tv [untitled] May 5, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT
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supervisor farrell: i have the honor of three commendations today. as we all know, we have the highest performing urban public school district in the state. one of the critical parts. i have the honor of honoring three people today. and also to me, personally, and my family. it is a great honor to recognize the three individuals that have a number of events and celebrations on their behalf. i wanted to make sure top honor them on behalf of the city of san francisco to make sure that they know and appreciate how much you have meant to all of us. i will ask you to come up one by
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one to speak. gordon? colleagues and members of the public, the board member is currently the head of schools for schools of the sacred heart in san francisco. he has an amazing background. he has a bachelor's degree from st. mary's, teaching in saint thomas, st. paul. there are a lot of saints here. he spent a lot of time in school and began his tenure here as the founding head in 2000. he really brought it up off the ground and founded a new catholic high school in san francisco. for all the schools in san francisco, truly what we see
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today is an atmosphere where young men are building their confidence and building their educational base. for the past three years, applications and enrollment have risen. i know you are off to retirement and more relaxed days. how want to honor you and thank you for all of those commitments. >> very briefly, i'd like to thank supervisor farrell. as a transplant from the upper midwest, coming to san
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francisco, i am often asked what it is about 7 sysco values. my experience here is that san francisco values are summed up in open-mindedness, and a willingness to dare and take risks tno matter where it occurs. we have the freedom to ask our children and families to explore some of the most important questions that are also the spiritual foundations. thank you for this opportunity, i will retire here rather than go back to the snow. this is a wonderful place for people to live and learn. supervisor farrell: my second, and and torea -- my second commendation goes to andrea shirley. prior to convent high school,
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she spent a lot of time after work i school from 2001-2008. -- at stuart high school from 2001-2008. she has a master's from texas state. and i presume a doctoral degree that you will wrap up this summer? knock on wood. i have just gotten to know you and to meet you, but your reputation precedes you. you are obviously beloved in our community and on behalf of everyone here, i want to wish you all the best. you are moving on with your family, and you will the mets. i think you on behalf of everyone here. thank you so much for your commitment. >> i feel quite ought to be in
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the company of gordon and anne. and what effect the educators, we are appreciative of the attention that we get. we appreciate the relationship we have been able to develop with all of you. i am going to miss the city and the weather a lot. it is hot in texas. it is a blessing to be here and now all of the gunmen in stuart hall -- young men in stuart hall high school and all those incredibly dedicated teachers there. supervisor farrell: lastly and certainly not least, sister anne walker. sister ann walker is currently the head of convent elementary
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in san francisco. she graduated from st. mary's college of notre dame, the university of san francisco as well. she began her sacred heart career in omaha, nebraska. in new york, illinois, louisiana, you have really gotten around. maybe perpetual vows in 1996. she served as a middle school dean and for the last 12 years as head of the convent. she is a legend within the schools of sacred heart, just an incredible person. famous for working out a military-style drop-off system. it has worked so well in the dense neighborhood schools.
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really made an incredible difference in the lives of so many families. just to speak on a very personal level, you are one of the most amazing educators i have come across. if you have made such a difference in young girls' lives. i have seen it up close and personal for the last year. it means the world of parents and kids alike. we're going to miss you. i know you are often different opportunities to grow and so forth. if we're looking forward to another -- and really, our city of san francisco. [applause] >> thank you, mark and all the
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supervisors for the support you give to children in san francisco. tehe children that grow up here have a lot of opportunities. it is our focus to be able to make a difference, not just for now, but for the future. when you work with elementary kids, you look into the eyes of the future of the time. it has been a real privilege for me. i made my final vows in 1996. i moved to study in usf, did graduate work there and was hired to work at the middle school. i became the head in 2000. it's been 15 years. and a particular privilege to do this in san francisco because my great aunt was a sacred heart sister as well.
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she was here on three different occasions, most recently in 1938. she helped the nuns moved the school from jackson street to broadway. if my father remembers visiting her. when i became the head of the elementary school, he already passed away. for me, and has been a personal commitment to follow in her footsteps and to do what i can for the children in san francisco. and also to take the mission that we had, the goals that we have. it is never only about ourselves. when not only one of the children to be successful, we want them to be significant and to make choices that are
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significant in the lives of others. we want to set them on the road to wisdom. it is about that, the higher purpose. i want to thank you for recognizing that. when he asked if he could command us in this way, i said yes, because it is really commending the mission of sacred heart education and the city of san francisco. we have been educating young women and men in san francisco for the last 125 years. starting next year, it will be the first year there will not be religious working in the school for the first time. knowing the future is in the hands of wonderful people.
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we have an incredible faculty that will carry it forward, and i leave here physically, but my heart -- you leave your heart in san francisco, that is certainly true. i continue my work in halifax and nova scotia. i am definitely leaving a part of my heart in san francisco. there is no competition for a baseball team through 4, so i will continue to be a giants fan, and warriors fan, and a 49ers fan, of course. i will miss the city, the place, the people. all of what gordon talked about, the open mindedness. i will miss the people of san francisco and the wonderful people like mark, his wife, his
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president chiu: that concludes the special order for commendations today. can you call the 3:00 p.m. special order items. >> pursuant to a motion approved april 2012, the board of supervisors have agreed to sit as a committee has a hole for items 28-35 comprising the special order for public hearings, persons interested in the proposed resolutions authorizing the acquisition of a temporary construction license at the property, a known as 55 stockton street by eminent domain for a public purpose of constructing a central subway extension project and other improvements. president chiu: will now sit as
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a committee as a whole to conduct public hearings on the proposed resolutions of necessity to acquire certain property interests and a vote on the resolution themselves. we are considering proposals to require construction licenses at 55 stockton street, 150 stockton street,. the mta seeks to find the licenses for the construction of the central subway light rail extension using funds appropriated for that program. in this hearing, the board of supervisors will consider whether the public interest and a necessity consider the light rail extension project. whether the extension project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good. and whether the temporary construction licence required is necessary for the central subway
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light rail extension project. and finally, if the city has made the necessary offers from the property owners for just compensation as required under state law. if we adopt the proposed resolutions, we will be making consistency findings in connection with the acquisition. the board must pass this resolution with eight votes, 2/3 votes. do i have a motion to that effect? without objection, it shall be the case. let me propose the following order for this hearing. the mta will have 50 minutes in support of the resolutions and the acquisition of the construction licenses. members of the public and that support any or all of these resolutions will have the two minutes to speak, and following
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that, each of the four property owners will have 15 minutes in opposition to the resolution pertaining to their property. members of the public that wish to propose a resolution will have up to two minutes each to speak. unless there are any questions, why don't we go to the mta for the presentation of to 15 minutes? >> and the central subway program director. i will be providing you with a very brief project overview to give you background for the temporary construction licence before you today. in the central subway is a 7.1 mile t-line extension and the north-south real connection for the first time in over 50 years, providing significant
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travel, her timesaving to a population where 68% of the residents remain -- rely on it for their daily needs. the central subway extension of the line that will essentially 1.7 miles of the extension of with four stations, three underground subway stations and other surface station. i want to thank you for your past leadership and support for this program, has it has allowed this program to remain on track. three are currently awarded and in construction. in the fourth and fifth contract, the chinatown's addition contract and the union square marquetry home station contract are out to bid. the program goal is to award and have all of the construction
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contracts necessary to build the program in place and in construction by the end of this year. the temporary licenses before you today are actually going to affect for properties showed in the slide. the side walls of the station box for the union square market street station is currently now, this is a section view of the proposed construction techniques for the station, is essentially a slice through stockton streets. the construction technology to construct the side walls of the station, the program plans to use an incline pile wall, where
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the tip of the pile wall will encroach on to private property approximately three to four feet, and there lies the temporary construction license that is before you today. the value of this temporary construction license has been determined by a professional appraiser, and that appraisal has been reviewed by another professional appraiser in compliance with the fta regulations. these are for all four of the owners, and they are negotiating with each individual property owner and making progress to that end. but the action before you will allow the agency to remain on track for the construction of the head walls in august of this year, so the vision here is to
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remain on a parallel track while the commission in the property owner and pursuing condemnation axe so it will not be impacted. and that concludes my presentation. president chiu: colleagues, any questions? supporting the sfmta? ok, at this time, why do i not ask if there are any representatives of the property owners with this resolution? please step up and identify the property you are representing in proceed for a presentation of about 10 to 15 minutes. >> i am steve atkinson. we are representing the owner of 55 stockton street, and the corporation has developed this property and has owned it since that time. i want to just briefly explain
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my client's position. there was a proposed price of $13,500 in january. the city then -- we informed the city of this. my client, the delay was only due to the fact that the city forward everett policy reason decided not to share anything with this. we thought that would be fair. nonetheless, they have transmitted their summary to the city, and we are awaiting the response. when the mta is seeking to do today is authorizing the execution of eminent domain. we do not believe this action is necessary. we are not opposed to the
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central subway. we are not opposed to the license. we are in ongoing negotiations with the city. all they want to do is is to assure that they receive fair value, which is $37,000. if the city will agree to that, this matter can be concluded very quickly. they are not seeking a windfall, just fair value. in considering this acquisition, we would ask you to be aware that they have already expanded -- expend money to relocate from stockton street. this is understandable in light of the very large costs that it has incurred so far. therefore, we ask the city to be
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fair and reasonable in exercising its powers. thank you very much. president chiu: are there any other representatives of the property owners? and for the record, we did receive a statement. and with this, are there any members of the public who wish to look at this action by the sfmta? and seeing none, let me ask you -- ask the sfmta if you want to use any of the time for rebuttal. >> no. president chiu: ok. if there are no questions at this time, colleagues, unless there are any questions, and this has been held and close. items 28, 30, 32 and another our file.
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items 29, 31, and others, the necessity to acquire before construction licenses by eminent domain are now in the hands of the board. at this time, i would like to get any remarks on this matter. ok, seeing none, colleagues, eight votes are needed to adopt these resolutions. madam clerk, can we take a roll- call vote on these items? clerk calvillo: mr. president, i am assuming you are adjourning the committee as a whole? president chiu: yes, we are adjourning the committee as a whole. clerk calvillo: [reading roll] farrell absent.
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supervisor mar, supervisor cohen, and there are 10 ayes. president chiu: the resolutions are adopted, and with that, madam clerk, could you please read -- actually, i just realized -- colleagues, can we have a quick motion to rescind this vote. i know supervisor farrell stepped out and wanted to come back for it. emotion from supervisor campos. -- a motion. the last vote is rescinded, and, madam clerk, if we could have a roll-call vote? clerk calvillo: yes. [reading roll]
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there are 11 ayes. president chiu: colleagues, the resolutions of necessity are adopted. madam clerk, if we can now go to our 4:00 p.m. special order? >> items 36 through 39 comprise a special order at 4:00 p.m. for a public hearing of persons interested in a decision by the plant or a determination date is february 3, 2012, that a project located at 1100 lombard street is exempt from environmental review under the california environmental quality act. item 37 is the motion affirming that is exempt from environmental review. item 38 is a motion refers in the determination by the planning department, and item 39 is a motion directing the clerk to prepare the findings. president chiu: i understand we have received communications from both parties for a continuance to may 22.
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can i have a motion to that effect? by supervisor farrell, seconded by supervisor campus. anyone that would like to comment on discontinuance? we will be back on may 22. seeing none, colleagues, can we take the motion to continue without objection? that will be the case, and, madam clerk, can you please call before club special item for the special order, items 40 through 43. clerk calvillo: item number 40, a hearing for the persons interested in the planning commission decision which the public open space project at eight washington street is approved. item 41 is a motion affirming the planning commission certification, and item 42 is a motion reversing the certification by the planning commission, and item 43 is a motion directing the clerk to prepare findings. president chiu: colleagues, both
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parties have agreed to consolidate for what has been scheduled for may 15, so can we continue this to may 15? a motion from supervisor kim, seconded from supervisor chu. colleagues, can we take this without objection? without objection, these items will be continued. madam clerk, can you please read the in memoriams? clerk calvillo: mr. president, i am pleased to say there are no in memoriams today. president chiu: we are adjourned. [gavel] captioned by the national captioning institute --www.ncic
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