tv [untitled] May 3, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT
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president newlin: i think we can do it. commissioner lee: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. commissioner perez: aye. president newlin: aye. report from the executive director. >> i'm going to make the short and sweet. i was out of town until today. i want to update you on the parking lot legislation and the last hearing that happened in front of the land use committee, i sent nicholas. i will ask him to give you a brief update and ast -- and ask commissioner lee to weigh in. >> it was heard at the public safety commission last week. there were a couple of on the fly amendments but the gist of it is the same.
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certain parking lots within 1,000 feet of place and entertainment venues should have a secure plan as approved by s&p. there are waiver procedures for those. it passed at committee so it will be hot -- it will be heard at the full board next tuesday, may 1, i believe. >> thank you. commissioner lee, do you have anything else to that? commissioner lee: there was a little bit of negotiation from the parking lot association vice-president. also, the commander. they worked out something. whenever they worked out is moving to the full board, which is great. >> fantastic. this being moved through its paces and implemented, i think
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we will have the first interaction to see what happened -- what impact that has by and large. the administration is an sfpd function. we will assist as necessary. i wanted to let the commission know and everybody watching at home that our online payment is up and running. it is superb, functional, fantastic, flawless. it has been used a whole bunch of times. you can pay for anything online with a credit card with a small convenience fee. it is really, really nice to not have people coming into the office. they can do almost everything online now. that is fantastic for us. the promoter registry as well. as i mentioned, two weeks ago, it is online and functional. it is slower than i would like.
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i would like to ask for everyone's assistance, particularly commissioners who are involved with functioning venues and are in communication with other venue operators, to let them know that it is a requirement by law. if they want to use promoters, they have to use registered promoters. the registry is free 24 hours per day. it is easy as i think it could be for a symbol registry. i need everyone's assistance to get that populated. at some point, probably early may, we are going to start using the consequences that we are able to use if people are not following proper procedure. that is what i have to say about that. i also want to let you know, although i cannot tell you exactly when it will occur, that we did, in fact, get a different
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room so that our meeting might be able to start a little bit earlier in the evening. our start time is as late as it is because of the issue of televising our meetings and meeting our room capabilities. at this point, i believe will be taking 416 and we will be able to start at 5:30, which i hope will accommodate the public as well as the commission. i'm not sure when we will begin to use that room. i will give everyone enough notice to move their schedules around. in addition, we are talking about swapping the tuesday. we will steve -- will still meet on tuesday, but when that begins, we will meet on the first and third as opposed to the second and fourth. i told everyone on the internet and it made the majority rules
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if everyone is not in full agreement. i will let you know as soon as i can win at the start date of that change of room and day and time will occur. thankfully, i have nothing to report on corrective action. >> on the promoter thing, it is extremely easy. i did it. if i can do it, it is super easy. the other thing about 416, isn't that where we started off? on the first and third tuesdays? >> that is correct. >> if i may. i wanted to make sure that i get at least one month's notice because i have a lot of rearranging to do. i am sure there will be fine with it, but i need one month to make sure i notify them. >> not a problem.
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>> i understand joycelyn is going to buy two tables. [laughter] all right, vaj, you are on. >> i will also keep this short period in your binders, you will see a basic report that you're used to seeing from me. nothing -- there are a few high notes that i will cover really quickly. one, we had a discharge of a firearm outside of noble on 600 polk st. no one was hurt. we are looking into that matter both with reports from the club and sfpd. it looks like there was an altercation outside. there is still some question as to whether or not the person with the gun -- the gun was not in the venue as far as we know. it was brought from a car and
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there is question as to whether or not the parties with the firearm were in the club. it is a little bit murky right now. we are trying to sort through that. there was some kind of altercation and somebody fired rounds into the air to break up the crowd. and flee the scene in a vehicle. that is one. let's see. out in richmond, which is not on this report. you will get that next week. what else? we have been working with -- i reported here a few weeks ago about the 17th area. we are working with sfpd and mission station. two underground clubs have been able to get traction with building owners. in one situation, the people were evicted. in the other, they have not been
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evicted but have been put into a situation where they cannot do underground events or clubs. that is a great example of both the city attorney, sfpd, and the entertainment commission working together with the community to achieve a goal. it is excellent and something that we hope to replicate and other parts of the city. she talked about the promoter registration. we will be looking at the beginning of next month. right now, for those clubs who do outside promoters, it is important that they encourage that those promoters be registered because starting in may, if they are using an outside promoter, they will be getting a citation. that is about it. pretty short and sweet these days. unless there are any questions.
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>> i do. i have a question about the promoters. anyone who promotes a party, no matter what, if you are doing a drag show in a bar and you are the name that promotes the party, then you have to register? >> that is correct. >> i want to make sure everyone out there knows. >> that includes nonprofits that promote, correct? >> yes. the distinction comes with where people are coming -- where people are promoting events and the timeframe. daytime events are not generally promoted. i did not bring it tonight but i will bring it later, the actual definition to read it to you. it is narrow enough to be clear that what we are talking about is places of entertainment and not too broad.
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to include birthday parties and dance halls. it was an exercise to near it -- to narrow it down. but yes, you would need to get on the list. >> what about social security events? >> yes. i think they are on the list. >> any other questions? president newlin: we will go to item number four, police department comments and questions. >> welcome. a couple of different incidents in the district over the last few weeks. april 22, at 1:45 in the morning, police officers on patrol escorted a female from the seller. the female was flailing her arms
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and yelling at security. security was asking her to calm down. the police stopped and took her into custody. it appears security acted properly. i like the idea that they are bringing the person outside. security was acting properly but i have concerns about people being over serve. i do not know at what point she got there, but we had an intoxicated person that is being taken out of the establishment. i'm going to talk with them about heightened awareness in terms of over serving. on april 12, at 1:30 in the morning, a fight at the condor club. a patron ejected for using his cell phone. they have signs prohibiting that any sort of photography or even having a cell phone out is prohibited. the patron was directed to put
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his phone away and he continued to text. he was advised to leave and refused. security started to escort him and he punched a security guard on the way out. they began to fight. one of the things i like hearing about this is that they have proper notification. it comes as no surprise to anyone in there that they cannot take their cell phone out. he claimed that he was doing facebook as he was getting a lapdance. the entertainer thought he was taking video. it is good for the condor, rather than the semantics of whether you are having video or not video, you cannot have your phone out. that is a much better policy to have. other clubs in the area had a problem with this. i think just prohibiting phones in their, they usually worn them
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once and if they continue, they have them removed. another one on april 21 at 2:20 in the morning, the victim and his girlfriend were leaving the café and they were one or two doors down from the entrance. the girlfriend said that the suspect was hollering at her in the club. once outside, the suspect called her eighth "bitch" and to keep moving. words were exchanged and the suspect attacked the boyfriend. the victim fell to the ground and was briefly knocked unconscious. a large group of is that the club -- exited the club, and i was curious because it was 2:20 in the morning. usually, clubs let out earlier than that. the suspect fled. the victim suffered numerous cuts and had his front tooth
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knocked out. the report did not say what security was doing during the aggravated assault. i do not know if they were out there or they said it one or two doors down. they should be able to manage the front. we are looking into that further. on april 12 at 11:30, a patron at the old bar suffered a broken finger after being physically ejected by the bartender. two victims were victim of -- were victims of grand theft at the impala broadway. the last one i will talk about, i will read the full narrative about this incident. "on 421 12th at 1:30 in the morning, we responded to a better report. upon arrival, we met the victims
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who stated they were drinking and fell targeted from the moment they enter the club because they were the hottest couple in town. while having a drink, there were confronted by nightclub staff members. the unknown suspect who order them to leave the club. the victim said they did nothing to provoke this. the suspect began forcefully pushing them and the victim, who said he was extremely upset about the incidents stated they had been assaulted. the victim had no idea why this happened but they felt weird from the moment they walked in because everyone stared at them like they were pieces of meat. the victim said, we were just two good-looking people try to look at it -- try to look for a good time. i mean, look at my girlfriend. she is taught -- hot.
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there were not injured during the incident but stated that they felt emotionally injured and refused any treatment. they both had no visible injuries." [laughter] >> i want to thank you. this is the entertainment commission and tonight you have been extremely entertaining. i did have a question. that was a great quote. does sugar closed at 2:00? in your report, does it say the club was closed? is this something that happened at the club while all of the patrons were exiting but did not clear the street? >> is not clear. when i read the report, i do not know if they stopped entertainment at 2:00 and turn on lights and it took a long time to get out, it was not
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clear. at 2:20, one of the victims said people were still coming out of the club. it sounds like that was the time it happened. >> does sugar have an extended hours permit? it does not. they had to be close. everyone has to be out of there. that makes it much clearer. thank you. >> other questions? >> does the seller have afterhours? >> no. >> they do not either. president newlin: thank you for the great story. ok, item number five. hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertaining commission. item a, nguyen chi dba rumors,
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builders and pool table, mechanical amusement device. >> good afternoon. it is an application for two permits. one is for the pool table, of which there is one, and the other one is for the video games. president newlin: welcome. introduce yourself. >> we are applying for the mechanical amusement device. the establishment will open in mid-may. it is just one pool table and two games. >> any questions from the commission? >> the lineup? >> where are you putting your pool table? >> we are taking out a boost in the back to put it in the middle
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of the bigger space. >> you're going to be a full- service restaurant? >> yes. >> what kind of food you serve? >> american, a lot of happy hour. >> school. president newlin: is she still on the building? watch out for your landlord? [laughter] any other questions from the commission? no music, just background. all right, thank you very much. are there any members of the public that wish to comment on this application? seeing none, do we have a motion? >> i motion to approve. >> second. commissioner perez: aye. commissioner lee: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. president newlin: aye.
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item b, park, nae moon, a billiards and pool table. >> say that again. president newlin: fillmore billiard is what i have. >> that should not have made the final agenda. that requires a 312. president newlin: ok. let's act like i never said that. we will go to item c. aunt charlie's lounge, a place of entertainment permit. >> this is a small business in the tenderloin.
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it has been in place for about 27 years. this is an application for a place of entertainment permit to cover the occasional drag shows that they have in the evening. president newlin: ok. great. and you would be aunt charlie? >> no. bill erkelens. president newlin: anything to say? ok, great. thank you. >> good evening. i am officer mike torres, representing the tenderloin police station. after looking at the application, we noticed that there was a lot of items that were left out or incomplete. we would like to give the applicant the opportunity to complete these items that have
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been omitted or not completed. just like part four, the a dominant and declaration states that the execution of the police code understand that any false or come -- or incomplete information may be considered calls to either denied the request, permit, or revoke the permit is granted. we are asking for a continuance to allow mr. williams to complete this application and we can go forward with our full recommendation. president newlin: are you ok with that? >> certainly. >> whose signature is that? did you say it was not signed? the acknowledgement and declaration? >> there are a lot of items, if you go through the application,
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i could go line by line and point them out if you would like. >> no, that is fine. i thought it was not signed but i see your signature there. >> he was going to give me a copy with the highlights of everything on this. we have gone through all of the department's. >> i just -- i am just curious. aunt charlie's is an icon in the city. did you know you needed an entertainment permit? i'm just curious. sometimes, we do not outreach to places like yours. did you know? >> not really. >> not really. that means maybe you know. ok. president newlin: great.
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we are in agreement that we will continue this and wrap up the missing information and get you going. as soon as possible. thank you. do we have any public comment on discontinuance? -- this continuance? i do not see it one way or the other. >> i moved to continue. >> second. president newlin: item six. commissioner's comments and questions. any commissioners? >> tomorrow night, the community housing partnership is having a night of 1000 stars. the the id reception starts at 5:30 and the show is at 7:00 and it is all people who lived in their buildings that are doing a talk show. it is always an amazing event. i am on the honoraria committee.
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so i am doing my duty. i hope you all come and join tomorrow night. president newlin: and the other commissioners? i would like to report that i went to see the john paul gautier exhibit and i encourage everybody to see that. the presentation is like nothing you have ever seen. just the way they have done it, let alone what is there. it is definitely worth the time and money to go see. item #7, new business request for future agenda items. >> i was wondering if we could do something to start the conversation about party bosses and possible regulation so that, since assemblymen are willing to talk to us, i think that we could do -- i know it would not
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just be us. but maybe we could lead a conversation or do some investigation just because of the nuisance that they pose right now. >> i spoke to inspector van cool and ask him about open containers in buses. the legislation that exists in the state believes it is particular to limousines and not buses. he has been in touch with assemblymen hill's office and they are trying to redraft this legislation. >> awesome. president newlin: if there is nothing further, then i am going to adjourn tuesday, april 24 meeting of the entertainment commission for the city and county of san francisco. thank you for coming. were you here to speak to the
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