tv [untitled] April 29, 2012 3:30am-4:00am PDT
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and i want to thank them for showing me how to work, how not to be afraid of pork and out to be respectful. i want to thank my father for those times when i was not sure i wanted to finish college, he took me with him to work, on routes in tucson, ariz., where it was 112 degrees -- on roofs in tucson, ariz., where it was 112 degrees, and he would say to me, "mijo, i never want you to work like this. work with your head." so i want to thank him, and i want to thank my family. the best teachers that my children have had have been in san francisco. i am so proud to say the we are not only san franciscans, but we are parents of san francisco unified school children.
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my twin brother, ruben, he is my twin brother, and it is true. for being who you are and making daddy proud, even though i am hardly home, i am always thinking of you, and last and certainly not least, to my wife, estella, who takes care of the home, so i began did it my efforts to working alongside all of those teachers and parents and support staff and principles and everyone who makes of san francisco unified. thank you for your support. with that, i will only say i am extremely happy, extremely proud, extremely humbled by this this evening, and you may not have a superintendent, incoming superintendent that has been a
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superintendent before, but i guarantee you you will not have a harder working brand new superintendent. thank you. [applause] [no audio] president yee: ok. let's go to item it b, a presentation to the board, the superintendent's report. superintendent garcia? superintendent garcia: while i am still superintendent, and you are my deputy, richard, i am going to order you to go home and be with your family this evening. go and enjoy the moment. you will have plenty of opportunities to sit up here. go have fun with your family. deputy superintendent carranza:
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i will say thank you. superintendent garcia: a lot of people out here will say that not knowing what is coming is always scary in a school district. that old saying, the better the devil you know, but i think people will be out there dancing because richard is a likable and a great guy, and speaking of dancing, i think i should mention that the san francisco young dancer event that is taking place this week, that will be april 28, the san francisco young dancers event at lincoln high school. i think it is from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. this coming saturday, and, in fact, president yee, i believe you have something to say about this event. do you not? president yee: i do. and it is not even a wig dance competition, because you are
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going to be one of the judges there. i would really like to share my thoughts on this quickly. we started this program last year. it is a great program. we had four schools participating to the end of last year, and 300 people came and saw them compete and be part of a showcase, and so this year, we actually increased it by 39%. 12 elementary schools are involved. this week alone, they are doing the semifinals before they get to the event, and the first time i found out, it semifinal was ts afternoon. you should have seen them, they were so cute. i wanted to take the opportunity for a few minutes to show what we did last year. we have a four-minute clip. you will be really proud of the kids involved. susan?
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♪ >> the program is to introduce social dancing to fourth and fifth graders, so they know what it takes to be applicable. many students have not been exposed to dancing. it was a 10-week program where we introduced the five dances to the students. many of the students participating in this program, but dancing part was not the best thing. there are so confident.
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and it translated to other things. the joy they have, that's what they have. that is the part that [unintelligible] it was the passion. >> since nobody can hear anything, i will turn it off. [applause] >> it is going to be on the website? >> i do not know. >> i asked whether we can put this on the district website. she said yes.
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great. >> i hope you get an idea of what they did last year. we will have so many more kids participating this year. >> i know a lot of people showed up to the meeting, and i want to simply say that i do not think there is a single person who is not fed up with california public education funding. we are all in the same position and we will work together. we have a couple of months to wrap up the budget and staff and hopefully we can bring -- we can do our best to bring closure to that for everybody. thank you. >> i wanted to mention that is year, i got the opportunity to go to the san francisco young dancers event at city college. it was fabulous. but i did not know what to
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expect. it was delightful and complete the enjoyable. i want to encourage everybody to clarify what the location is an and what the time is. >> it will be at the lincoln high school boys gym and you enter at 24th avenue and rivera. and it starts at 1:00 p.m. and most likely will be finished around 3:30 p.m. it is going to be a blast. thank you. item c, recognition and resolutions of accommodation. >> this is always a fun activity in that we get to recognize some really fabulous people in our district that are the unsung heroes that do great things out there. for the first presentation i would like to ask tametra rice
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mitchel, come on down. she is the one who made the school recommendation. >> this evening, we are honoring our very own mr. gerald robinson. [cheers and applause] his title at our school is security guard, but he does so much more. as you can only imagine. he is only 25 years old and when he came to our school he was 21, about to turn 22. this young man is dependable, loyal, dedicated. he is the most hard-working young man that i know. i am so honored to be presenting
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this award to him. duquesne see him walking around with children. he is always the same with everybody. he's never upset. and you can see from the staff support they absolutely love him. mr. gerald robinson. [cheers and applause] >> congratulations. >> i want to thank my friends, my family, my special principle. i call her mom at school. i want to thank your for the opportunity to give back to my community because i grew up in the bayview community. it is kind of rough around there. it is kind of hard. a lot of my brothers and sisters over there do not have a father figure. i'm not trying to be their father, but i am showing them that there are positive young black males that they can look
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up to aside from hanging out on the corner. i want to thank everybody. all of the staff, my mom, everybody. [applause] >> the next three review is for a special service award. i don't know about you, when i think my job is tough, i always think there are people do have a much tougher job than i do. that is, people who have to run the educational placement center in the school district. [laughter] but i'm happy to ask the presenter, darlene lamb, to come up and do the next presentation. >> good evening, commissioners and superintending garcia. i am honored to be here to present this special service award to our guru of student
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assignment, archie. he is our director of the student center. i think he started with the district as a teenager. we are talking about whippersnapper. he was a teenager when he started with the district. he was still in college. and working in student assignment has not scared him off yet. he stuck it through and has been very dedicated to this work. i truly am honored to be here giving him this recognition. it is not just the assignment. it is out reached, workshops, language verification -- language, address verification, student assignments. there is so much working edges. and i'm so grateful that when i came to work there we could work
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in partnership together. we have a great team he has built up of people from the epc that are just as dedicated as he is. we have worked through some hard work and a lot of difficult conversations. but he has always approached it with compassion and dedication and with a fair sense of equity and making sure that we implement this process with fidelity. he has always stayed true to that. i am very honored to recognize archie fokken from the epc. [applause] >> i do not know what to say. but i think you. -- thank you. this is the first meeting i'm coming to without a powerpoint or some kind of data that somebody is asking me for.
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so don't ask me. in 1963, my parents emigrated on a japanese trawler to the united states. here in san francisco. i lived out in the mission district. i am born and raised san franciscan. it i really felt the need to keep my roots in the public school system here. darlene is correct, i started when i was 19 in the district. i graduated college and thought i would leave the next year. i am now 45. richard has something in plan for him, too. i'm really thankful to be here. i want to do the best that we can for our san francisco residents. it is ironic that in 1963, my mom came down to the board to complain to the then epc because my sisters, who were twins, could not go to school together. now i am overseeing that office. thank you, everyone.
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it is a pleasure working with you. [applause] >> our next item is cesar chavez de recognition. -- cesar chavez day recognition. we created something that you do not usually see at a labor contract, a joint recognition commemorating the life of cesar chavez, who did the light -- did so much to improve the lives of workers throughout california and throughout the country. this recognizes employees who have been nominated by the union or the district for their contributions to our school district students and families. for me, i tell you this is a special recognition because one of the highlights of my life is that i actually got to march with cesar chavez. that meant a lot to me when i
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was in college. it's a dream come true to have this happen in our school district. tom? >> thank you, superintendent. and commissioners. we want to recognize the following individuals for their work not only behind the scenes, but in front of the scenes, wherever the work needed doing. these individuals helped our district schools and department's work on behalf of our district goals of equity and accountability and creating the conditions for success for our students. superintendent, would you like me to read them one at a time or would you like me to go through the list? read them all at once? the first individual is david
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[applause] >> ok, item d will beat student delegate reports. >> at our last sac meeting when over the student evaluations of the youth summit. these work evaluations written up by the students of the summit. overall, the evaluations were very positive. they found the workshops to be very informative and fun. andy sac is excited to implement the new ideas and new workshop for next year's summit. >> last tuesday on april 17th, the sfmta past a new meeting for all youth.
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we are exciting to be taking this new step. the two-year pilot program will begin this august. [applause] sari, and also, we're looking forward to meeting with supervisor jane kim anat city hall and deputy supervisor parens that at our last two meetings. >> ok, item e, parent advisory council report. is there a representative? no? [no audio] >> good evening, commissioners. and our district staff and the
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many people here this evening. my name is ruth. i staff the parent advisory council. i'm here with -- i'm here on behalf of another member who is stuck in the valley right now. we're going to share their reports this evening. i will start off. the pac has reported to the school district several times this year about how our district priorities are going. most of our questions have been focused on the new core curriculum standards and the formative assessments called ", and learning assessment" that teachers are supposed to be learning -- "common learning assessment was quebec teachers are supposed to be learning. we are having a meeting about this tomorrow. i'm happy for him that he got to go home already. we have actually invited our partners from the family engagement coalition, which is a combination of community-based
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family advocate groups from the staff and the district, including the office of family and community engagement, who have been working together to partner and share our work together for partnership with the school site. we are a little worried about how crowded the room is going to be. but we are looking forward to an eager to have the conversation tomorrow and learn more about how these important initiatives are working in the district. i believe that's pac members will report back to you and me about how that went. >> good evening. i have one daughter in elementary school. today is the fourth time here.
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[speaking foreign language] when we talk about restorative practices we have heard from two hundred 40 people so far in 12 schools and community centers. -- 240 people so far in 12 schools and community centers. >> [speaking foreign language] >> we have five more conversations scheduled and hope to hear from students as well. soon, your resources and causes in high school as well. -- peer resources and classes
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in high school as well. >> [speaking foreign language] >> we are working with susan right now to figure out a schedule for presenting to you our findings from those conversations and our recommendations for strengthening implementation of practices across the district. >> [speaking foreign language] >> we plan to present a brief summary of the report at the board meeting on may 22nd, just before school get out. and then have a longer discussion with you about our recommendations early in june.
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thank you. >> one quick reminder that the pac is inviting parents to apply for open seats on the advisory council for next school year. any student or guardian attending -- any student attending with a parent or guardian is welcome. and we welcome parents with different backgrounds and policy issues. we have packet in english and spanish and chinese on our website and at the office of community engagement. and they're also brochures like this around on how to find it. applications are due by friday, may 4th, which i believe is a week from friday. and we plan to bring those that are nominated by the pac to appointment in june. the website is
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>> thank you for your report. any comments or questions? thank you very much. we're going to go to item f, public comment on content items. -- can send items. i did not see anything in the speaker cards on consent item calorie calendar issues. -- calendar issues. item g, consent calendar -- is there a motion and as economic consent calendar? >> so moved. >> second. >> seeing the items withdrawn. >> we need to withdraw one item, 3j124-w2010.
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we need to correct the last access code on the page. it should read 24,200 and not 16,000. it is a change in the amount. and lastly, we have one item for discussion tonight. that is item 3t, on page 56. >> any items moved for first reading by the board. any items severed by the board for discussion and vote tonight?
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seeing none compou, we have one severed, was withdrawn, and one correction. we will have roll-call vote on items. item h, speaker cards inaction, already moved and seconded. commissioner fewer. correct i already reported on this at the last meeting because the meeting was before then. but just to remind everybody, we adopted -- we put all of our first series, the 9000 series that used to be our internal rules, it into the format so they would be on line and be searchable and updated more quickly. the only issue here is that
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their form uses the term " student board members." we use the term "student delegate." >> that was my fault. i am looking at item 124. >> that the report on the next one. >> ok, thank you anyway. go ahead. >> the report on the new revisions to the health policy, we also took that to the rules committee and the issue here is -- has to do with following new provisions in the laws so that we have made our health policy complied with everything that we need, based on revisions. he
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