tv [untitled] April 30, 2012 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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sidewalk closures. typically, the sidewalk will be closed to provide a construction staging area, but it pedestrian walkway will be conducted in what is normally the parking lane. typical of most construction projects in the city. it is shown in purple where pedestrians will go to a wooden structure. also shown here is the pedestrian tunnel. it will be excavated underneath van ness avenue. that construction is about a 10- month time span when it they will have to cut open the van ness avenue. only after 7:00 p.m. there will close down two of the six lanes at a time at most. always having four lanes of traffic open. and always having one of the two sidewalks on been a 70 that could be closed. only during that tunnel construction time with any pedestrians be routed onto a
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different side of history. but there will always be at least one sidewalk lebanon of van ness avenue. that is construction. now i will talk about bus rapid transit. there are, i believe, three alternatives being studied as part of the van ness avenue brt project. one is side-running, and two are center-running. i will first talk about side- running and in the two center- running together. i was going to point out -- the cathedral hill campus -- and van ness avenue north this to the right. south is to the left. this graphic is rotated 90 degrees. the cathedral hill campus site is the second block over to the right, and there is a little sign that says van ness avenue. you can see the current drop-off area.
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the current qr line, not the proposed one for the cathedral hill project. there will be no driveways for either the hospital or the medical office building on van ness avenue. whether it is the site-running alternative like this were the southbound and northbound trains at lanes will be operating in the curb lanes adjacent to on- street parking, there would be no interference with the cathedral hill driveways because they're not located on van ness or even a near van ness. that is the side-running alternative. this is center-running with the doors on the the right, but there is another alternative with the doors on the left. either way, the transit lane would be in the median of the roadway in steady curb. there is no entered in it -- instead of the curb. there will be access to the bus stops with the existing crosswalks. there are full crosswalks on these intersections pedestrian
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access from the hospital to the nearest bus stop would be quick, just one block away or on the same block. like i said, there is no driveways on van ness. even if it is side-running, it would not interfere. that concludes my presentation on cathedral hill campus. i will turn it back over to our colleagues. thank you. >> good morning. i am from the mta. nice to see you this morning. i want to talk a little bit more about the brt project. yes representing both the ta and mta. the ta is the lead agency for both the van ness and geary brt projects. this slide shows that in november and december, the draft dieis-eir was released.
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we're just finalizing one of the alternatives. it will be presented to the ta cac next tuesday, and it will be before you on may 10. the planning commission will hear a presentation from the ta. construction for the van ness brt starts the timber 2015 and projected to end late 2016, early 2017. the funding is in the range of $90 million to $130, but we believe it will be $120 million or less. we're getting $75 million from a small program, and $18.5 million from prop k, and an additional underpin state and regional brands -- a grants. the geary dr -- brt, we are finalizing the recommendation and expected to be done in may. in fall 2013, the draft eis-eir
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will be circulated. construction is expected to start in 2017 and end in 2019. geary brt is about $245 million. $75 million from the fta small start program, another $28 million from prop k, and funding from other sources to fill in the gap. let me talk a little bit about the transportation improvement strategies that we're getting from this project. as you know, cpmc is providing funding for four types of uses. first there offering $5 million for two brt projects. then there is an additional $5 million from the transit -- to be used for transit use in support of transit services, and that is a 50 cent off-peak surcharge on parking entry and exit, and 75 cent. for each entry and exit for the cathedral hill hospital and medical office building garages.
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we're expecting to use these funds to improve transit services around that because of the impact of the cars entering and exiting at those facilities. they have pledged another $10.4 million to address the delays. we use these funds mostly in the cargo or is like on 14 mission and 48 geary. we want to do improvements on the muni rapid network. and tsp on the rapid network. we're expected to use some funds to provide e equipment, for example, on cameras to enhance the system. the last area providing funding, 4, 00,000, for planning efforts -- $400,000 for planning efforts. with that, i will turn it over to -- we will be able to answer
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any questions. >> next, rhonda simmons from the work force department. >> good morning. rhonda simmons from the office of economic and workforce development. i am going to speak on the in- use a portion of the work force agreement. essentially, the job prius in an ant -- christian for anticipation for cpmc is 1500 new jobs over 10 years. roughly 22 of those jobs every year with an entry level definition as defined by two years are less of college, so the focus is not so much on the professional service cider higher-end, higher-skilled jobs. 6200 jobs will remain in san
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francisco, and there are roughly about 100 vacant entry-level jobs that are refilled every year. there vacated through attrition, promotion, or retirement. we have talked about 40 entry- level jobs a year over the next five years as it relates to in- use, and this is focused on the health care academy side of the work that we do, which is really dealing with that population that has the two-year or less degree. i will stop. if there are any other questions -- >> thank you. we're going to open it up after all the presentations for questions. thank you. >> good morning, commissioners. director of the mayor's office of housing. the housing component of this transaction is based upon the van ness sud.
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there were questions from the prior hearing about how consistent the result is with the mayor's original ask. and the mayor's request was based upon the van ness sud. it was based upon the number of bmr units that would be produced based upon the sud. that number of bmr units was 220. this agreement provides for the creation of at least that amount, not more, based upon the two pieces of the housing component. the $29 million that is provided directly to the mayor's office of housing for the development of what some call the traditional affordable housing production of the mayor's office of housing. and the other component, $29 million, also proposed in the
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mayor's office of housing to administer the down payment assistance program. initially for the cpmc employees, and those proceeds are recycled for future affordable housing development. in combination, these two pieces create approximately 260 to 320 permanently affordable units. not all at once but over time. that estimate of the number of units is based upon our ability to leverage outside funding sources, and it is based upon subsidies between $200,000 and $250,000 per unit. it varies based upon our ability to leverage outside funding and based upon the population to be served. sometimes we are able to put less money into a particular project.
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there were a number of questions raised about the time payment -- about the down payment assistance program. the purpose of the downpayment assistance program is to provide a downpayment assistance for first-time homebuyers. the goal was to provide this assistance to cpmc workers, whether they are residents of san francisco currently or whether they will become president. in part, it is related to the notion of getting people out of their cars and not commuting into the city but becoming residents of the city and trying to minimize the amount of commuting that that individual would do. it provides -- it serves individuals between 60% and 100% of the area median income.
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we have a slight amendment in the development agreement to conform the cpmc program to what the current mayor's office of housing program is, so there is the amendment about the down payment, and that is also the amendment not about sort of the limit on the amount of down payment as system going to any individual borrower. so there is a requirement that the downpayment assistance is not a flat number of $200,000 but what is actually needed to make that purchase affordable, and it is ltd. to 45% of the price. -- limited to 45% of the price. the bar or gets a first loan at a local lending institution. i think we answered some of the questions raised about whether the local lenders are participating in our program. and in fact, we have increased
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-- we actually decreased the amount of the downpayment assistance recently from $100,000 to $70,000. this is our typical program. we did that because there was such a demand on the program and we want to try to serve as many people as possible. over time, this is a shared appreciation mortgage. so over time, the principal, the original $29 million, will be returned to the mayor's office of housing plus a share of the appreciation. this is consistent with the structure of the shared appreciation of our standard or the typical downpayment assistance program. the goal of the mayor's office is to use those proceeds as if they are returned to the mayor's office for the development of affordable rental housing in san
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francisco, serving individuals at 60% of median income and below. this was an opportunity for the mayor's office to basically use the money twice. first for a downpayment assistance, and then it recycling that money again for the purposes of subsidizing deeply affordable rental housing. >> commissioners, to move on to enforcement and monitoring, there is nothing new here. just a recap. three city departments will be responsible for monitoring the terms of the agreement. the department of health, which has the biggest chunk, planning which has almost all of the rest, the transit-related things mostly and the public works things. and then oewd for adjustment workforce things. any enforcement actions, should they believe the agreement is not being lived up to, will be
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done through the city attorney. to remind you, in terms of remedies for non-performance, in an addition to the standard monetary damages and specific performance which any contract like this would have, this development agreement is also characterized by specific liquidated damages pertaining to non-performance on the health-care obligations in the development agreement, which are performance and not money- related. so there needs to be liquidated damages for those. and the st. luke's operating commitment. just to wrap up the development agreement portion of our presentation, this slide goes over -- as you know, we have given you suggested changes in the development agreement. most of those are clean-up. a couple that rise slightly above the level of clean-up but in general are not major changes are noted here. in health care, we have made it clear that the innovation fund
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can be used to provide for the type of mental health services that you heard about. we also made it clear that we reached an agreement that includes in and out-of-network limits for the health service system. under housing, we clarified that there is a 5% homeowner down payment contribution in that program to make is similar to the existing program. the maximum loan is a $200,000 or 45% of the purchase price. everything else is just clean-up on the language. that is the end of our development agreement presentation. i believe someone will not go through the project approvals with you. >> thank you. planning department staff. i am going to wrap up and take you to the project description and required project approvals. cpmc currently operates a four campus hospital system. st. luke's, davies, pacific, in
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california. to comply with safety laws regarding acute-care hospitals, they want to modernize facilities through a satellite system of care on five campuses, including a new campus on the van ness and geary, the cathedral hill campus. cpmc proposes to district five new buildings. two at st. luke's. two at cathedrals. and one at the davies campus. st. luke's campus, cpmc proposes to construct a new five-story, 80 bed full-service acute-care hospital. located to the west of the existing hospital tower, over the surface parking lot, and a portion of san jose avenue. the existing hospital will be able to remain in operation during construction. adjacent, there will be a new pedestrian pathway and plaza connecting 27 to cesar chavez, a portion shown on the graphic. once the new hospital is operating, the existing hospital
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will be demolished. after is demolished, cpmc will construct a new five-story medical office building at the corner of cesar chavez and valencia. on the west side of the van ness, between geary and post, cpmc proposes construction of a new 555 bed full-service acute- care hospital. 15 stories and approximately 265 feet tall. across the street, the east side of the van ness, cmc proposes construction of a new nine- story, approximately 130-foot tall medical office building. the two new buildings will be connected underground by a tunnel at the garage level. once construction is complete, cpmc plans to transfer the acute-care services at the california pacific campuses to the new cathedral hills hospital. at the davies campus, and a portion of the surface parking lot, cpmc proposes construction of a new four-story medical
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office building, the neuroscience institute. this project was originally approved by the planning commission in 2007. it was overturned by the board of supervisors. there have been no substantive changes to the project since 2007. to the land use approvals. there are many land use approvals required for cpmc's proposed five new buildings. i will go through the key actions at a high level as they are articulated in detail in your packet. in broad strokes, the approvals include ceqa findings applicable to the near term projects, general plan amendments for the st. luke's in cathedral hill campuses, in general plan consistency findings on the priority policy findings, planning code text and map amendments for st. luke's in cathedral pulpit a conditional use authorizations at davies, lives, and cathedral bill. general plan referrals at st. luke's in cathedral bill.
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a developer agreement that would cover all cpmc campuses. the planning code text in that amendment before you today were introduced by the mayor and the board hearing on april 10. at the st. luke's campus, the planning code text amendment would create the cesar chavez- valencia st. medical use sud. f.a.r. of 2.5 to 1. we would update sud map to show this new sud. cathedral, the text of minutes with creed the van ness medical use sub district. 9 to 1 at the hospital. 7.5 to 1 at the medical office building. it would update the sud map to show the news that district. at st. luke's and cathedral, and
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several general plan amendments proposed. covered on april 5. moving on to the conditional use authorization conditions before you today, at st. luke's, there's several conditional use authorizations required. to allow pdu, exceptions, off- street parking, and to allow a deviation from the bulk limits bid up at cathedral hill, there are several conditional use authorizations required, including those to allow medical center, to demolish five dwelling units, and to allow wind speeds greater than 11 miles per hour as a and sidewalk locations. to allow deviations in the bulk limits begun to modify the three to one net new requirement within the van ness sud. at the davis campus, there are two key cu's required. modification to the existing pud, and to allow exceptions to the rear yard requirements. for the project to be fully implemented, the planning
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commission must first, under item one, as previously discussed, the final eir. subsequently, the commission would need to approve or recommend approval to the board of supervisors items 2a through 2n on today's agenda. general plan amendments, text amendment, and the development agreement, as well as cu's in general plan referral. the barman recommends that the commission to goes required actions in order to -- the department recommends that the commission take the required actions. the department determined that based on the following findings and the findings in your packet, the projects with beneficial development for the city that cannot be accommodated without the requested actions before you today. notably, this project is rooted in the approval of a development agreement which provides mutual benefit to the city and cpmc that would not otherwise be allowed to be achieved. the project would provide two new seismically safe hospitals.
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a secure future for st. luke's hospital. approximately 1500 construction jobs. retention of one of the city's major employers and their associated 6200 existing jobs. increased taxes for health care for low-income and underserved san franciscans. and funding for affordable housing, transit, and pedestrian and streetscapes improvements. it will have substantial direct and indirect economic benefits to the city. it is on balance, necessary, desirable, and compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. it is a bit of social -- it is a beneficial to all the to the city. the department recommends that the following -- the following certification of the puerto rico, the commission approved agenda items 2a to 2n to allow the long-range development plan project to move for to the board of supervisors for final approval. that concludes staff presentation, and we're definitely available to answer
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any questions. i would not turn it over to warren browner with cpmc. >> if i may be four, project sponsor -- because of the complexity of this issue in so many department agencies are here, want to open it up to any questions commissioners may have for clarification. we will have, of course, after general public comment, deliberation. if there are any specific questions from those who have just presented, now might be a good time. also, maybe, as we have done before, if we can take -- because there are so many different topic items with in this, take them in the order they are listed here. if we can maybe make rounds of questions related -- in the order of health care, transportation, workforce, housing, enforcement monitoring, and the actual project description. with your approval, if you are agreeable, are there any questions for staff from either
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planning staff or other agencies, departments related to health care? now might be a good time. ? tisch -- commissioner sugaya? none? anything related to transportation? commissioner sugaya? commissioner sugaya: it was mentioned the parking lane was going to be used for trucks, and then as a temporary pedestrian facility. i just want to make a clarification on that. >> good morning. i am from planning. i realized that might have sounded a little funny. obviously, it cannot be used for both at the same time. at some point, the lane will be
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closed for track access, primarily during excavation. we have a lot of trucks that haul away material and bring in new material. my understanding is that there will be pedestrian access either on the sidewalk during the later phases or during earlier phases, a temporary sidewalk that would be constructed. i do not have the specific details. i think the project sponsor can answer more of the details about the construction sequencing. good question. commissioner moore: i have a question for you. you are presenting brt as a conceptual group of alternatives which are supposed to be in front of this commission in may. i am wondering, given that you showed tentative construction schedules for brt on van ness between 2015 and 20 cents -- 27, followed by geary between 2017 and 2019, and by topic
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correctly. when i put that into context for construction for cmc, it would take 54 months. there must be a conflict somewhere, which i have not seen in the diagram. >> yes, that issue has been raised many times. it is an issue of concern for people on how the construction would interface. i do not have the specifics of construction for cpmc or the van ness projects. i am sure other colleagues of mine could answer that question, maybe at a later point. >> good morning. michael schwartz with the san francisco transportation authority. project manager for planning and environmental review on the van
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ness brt project. we have been moving forward with this schedule, and we will be in front of the commission on may 10 with a recommendation for the locally preferred alternative. our construction scheduling is becoming more solidified. it will not be across the entire corridor for the length of construction. it will be different blocks as we move up and down the two-mile sequence. as we further design construction details, we will be working closely with cpmc to ensure that they're not conflicts or other ways to can accommodate to have construction that occurs during the same time. commissioner miguel: before you leave, i have found on transportation construction projects that there is often a time span prior where utilities, other things regarding preparing the street, particularly if you
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go to the center option, might be necessary. i presume that is being taken into consideration. would you comment on that? >> yes, thank you. good question. as we are moving further with project development, we have been coordinating closely with the san francisco public utilities commission and the department of public works. we're just about finished with a sewer televising for the length of van ness avenue to get an understanding of what type of utilities would need to be moved or reinforced, particularly the sewer which is significant for the center-running alternative. that will be part of the coordination process. obviously, with the tunnel underneath vanessa to, there will be further coordination with the utility work. it is accounted for in the construction plan. as be become more solidified, we can sequence it more appropriately to do the necessary utility
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