tv [untitled] April 24, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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supervisors meeting. please call the roll. supervisor avalos: present. supervisor campos: present. president chiu: present. supervisor chu: present. supervisor cohen: present. supervisor elsbernd: present. supervisor farrell: present. supervisor kim: here. supervisor mar: present. supervisor olague: here. supervisor weiner: present. >> all members are present. president chiu: ladies and gentlemen, could you please join me in the pledge of allegiance? colleagues, can i have a motion to approve the board meeting minutes?
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without objection, those meeting minutes are approved. >> there and a communications. item number 1 is a motion adopting findings and approving a conditional use authorization on property located at 1111 california st., subject to conditions imposed by the board of supervisors on april 3, 2012. president chiu: roll-call vote. mayor lee: ah -- supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: aye. supervisor weiner: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. president chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. >> there are 11 eyes. -- ayes. item two amends the code for
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adjustment in writing of a proposal or bid of a california corporation for a competitively- bid city contract. president chiu: same house, same call? >> item 3 urges the mayor to launch a summer jobs campaign to increase the employment opportunities for san francisco's disconnected young people. president chiu: same house, same call? >> item 4 authorizes the department of emergency management to accept and expand eight grant in the amount of $35.50 million, amending the annual salary ordinance, reflecting the addition of zero any -- of one of grant-funded position in the police department. president chiu: this ordinance is passed on first reading. >> item 5, appropriating salaries and fringe benefits in
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the fire department budget and reallocating it to overtime to meet projected increases. president chiu: same house, same call. >> item 6, re-appropriating funds in the police department for overtime to support projected increases. president chiu: same house, same call. >> item 7 is an ordinance appropriating $320,000 in salaries for overtime in the public utilities commission. president chiu: same house, same call. >> item 8, appropriating surplus revenues and expenditures and general fund reserve to support shortfalls in the department of public health for the fiscal year. president chiu: same house, same call. next item. >> and 9, resolution authorizing the department of public works
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to execute an amendment to the executive structural engineering and consulting services by increasing the not-too-exceed amount -- not-to-exceed amount for the seismic improvements project. president chiu: without objection. >> item 10, ordinance changing the official sidewalk width of portions of golden gate avenue, polk street, and redwood alley. president chiu: same house, same call. >> item 11, a resolution approving for six months designation of six temporary selling spaces for street artists certified by the arts commission, exempting said spaces for regulations of the police code pertaining to the display size. president chiu: this resolution is adopted. why don't we go to will callbacks >> supervisor -- roll
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call? supervisor farrell: today, i am introducing legislation to extend our san francisco film rebate program through 2014. since the program was created in 2006, approximately 1135 san francisco residents have been employed in productions using the program, bringing over $12.50 million in wages to san francisco. last year, production spent an estimated 56 colors million in labor supplies and other items. this body recently passed legislation i sponsored to bolster our phone rebate program by adding documentary's and programming, and to lower permit fees. the film and television industry is one we cannot afford to lose.
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many are great union-wage jobs. it diversifies our economic base. it reinforces civic pride when we see our city on the big scene. i found this astonishing. my office had our budget and legislative analyst do is study on the film rebate program. it is a net profit generator for our general fund. we take in more sales tax, hotel tax, and permit fees from these productions than we give back in the rebate program. it is a net money generator for our city and general fund. the margins are slim in that regard. it is not a lot of money. as our budget and legislative analyst suggested, other states and countries throughout the u.s. and internationally have very aggressive film rebate programs we compete with,
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ranging from zeroing out there permiting fees to regrading all police officer fees. if we want to compete in san francisco, we cannot just rely on our city's good looks. we have to do something about it. i want to thank those who worked on this legislation with me, especially our film commission. i want to thank my staff and members for the controller's office. we spent a lot of time putting together a solid economic forecast. finally, while this legislation extends the existing film rebate program in its current form for another two years, and adds another $2 million to draw from, we have spent a lot of time in my office speaking with different members of the film industry -- from companies,
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producers. suzanne robinson has been evangelizing san francisco in los angeles recently. how can we make the film program better, to attract the next generation of films and television shows in our city? i am interested in making this more attractive down the road. my only requirement was that we do it in a cost-effective and responsible manner. those discussions are continuing. although today we are introducing a continuation of our existing program, my hope is in the not so distant future we can amend the legislation to make this even better into the future, and take our film industry to the next step here in san francisco. the rest, i submit. >> supervisor kim? supervisor weiner? president chiu: colleagues, today i am introducing in legislation that would
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establish an urban agriculture program to oversee and coordinate all of our urban agriculture activities, and to adopt goals for the city related to urban agriculture. we right now are in the middle of a new movement in cities around the country to reflect a new interest in healthy and sustainable living through urban agriculture. since 2008, over two dozen urban gardens have been created in san francisco. with many, there are significant weight lists of residents who want to garden, in many cases over two years long. this would allow for the production and sale of things that are grown to urban agriculture. at this time, we need to take the next step. i want to take a moment to think -- thank spur, which looked recently in two ways to expand public and private land for agriculture in san francisco.
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the highlighted the fact that we have seven different agencies that run different aspects of urban agriculture, 11 different agencies that manage land. yet we do not have coordination among these agencies. at this time, in recent years, the budget spent in total for urban agriculture programs is less than was spent in the 1990's. we also do not have a full staff to look at the city wide system. this legislation would introduce a city-wide centralized urban agriculture program. it would propose that this program focuses on creating a one-stop shop for information and programs related to urban agriculture. it would also move forward the creation of urban resource gardens, into partnerships with community organizations, looked into incentives for how we convert private lands, as well as streamlining the application process. i want to thank spur and the
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agriculture community, who have been working hard to think about how san francisco will move forward our agenda around urban agriculture. i look forward to this conversation with all of you. supervisor campos: submit. supervisor mar: colleagues, today i am introducing with mayor mayor lee legislation that will help our parents and parent-teacher organizations support their local schools by exempting parking lot fundraisers from being taxed by the city. i want to think co-sponsors supervisor kim, olague, avalos, chu, and farrell for joining me. i want to thank our treasurer and jason elliott from the mayor's office. this important legislation is the product of about three months of work in conjunction
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with michelle parker. and parents from the middle schools. we have all crafted legislation that we think will allow such parking lot fund-raiser events to flourish, and to protect the meager dollars raised by parents in these schools and schools throughout the city from being taxed. it helps parents in the school fund-raising. we are looking at other schools, to be working with them for event fundraisers like parking lots. parent teacher organizations hold special parking events on local school parking lots to raise supplemental revenues for their school. currently, san francisco business and tax regulations code requires these events be taxed at 25%. this creates an unfair burden on
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the volunteer organizers of these events, parents staging them for the sole goal of enriching their schools. this will help allow more of these events at schools. it also allows volunteer parent organizers to reap the full benefit of their efforts. the school of san francisco should do everything possible to help our families and children remain in the city. this legislation is helpful to parents going above and beyond to ensure their schools are adequately meeting their children's needs. i'm not to think the treasurer for joining me in this important legislation. i am introducing a resolution today that, along with the department of the environment, 6 approval for associate membership in the home mortgage finance authority. it will help homeowners seeking energy efficiency improvements in their homes in the richmond
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and throughout the city. it allows san francisco residents, by joining the authority at no cost to the city -- there will have access to the low-interest loan program. it is an alternative to tax lien financing for homemakers. in 2010, i offered an ordinance passed by the board which approved our sustainable financing programs in the city, and provided tax lien financing to residential building owners to perform energy efficiency improvements. that program was unfortunately suspended for homeowners when the federal housing finance agency in 2010 blocked the implementation of such programs around the country. by joining the rural home mortgage format -- authority, we will help bridge cost barriers when performing energy assessments and retrofits.
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it helps and in this recruiting new, green jobs, going after the expiration of federal stimulus funds. the city is currently using block grants to incentivize homeowners to conduct energy efficiency of grades. i urge your support. i wanted to remind people that the budget town halls are continuing throughout the city. the one from my district is coming up on wednesday tomorrow. this is at the san francisco county fair building. please join us. we would like to hear from richmond district residents, but also residents from district 5. a happy day for outer richmond residents is saturday. we are cutting the ribbon and unveiling the new lands and lookout, which is one of the most beautiful places on the edge of the world. it overlooks seal rock and the
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club house restaurants. it is a 2400 square foot structure that is incredible. we are having a community celebration at the visitor's center. there is also going to be music and refreshments. it is from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the edge of lands and in the city, in the richmond district. i want to thank the park service for listening to outer richmond residents as they created the best terms and the structure. it is the place we can learn about the first peoples that were here in san francisco. it is a tremendous educational institution that will allow children and families from throughout the city and beyond to learn about our sustainable environment and all the great programs we have. please join us for this celebration on saturday. also, and wanted to congratulate
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the early childhood education folks for their walk around the block and around city hall today. it is the second annual what advocating for early childhood education. families, child care providers, and truck here centers throughout the city -- there is a week of activities going on. i urge you to join me in supporting that and the commissioners as we advocate for early education throughout our city. i think the rest i will submit. thank you. >> thank you very much. i have two things i would like to do. first, i would like to close the board out in the memory of lawrence clark, who was a long- time san franciscan, recently passed away. he was a resident of district
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11, but close to many communities in san francisco. i would like to call for a hearing that will begin to help the city family put together a strategy on what the southeastern neighborhood is going to look like, particularly paying attention to the loss of the redevelopment agency. i am curious to know what the city is thinking, and what are the next steps. i am calling for a hearing on the status of resources dedicated to the southeast section of san francisco. -- supervisor cohen: supervisor avalos: thank you, madam clerk. one of the things i have been doing to support my neighborhood in these budgetary times is i have been investing a very few dollars in community development work, brilliant residents, community-based organizations,
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and leaders together to do neighborhood planning, working to develop structures to support residents of our neighborhoods. we have been working with a group of organizations and leaders in the moi -- omi, as well as the excelsior district. the omi has been having a great run. recruited a grant-making program where we would allocate up to $50,000 total grant money to do community projects like supporting senior lunch programs, workforce development programs for youth. we of unsuccessful in getting more people engaged in community work. in the excelsior district, we put money to do some neighborhood planning around workforce development. the groups involved have been the filipino community center. there are people organized to
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demand economic rights. there are advocates for children and youth. out of the work, they have put together a report, putting the pieces together. in district 11, we have a very different type of work force development problem. we do not have any real work force development programs in our district. we have a working-class community, lots of labor households, but no real engines to get people from the neighborhoods into the jobs that exist elsewhere in san francisco. we also have a lot of immigrants who live in the district. we have to find work force and employment models that can serve immigrants, many of whom -- many of whom are undocumented. this report provides a lot of food for thought and recommendations for the city. i will be introducing a hearing on this report that we can share. hopefully, we can do a little bit more funding to support efforts
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