tv [untitled] April 30, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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>> good afternoon, my name isi m concerned about the fact that many shuttles use the tenderloin neighborhoods as the commissioners route, and then -- to this neighborhood has a high sr. and youth population. we have had number of pedestrian deaths in the crosswalks. because they either do the crosswalk, at the top of the hill like tenderloin, white -- while a pedestrian is there. and they can get so high off the ground that they can see people
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in crosswalks. we have the public and private -- with the traffic regulation. >> good afternoon. i am jesus perez. i live in the soma area. i want to let you know i have seen a lot of tourist busses coming around. they go a different way. thank you. >> i have more speaker cards. daniel -- and ramon smith. and then owen o'donnell. in that order. >> the next speaker could come up? please come up to the mike.
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>> if everyone could line up, that would help us. we have a hearing on several other items. >> good afternoon, and thank you. i am ramon smith. i have always had concerns about the lack of regulations. in the south market area, as stated by many speakers before me, we have a large population of seniors and disabled. considering we do have a number of buses coming through there. some kind of common ground to which we can entertain the tourists who come to the city and maintain a steady and sustainable environment in which our people can live then.
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the carbon emissions and noise -- have had an adverse effect on the quality of life. i encourage you to move forward. and the preschool all delivery speed to get in place those directives and guidelines and regulations that you can to bring about positive change in the neighborhood. >> i am damian, who represents sightseeing and the tour operators association. i wanted to talk about the ambient sound legislation, and i know that there is a two week wait. what we are asking for is i was at the testing and participated on october 11. we found that the 50 feet ambient noise level only
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occurred in when the bus was idling. and so we had come up with the ambient sounds sensor, which brings the system and the noise, depending on where you are. this would actually bring it down. what i am concerned about is a legislation that is being proposed, this is not specific and we had discussed this. i know that mr. waters had sent an e-mail or letter to you as well. i would like to have the opportunity within this time, so that we can discuss this.
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to have him involved in this conversation. we were the ones who volunteered to have this testing done. and of sound systems that were presented. the problem we have is that there is no -- in the legislation it is open to how this is supposed to be, -- >> founded. thank you. >> if i could just make a comment, i am happy to learn more. this discussion has been circulated for a number of months. this is the first time i heard there were additional concerns. i would be happy to talk to you further about this. >> thank you. >> if the speakers could line up --
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>> lisa donner, callie edwards, erin morse, katrina jenkowski. >> i am olen o'donnell, on scott street at the west end of alamo square park. this is a residential block, exclusively single-family dwellings. my wife and i are retired so we are home during the day and get the benefit of watching a continuous parade of 40-60-foot buses, some of which have very loud speakers through the neighborhood, from morning until night. my point is that my street, scott street, is a relatively narrow, a typical residential street, and one block west -- is
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four lanes and a commercial street. but the buses turned often from fulton and hayes on to cut -- scott street. and win a 60-foot bus goes into a narrow, residential street it will take up both lanes, until it finally manages to get straight. this has been a disaster. i would like the tour buses absolutely and unequivocally prohibited from residential streets such as scott street. and i also want to point out that in the '60s, i was a tour guide in washington d.c. and we did not go to residential neighborhoods. >> good afternoon. i am gillian.
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i live on mcallister streets which is one block away from alamo square. this block has two lanes, and also has the no. 5 bus running every six minutes. so this street is also feeling the impact of the large tour buses. on this block, many residents who have lived here for 20-50 years, they did not anticipate the large tour buses with mostly diesel fumes, loudspeakers, very ugly billboards, and they moved into the area because this was a relatively quiet neighborhood. all of the residence i have spoken to on my block, the long- term residence and the newer people are unanimously in favor of the tour bus issue being
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seriously addressed. we have studied the map of san francisco which shows clearly all of the historic, residential neighborhoods where the tour buses have been banned. >> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for calling this meeting. i am of the alamo square neighborhood association. what we would like to do is not stop the visitors from coming to the fine city because we all love san francisco and that is why we live here. we want to encourage the tour buses to go to fillmore street, the main commercial districts. that way people can get off and walk to the park and take photos, and on the way they can go shopping and support local merchants, who could use the
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business. it would be a wonderful way to get to know san francisco, by checking out all of the cool shops. going over to fill more and getting some of the best barbecue you can possibly get. we need for the mass transit authority to make it easier for people to get their cards. my in-laws are from manhattan, and they are people who know how to ride the subway. but they have a difficult time getting a clipper card. even then, it was not clear to them how to ride the bus. if we are a transit-first city we need to make it easier for individuals from out of town and people who are not like my in- laws, people from the suburbs to learn how to ride so they can see our fabulous city. this comes down to safety. we have massive tour buses that
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are letting people across the street at the top of the hill. and then the cars try to pass the buses while they are headed up the hill. we do not want this to turn into a fatality issue. we want people to come to our neighborhood. we want people to walk to the parks. thank you. >> i am kelly edwards and i live at the northwest corner of the alamo square. i am the caretaker of the historical landmark, westfield home. i live at the crest of three hills. you talk about how you listed the system and everything like that, that is b.s. you have not extended the olive branch. you are lying.
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this morning, you yelled at a guy for talking too loud. it is not only dangerous. there is a cement factory, cement trucks coming up the street. to supply albertson's. it is three times as high as you did it. these engines blow up. not to mention, when i'm trying to take a nap, watching the giants game. got a full belly. just closing my eyes. [unintelligible] >> don't need air contiditionin. eddie murphy owned my house. michael douglas owned my house. my house just sold for $20 million.
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there's a rich cultural history. joplin, laveigh, manson visited. they are cool guys. whoy not just calm down and do the business. just be a good neighbor to us. i love tourists. go right across the park. great. when a young lady got knocked down -- got her iphone stolen. tourist from dc, seven neighbors helped. we want you to be a good neighbor. >> i am erin morse. thank you for hearing us today. i live on steiner and gross street. i have lived in the alamo square historic district for 24 years.
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i have lived there for 12 years. for the first six years, this was lovely. the park is a quiet place to live. we talk a lot about the croupier systems. we are dealing with the other noises, the brakes and the exhaust, going up and down hills. this sounds like a garbage truck going by. it does not have to do with the p a system. we find that this has been the commercial exploitation of the iconic view. our neighborhood has been turned into a fast-food stop for visitors to come take a picture and leave. we have the competing tour bus companies from outside of the state, and all the local buses. i noted that seven buses passed my home in a senior -- single
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hour. on a street where there is no bus line, seven buses will pass my street and this is not the high season. we have been a quiet neighborhood until the last couple of years. and just to reiterate how beautiful this is -- this would be one block of any part of the park, where you could step into a commercial district. for the safety and benefit of the actual residence in the neighborhood, we'd like you to look at this as a residential issue first. thank you. >> i am katrina and i live across from postcard wrote. we keep hearing this argument that the tour buses are necessary for bringing in millions of tourist dollars. but the neighborhood has cn
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increase in the volume of buses the last few years. although i have not seen numbers i assume that a few years ago, before there was the volume, tourists were still visiting san francisco and spending billions of dollars. as she just mentioned, these buses speed through, take a picture and go. and they don't shop at local businesses. and speaking of this -- i see them go by every few minutes and there often almost empty. so it seems that this argument we are hearing, if you eliminate a large vehicle you'll end up with 20 cars. we have a lonely person in the rain. and the legislation that has
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been happening to mitigate the impact, my biggest concern is there will be no enforcement of these new regulations. we see that right now. there is not the police capacity to cite these buses. and may break the law -- and cause a big safety issue. i do not want the baby sitter to take them to the park any more. making the right turns, this is just so dangerous. thank you. >> you can go ahead. >> i like the tourists on the bus. we're happy to have them in the city. but sometimes the noise is a little loud. mustange tourbus. won't you slow that bus noise
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down. mustang bust noise won't you slow that bus noise down you've been riding all ove rthe r the city. won't you lower that sound. you bought new tour buses for 2000, even 12. and i want you to slow it down. slow all the speed down. you've been riding all over city. you're touring all over the town. and -- i hope that land use don't be discouraged the tour bus man, he ain't so hard to understand. and land use, i know it will get
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better and i know you will lend a healpinlping hand there is good in city hall and everyone a new city hall has begun. you can reach the cliff-out sun if you try now it will make it better for the city land use and the tour bus man because there's good in every one and a new tour day has begun you can reach the beach sun now oh now they will for the city and the man tour bus, i know you understand. [applause] [laughter] >> that's a hard act to follow. i am alvin huey. i am from the san francisco
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senior advisory committee at fisherman's wharf. i have heard the arguments and want to bring up one thing. oftentimes, it has been reported to me that the people at the motorized cable cars, they make fun of some of the seniors walking around on fisherman's wharf. and i want to make sure that there is an of screening and education for the tool or operators so that they would respect other people. and if that arises on the bus, hopefully they would tell it down and everyone is respected. no matter what age that they are. >> betty foote, gail gillman, sue vaughn, and seth katzman.
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>> hi. i am betty foote. i am a 30 year resident of north point street. both as a resident and business woman. i crossed to districts of supervisor chu and vfarrel, cloe to van ness. i have a lot of experience with the quackers, the go carts, and the byscyles. -- bicycles. north point is there from the embarcadero and -- i ask for support and respect for this residential area. i worked with the organization's there for the aquatic park neighbors, and the friends of conrad square.
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i have a professional hat to square -- to where saying that we want professional consideration and one for you to be respectful. but the real question is not the kind of amplification test. we want for you to come to the third floor of my unit, and just sit in the living room and listen. listen to the repetitive quacking, the fact that galilleo hosted o.j. simpson's career start. i would like to suggest -- a long time ago, there were shuttles on jitney street. if we could park the tour buses in kirkland or one of the large lots, our people, they can get off anywhere for a reasonable rate. and this would help everyone.
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i felt that we have some consideration, and i hate to criticize this -- >> good afternoon, supervisors. i live on lumber and powell. the ordinance that was passed, they outlined the zone for the north beach. i want to say that there is huge disappointment, as part of someone who was part of the petition drive, this weekend alone, 32 buses violated the ordinance. the neighbors have passed out the fliers and confronted the tour bus operators because we
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believe that this is our own needs to be in place. three things happening at the corner of lombard and powell. we have the swimming pool. the coit 39 on either side, with bus stop. they waited five minutes because they could not unload the passengers. the tour bus was pointing at lombard street. we have injuries and accidents. one random baseball over joe dimaggio field will send a child going into the intersection. going down, this has segued. and there are the muni busses. we live in the mac of adult
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entertainment -- many of my friends own small businesses. and the disrespect of neighbors and people who live in san francisco is appalling. i ask you to move forward from the chair, so the hearing can be held in two weeks. and respect the people of san francisco and not tourist dollars. >> i was on the map there, chestnut, and macon. i want to disagree with president chu about the summit. i think this is a terrible idea. this is an opportunity for the tour bus industry to delay what should have been in enforcement.
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the homeless summit and that summit, almost nothing happens. and i don't want to sit in a session in just have this coming at me. well i think this amounts to -- i am seconding jail. i see this on the corner all the time. the signs that are there are completely ignored by the tour bus operators. they really don't care. there has been no effect. i talk to the police officers to walk the beat in that neighborhood. and the board of supervisors needs to have some kind of impetus for us to use this
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ordinance. this would be monitored -- they are underfunded. to deal with the bed of problems. this is not nearly enough. the noise ordinance, there are just not enough people to do this. this will be another example of the lack of enforcement. frankly in makes people disrespect of the law. >> good afternoon. my name has sue -- is sue vaughn. we have been discussing this issue for months now. before i get to my
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recommendation, or the recommendation of the ctac, there is an error in the agenda. it said the hearing requesting presentations from the u.s. will transportation agency and the police department to mitigate destruction of commercial tour buses and shovels, this should be by the commercial tour buses and shovels. this is what we are trying to deal with, the way that they disrupt the traffic in san francisco. i am very concerned about the destruction of the service and i was there a couple of months ago and there was a tour bus that was parked in the bus stop, discharging the passengers. and there were a couple of buses waiting to pull into the bus stop. we were told about the
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possibilities of charging rent, and we were told that the agency itself suggested that gavin newsom said not, and the cuapc regulates tour buses. the recommendation is that you -- that the board of directors gets an opinion, and a memo from the city attorney about what you can and cannot do regarding the commuter shuttle buses. all of these vehicles moving into the bus stops, adding to the congestions and endangering pedestrians. i would put them first. thank you. >> howard bloomberg, ken mailey, john multy,
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