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tv   [untitled]    May 5, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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we want to support this young couple. but it is not possible with the attitude that has been displayed so far. thank you. president fong: thank you. next d.r. requestor rebuttal. they technically get five, right? technically. any other rebuttals? ok. project sponsor rebuttal. >> i believe you. ok. again, regarding the easement, that note was there. we have provided an exit stairs, so we do not need the easement, just to be clear. on the perspectives that were showing the privacy issue, honestly, the perspectives that
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were provided to you are inaccurate. we have used very sophisticated modeling software to make sure -- faces a more accurate representation. on the top is the existing condition, showing the stair. sorry for the fuzziness. the red forms are potentially people standing there. here at the bottom you see a more accurate perspective of what you would see out of the library window. the figures in the windows are correct. someone could stand there with their nose to the glass. but i think this is far less a privacy issue than the staircase itself. thank you. president fong: ok. the public hearing portion is closed. commissioners? commissioner moore: is this a"
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compliant project? >> this is a code compliant project. commissioner moore: thank you. the expansion as to whether it is considered too large or small already is not within what we are discussing. in addition to the fact that the three buildings, as historically interesting as they sound, have not been identified to us as a historic district or as historic property. the building in question has been insensitive it altered a number of years ago. the first move is to pull back on a somewhat irrelevant stair, which seemed to be taking up quite a bit of space in the backyard. and i am very sensitive to the fact that we do have a he said, she said. i do regret that those people,
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who have a large home and the ability to enlarge it, do not have the ability to talk to each other. that is hard for me. we are here all the time with people with very modest homes, people with project three times as large as yours. we always get put in the middle. however, this commission is not asked to be a psychiatrist or peacemaker around those issues. what we are doing here is relative to many other projects which propose similar things. we see if that our code compliant, if there is an interference with those things which we can govern. if i look at it and i am particularly going to be referring to a growing -- a drawing, a103, i do not see that this is exceptional or
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extraordinary, except that the house itself is extraordinary. that is wonderful. having said that, i actually believe the apartment building is one of the big interferers, being built almost to the rear of the property line. 2709 includes further into the same space, which the building we are supposed to look at does not at all to the extent the others do. i congratulate you for providing this drawing. i can only conclude that in the application itself there is nothing exceptional or extraordinary. i appreciate you getting back to
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us. do i? i am not asked to comment on it, so i will not, and there is really nothing. it is just what is. >> could i ask you a question? it has been represented the new extension is 9.2 inches further back from the position of the stairs emma is the correct? >> we are building of 9 ft. 2 commo, so we are building out l. >> i look fat in wrong, and that answers a lot of my questions. we talked -- it looks like that
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is wrong, and that answers a lot of my questions. the other situation is there has been some shadows studies, and as far as any radiation of light or heat, i assume that is not going to cause a prism affect on neighboring homes? >> the original design was submitted before standards went into affect. we talked to planning, and they suggested we conform to them, so we redesign them. now all the glass pieces are less than 24 square feet, and he sent the planning department a letter saying he was in full
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support. >> there have been some changes? >> i think you have elevations. if you do not, i am happy to show them to you. you have some on the side. >> they delineate from the original, but it is a similar would. it will age to a similar color. >> i would like to ask some comments on the dr requester. it has been presented at this agitation -- this addition is not as far back as the stairs were, and i want to ask
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specifically what you would do differently if it were up to you to change the addition. >> it is a little deceptive the way they are describing it was four stories over two stories and how far it is going out. if you look at the pictures, the two stories come up to about the second story from the house. there's goes above that, so what happens is on the property line there is a huge height, so you will be standing next to it, and the amount of area it comes out
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is greater than what the pictures are indicating, so today you a home with a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge, and you do not see the homes next to you. when this is complete you will no longer have that view. it extends so far, and it has an outside for the other stories. it is going to be uncomfortable for everybody. it is not going to be pleasant to see people in the house directly adjacent to euayou.
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there is no way to have that not occur. >> your concern is height, not decisions, because this is less than it was with the stairs. presumably, someone could be looking into the room. >> it was an awkward thing done for fire occurred, and a thing about stairs that is different from what the architect is proposing is a that the stairs are open and it is not continuous, so what he is proposing will be continuous, and you will not see through it. >> thank you for your comments. i was reading the various reports. there was a question of height, but this is code compliant, and
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the height is susceptible, and the design team feels the additional height is susceptible -- is susceptible. >> it is well within the height limit a. >> we always look at it as appropriate, and it was felt that would be appropriate, and we have already dealt with the height issue, and the only thing that goes further is the two- story base, which is generally below what would be a factor, from what i understand. >> that is correct. in addition, it is set 5 feet from an adjacent buildings. >> just a few comments. i did go out to see the property.
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however, they are not historic. i live in an 1870's house. it has been remodeled so many times it is no longer historic. the comment is the same as in a lot. i winced at that. it is an exceptional lost. it may have the same dimensions as many lots, but these are exceptional properties, no question about. we do not often get something brought to us, particularly an enlargement of this size that is
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code conforming. that is very unusual. the first thing i asked is where are the variances. not only is it unusual, it is pleasant to see. if you look at a neighboring house, you will have up referral -- up referral euan -- will have a peripheral view you did not have before. that is what happens in san francisco. i happen to like the expression in the rear. i wish he had done the front of the house rather than who did it before.
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there is nothing exceptional or extraordinary here, and i would move not to take the dr and approve it does propose. >> second your your -- second appeared in good -- second. commissioner antonini: i agree with what has been said by the other commissioners. we know views are not protected, and although there is not a big change, there is a little bit of a change, and the privacy issue is one in an urban environment that is really difficult. as long as there is adequate separation and light and air, those are things that i do not see the fog -- do not think the factors exist enough to make any
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changes, though i can certainly understand concerns. commissioner moore: the only thing that could be added is due west facing windows, and i think this will almost inevitably necessitates some protection or to keep your car parts from the bleaching out -- carpets from leaching out, so it will probably provide some privacy. >> is there a motion on the floor to not take the article as proposed, on that motion -- [calling votes] that motion passed unanimously. you are now at general public
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comment. >> is there any general public comment? seeing none, the meeting is adjourned. we are going to began the show. this is a video of racing and training year in san francisco bay. we have outtakes from the various world cup series regatta's that have taken place around the world since last
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year. most recently, in naples, italy. we have a brand new footage that no 1 has seen. we are very proud to show you this video on the 34th edition on the oldest trophy in sports. ♪ ♪ ki ♪ >> that is a dynamite piece of
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video. >> this is extreme sailing. this is absolutely what we hoped for. >> absolutely blown away. >> absolutely dumbfounded. >> that is what you like. >> it is great to see so close to the action.
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this is so exciting. >> come in july this fabulous sport. >> jimmy is leading away. >> this is the new 72, they will be flying. >> this goes to oracle racing. >> two weeks ago in naples, italy. this is a terrific event.
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san francisco conditions. 250,000 people. the america's cup. welcome to the new america's cup. we would like to welcome the mayor, thank you for joining us on this momentous occasion. thank you, we will introduce them formally in a minute. this is a kickoff for the 34th edition of the oldest trophy in international sports. today, we will celebrate. this will be the america's cup village. this is already being
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constructed. this is where the general public will be able to participate. of course, this is the first time in the history of the cup that it will not be erased 10 or even 20 miles offshore. it will be right here on this city fraud. this will be a fantastic husband. this is the best venue, even better than auckland. this is the best of a new that any of us have ever seen. and many of you have seen the america's cup before? ok, would you like to see it again? please welcome the oldest trophy in international sports, the america's cup. [applause]
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>> please welcome the mayor of the great city and county of san francisco. the hon. ed lee. >> thank you for coming. we were here with our director
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and union labor and all of the people that are excited as we are on the eve of getting this done. we were knocking hell hole in the wall of a shed that was underutilized. here we are, most of the shed is gone. we are looking at the future racing village of the america's cup. we are so lucky to be here in san francisco. thank you for participating. [applause] i will continue telling you that i am so lucky, not just to be a mayor, but to be a resident of san francisco at this time the. to see the rebirth of our old port and to welcome in thousands of people. with your help and thanks to david chew and his leadership at the board level, and all of the
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different departments working with the event authority, with the organizing committee. thank you for your wonderful leadership here. charlotte, i like that title, "sir." the mayor is 1 thing, that is elevating it a bit. i would like to thank everyone because there are so many elements that were done to put this together. this is working with our local patrons, our commissioners on the port. all the different elements that have come together, they have such fantastic people to step up to get an agreement with the city, with the event authority to make this really happened. you look beyond just behind me, these are the wings of a c-34.
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this was literally in just 4 months. the wings in all whole will be put together. this will be on the waterfront racing. this is in august, october, finally the big races come next year with the america's cup races in the final and this is still the only international competition for the years to come. we are so lucky to host it in san francisco. it is my pleasure to thank everyone that has been involved to make sure that you know that this has been such a citywide effort. all of the neighborhoods are beginning to feel, whether they are a landlocked or a waterfront, they are feeling the vibrancy. everyone will be involved. neighborhoods will come out. they will find there is a new or
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their way up to the waterfront. if you could not make it to the waterfront, there should be an exciting approach to this. these are all the wonderful day news that we have. there will be television and all of the other aspects that will bring the whole world to view here. it is our like the international a vent. this is 1 that we get to celebrate with our sponsors and the authority. i know in the audience that we have representatives from our team sweden. we also have a representative from the people's republic of china, the culture minister. [applause]
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i would like to thank our planning commission president. thank you for your wonderful leadership on this, this really help us to bring it through. individuals, as i said, they have people that have seen the vision for our city and have had really years of leadership. the former supervisor, thank you for being here as well. i would like to give a shout out to -- to represent leader pelosi. thank you for being here. we were given real support to make sure that this starts. our fire chief and his wife, thank you for being here. i am excited. i am excited that all the different departments are working together with our report commissioned to bring this to
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fruition. you are seeing everything that is occurring right before your eyes. it will be here before you can blink an eye. you will see the tense and the villages sprang up. you will see the racing teams already starting to practice. you will probably see a few boats capsize, trying to get used to the speed. we are lucky to be in san francisco. we are excited that this race has come to. of course, there will be such a great economic derivation from this. $1 billion of bay area economic impact will still be here. yes, we have had to focus our efforts on this. we wanted to make sure that we got it done right. it is being done right. there is 8000 jobs resulting from this fantastic international event.
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we get to showcase ourselves again. we get to host international teams. we get to invite people from around the world. that is what we do in san francisco. thank you everybody for being here to celebrate this momentous occasion. [applause] >> i cannot quite call you sir ed yet. thank you, sir. that was terrific. we are all grateful to be here in your city, our city. many of us are moving here. look at all of these new residents of the city and county of san francisco. >> in the script that adam wrote for me, we called her the captain of the city's team. you have the skipper and in the back