tv [untitled] May 2, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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in which the practice recommendation, last year and 19 policy recommendations were made. resulting in a disciplined, the target was 90%. i would also like to thank the investigator who is the staff person that manages our performance measures. moving to the controller's audit, the comptroller city services division issued an audit that said there were problems with case management and personnel management and these problems were degrading
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the investigation of the occ. it was my charge to address the 41 recommendations made by the comptroller. i am happy to report that four years later, we have substantially complied with 38 of those recommendations. one of the recommendations with online complaint filing, we were able to cobble together money in the budget, and we are going to be retaining consultants so that in the next three months or six months, we will have on line complaint filing. our next the initiative is to have auto-pa for the alliance, something recommended by the
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controller in the budget. we will see if we have enough savings by the end of the budget year. the final goal is the completion of investigations within nine months. that is really a function of the budget investigators, we will continue the strategic case management to do the absolute best we can. let's look at the report card for last year. we had one pending case from 2010. some of the ones that we implemented last year, we completed the confidential procedures manual. we posted to the web site frequently asked questions by officers.
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we began distributing a customer satisfaction survey to officers and complaints. we are hoping to obtain a graduate student to analyze those results. staffing challenges remained because of shrinking budget resources and unplanned the leaves of absences. but we did a higher new investigators to fill vacancies. our staff remain committed to our mission of copley, fairly, and the investigation of police misconduct. the next step for us, continuing the successful mediation program to present the 2012 community outreach program and continue the average program to continue to evaluate
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practices and to improve community relations. to continue the case load and to an on-line complaint filing. that concludes my report. >> this is a very comprehensive and thorough report. i have to say it is great to see the numbers that the complaints are for sale -- excessive force. i have to say that that explains why you are reaching your goal, i think things are moving faster.
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i want to a tank of the men and women, your investigators. it is great for the new commissioner. this is a complete introduction, it is timely. >> i want to join the president in thanking you for a very thorough report. i also would like to congratulate the chief inspector, and everyone for the hard work. thank you very much. it would actually be helpful to us to have the power point presentation that you just presented. can we have a copy of that, please?
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i want to follow up on the sro complaints. is there any data, i know you probably don't have it. i would like to see what the charges are and what the outcomes are. >> those are open investigations, so we do not have data on them. >> all of them are currently still open? >> the ones to which i was referring in the annual report, yes, they are still open. there is a concurrent criminal investigation taking place.
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>> and this might be a better question for the chief inspector, but we talked about the avoidance efforts, and you credited the increase to a certain extent of well-managed caseloads. can you tell me what you mean by that? >> i would be happy to elaborate on that. in our database, and we have real time numbers on how many cases each investigator has been assigned, how many are open, how many have been closed, how many have been stayed. as a management team, including myself, the chief investigator, the senior investigator, we
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looked at that home data high monthly -- we look at that data bi-monthly. if an investigator has been falling behind or has an excessive number of cases compared to other investigators, they are redistributed. we look to see when the investigator is on intake. suddenly, the investigators case was grown by five. i also mean that the chief investigator. a live investigator -- in addition to that, the case work summaries.
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the actual documentation of what the investigator is doing on a case, those have been digitized. the chief investigator, senior investigator and i can each to look at the work an investigator is doing on a particular case and help them manage the case. finally, time lines are being placed in the casework summary so that the investigator has had a target date for completing certain tasks. >> one more area of inquiry. the on-line complaint filing system, the funds from the budget, what are we looking at in terms of how much that is going to cost?
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>> we are looking at $9,000. >> and that is other areas we have borrowed from within the budget, correct? are we thinking about possible ways of benchmarking the usage and utility of online complaint filing? i want to track how it's helping you do work from day one. so it's a system being utilized, to be more efficient, to allocate resources in a way that is hopeful. >> we will certainly benchmark the online complaint filing. even though the on line complaint filing could make easier for the complaint, they
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will have to contact the complaint and have interviewed the complaint. but an amateur to your question, what could happen is that it can be ineffective of reach tool. it makes the occ more accessible. that would be something to discuss. >> i think is the point to make us more accessible and increase the workload.
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i think to the extent that it happens, we need to look at other options to make sure you have the resources to do this work. it is important that the public have as many outlets so that we have the ability to reveal the situations. i of appreciate your help. >> thank you very much for your extremely thorough and detailed , wonderful report. it has a lot of good stuff in and content-wise and is very education. i can appreciate your job out there.
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thanks to all of the other staff members of the occ that are taking their time to be here tonight and your hard and diligent work. it is greatly appreciated. a couple of comments or questions, following a on the comments of the ability to do that, cheaters on that. we are coming into the modern area and is very important. that increased accessibility is essential and it is a terrific you are able to squeak out of funds in order to do that. i eighth joined the commissioner to see how that plays out.
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we will be watching that with interest. this report, the power point portion, is that going up on the web site? or is the entire report or both -- >> what will be available to the public is the annual report. it has been posted on the web site since we delivered the annual report to the police commission last week. we always publish it. >> you did a wonderful job of this evening in convincing all of the detail of the report into the power point and pulling back together for us in your presentation. i don't know if it is all very
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self-explanatory and of itself, but it might be advantageous to a post that so that people can get an abbreviated summary format without going through the entire annual -- it would be helpful to the public have something that came to mind. i have a question regarding the complaints. a complaint regarding 2011, is if an equivalent? and could be they came on a particular incident and it considers a one complaint.
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and if one person has several aspects to that once they got to us, there were specifications, and still is one complaint. we have the size, specifications that would reach a commission. >> it arises out of the same transaction, and sometimes the complaints about several things over several years, but they can come in multiple times and complain about multiple things and we'll give it a new case number. with in one case, there can be several allegations, several charges of misconduct, or duty. there are statistics that can be
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a little bit confusing. when you look at the allegations and there are several pages of them, but there are only 500 officers. that explains that number. >> i am trying to sort out some of the numbers. it is 10%, they are cases in the category of those few officers that have three or more complaints filed against them. i have to go back to the chart, but maybe five officers that
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have had five complaints against them over a one-you're hot and? >> when you say 50 cases, we're talking about sustained cases. there are many more sustained cases than 50 cases. >> officers that have three or more complaints against them, i am referring to page 25, and you go down the charts, had what pops out his some officers have 3, 4, 5 complaint against them in one year. in my reading that correctly? >> you are reading that correctly. >commissioner kingsley: each one
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is treated separately, but it raises the issue around a handful of officers. i am not sure that it translates into this commission, and maybe it shouldn't, we are still taking one case at a time. if that is a question to kind of address to the department, what happens when you have these three people. they have maybe three, four, five complaints against them in a 12-month period. >> i have a question. a sustained complaint is a complaint. >> how we are speaking of complaints, and the last year, there were nearly 800 complaints filed against the members of
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the san francisco police department. the officers that received multiple complaints are identified in the department of's early intervention system. there is a whole process by which those complaints are vetted and given points and determined whether or not an officer her will become part of that program. and it is non-disciplinary. the commander might wish to speak more particularly about it, but that is how officers with multiple complaints are addressed by the department. >> we have the intervention system, we meet quarterly. it identifies officers not only based on the sec complaint, but
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on use of force -- occ complaints, but use of force and a whole list of categories that might trigger documentation. it is not punitive, but we do look at those, perhaps. where we can correct an issue. we also look to be positive as well. we can tell the officers that you have no eis issues and you're doing a good job. it looks at both of them and the things that need to be addressed and corrected. >> the only other question i have here is something -- to the work of mr. taylor that there was a $17,000 of expenditures,
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that this kind of -- it wasn't budgeted. >> we had a massive document request last year, and we had hired an individual to come and help us hockey -- copy and index those documents. we only keep three years worth of complaint files in our office. the rest of them which we maintained in perpetuity we maintain in an off site storage facility. we pay monthly for them to be stored and we pay for those documents to be delivered to us.
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when i say not reimbursed, we cannot charge other government agencies for the documents we produce. we told the commission before that the occ's budget is costing driven by about 90%. another 60% of the remaining discretionary money is used for rent. we have very little discretionary money to spend on training, document retrieval, buying equipment. from computers to scanners and the like. >> it is a big deal, $17,000.
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thank you very much, will appreciate your report. commission chan: thank you for your very thorough presentation and thank you to your staff. the fifth lowest cases, those people that are either satisfied or very satisfied. in terms of the next steps, those are definitely the correct goals in my own talk. i will say all of my questions at once to go through them quickly. the slightly lower number of
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sustained rates, it is like 6.97% last year and an average of 8.6%. i am wondering your thoughts on why it is slightly lower sustained rates. and i wanted ask about the pro bono mediators, and that these are lawyers, it is for the public to know that it is a televised hearing. i wanted to ask your expert here about if there are any free online applications the you can use to address the on line complaint need or if that is security. this might be a long discussion. in terms of the 19 policy recommendations, if there are any that stand out as your first, second, third top priorities of accomplishing them
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in the next year? and that is it for questions, if you can't answer all of them, don't worry about it. >> i will attempt to tackle the first two, commissioner chan. the lower number of sustained cases, it depends. the complaints that we receive, and the evidence we have an before us. we have a sustained finding, and one argument that i do make for having more staff and additional investigators, the lower the caseload, the more focused time and investigator can spend on a case.
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61% of findings on allegations were not sustained. i do wonder if the case loads were lower if the investigators would be able to spend more focused time getting evidence to make the definitive finding of proper conduct, sustained, or unfounded. it can mean a number of things, and they are all speculation. it could mean that the officers are better trained. community policing is effective with the officers and the public having an improved relationship with the public. it can contribute to a lower complaint filing, generally. those are all just my thoughts.
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with regard to the mediation program, our pro bono mediators -- the rule says one will be an attorney and one will be a non- attorney. if they are trained, and it is a sought after activity by attorneys and mediators wanting to gain experience. i am going to turn over the microphone a i the -- for the i.t. discussion. >> commissioner chan, yes, we do explore open source and web apps to the extent possible.
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in of lot of cases, cloud-based storage is not for us because of the confidentiality of our documents, but we do have some open source implementations in the office that includes a fax server that we rely on every day for document requests. we are using google calendar embedded in our web site to inform the public of commission meetings, average events, so on and so forth. commissioner chan: you answered my question, we always ask because we have google in our backyard, i have always wondered why we can't use these free apps. >> a custodian of investigations of police misconduct and the police officers' bill of rights, that
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