tv [untitled] April 17, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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board of supervisors and allowing businesses throughout the city to start growing the payroll tax base and making sure we continue to create jobs through san francisco. >> in light of the passage of the eating and drinking establishment definitions, i would like to submit and in memorialist. just kidding. it has now been taken out of our planning to go, but i have actual items i want to submit today. i am supporting a resolution of the they left project. i want to recognize the founder who is here along with the executive producer in the audience. they have been working diligently to bring this project to life. for those of you not familiar with it, it celebrates the seventy fifth anniversary of the bridge by installing 25,000 white energy led's on the west
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ban. it is viewable by drivers as they are driving through the bridge. our office sponsors this legislation as the bay bridge does in the district has this is a critical step in the permitting process. they came to us in january and we ask them to do outreach to the neighborhood groups, and the merchants associations that might be impacted by this project. the of the extensive of reach and i am happy to support their efforts today. to showcase heehaw like sculpture installation. this project will have no cost to the city and county of san francisco as a group is working hard to get all of the sponsorship through private donors. it is something that we expect will generate a lot of attention and appreciation for the history.
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and we will also highlight it as a public-works project that solidified the san francisco reputation of the cutting edge arts innovator. the artist orchestrate a lot of complex rhythmic artwork composed exclusively of points of light and the permanent collection is a major museum including the museum of modern art in new york. this will be his largest sculpture yet, and it will be seven times the scale of the eiffel tower hall's one hundredth anniversary lighting. how to thank the supervisors cosponsoring the resolution today. and they worked really closely with our office. and for working with our office, i want to thank them that staff cuts of this project. we spent a lot of time working on every little detail.
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i am happy to submit this today. i will also be introducing the long-awaited least for the police substation. it is something we have heard much about and we get almost daily requests from constituents and it is a high- priority and the south of market in the tenderloin. the substation was originally part of the redevelopment plan, a promise made to the community that public safety was one of the top concerns. and with further support, we introduced in the mid-market in the tenderloin tax exclusion in january of 2011 and was reaffirmed of the priority both of the mayor and myself as well. with the dissolution of redevelopment, we had a lot of delays and sags. lived in working diligently with the mayor's office to get this on the road, and i want to
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thank the former redevelopments half for working every step of the way to ensure that we can transition this project to the city, and i want to thank the others and for taking up the contract in work to ensure that we can make this a reality. into the chief for prioritizing this project as well since it will have an impact on the police department budget. i think it is really a testament to our support for this neighborhood, we do have the first homicide of the year on sixth street and stevenson, a lot of low-level crime, and the community wants to see foot patrol in support of the public safety officers in the neighborhood and welcome their visibility as well as increasing their relationship with the community there which i think is an important part of public safety. i look forward to working with everyone to make six st. more
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accessible and to save. the rest i will submit. >> i am introducing legislation along with my authors to put the city are about half of planning for the needs of the lgbt senior population. there was a well-attended a hearing on the topic, and we heard from a lot of the members of the community have experts in the field about some of the unique needs of the seniors. while there are needs that all seniors share like architectural barriers that can prevent people from remaining in their homes or isolate them, access to health care and income, there are also needs that are very specific hand challenges that a very
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specific to seniors, including a reduced likelihood of having adult children the health care for them. discrimination and facilities that costs some that have been out their whole lives to go back into the closet, aging with hiv and other issues as well. how this legislation will form a 18-month task force that will have 15 months to conduct hearings, consult with experts, and formulate recommendations for the board of supervisors to help us plan and for what will be an exploding population, an estimate of 25,000 of them in san francisco that is estimated to double in the next 18 years. if we don't plan for this, not only will we have a lot of people with a lot of problems had challenges not being met, but we face the risk of having
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neighborhoods like of the castro have had people living there for decades who are not going to be able to stay there, so this is an important issue and will help us focus on its. >> i just wanted to follow up on a couple of points have been made by my colleagues. i want to thank his supervisor wiener and his staff as well as the other work that has been done with my office a around the issue of the seniors. it is an important issue, and i think it is important we are moving forward with concrete steps, and the think this legislation is important, following the hearing that was held on that issue. i know many people are following this, so i am proud to be a co- sponsor of that effort. in respect to the legislation produced today, i am proud to be
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a co-sponsor of that legislation. it was something we had been working on for quite some time. i want to think not only the supervisor but his staff has well as others and my office that have been working on this. i think that there are very different opinions that people have on the issue of whether or not tax rates or payroll tax breaks actually create jobs. there are many, perhaps, different ways to look at that issue, but for me, the reason why it is that i think it is the issue of equity. at different times in the last few months, this body of the city government has made tax exemptions for certain industries or certain companies. i think that if we are going to do that, it is only fair that we do something for the small business owner. i want to thank the supervisor
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for being open and understanding in that when we talk about small businesses, the concept means different things to different people. i know that in my district, the small business really means a very small business that employs a very few individuals. it is that micro business that is an economic engine in those communities. they not only create jobs, but the jobs they create are jobs where they hire people from the neighborhood in approaching this piece of legislation, it was important for us that we heard directly from the small business owners that were actually the ones doing the work and creating the jobs in the neighborhoods. i want to thank my district and the lower twenty fourth street merchants association that were part of that discussion, and i
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am a better understanding -- and not only should there be better understandings -- incentives to create new jobs, but they should create more employment. businesses would like to hire people and highere people with e hours. this incentive will allow them to take that extra step. it actually allows the resources to be injected back into the community. that is why it is important for us to be -- but for my office to be a supporter of this legislation. i think it addresses the needs of the mom-and-pop business store, and the small business that is truly making a difference in the different
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communities. i am proud to be a sponsor of this, i look forward to the conversation as the legislation moves forward. my colleagues have not signed on to think about varco sponsorship. i think it is important that we send a very clear message that when it comes to business development, we care about every business and we especially care about the small business that ultimately is the true economic engine of this city. the last thing i would say, we are engaged in the redistricting process, but there might be differences of opinions on whether or not the result of that was a good one or about one. i want to thank the opportunity -- take the opportunity to thank the individuals border by the
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elections commission. i want to thank them for the service. they had to have dozens of meetings throughout the city. i want to thank then for their service. the rest i submit. >> i want to recognize the redistricting taskforce and commend them as well, and the individuals with the appointees for the board of supervisors. i thought they did an incredible job with the last four or five months. many people appreciated the transparency with which they engaged in the public and in backing the district in the neighborhood lines. he really did the best they could to try to put together the best district that respected the
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needs and desires of the community of interest. i think that they really put in a tremendous amount of time and really engaged themselves in one of the utmost respect full and possible -- respectful ways possible. thank you, supervisor campos for recognizing them. it is a fairly intensive process and i was surprised to were able to submit on time. i know many others are not able to do the same. >> seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes rollcall for introductions. public comment is the opportunity for the public to comment generally for up to two minutes on the items within the subject matter jurisdictions of the board and to include them on the reference for committee calendar. comment is not allowed on those
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ladies and gentlemen, as you know, i was in my life 28 years for the poor people that can't provide for themselves. now i fight for my life. ahmed konnani, he had coverage . half of the shop had customers, half of his shop is empty. he uses it as -- [unintelligible] he hired homeless people to throw his garbage in the corner of the street. he stole from our ambulance car to put something outside my
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read my lips. i have here something for each one of you. wake up before i die, because when i die, you can't deal with my life. i'm right to do so. thank you. god bless america. wake up. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> members of the board of supervisors, san francisco open government member. at the completion of my statement, i will be submitting a summary to be included with the mets in accordance with the sunshine ordinance. most people pay no attention how the city operates. when the ethics commission heard the case jewel gomez, these were the headlines.
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the ethics panel reprimands lesbian library commissioner. sf mayor asked to remove library commission had. please fire president jewel gomez. and ethics to mayor, ethics commission begs mayor to enforce such an ordinance. as i mentioned in prior appearances here, the mayor was caught after the third making a full and threatening comments toward me because of my comments during public comment at the board meeting. it is pretty clear wheremayor -- where mayor ed lee stands on enforcement issues. if is a somewhat directly under their control, let them stay. otherwise, out a person goes.
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it is clear how the board of supervisors choose to handle the matter. they are cynically placed by the mayor by the ethics commission and how did it recommend removal. we have a mechanism in place for changing the results, it is a recall. we don't do public opinion polls. we don't do "i hate him, get hime out." we do a recall election and if people want him removed, that is out it goes. not by using a method discredited by their own lack of enforcement. [chime] >> supervisors, today i was at the mta metropolitan transportation agency meeting.
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three supervisors and ed reiskin put in a lot of work, and hopefully, soon, our young people will be able to ride muni free, but nothing comes free. what i have stayed here is that somehow, we have to be able to work with a private industry to get some infusion into the mta to make this possible. the burden should not be pitting one operation against the other. the gentleman before me says we are involved in what he called freedom of information act. a lot of it comes from our previous work working with the federal government. it is always interesting to see
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how some supervisors want to circumvent giving the public an opportunity to express themselves or trying to use the ethics commission or some other convoluted agencies within the city government to harm or adversely impact some citizens. whether you like it or not, if you choose to represent, you are held to standards, and there are some supervisors who do not understand that, even though they take all their orientation, the ethics orientation -- they do not understand it. public comment is important. thank you very much. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> the ndaa -- mark trout,
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former candidate for city council, district 9, san jose. how are you? the national defense authorization act, alex jones was interviewed on january 10 year terribly treason as unconstitutional bit of legislation that says that if somebody calls you a terrorist, you can now be held indefinitely without a trial, tortured, were killed by our military. i think about kaifu's, the high priest, and his profession that he made in the 11th chapter of john when he said, "you know
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nothing of all more consider that it is expedient for you that one man should die in that the whole nation should die." this, he spake not knowing it was a prophecy about the work of christ. he accused christ and his followers in essence of being terrorists, didn't he? he was saying that if we allow jesus to live -- by the way, the bible says, from that day, they plotted his death -- that he would so stir up the romans against us that they will destroy our city. this was a charge totally untrue. christ said even to go so far as to turn the other cheek when stricken and to pray for their persecutors and those that hated them. it was an untruth charge, saying that christ and his followers basically were terrorists. supervisor chiu: thank you.
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next singer. >> mark was going to sing, but i guess he did not get a chance to. welcome. good afternoon. i have graphics. there it is. ♪ extra, extra don't be late you cannot wait at the x-factor auditions it is going to be great at the city's main event ♪ i think it is at the cal palace. i'm not sure. and -- ♪ don't you love this city madly? don't you want to give your heart gladly? tell me what you say tell me what you say
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don't you love this city as you are walking out your city hall door like you did 10,000 times ♪ -- i have graphics. ♪ before ♪ boy, is this an old door knocker. and it is the anniversary of the 1906 earthquake again almost. here is a piece of the melted metal from the graphics. ♪ i feel the earth move under my city feet i feel the sky tumbling down i feel my heart starts to assemble in when the city burns it is in back then 0, city, when i want you say it is always like the month of may won't you make it that way
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i feel the city to earth move under my feet i feel the sky burning it down ♪ >> supervisors, when the board had considered a resolution criticizing the israeli raid on the gossip flotilla two years ago, supervisor elsbernd voiced his opposition, saying he did not believe his constituents elected him to be weighing in on a blockade in the middle of the mediterranean -- supervisor chiu: if you could please address your comments to
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all the members of the board, it would be appreciated. those are our board rules. >> mr. elsbernd stated he thought his constituents had elected him to balance the new budget, filling potholes, taking care of the city. the board is considering a resolution criticizing the turkish government for an alleged failure to condemn the actions of the ottoman empire taken against its armenian subject. since you are weighing in on a historical -- historical controversy in the eastern mediterranean, does that mean the muni budget has been balanced and all the pot holes in the city have been filled? it is not as though president obama and secretary of state clinton who need to keep's support are going to listen to you anyway. -- who need turkey's support. the u.s. needs turkey more than turkey needs us. do you really think turkey is going to listen to a bunch of insignificant in willie brown's
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words pantywaist politicians and lectured them about their history? last year, kim kardashian, america's most famous armenian american, appeared on a magazine cover. if she, who is more intelligent in generally held public esteem than yourselves, and let bygones be bygones, why can you not give armenia a rest this year? thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i did not have any intent to speak this afternoon because i was hoping to meet the three or four ladies that i met about a month ago where we expressed our opinions
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