tv [untitled] April 22, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PDT
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>> director harper is joining us in director ortiz's absence. [roll call] madam chair, you do have a quorum. >> thank you. are there any communications from thursday? is there any new or old business? seeing none, we will move to the director's report. >> good morning, everyone. before we move on to other items on the agenda, i just want to let the board and the public know that yesterday i attended a ceremony for the white house. we were invited by the first lady's office. we were invited by the joining forces initiative.
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americans are coming together to recognize our veterans and military families. the initiative promotes education and wellness for the men and women that are transitioning from our military to civilian life. we had nonprofit groups, government entities, and the trance state -- transsattate authority. we were also able to obtain a commitment from web corps to hire 50 veterans. we were very proud to be part of the first lady's veterans initiative. the next item -- at our last meeting, supervisor kim asked
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that we provide an update on how we work with the san francisco school district, in terms of bringing them to tjpa offices and our various confecting partners. we have asked if they can present, and thank you, evan. >> thank you for having me, directors. my name is evan decker. i am sure you are familiar with james holt. he works with our supervisory boards. i typically work with our educators and students. i am here to talk about how the city district interacts with tjpa. i wanted to give you an overview of all of our programs and provide a more holistic view. i think you have your -- some
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slides about our programs. we have 27 academies and pathways, nine industry sectors within nine high schools. we are concerned with about 50 teachers. we are talking about engineering, pre-engineering, carpentry. we serve 2250 students. the students are mainly in the 11th and 12th grade. none of our academies go to the ninth grade. of the 13,000 high-school students between 10th and 12th grade, we serve about 2250. will serve on seven district advisory boards. the advisory boards amount to about 250 across all industry sectors. we have a great partnership with
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the college. we have almost 400 students enrolled in class is. -- classes. after their school day, they receive high-school and college credit for those courses. we have glasses that are offered in welding, engineering, pre- engineering, and also on math and engineering class that counts as a credit for students over the summer. the academy structure really combines three things. it is a small learning community. we have a group of teachers, generally two to three teachers working together with a cohort of students, students from the 11th or 12th grade. they are together in their elective class, and generally they go to social studies or english class where the project is participating or integrated
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so that the learning is applied. u c with many of our students, -- you see with many of our students the learning in the classroom is not really applied in the real world. we try to have hands-on instruction that is applied to their core curriculum class. for an example, we are developing a course that will incorporate both geometry and carpentry. using the essential understanding of geometry and how are you actually going to construct a house? that sort of thing. we have the business partnerships. which we are very grateful to the tjpa for coming to our event on december 8 and putting the call out for organizations participating in the project to support our students.
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we do that through job shadows, through guest speakers. we had folks from tjpa come and speak to our students at burton high-school. we had ninth grade students, trying to engage them and get them to enroll in the engineering academy their. another key aspect of our academy is the situation with the college. it is really essential that students get a firsthand college experience while they are still in high school. it has been shown that students participating in enrollment courses finish either eight two- year or four-year degree faster than students that come out of high school without such courses. just to talk a little bit about our curriculum -- we have a strict requirements that all
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students must meet the uc guidelines for acceptance. that starts this year with the first night grade class. -- with the first to ninth grade class. the way we are trying to keep up with that is through the integrated curriculum, working closely with math departments, english departments, social science departments to make sure the career tech ed requirements are applied in that classroom. another example would be a class from a colleague at wells, taught in the context of algebra. students are doing measurements and it is all applied into producing some type of project at the end. i will move on from here.
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here you see all of our academies and pathways. in addition to tjpa, you see our academies involved in architectural construction and engineering. our engineering academies -- the one at washington is the two- your academy. you also see here an hour tech 21 courses -- our tech 21 courses. what you do not see here is our cooperation with the well-known architectural program. >> if i made? -- if i may? these are projects where you will be a recruiting potential summer interns from? >> yes. director kim: and how do you do
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that work? how do you recruit students into the program here at tjpa? >> here we have the summer intern program. we have the academy pathway. we are encouraging all our students from the 11th and 12th grade to take part with some kind of internship. we're trying to standardize throughout the district, where students are making sure since they're in the academy, that they are focused on entrance peeping that they do their various assessments, focused on where they are in the field. architecture, civil engineering, technology. and then we have research, local research around the school, around the neighborhood.
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what organizations support that industry. we encourage students to get in contact with those industries, find out more about what a person in the profession would do. we also have the teachers interacting with the students, doing job shadow's. students going to the work site, shattering the students, perhaps -- shadowing the students, perhaps getting a better feel of what they would do in that organization. then we have our informational interview. that is where the students are interacting with the industry professional, interviewing the professional, saying "how did you get to where you are," what is your motivation, what drives you? and asking for recommendations. "how do i enter into the field?"
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it folds the academy programs within the 11th grade. we're talking about roughly 120 students. in january we sent a letter to parents and teachers come up with a deadline and asking them to commit to the program. that narrowed it down to 70 students. we then sent out an application. we ask them to fill up the application to be considered for the internship. again, that is with the deadline and students returning it and deciding they did not want to do what. now we have a pool of 41 students. out of that pool, we have asked teachers to recommend the students they think are most capable. we value our relationship with srs and tjpa, so we want to make sure those students will show up on time, are receptive to
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direction, able to fill in its direction was not clear. also along those lines, we also have citizenship. students to have to be citizens. they are getting paid. the need to be citizens be been -- they need to be citizens. so, we narrow that down. i put the call out to teachers about two weeks ago when they sent me the position numbers and i have gotten back so far about six recommended students. of those six, i will make sure this is what they are up for. and i will make the two recommendations for those students that we have. that is really the prospects of selecting the student's. -- selecting the students.
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i can also talk more about how they get to that position in the 11th grade. in the seventh and eighth grade, through our curriculum, students take a ap exam. that exam is an interest assessment. it matches what students think their skills are and what their interests are into a series of fields that help narrow down to an industry they may be interested in. we had that curriculum designed to help students in their selection of high-school. as you saw with our programs, the programs are dispersed throughout the district. however, they are not in every school. we try to make students aware of what programs are available and where they are available, so when they are making their
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selection they can end up in a school where they have that opportunity if they are interested in engineering or architecture. again, in the ninth grade, we have a sign ahead curriculum which really helps students plan out a six-year plan, making sure they meet requirements, making sure they are able to purchase debate in their elective courses, and they are then able to have contracts with professionals in the industries they are interested in. the 10th grade starts when a few of our academies start as well. that is when we have this first year where they are taking the elective class, at intro to engineering, intro to architecture. carpentry programs, intro to carpentry. so, these three years, it is really an awareness, and exploration, and in 12th grade, a preparation. and the preparation leads to
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city college. most recently, with our agreement with the carpentry program, we will be able to incorporate parts of the program and to our high school curriculum so we have direct evidence to that program. director kim: if i may ask a question -- and of the program is fairly new. how many students have we had joined the preadmission program? >> that particular agreement just happened last month. director kim: ok. >> in terms of students going on, we have had -- i think it is roughly three students to five students. director kim: all from mcconnell? >> yes, mainly from mcconnell. director kim: thank you. >> along the same lines, we
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have students participating in the welding class at city college, and this summer, the summer welding class will be paring -- pairing veterans with students at washington high school in the automotive program. that meets three times a week as well. i mean, if we want to continue to look at the 11th grade and the 12th grade, where we see all, those programs are available to all students. so, the use works program, the -- youth works program, the program at city college, those programs are available to all students. as far as the academy programs,
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we try to make sure our students have accessibility. we recruit from all i schools as well. and you see the program beginning in the second semester of the ninth grade. students have the ability to get from 5 credits to seven credits before they graduate from high school. make sure students have direct entry to the building trades, construction, also, welding or automotive programs as well. i talked about work-based opportunities. that is really where tjpa and the school district's connect. by supporting the curriculum, we have seen this in our carpentry class. we have worked very closely with
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burton high school, and i know we have worked very closely with the city program and our academy of engineering programs that washington and offered to develop their camp curriculum -- their curriculum. really the cherry for the students here is internship. we have 40 students that have expressed interest between all our programs. we are currently looking for places for all of the students. so, we are very grateful for the tjpa. however, we still have a need to meet that. i am very excited to see the work that will be happening later on. let's say. oh, the internship program. is a six-week program from june
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18 to july 27. is always a six-week program. the dates fluctuate. for 20 hours a week, the students participate. we are able to offer summer credit. students participate three hours a week in seminar classes where they are logging their reflections on their experiences and they're learning agreements with their internship hosts on what specific skills they want to work on. weather is being more organized, developing self-confidence -- whether it is being more organized, developing self- confidence. again, they are just getting it reinforced, all the process that it takes to get a position as an architect or a carpenter or what have you. we have students from many of
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our union halls as construction manager shadows in the school district construction sites. you see we work very closely with connected in berkeley, using their technology for our logging purpose. last year, throughout all of our industry sectors, we had 224 compensated internships. we even had four or five students who were volunteer. they did it compensation through their credit that they received. they were well aware they were volunteering. we had more than 200 jobs shadow opportunities.
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last year, we had our industry fare. -- industry fair. students did on-site informational interviewing to again reinforce what it takes. they developed reza maze -- resumes, cover letters. they came out very well dressed. dressed for success. director kim: before you go on -- and actually, i think we can see all of that. is actually a great presentation on the program itself. is a curious. i would love to get the breakdown on demographics. when i was on the school board, and no one of the challenges, we had very few african-american and latino students that were eligible to apply for these internships, and that continues
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to be a big concern of mine, how we are ensuring diversity but in our academies and internship programs at the end. i was curious -- do they also check for citizenship? this is my first time ever hearing that. >> i think with youth works they do as well. with the school district, we have had long discussions about it. i am happy to provide information. we are concerned about access. i think the academy programs represent the demographic of the school. that is the population we are dealing with. we are reaching out to schools where we do not have programs to do enrollment programs to make sure that we are reaching as many students as possible to make sure the demographic is
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reflective of them. director kim: thank you so much. >> now we have our construction update. i think steve it stepped up. maybe we can go get him. -- i think steve stepped out. our rfp is under way. now we have our construction update. >> directors, good morning. i am steve. another successful month. we did increase productivity on the budget work. we are up to 2.8 shafts per week now. we were actually getting three in place last week, contractors working a little bit longer shifts and saturdays to get caught up on the few we were behind. for no safety issues this
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period. no recordable, no injuries. the work has been continuing on first street on the assuring wall on the north and south sides so we are on track for the traffic bridges going on first street on memorial day weekend. in addition, we started the bracing, which i will show you pictures of. the peony covers were completed on fremont -- pg&e covers were completed on fremont. this is the time line as it moves along. we are almost done with all the shoring wall the week after next. we have completed almost all of
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the perimeter, even the street crossing. the traffic plans are going in for memorial day weekend. the site map here -- the trestle piles were completed down there in the west and. that will be installed shortly as well. as i said, the cdsm almost crosses first street. we did get several piles, several shafts completed this month. the 65th was last night, yesterday afternoon. they should get 66 and 67 through saturday of this week. just some shots of the excavation. we were able to take a shorter reverse angle on a zone four.
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there it shows a photo of the site. in the central and west section, the main thing has been getting the trestle bridge ready, starting that cross lot. you can see the right hand in the far corner. you can see the diagonal portion of the cross pop bracing -- across -- cross hop breezing. that is looking the other way. you can see that, the diagonal racing going in. you can also see the completed piles. the side-by-side roads. and of course, the trestle bridge. that is the far southwest end of the project for the trains will,
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in in the future prevent -- where the trains will come in in the future. as this gets completed a little bit further on the diagonal, they are actually going to start the massive excavation later this week and next week, where we would actually be pulling out the braces and go down to the next level as we crossed the lot and go further to the east. the cdsm wall was completed on first street two weekends before easter. it took a lot more planning because of the utilities in the streets has it finally started. that started on howard this last
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period. the construction budget remains the same as previously. again, the overall schedule, very summarized here, but currently it passes over through the zone for buttress work down there, and then we will move on to excavation in that area and so on. we were in pretty good shape for the schedule. the hours completed -- 250,000 craft hours. 250,000 hours for our labor. the distribution remains fairly close to previous months'. with over 20% coming from san francisco. the of the majority is 28% coming from the east bay. this
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