tv [untitled] May 3, 2012 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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what you do in your work in early education. >> i am the chair of cpac, i'm the director of the san francisco child care providers association. we do the ceo said -- sye -- side. >> director of the preschool quality and enhance and with the early education department. >> i am melissa luke, also part of the early education department. i am the kindergarten transition program specialist. dr. murase: thank you. i appreciate that. i did want to say that i was not able to make the summit.
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and i had some other conflict. all i have heard for someone who was not able to make an event is how i should have been at that event. i will do whatever i can to make sure it gets there the next time it happens. it is such positive -- just the collaboration and information sharing that happen. from all the participants. i wanted to commend you, commissioner yee and the early education department and collaborators for making such an event happened. and not wasting any time about it. getting it up and running and on the ground and happening which is always a his and when you have to pull together quite a few people. it was very successful because i wanted to get there the next
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time. thank you for allowing your staff to participate so fully. congratulation. on such a very powerful event. this is resounding around the city. >> thank you. >> you want to see the summit in five minutes. you can look at the dvd. it is a quick summary of it. >> that you're putting on the website? >> yes. >> i looked for the early education link. ok. >> thanks for coming and being so patient tonight. it is a long meeting. there is a lot of people in -- awarded to a communicate their issues with us. this is typical of the school board meeting. it is important for all of us to have an opportunity here -- to
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hear your report. this is something that was a vision not too long ago. it took a lot of effort from all lot of different people, including the four of you sitting there. you put a lot of energy in there. it was something that has never been done in the city. we're you are pulling people from the district and the city government. other stakeholder's parents and the cbo's. i have to commend your staff, carla and amanda from the cdo side. the results of this summit that we saw less than a month ago. i was pretty excited about it. not only because of the summit itself but as mollison was describing, some of the activities that took place beforehand.
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we could improve on it but the fact that we got this done for teachers to visit each other's classroom and a kindergarten classes to break down the barrier. what they said would be important. the other thing i want to say, it was so exciting in the report and when the panel spoke. and the commitment from different departments in the city, including our own district to continue this dialogue. i said from the beginning that people kept asking, what do you want out of this summit? as if something will magically happen, concrete way that
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[unintelligible] i kept reminding people this is only the beginning. if we could get this to a good start, we could continue to dialogue. from the people i've spoken to, the feedback i have gotten is that this was a great beginning. people -- the trust level was very high. again, i have been in this field for about 30 years and have never seen it as high as it has been currently. there has been distrust between the district and the cdo's. again, there is amanda for -- i commend you for your efforts. and for your staff to be so open. it is a two-way street. it does not happen by itself.
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amanda could have done her saying and we could have said, whenever. you embraced this community. and in return embraced the the district. i am happy to hear that when i heard the reports that people will put resources into this. people will move into the next level. i am very happy to hear that the district and the community will work together to continue another effort like this. not once every year, it sounds like we're moving in the deck -- direction will -- where it will happen several times a year. thank you for your report. i'm glad you are able to stay here this week. thank you.
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ok. we will go to item n. a second reading and action. vote on consent calendar, moved and seconded under section f. that is both. >> there is only one severed item. ms. fewer, yes, ms. maufas, yes, dr. murase, eye. -- aye. there are seven ayes. >> consoconsent calendar resolus 7 for board discussion and immediate action. we have 1 separate item.
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-- severed item. >> good evening, commissioners. just when you think you're having a boring day or long, boring meeting, something comes up to break somewhat of a hot time in the board room or the monotony. lun behold, we had a bid -- a low and behold -- low and behold. for the first time in my entire career, to people. exactly $98,000. -- two people bid $98,000. we have two bids and of course, i immediately said, being the chief facilities officer, it is time for rock, paper, scissors.
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that's the decline. let's have a duel at dawn. i should have guessed that the state and the contract code has decided what the process is to be in the case of a tie. the california public contract code, section 21117 says in the event that there is a tie and a party is not deemed non- responsive, the final selection shall be through drawn lot. by the board pursuant to the public contract code. i was looking for a giant's had because i had forgotten i had to do this. mr. casco has kindly support -- supplied a hat that was lying around in the border. for the sake of public record,
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let me say that two bidders, one is a favorite of susan, aloha builders and the other is a company called all-trustee builders. i do not want the job if you pull my name. once we pull a name out of the hat, we would like for this body to pass a resolution toward -- to award the contract to the person whose name was drawn out of the hat. should they not want the job will go to the most responsible bidder. i know it is somewhat unusual. it happens to be what our legal establishment in the california constitution has deemed what we must do. would you like, mr. board president? >> we will have miss wilson take
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do we need to make a motion on that? ok. >> ms. bjork, yes. -- fewer, yes. ms. maufas, aye. nsms. norton. yes. ms. wynns, aye. mr. yee, yes. that is seven ayes. >> the superintendent's proposal for first reading. kate-8 english language arts instructional materials adoption. is there a motion? >> we moved and seconded it. >> one quick announcement related to that. it is these instructional
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materials, k-5 and 6-8 language arts materials are available to the public for review in the board office between now and the next board meeting. in room 106. >> is there a motion? >> second. >> it has gone through the committee. we will be back for action at the next board meeting. ok? let's move on. item r. proposals for first reading. this would be a request for reconsideration of the amendment of 118-9 a1. reconsideration of 115-24 sp2 will be pulled tonight, withdrawn. item s, board members' report.
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board delegates to membership organizations? >> i want to say one thing from the last roll-call, maybe. >> this will come with board members reports later. >> i am under item s. reading it straight through. standing committees. and any board delegates to membership organizations? none? all other reports by board members. >> you're not going down by a committee like you normally do? >> that is the next thing. unless you want me to redo it. we will go ahead. >> -- if it will make everyone
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happy i will skip to the augmented rules, policy, and legislation. commissioner mendoza. commissioner mendoza: you want the report from the committee or do you want us to do that all once? >> why don't you do the budget reports and we will go announcements. >> we had a good budget committee last week. we had requested there is the technology pieces of it.
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and at what point our schools will be. we have a chance to do it electronically. we had a report from the proposition a oversight committee which was good in terms of thinking about how we are spending the money and the allocations that are coming through. and there are some new members that will be coming up on that that we will be responsible for appointing. and the state budget update was still very bleak. we did not do the reversible admission. president yee: next committee, report from the augmented rules and policy legislative committee. april 16. commissioner wynns. commissioner wynns: i asked the
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members of the board of education to please look at the bill analysis. are you sure that everyone has gotten this? i have asked for their to be a notation added for what members of the staff have reviewed, recommendations before they come to us so we do not always have to ask. that is usually adequate for us to know who has reviewed this. and again, i do want to say that we got a kind of impressive number of representatives from schools. i will tell you that if this continues to happen, perhaps ms . casco will let us know. i wanted knowledge people who come to the meetings.
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people are giving us the analysis of the status of the budget. this is a real opportunity to listen to people who are in on the no, in -- the know. we do have the series 1000 of the -- of our own policies which are linked the and complex. we will at the next meeting of rules committee -- we asked the staff to go over them. there are a lot of policies there that look kind of generic toomey. to -- mto me. there are a lot of policies that are recommended and we should just from reading them. the thing about media policies, about what we do in the event of emergency. we just happen to have the policy.
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the proposed language come straight out of the csba. it is not quite specific enough to the practice and culture of san francisco. i am asking the staff to review all of them. they can tell us whether at the appropriate staff members think that language is adequate for our practice and procedures. the members of the board should do likewise. i ask you to review this before the next committee meeting. thank you. >> we had two action items. ones i had reported on regarding
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the education policy. the other one concerning -- we give both of them a positive recommendation. i like the public to know that our next meeting will not be the first monday in may. it will be the second monday in may witches may 14. thank you. the next item is delegates. president yee: somebody called in today and i guess was inadvertently not placed on the speaker card list. she's been sitting here for few hours. i would if this is ok to give her a minute. come up, sarah.
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>> i am a parent at alice fung alternative and resident of the bayview hunters point neighborhood. i'm here because i am concerned about finding out what is happening with transportation for 2012-2013. i know that there is horrible budget considerations, i follow that. but we are a little bit worried over there in bayview. we just do not have any information and that is making us feel more worried that if somebody just said we're going to do it like this.
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i am here to advocate for transportation for students in the bayview hunters point area to schools that have high achievement records and supports for students to achieve what they are able to achieve and making that happen. so thank you. president yee: will give you an answer. it is something you need to hear. -- we will give you an answer. it is something you need to hear. >> i think as the deputy superintendent mentioned last time with respect to the services, the stops from the bayview, we intend to -- the broader question of transportation changes in services, we realize we are -- is taking longer, frankly, that we had originally planned.
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we are very close to being able to announce what the changes will be. we have letters drafted to principles and the family members and the after-school program providers. nahyan-sfusd after-school program providers. we have tried to take into account all the different concerns that have been raised and i think the effort to try to address as many concerns as possible has led, unfortunately, to a timeliness issue. we're late but i think the news that will go out is not as bad as we had thought earlier in the spring. if we could just have a little more time. i do not have-specific information to share tonight. -- route specific information to
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share. president yee: you were on the list and somehow i missed your name. that was my fault. maybe that is what it was. how do you pronounce this one? thank you. dr. murase: i am getting lots of mail on the transportation plan. on our website it says we will have a plan in march, it will be brought before the board. if that is not correct taken off the website. this is another example of people racing to me of not delivering on our promises and i understand there are mitigating factors. maybe there should be an update on the website. we expect to have a transportation plan by this date certain. i think we're sort of beyond the stage of we will have it to you next week, next week, next week. families and after-school providers are depending on this information. i really urge the district not
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to put incorrect information up on the website. president yee: ok. it is time for the board delegates to membership organizations. you have any reports? >> i think i am a delegate. i thought i would give the board a brief update. commissioner wynn and dr. murmaufas also there. they talked about -- it went into great detail on the weights the use in their formula. it was stand interesting. we heard this session and that it would be interesting for the board to dig in a little bit too our formula because we have not talked about it for a long
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time and talk about some day when we do have money, what would be some changes that we would recommend to it. i do not know if we could do that right now. that was really interesting. the other really interesting data that was presented was on the disproportionate relationship between discipline and race. it can dig into it and do all sorts of analysis with our district. some of that data we have talked about, it was really interesting. bryan perkins was there talking about school boards and superintendents. he said he never had a meeting that lasted longer than an hour and a half. we have something to shoot for, president yee. >> i want to say one thing. i was unhappy about this, now i
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am not so much unhappy. we had a speaker -- [unintelligible] i am interested and i am sorry that deputy superintendent carranza is not here. i would like someone to talk to us or think about how we can use the khan academy and what is a program for schools. it occurred to me, i talked to him at the conference. he said they are interested in starting a school. i said i guess it will be a private school. i -- that is one thing. it seemed to me that this old school ought to be taking advantage of free online instruction. anyway, that was -- and
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interestingly, i was kind of, we're having the same speaker. it made me hear a lot more. and think about it a different way. and he is right down the road. we could probably get him up here to talk to us. he would be happy to do that. president yee: other reports by board members? commissioner murase. dr. murase: i attended a conference on april 19. i want to recognize the hard working families that make that organization work. one of their signature events, access to a venture where kids with special needs are afforded the opportunity to go to a bouncy house and other things challenging will be held
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saturday at the golden gate and chill. -- bandshell. he emceed the music festival, he also played the piano as an accompanist. it was just beautiful. it was a wonderful location for that event, and i want to thank the faculty and students. it is pretty amazing to see over 200 violence on a stage, so that was great, and i want to thank her rosa parks committee. they always invite school district staff to march with them, and finally, if is the listening audience, and if they have any
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