up with the third street corridor, and now, i'm seeing it is no longer there, and that was before the shipyard. that was before anything else came about. my time is going to be almost up, but let me say this to you all -- you know, i am sitting there listening to these young people talking about their projects being cut. fact is, the programs that they were responsible for, they just celebrated 39 years. part of the component was taken out
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