tv [untitled] April 18, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT
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low hanging fruit. young folks that might still need an experience, a job, but may not be as disconnected and have had this other opportunities along the way, where they are at the place where they are ready to take advantage of a job. that is great, but i am very concerned about the young people who are some steps behind and need to be supported, trained, developed with those skills in order to be ready to take an opportunity like a job or an internship and actually be able to succeed in that opportunity. i also appreciate the supervisors comments about trying to get an address on speaking further about this. we have a lot of great efforts, but there needs to be a better
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system that is actually being intentional about identifying those most disconnected young people and getting them to take advantage of the job. another thing i would love for you all to be supportive of is not just the jobs, but the plus aspect, which is mentor ship, job shadowing, professional development. i think that we can hold the differences accountable to provide some kind of opportunity based on what the capacity is. thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. i am with the komen advocates for children and youth. i would like to thank the mayor and supervisors for really taking up the challenge that the president has put before the
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country. we are in full support of this resolution. many of you came out and spoke at the rally a few weeks ago. and i think everyone else heard, throughout city hall, the call for jobs. but just youth jobs, but jobs in general. a few things to keep in mind while going through this resolution in urging the mayor, tomorrow, to not let this be a one time funding opportunity, whether it be jobs or funding, we want to make sure that money is raised to continue youth jobs every summer and making sure that is connected youth are prioritized. unemployment is much higher in black and brown communities. i am also looking at making sure that populations such as undocumented use have this opportunity. looking at some creative
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thinking about how they can be paid for these opportunities. looking at stipends or educational grants. there is a huge population here that have many barriers and an opportunity like this should not be passed up. >> thank you. >> good morning. in a program coordinator for the mayor's youth program. for 14 years i have been working with youth throughout the city. primarily in the bayview hunters point neighborhood. i was given the opportunity as a youth to work under a nonprofit organization, where i learned the skills and things i needed to become a successful employee
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at an organization. i now have the opportunity of giving those skills in teaching kids neighborhoods what they need to know to become successful employees in san francisco. i feel like this particular opportunity of summer jobs in san francisco, it is a great opportunity for disconnected you if that lived in the mission. to gain these skills in order for them to be able to work. there are private sector places where they may not have the opportunity otherwise. i would like to remind you that the mayor's public education program provides the training for youth, with ages 14 to 15, providing the soft skills needed for the government and job market. i hope that this kind of opportunity lasts not only for the summer, but it is something that is long lasting and
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throughout the year. i am in full support of the summer initiative. >> good morning, supervisors. i wanted to thank you this morning before having this meeting. in a coordinator with the san francisco youth works program and a passive participant of programs. i would like to applaud the efforts of the board and the response to continue to put efforts forward for more summer jobs. at use works we have received over 600 applications. we had to turn away over 400 youth. i am sure the you are aware. this summer we planned to place an additional 50 youth by unpaid internships. we hope that the city can continue to provide the continual increase was jobs in
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the public sector. we also wanted to thank the participating supervisor offices for providing the mentor ship that these interns -- these youth need, so that this plus portion of job opportunities -- i would also like to thank in advance other departments that plan to contribute to the mentor ship in providing this experience for the intern's. there was a question earlier -- i believe the supervisor asked about which departments could do what in general, not only in providing the money, but making sure that the employees know about the program, so they can participate as mentors. that is the big asked here.
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we can provide the workshops, the training, and as unemployment coordinator i have the opportunity to see these students grow from their interviews, and also to speak to the transitional issues for those transferring out of our programs. they also need more, you know, opportunities. thank you. >> camille? -- supervisor avalos: camille? you have been with the program for four years? >> about. supervisor kim: the number of young people applying for jobs in the summer, is that a constant? or are we seeing an increase? >> an increase. supervisor avalos: thank you. supervisor olague: i have a
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quick follow-up question for you. sorry. in your experience, your observation, what has been more effective in supporting the transition for keeping jobs and helping to transform a life, whenever it is? what are the most effective tools in that? >> the support they receive from employment coordinators' and mentors allows them the capacity to see that they make a difference. even if they're doing the backlog in, they are part of the team and making a difference. they can transfer these skills into other opportunities. just allowing them to see the potential in themselves. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker, please? >> could morning, supervisors.
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in the executive director and i would like to commend the youth commission for the responses to this resolution. i wanted to respond to the questions that came up earlier. i have been around in involved in view of employment for 20 years now. i need to make sure that this sense of urgency is appreciated. last year, just the programs might organization is involved in, just our programs alone turnover 2000 youth away. that was alarming to me. in over 20 years of being involved in these services, i have never seen it this bad. that is why i am so pleased that this effort to move forward, i was the one who wanted to respond to the supervisors question.
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i think it is wonderful that the mayor will go to the private sector and ask them to hire these young people, but to put a finer point on this issue, the young -- private sector does not seem to be very tolerant of young people were not ready to work. it is critical that those who can -- and it is my understanding that there are a lot of companies in this town making money -- put forward the resources of that program is trying to get kids ready to work can meet the capacity and the demand. having to turn away that many kids last summer was heartbreaking, frankly, and it is why we have been pushing on this issue for so long. we felt something had to be done about this. we did not feel that the level of urgency was being felt, as far as what we were seeing last summer on a day-to-day basis. i want to urge you all to
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support this effort and make sure that we take full of vantage of this opportunity. not just in terms of jobs, but in terms of the private sector resources in and the leverage you have as a committee. we could take from the vantage of this opportunity. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is walter. hello. good afternoon. my first summer job was as a campus minister. i worked there for four years. they have a room that was -- that is no longer there now. ♪ city, where are those president obama summer youth jobs if your broken budget should
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need repair than once you fix it up please and won't you make a fancy job free here is the main thing i want to say we need good use jobs every day. bring it to us please. if your broken budget should need repair, then i am the man to see. and bring those jobs president obama, please ♪ thanks. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> hello, i am currently the mayor's youth coordinator for unemployment. last year's summer youth
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employment programs that were funded, our small team of three people was able to successfully recruit more than 400 positions across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. i am hoping that if the funding is available and there, the jobs will come. thank you. >> thank you. i work for the mayor's youth employment education program. i want to say how important it is that we really do push for this. i think that having an impact on any youth has to be done as a whole. not just as an individual, but a community. many of the youth, especially, in this disconnected and transitional age, many of them
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often do not get involved in that kind of atmosphere and environment. to have that push an opportunity would be amazing for them. thank you for listening and i encourage you to take this opportunity. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. i have been working at youth employment organizations for almost 15 years now. i wanted to thank the mayor's office and supervisors for taking this on. i think enough has been said for what we should do this. every year there are hundreds without jobs. as to where the planning is going, it is enough to fund 900 positions, supporting the need to be successful in the summer
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employment sector. thank you. >> good morning. i just want to talk about last summer. i had over 200 applications with only 60 slots. the kids the turn away, i drive up and down the street all summer and i see them out there, getting in trouble, smoking, drinking, getting into trouble, in jail. i do not think that would happen if we had an informant. thank you. >> the morning, supervisors. in a coordinator from richmond. each summer we have youth
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agency's that are not able to expect all of them because of funding. they're lucky. they're able to have portfolios. a lot of them come back and say thank you. some of them have been looking for four years, others for six years. other people, i am very happy that you have summer jobs program for youth. thinking about the experience that they have and what they would get, because i worked a summer job, without something concrete like a portfolio, i
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hope that you really like to think about the model, empirical models and things like that. thank you. >> good morning. in the associate director of jcyc. first, if this initiative remains a jobs only request, it will once again the behind the disconnected use. it has been reiterated before, but i wanted to make sure it was clear. it needs to be supplemented with funding for support services to support you for placement. the second point is to emphasize that japanese community youth council has a history of being able to scale up their operations rapidly in quickly. but would it mean to get the funding?
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even the history from last summer, during the school year we normally serve about 500 youth. last summer we were able to serve 1500 in a manner -- in a matter of a month or two. i just wanted to emphasize that that is possible and the youth employment coalition is ready to go. and we are ready to serve. thank you. >> good morning. my name is daphne. in the project coordinator for chinatown. in the fall we were accepting applications. personally, i had to turn away approximately 20 youth. we are talking about a youth who are interested in working during the school year, alongside balancing between a job in
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school as well. canned -- and at school as well. we focused on the financial literacy and resume building. thank you for the attention. >> could morning, supervisors. menem is stephanie in the in the coordinator at the youth development center in the talent -- tenderloin. our youth is extremely high risk. last summer we had over 200 applications and we can only serve a fraction of that. it is very unfortunate. i am asking that we get more support from the city government. thank you very much. >> hello, supervisors. in the employment coordinator at
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the japanese community youth council. i wanted to bring a personal story i had encounters. -- encountered. what resonated with me was that their parents were unemployed in their having a difficult time finding a job. that their wage could not contribute to a family household. as you know, in this economy it is typical for many individuals to find jobs. this program will be pivotal in helping the communities in the bay area. i have been working on this video for them and what i really was amazed with was 40% of the intern's share their family income. $35,000.
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barely enough to survive in the city. i applaud your efforts. thank you. >> we are fortunate in this city, thanks to the supervisor, who has formed the use commission. some of them sit behind me. the use commission should think outside the box. you supervisors should know that you have a population of about 811,000. for every 28 constituents, we have a budget of 9.6 billion. i know that some are trying to pay attention to me in a
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convoluted manic, and others are not, that is ok. these are some pictures in my will follow up with an article that can expose those who are doing what they are supposed to do and those who do not want to do what they are supposed to do. we have to pay attention to our youth. if we do not pay attention to our youth, some of them are begging for money. if we do not pay attention to our youth, then we have to focus on incarceration. that is on you. i am here to remind you that you are supposed to represent. if you really represent the population including the huge, you have to do it in a holistic
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manner. the youth should not be coming here year after year, begging for money. that should not be the case. thank you very much. supervisor chu: are there any other speakers have wish to comment? seeing no one, public comment is closed. colleagues, we have listened to public comment. i believe that there were a number of comments based on the legislation moving forward. can we except in motion to amend the legislation and turn it into -- i would say after line 18, following the rest of the clauses. done without objection. colleagues, the item as amended?
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i would like to add my name as a co-sponsor. i think it is a great initiative. great work to get our use employed. break conversations will have to continue once we do move forward. i am very supportive of that. dunn of objection. item number four, please. -- done without objection. item number four, please. >> item #4. ordinance amending the san francisco administrative code by adding chapter 14c, sections 14c.1 through 14c.3 to provide for a downward adjustment in price or upward adjustment in rating of a proposal or bid from a california benefit corporation for a competitively-solicited city contract. supervisor chu: thank you. colleagues, let's wait a minute to allow for supervisor shichiu
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to get here. would you like to say a few words? supervisor chiu: thank you for taking another look at this item. if you recall, at the last meeting, the chairman and supervisor had asked for me to occlude a couple of additional amendments to accomplish a couple of things. the first was to expand the category of protected businesses. they wanted me to include regional businesses, defined as areas that have their principal place of business i am one of the eight surrounding counties. that is something that we have
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been hooted. the second thing the supervisor had asked for was to include an expiration date for this legislation to be three years from the effective date. the operative date would be 90 days after the ordinance. we have circulated the amendments of -- over the last few days. i would like to ask for your support and hopefully we might be able to put this legislation through. supervisor chu: i believe we have already heard the budget analyst report. mr. rhodes, is there anything you would add? >> i have nothing additional to that. supervisor chu: i think that the other item that he shared with us was the number of and rolled california benefits had changed. we had originally heard that there were 21 benefits, and at
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last look there were 30. >> i am sorry, could you repeat? >> the last information provided was that there were 30? >> correct. our contact is not available. we did not get a call back yesterday. it was updated 30 as opposed to the 21 initially reported. supervisor chu: colleagues, we have the amendments that have been passed out to less. let's take public comment before we take action on it. are there members of the public that wish to speak on item number four? >> i was here the last time this agenda item was the liberated. and we were debating at the last meeting a big operation.
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what happens in reality is that we do have people in not doing very well in this city or san francisco. i hope that we get some sort of analysis from the budget analyst controller, because in reality these are not doing very well. i understand the supervisor wants to initiate this legislation. as a constituent, i want to know the role that the human rights commission is going to fly. i see, from talking to over 50 lbe's, something is not working
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at the human rights commission. many of the combined processors are stressed. i do not know if we need to address the health department to do something about it, but my concern is that if we have the big operation and they are suffering today, who is going to do the compliance? all i am asking is whether quantity to be sold. if things do not work out, there was the belief that there needed to be a sunset cloud, which i do not see. thank you very much. supervisor chu: th
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