tv [untitled] May 5, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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the initial plan calls for about 1000 residential units which would accommodate about 2000 people to live in this development. office space, up to 1.7 million square feet of office space. i grew up in san francisco. i remember when levi plaza was unveiled decades ago. in those days, that was an innovative and very active urbanscape and a strong impact in san francisco. we see this as the 2015 version of levi plaza. different but a similar setting. about 125,000 square feet of retail and residential space where local, homegrown businesses can come and display
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their wares and offer great retail and restaurant opportunities. we will have the opportunity to service people coming to and from games. that is important. with the burgeoning number of residences, residential units in the area, you are going to be able to serve an increasing demand for neighborhood opportunities for visitors and residents for cafes, stores, shopping at could be in character with some of the neighborhoods we know in san francisco that are so popular. then the rehabilitation of pier 48 provide spectacular opportunities to be consistent with the maritime activity, and
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also the possibility of local manufacturing. business is actually coming to pier 48 and being consistent with the history of this community and what they have been able to serve for the community. to serve for the community. we believe it has the ability to take mosconi center type opportunities that may be too small for mosconi center, so trade shows and exhibitions space and be a big house gift shows and other opportunities at pier 48. in all, it is truly a mixed use our been project that should have a lot of excitement and that there should be the connective tissue, if you well, between mission bay and the rest of the city, from city residents, regional residents, and tourists alike. again, consistent with a feeling
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of a very in character san francisco project. we're very excited. today we are sort of kicking out the public unveiling of this project that we have been working on for a while. as we have a gust of wind, we will bring the mayor of san francisco, mayor lee, whose office has been incredibly supportive of this project and incredibly supportive of these sorts of economic development initiatives that are going to continue to make the city strong and vibrant. mayor lee. [applause] >> thank you, larry, and thank you to the whole giants organization for presenting this to our -- and also to our port and to our city. let me say, i think our city officials here, david chiu and i were talking earlier -- we are going to stretch out our speeches. the longer we do this, the more chance we have of catching one of those home runs this afternoon.
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so we will be out here for a long time, speaking very slowly, because it is worth it. you know, first of all, thanks to the port commissioners that are here, to our supervisors that are here, port staff and our office of economic development that is here. we are all going to work as a team. that is something that certainly our giants have taught as over many, many years of success. we work as 18, and if you do that, you'll be able to do everything you dream of -- worked as a team, and you'll be able to do everything you dream up. the first is getting people jobs. walking in here today, walking up the stairs and through the corridors of the stadium, you saw so many people getting ready for the game. gasol smiles on their faces. they're moving things around. they are smiling. they're saying, good morning, mayor, how is it? they have cut jobs. they're part of a great and
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successful organization. they know and feel they're part of a vibrant city. this proposal today adds another dimension into that. as larry was talking, i was thinking about those years went we and mayer brown and mayor newsom, and we had that mission. we look around the bay and we see all the hospitals going up, the project's going up, and that foundation has worked. every effort and hustle that i was doing as part of the department of public works, trying to get those permits out and get the infrastructure done and completed, and now we get to talk about mission rock. i mean, what a solid lead great contribution this whole development is going to be. i want to emphasize that as reconstruct this vision, we are going to create immediately 4800 construction jobs right here on this development for the next
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years to come. it has the potential of impact in an additional 4900 jobs throughout the whole city during the construction phase. when it is completed in just a few years, 6900 permanent jobs can be had literally on the site to complement all the jobs that have been being created already with at&t park and the success of around the giants and their organization. i have often talked route -- about jobs but also the spirit of the city and how we need to make sure that the city's are investor confidence and investor friendly. and to see that the giants organization is leading a whole see what the 3037, the association of businesses, to invest in the sea wall lot, and to see people like kathy simon and others on the team to just this weekend, we opened up delors park, a children's playground to hundreds of kids. and now to visualize how the
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kids from at&t park and the kids from delores park will be coming down here in just a few short years, enjoying these great 8 acres of open space on to the waterfront, one of the most beautiful waterfront you have ever seen in your life. that is going to be fulfilling a promise of what the port has been talking about for many years, investing in our land here to some of the most beautiful views the city has to offer. 1.7 million square feet of office space in retail space to be inviting even more companies, whether they are biotech or technology companies, to have their employees working here, again, in such a beautiful surroundings. such beautiful surroundings like, i think david whispered coming in know, we should make the weather today a condition of the eir. right? that is going to be a permanent part of the eir, larry. so get ready. it will just be in the plan, right there, one phrase.
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[laughter] and then it to see the 125,000 square feet of retail space. larry is absolutely right. they have been such a leader at inviting local businesses to participate in this very successful stadium. we will do the same thing with sf made and organizations helping me push local manufacturing, local restaurants, local food, local hiring, of course. but it is the creative finance and innovation of our residents and the people who have made a stake in the city and want to be part of the success. i have every faith that we will work as a teen, larry. with the port, with the commission leadership, with the president, with our economic committee of people and staff, and work with the board of supervisors and the planning department, public works, the building departments to get through this and not to add the
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traditionally torturous process, but to welcome in something that i think everyone from day one is saying great, great concept. not only that, i think to have it backed up by very successful, not just baseball franchise, the giants signaled its u.s. years ago, they are more than just a successful baseball team ownership. they want to be a successful business partner with the city. a successful corporate citizen with the city. a successful philanthropists, as they have shown time and time again. just yesterday with the community giants fund and the giants a junior baseball, they are a part of our lives, part of what we think about in san francisco when i get to say to other mayors across the country, i am from san francisco, home of the giants, not just the baseball team. they are now part of a whole outlook of what we see as
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investor confidence who struggle to find their partners in the private sector to build them. as you look through this and as you get as excited as i am and see the exciting spaces that are being created, you will be reminded that historic pier, pier 48 is about to be refurbished again, honoring for years with the port has challenged many people to do in the events that have been hosted here. aid has helped us revitalize our port property and finding more people to use it. as we have done with places like port mason, a complement to our convention and tourist business that is still our number one business in the city and offering even more exciting space is to keep that happen. and getting more tense, short- term and long-term to occupy that, and positive experiences throughout the whole thing. this is a fulfillment of several layers. from dianne feinstein when she first began here in san mission
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that was worth the investment. true. frank jordan, art agnos, willie brown, gavin newsom. all of us saying this is all worth it. we just have to make sure that the teams here know they have got the backing of the city to really perform this, and so the investors need to know that we are an investment-friendly town. we want to build on our success. we want to get more people the jobs they deserve here, and this will be a huge job creator. giants and associates, thank you very much for presenting this to us. this really excites us, and i know everybody has their hopes up for this to be excess full wall. we will all be there for the great team. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, mr. mayor. i will add to that as a and not, as the mayor said, several layers, several administrations have been part of the ballpark process and part of the
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development of mission bay. but no one administration has been more focused on jobs and economic development than merely's administration, and we're very grateful to you for that. -- ben mayor lee's administration, and we're very grateful to you for that. another consistent supporter of this project in all we are doing to try to develop the city in responsible way has been the president and the board of supervisors and our good friend, president david chiu. david? [applause] >> thank you, larry. so i did have a half-hour speech prepared so we could delay getting back to city hall, but i will cut that short. i did joke to the mayor that we should make the weather into our environmental impact reports. i want to say that that is a joke, but i do think the weather today -- the wind that is going to walk down the -- knock down the sails of the america's cup
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boats and those people in the ballpark, i do not think we can take it for granted. we are blessed to live in when the most beautiful natural at the theaters in the world. this is why i am so happy to be a part of this amazing announcement. this announcement, in part, is about how we create and build another field of dreams. how is it that we take an empty parking lot and turn it into part of a 21st century waterfront? when some of the giants' organization approached me last year, and i want to think jack and some of your colleagues for presenting this vision to me, i was frankly blown away. the vision of housing some of amazing retail, of one of a kind tourist and residential and san francisco experiences i think really is and parallel. and this is why i am so proud to be part of the city team that we will be working closely with the giants to move this forward. we have had a lot of conversations in recent months
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about what we should do about our waterfronts. and we know that we have amazing a opportunities and a handful of challenges. but i think, together, as we always do, we will work as a team. i look forward to working with my colleague jane kim from district 6 and all of my colleagues. i know i look forward to working as a representative from san francisco to bcdc. the giants have recently gone through spring training and i know that where this project is, they have not been vetted it. they have done a lot of work to make sure we thought it through. but we have a lot of work to do. i look forward to working with our mayor, working with city staff, and working with all of our players to turn this field of dreams into reality and hopefully to hit a real home run with it. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, president david chiu. they're not out on the field yet. you did not take this into the
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first inning. [laughter] ok, one of the great things about san francisco is we have a real focus on the neighborhoods and the districts, and we have representatives who are elected by districts and are focused on their constituents. i am proud to say that we have a wonderful district supervisor in the district where we play ball and where we look to be constructing soon, and that is supervisor jane kim. supervisor kim? [applause] >> i have the honor of representing this amazing district, district 6, which the giants consider their home base. it is really great to have a business and a company and an organization here in the city that loves the city as much as we do and that contributes a lot. i want to thank the giants, who support a lot of our neighborhood organizations and communities. it was great to see you at st.
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anthony's a month ago as we celebrate the groundbreaking of what will soon be affordable housing for seniors and a great new meals kitchen for our community. it is important to have partners like this that care and are passionate about our city. i have the honor of representing one of the older neighborhoods in san francisco, but it also happens to be our emerging neighborhoods, the south of market and the mission bay. it is a lot of fun to be the supervisor of this district, because we have a lot to work with. we're kind of drawing the neighborhoods. one of the priorities of this district is developing a complete neighborhoods, neighborhoods that bring in infrastructure, whether it is street skating that encourages pedestrians and bikers and our public transit, that build open space. that is important to this neighborhood right here. and of course contributing to a mixed income housing. the affordable housing fund. we're actually constructing affordable housing. that is the type of development we look for here in the city.
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i am excited to work with the giants. i know their dedicated and committed to the city. they want to bring what our neighborhoods and communities with like to see. this is a tremendous amount of space sitting behind us with a ton of potential to create jobs and make your neighborhood safer and more complete. i look forward to working with our mayor, to our board of supervisors, and of course our giants to hopefully bring this development home here. thank you so much for having me here. i also look forward to working with our incredible port and their commission. they have a ton of exciting developments happening here. i think that ties all of this in together. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, supervisor kim. as she was speaking, i was reminded of a conversation i had recently with an executive at a silicon valley-based firm. i will not mention the name, but
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it is a company that is one of the transformational companies in our world today. this individual said coming no, i understand we are in the south bay and that is where our headquarters is, but i have to give you a statistic. 48% of our workers actually live in the city and county of san francisco, and the shuttle down. i have got to believe that a lot of them live in supervisor kim's district. and they love being part of the urban scape that is san francisco and enjoying the amenities. i think this project in many ways is dedicated to enhancing the urban scape of san francisco for so many people, whether the work in san francisco are down in the peninsula. and the job creation that this project affords is a very, very powerful thing for all of us. we would not be able to function at this ballpark or with this project without the
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cooperation and the wonderful support and guidance of the port of san francisco, who is our landlord. and we have the president of the port commission here. i would like to introduce you to her now. the president of the san francisco port commission, doreen woo ho. [applause] >> thank you. i have been involved with the port commission almost a year. if i had any idea how exciting it was going to be with so many things going on on the waterfront, i have just come back with the executive director. we were in an international waterfront symposium, and our city certainly stood well in terms of all of the amazing waterfront developments around the world. it reminded me that obviously we are more than just a working port here. this project epitomizes what is going on in terms of waterfront development. i think it is going to be a
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project that will be watched not only here in san francisco, for all the benefits you heard the mayor and larry and president david chiu in supervisor kim talk about what it will do for us every locally, but it will be a major international program, certainly one of the biggest the port has done. from the standpoint of how it ties in with the rest of the waterfront, we're blessed that we have 7.5 miles to develop. and with all the different opportunities in terms of open space and the maritime activities. this sounds to me like the most ambitious project that has been done, but it ties in with the objectives of the master plan at the port. we're very excited to be engaged with such great partners as the giants, and we look forward not only in terms of this development but also in terms of how it can forge a new business model in terms of the partnership and the teamwork and the benefits of both of the port, the city, the community, as well as the giants will
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accrue from this project. we are excited to engage further in a dialogue. as everybody has said, there is a lot of work to be done. we are excited to see this launch, and we're ready to sit down and talk. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you so much, president ho. well, we have a pact that it is going to be sunny for every announcement and for every open here. we have to get it back. that is just a temporary cloud. it has been mentioned, we have been in active, dated a working relationship with the port of san francisco, and we're very fortunate to have leading seaport staff the port director monique moyer -- a leading the board staff, the port director monique moyer. monday " like to say a few words. [applause]
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>> good morning. it is my great honor to be here, standing on the shoulders of not just the mayor and former administration, the president of the board and its former administrations, and obviously the long history of the port commission. we're almost on our 150th birthday. in 2013, we will mark 150 years of the port, which is a record, trust me. and here we are doing what we do best in san francisco, which is once again re-establishing ourselves, redirecting ourselves, every identifying ourselves, and figuring out how to do what other cities in the world are still trying to figure out what to do, which is to marry a working waterfront with in neighborhood. i wanted to echo what everyone has said. most importantly what larry said of this is a gateway site. it is not a front door, not a back door, not a side door. it is a circle wayside, because it will continue to be that
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entry from the waterfront as we bring to people through on ferries and other modes of transportation, hopefully water taxis, as well as by land and fled. it will enhance not only the central waterfront, pull people from the ferry building, but it will continue our goal of moving to the southern waterfront, and it will continue to build on the private investments that have been made so generously by the giants and others so far and are soon to be made at pier 70. this site has everything to offer you. you heard what president david chiu's thoughts were. you heard from supervisor kim. on behalf of the port, we cannot be so proud to be working with such an amazing team and the giants as well as our governmental team and our neighbors. we look forward to welcoming you back here very quickly and to see for yourself how once again we can make it to be refurbished waterfront in san francisco.
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i thank you for that, larry, and all of the giants for your dedication and investment on our behalf. [applause] >> thank you so much, monique. i think the best way to do this is there will probably be some questions. and the giants team, certainly the mayor, and supervisor david chiu, supervisor kim, president ho, and port director moyer will be available for questions. we will probably take as offline. we might be of the show you, especially with this graphic, some of the initial ideas of where some of the residential might go and where some of the office might go and the ideas for the piers. if we have any questions along those lines, we will take them offline. we invite any of you, possession is nine tenths of the law. you're in the ballpark now. if you want to stay for the ball
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game, we invite you to stay and we will have accommodations for the 12:45 p.m. san francisco the giants a-oakland a's game. we look forward to communicating with you in the future about this project. thank you. ♪ >> hello. welcome to "culturewire." we are here today with bay area artist jody chanel, and we are here to see the plaza where
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your piece has just been installed. >> i have been doing large-scale paintings in the galleries and museums, and the idea that in the future, i could do something that would hang out a little bit longer than the duration of the installation the kind of appeal to me. i quickly found out about the san francisco arts commission school and realized there was a pre-qualified school you had to apply to, so i applied to the. >> how long did it take you to develop this work for the plaza? >> this was a fast track project. design development was about a month. >> let's look at the beautiful mural. i have never seen a mural created on asphalt. >> the heat of the asphalt, a new layer of asphalt.
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then, these wire rope templates that were fabricated for the line work get laid down and literally stamped into the asphalt, and then everything was hand-painted. >> maybe you could talk about some of the symbolism, maybe starting in the middle and working out. >> [inaudible] the flower of industry. >> it is like a compass. there's an arrow pointing north. >> within the great bear consolation, there are two pointed stars here. they typically lead one to the northstar, otherwise known as polaris. so i thought it has a layer of theme. >> let's talk about some of the other elements in the peace. we are walking along, and there is a weather vane. there's a sweet little bird
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hanging on the side. what kind of bird is that? >> [inaudible] the smallest of the gulf species, and it lives around the bay area. >> you want to talk about the types of flour patterns that you send? >> [inaudible] around 1926 or so by the dahlia society. >> what is this bird here? >> that is the california quail. >> coming up here, we had a little blustery theme. what is this area here? >> this is supposed to be the side view, the expense of the golden gate bridge. >> there it is. >> there are really beautiful elements of architecture still around, i would say that it
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gives that feeling over to the work. >> what are your hopes for it? >> that in a way it just becomes part of the area. i think it is starting to have that feeling. people utilize it. they sit and, and have their lunch and play on -- they sit and, and have their lunch and play on that -- they sit and come and have their lunch and play on it. just for it to be part of the neighborhood. that is my hope. >> is such a beautiful addition to our public art in san francisco. thank you for joining us. it was nice to meet you. and thank you for telling us about your beautiful mural. thanks for watching "culturewire."
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