tv [untitled] April 30, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PDT
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with the city to identify those sites were all this could happen. obviously, there are lots of regrets. we are way down the road. it is interesting because, in a lot of ways, the current, existing hospitals are not in the most accessible locations, getting to the pacific or california campuses, there are not as many options of people -- as opposed to someone who is going to cpmc. there are benefits to being on a transit corridor. you do not need an eir to know there will be major traffic impacts. look at the environmental review document and you know that. it deeply saddens me that you could not have had the transit come in before the project. that is partially our own fault for taking a long time on making
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decisions around brt. that is a frustration. a longer conversation about how we get in transportation improvement in advance of some of the development we hope to see, we do a little bit of that along third street. we have not done that in many places. that is something we need to work on. at the end of the day, we know this project will maintain the jobs that we have and hopefully, create new jobs. relating to the union's issue, obviously, i would not support the project because that is deeply concerning to me. the nurses and the engineers. unfortunately, i do not have the discretion in that area. i just wish that those issues could be resolved because it does affect the health care in hospitals and it does make me
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scared as a patient, quite frankly. that is not the issue on the table here today. ultimately, this is a hospital rebuild project. is it perfect? no. the planning commission, are we the body that will be able to change how it looks? no. there is a development agreement. for where we are, the only people, at this point, that are right to make any substantive changes are the mayor and the board of supervisors. i think that we had a lot of strong statements and i think we will all continue to work with the board of supervisors because there are some unresolved issues that do need to be dealt with. unfortunately, our delay would not help benefit that. frankly, i believe we need to move forward with the rebuild of
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this project sooner rather than later. in our own experience, the long, drawn-out experience in dealing with this situation, is not necessarily that we saw progress by pushing back. the planning commission has not seen that to be the result of our actions 3 to me, the best decision is to move forward so that they can become the plan it needs to become for san franciscans. that we could finally get to creating the jobs and opportunities. i believe that van ness, after much heartache along the way, will actually be a lot better. we will be able to point to the future as something that has helped van ness avenue, which has struggled. various restaurants have gone on that corridor and struggle to be viable. there is still not the amount of foot traffic and activity needed to make a lot of those small businesses, particularly in
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lower van ness, a viable. for that, during the gentleman from the opal hotel, a hotel i'll always been by but not into, say that he believes it will help, i do believe it will create an economic impact. because we have the great degree of liquidated damages, if i were just taking sutter to court, it would be a different conversation. because the city has liquidated damages provisions on most important areas in this development plan, it makes me feel better knowing we have a true course of action. i am reminded that this is not, even though we call it a development plan, a development plan. it is a replacement strategy for a seismically safe hospital. if cpmc did not choose to do this project and decided to retrofit their existing
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facilities, i do not know that the city would be the better for it. the alternative of not moving forward with the project as they are, i spent eight days at the campus in california. it definitely is -- it definitely needs a refresh. that is an issue. something that is very fascinating when people talk about gridlock and traffic congestion. a few years ago, there was a big debate about helipads that general wanted to do. i grew up in baltimore. at a different times, it was the murder capital. one of the reasons it is not is because they have shock trauma helicopters to save lives. i know is not very popular and a was to put a -- nobody was put a helipad on top of van ness avenue, but that is how cities
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that are innovative are doing it. and those cities have less traffic congestion than we do. it is hard because what we often want and what we often need are not going to be met in any individual project. obviously, there are other issues of schering this overall -- obscuring the overall process that make it more complicated, but at the end of the day, i am going to support the rebuild and i hope that it does make us all proud when it is finally built with all of the provisions that we put into place, that it is the hospital that everyone wanted it to be. i just wanted to say that on the record. i have been very outspoken about this project. commissioner sugaya: based on all of the testimony that was presented, both today and at the initiation, other hearings that we have had, i have always been
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surprised, maybe i should not be. there does not seem to be much cooperation, sympathy, support between the unions themselves. i understand that the trades are really in trouble and have been in trouble. they are pushing for jobs. at the same time, their brothers and sisters, nurses and stationary engineers, are having their own issues. for the unions not to be able to come together is kind of disheartening, i guess. there is nothing, as commissioner borden said, that we can do about it here. it is just an observation of mine that if it were really a uniontown, the trades would say, we are not going to build it until you resolve your issues here. anyway, i do not have much more
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to say other than that. how are we going to vote on this procedurally? >> on the eir and then the remaining items in bulk. commissioner sugaya: can we separate out the development agreement? >> you could vote together on the other items, but you could separate it out if you wanna do. -- if you wanted to. commissioner sugaya: that eir is separate for everything else. if you force me devote every -- on everything else, i will vote no. there are certain aspects that i could accept but it does not matter because it is like to pass anyway. -- it is going to pass anyway. commissioner moore: 3 things.
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i would support that we take it by type of campus and eir and development agreement separately so that there would be four different lots of things. i have two comments to make. we have hardly, at all, talk about the eir. we'll talk about everything else, at least compared to the way we normally discussed and lay out the discussion until we find that eir complete or accurate or refine the remaining significant unavoidable impact. i want to point that out because the discussion has been 90% about other things. we have not given it quite the workover as we normally do because we have impact of traffic, pedestrian safety, the
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high shadow, increases in wind speed, the list goes on. i just want to make sure that we remember that. the other thing, and we will not have much time to discuss that in detail, i do believe that, aside from the oversized campus, the architecture has come forward in a way which i believe it is responsive to many of the concerns expressed. the differentiation in the medical building massing on the corner of geary and van ness has come a major way forward. so has the variation in massing on the cpmc south corner. if i recall correctly, the
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changes about st. luke's, ahead of it being -- aside from being too small, has always been comfortable. the building has gotten better. there are negotiating with neighbors and i thought that was a positive comment and should be acknowledged. the fact that it followed street scape a improvements -- and -- streetscape improvements. overall, it is a much better project aside from the details of size and environmental impact. commissioner antonini: thank you to staff, in particular. the executive summary and the commissioner questions and staff
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responses were very well done. as a health-care professional, i am particularly proud of this project and i also very appreciative to efforts by staff and the mayor's office in working on getting on the development -- getting the development agreement together. harkening back to the jack tarp, it was the first hotel built in san francisco since the 1920's. a couple of years later, they said it was the box that the jack tar came in. i would like to move to certify the final eir. >> second. >> commissioners, the motion on the floor is to certify the final eir. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: aye.
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president fong: aye. >> that motion passes 5-1, with commissioner moore voting against. commissioner antonini: commissioner moore, did you want -- deduce a one and this by campus? >> the amendments need to be made in a certain order as prepared in the agenda. you could not take them item by item, but they cannot be taken by campus. commissioner antonini: should we do each one individually? what's the next item is ceqa findings. the development agreement is the last item. you make a recommendation and you do not have final authority on the d.a. you could take items a-m and n separately.
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>> i will make that motion for it we will move for approval of items a-m and i will not go into what each of these is. >> wait a minute. hold on. >> i want to point out that there were two sheets that were submitted to the planning commission for conditions of approval and the development agreement. i would suggest that that be incorporated into the approval motion. second, there was discussion about adding a transportation demand management for all the campuses. that also could be added. there was also discussion of adding a construction management
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strategy or program for the davis campus. finally, in a project like this one, with many documents, there are always technical changes that the staff finds as they are preparing to bring this to the board of supervisors. i would also recommend that a motion -- that the motion include delegation for staff to make the technical corrections as they find them in the various documents. commissioner sugaya: i would agree. i was going ask if you wanted to talk about the transportation management. >> i think he hit that straight on. it would be applied on the three additional use applications and would be on the davies campus to elaborate the construction management plan to allow
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distribution of a draft specifically to the neighborhood but also to any neighborhood organization that chooses. when it had asked to make that plan available to all campuses and all neighborhood organizations who so choose. commissioner antonini: the motion would be a motion to approve with the transportation management plan as part of the c.u.'s for the 3 campuses but available to other campuses. finally, staff having the ability to make technical adjustments but not to change the overall significance of any particular motion. that is a through m. that is a motion for it >> i would second that. commissioner sugaya: unfortunately, i have to vote
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against the whole thing. i was prepared to vote for certain things like 2a. commissioner antonini: we could separate 2a. president fong: we have been here since 10:00 a.m.. if you want to go through each one, that is fine. commissioner antonini: i modify my motion. i'm not going to repeat the motion, but where applicable, on the record, we have talked about, conditional uses or whenever, i'm going to move what has been mentioned and agreed upon. we will sever 2a, adoption findings of ceqa. >> so you're taking this separately at this point? the motion is for item 2a, the
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adoption of ceqa findings. on the motion to adopt ceqa findings. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: aye. president fong: aye. >> the motion passes. commissioner antonini: now we move to 2b, st. louis general plan amendment. -- st. luke's general plan amendment. >> did someone have their microphone -- on the motion to approve -- recommend approval to the board of supervisors the general plan
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amendment to the st. luke's campus. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. president fong: aye. >> the motion passes unanimously. on the 2c, the request for general plan amendments for the general hospital. to recommend approval to the board of supervisors for the general plan amendments commissioner antonini: antoniniaye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: no. president fong: aye. >> that motion passes 4-2. item 2d. commissioner antonini: the consistency of the long-range
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development plan. >> that is fort st. louis, cathedral hill, and davies. on the motion for adopting the general plan and consistency findings. for st. luke's, cathedral hill and it davies. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: no. president fong: aye. >> the motion passes. item 2e. planning code text amendments and planning code map amendments for the st. luke's hospital. on the motion to recommend approval to the board of
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supervisors for the planning code text and map amendments for the st. luke's commissioner antonini: campus antoniniaywe. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. president fong: aye. >> that passes unanimously. item 2f, the request for a conditional use authorization with amended conditions to include demand management. this one is for st. luke's hospital. on that motion -- commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. president fong: aye. >> that motion passes unanimously. item 2g, request for development authorization for the st. luke's hospital campus. commissioner antonini: aye.
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commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. president fong: aye. >> that motion passed unanimously. item 2h, consideration of a motion for the general plan referral for the st. luke's campus. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. president fong: aye. >> thank you, commissioners. item 2i. planning code text and map amendment for the cathedral hill hospital. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: no. president fong: aye. >> that motion passes 4-2. item 2j.
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a request for additional use authorization for the cathedral hill campus. that includes the transit management modification. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: no. president fong: aye. >> that motion passes 4-2. item 2k. this is a request for development authorization for the cathedral hill campus. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: no. commissioner antonini: --
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president fong: aye. >> the motion passes 4-2. item 2l, consideration of motion for the general plan referral for the cathedral hill campus. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: no. president fong: aye. >> thank you, commissioners. that is a 4-2 vote. item 2m. this is a request for additional use authorization for the davies campus. with the trend the demand management alteration or modification. and construction management plan. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye.
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commissioner moore: aye. commissioner sugaya: aye. president fong: aye. >> on the cpmc long-range development plan, 2n. on the motion to recommend approval to the board of supervisors. commissioner antonini: aye. commissioner borden: aye. commissioner miguel: aye. commissioner moore: no. commissioner sugaya: no. president fong: aye. >> the motion passes 4-2. thank you. president fong: this adjourns our special meeting. we will pick up on our regular meeting in a couple of meeting -- in a couple of minutes, after
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commissioners, the first calendar item, item one, 41528 pine street, a request for a continuance. item #2 is 42735 baker street. with that, i am not aware of any other item on calendar that calls for continuous. >> is there any public comment on these items? commissioner sugaya: i moved to continue item one and item to to the dates noted. >> second. >> on the motion to continuance as they are proposed on the
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calendar. [calling votes] thank you, commissioners. those items are continued as they have been proposed. you are now on item 3, the consent calendar. this is considered to be routine. id would be our third upon by a single roll call vote. there will be no separate discussion unless a member of this commission request, and then it will be to remove and considered as a separate item. item #34990 valencia's street is a request for use to allow for the establishment of an outdoor activity in the rear of the property for an existing restaurant that is doing business as the blue favoig in e
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zoning district. following any public comments, which would automatically removed them from the consent calendar, this matter is in your hands for consideration. >> is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, commissioner borden? commissioner borden: >> moved to approve the motion. [calling votes] thank you, commissioners. the item has been approved as proposed. you are on item 4a, b, and c,
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