tv [untitled] May 9, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PDT
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we are a group of volunteers. i have never been treated in a more disrespectful manner than this you're working with this and from principle. i have never seen, from the district, and i will say their names because they said mine. margaret chu has treated me in the most appalling behavior. their behavior is a reflection i knew. i urge you to read the letter in that package. it is very detailed. they passed out a letter that used my name seven times. in every single thing that they said, it was an absolute lie. i can back up with evidence. it has been of scene. the principal, there are some serious learning issues happening at the school. she does not address ieps. she makes fun of kids in the
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office. we have had union people, and to talk about this. she told me last night at this meeting that if the friends of harvey milk can defer a decision on whether they can make up the budget deficit, she will let us know if we will be the -- >> one minute. >> it is an unrelated issue. [applause] >> i am a parent of a fifth grader. almost two years ago, a group of our faculty expressed concerns about their inability to work with the principle. instead, the district did nothing and fire tore the fall in may. no support -- and fired her the following may. no support. they provide -- a promise they
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would provide us with an interim principle that was well suited for us. what we got instead it was -- a school that took 17 years of love and effort to build. the principle has failed us, the school district has failed us, and you, the board, has failed desperate if we continue on this path, one of san francisco's best elementary schools made a logger be. [applause] [applause] president yee: next speaker is chris. are you here?
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>> i am a parent act san francisco unified. i am also here representing myself as a physical education teacher that works for the district. i want to remind you of the quality and need we have for a physical education program. we have hired a lot of elementary teachers, we need to continue that growth. as a middle school teacher, i see that students are still coming in, they do not know how to put on a softball glove. they do not know how to skip. these are sixth graders. that is a first grade standards. i taught for seven years at an elementary school in san francisco. i know you know the standards for math and science, but there is also a standard for physical education. some of the things we try to do is to keep education going.
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the new type of p.e. -- is that it? it is working for professional development for our teachers. but we need to read and -- we need the reinforcement to make sure that our class sizes are kept low. that we can give quality physical education and we can make sure all the teachers are getting professional development. we need more great substitutes as well into our system. [applause] >> good evening to all board members. we are here on behalf of the organization of filipino educators and employees. this is a letter from our president. she is not here tonight, but i board read the first part. as the school gear is about to
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end, the organization will be hosting a reception to honor and recognize the hard work of the filipino american stance with a gpa of 3.0 or above. we identified 128 students and we will honor them. we will be awarding scholarships to deserving students. they will be chosen based on their essay. how my filipino family values education and financial needs. we will award based on their financial needs. >> for this reception, we would like to invite you, members of the board, to join us on this special event on friday, may 18, 2012. it is at the war memorial building, second floor, from 6:00 to 9:00. we hope you can join us and
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celebrate our students. >> because of the lack of money, we have a very basic invitation letter to the board members and to the administrators. >> thank you. it is this friday, right? 18, thank you. >> good evening. i am a teacher at civic center secondary. i just want to tell the board a little bit about the proposal about the lower level classrooms. for anyone that is not aware, that school is being renovated right now. we heard from our principal that
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they would like to turn the bottom level in two offices and the middle school out into the portables. we want to let everyone know that the san francisco voters voted to have the facilities for our students so they could walk into a school site with pride. if they want to put the offices anywhere, they should put them in the portables. [applause] our students are marginalized in san francisco, they have self- esteem issues, and i think they deserve a good setting to learn. apart from that, can i have 20 seconds? given the nature of civic center, we do have challenging behavior's. we have a high level of students with emotional disturbance. we have to consider therefore
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-- that are with severe physical and sexual assaults. if you put the middle school outside, it could cause a lot of issues. if you have any more questions, please talk with this security guard. please allow us to have all the restaurants within one building so that we can care for them the best -- have all of our students within one building so that we can care for them the best we can. president yee: brian paulson. john, isabelle. this is one minute, please. >> thank you for giving me the
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opportunity to speak. i am speaking tonight on behalf of my family and other families who have been negatively impacted by the districts change of plan for a transitional kindergarten. i will be brief. less than a minute. what we would like this for the district to allow waivers for children who are ready for kindergarten, but to do not meet the brand new birth date cut off. we would like transitional kindergarten classrooms on the north side of town. those of us to live on the northwest side of town, it is not possible for us to get all the way across town when we have other children already in school. we worked in other parts of town. the two classrooms that have been offered are not possible for us to get our children to. those are the two things, thank you very much.
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>> good evening. john templeton. i want to bring to your attention that this is the 150th anniversary of the proclamation. coming up september 22. as you are dealing with the budget challenges that were addressed earlier, make sure that you do remember that you still have to have something positive to keep students in school and to keep parental support. we are blessed to have a tremendous learning opportunities because we have five african-american organizations that are 160 years old this year that will be part of the observance of the emancipation proclamation. we have a significant role in that history. we encourage you to make sure that to use the categorical
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funds in an effective way to make sure that the promise of what it is most important social movement of 19th century is used in our schools. president yee: thank you. [applause] >> good evening. i am also one of the 400 -- i wanted to say that it is putting some parents in to some impossible situations because they're only two schools offered. in my case, i have four kids. with a newborn. i cannot drive for medical reasons.
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i do not see how i can manage that. some of our kids could stay in preschool, which has not happened. i just got the letter from the preschool office saying they are not eligible for t-k. some of our kids are ready for kindergarten because they have been preparing for it for two years. we should be able to use waivers to put them into kindergarten. i am hoping there will be something happening about this situation. thank you so much. >> at the next set of speakers
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the dual language spanish program in san francisco. we have been trying very hard to make this happen. we have found that the administration has made it is very difficult for us. trying to to come to agreements and terms, we are working about staffing next year. people love made requests to continue on with their jobs -- people have made request to continue on with their jobs to do so. it has not been the case for everybody. someone has been singled out. as opposed to giving professional reasons, it becomes clear to me that it has been personal. if that should not be the case. we're all working for the same things. this has not been a fair process
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for us at our school. is that my time? ok, thank you. >> i am also a teacher. i wanted to elaborate on some of the things that norman was referring to. he was referring to the consolidation of one particular staff member. we are not supposed to say names, is that the case? is that correct? a particular staff member in seventh grade is being consolidated because she is being told that she does not have the proper credentials. we feel that the classes were added to her schedule only. the english language arts teacher next year is being asked to teach a 30-minute spanish class. our current teacher does not hold a spanish credential. that was added on to her
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schedule only at the last seconds. we never received anything that indicated that it was to be the case. suddenly, it was added. we presented a ton of evidence to say that was -- by that was not necessary. we were rejected several times and never given a proper answer. now we have a math teachers instead of our seventh grade language arts teacher. >> my name is christiana. the seventh grade language arts teacher is an outstanding teacher. each year, her reading levels rise 2 to 3 levels. she spent hours individualizing
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lesson plans to meet individual student's needs. for scores reflect her meticulous planning. every year, per test scores have gone up every single year. she is one of the highest scoring teachers in the zone. the goal of our language arts program is to increase literacy. she has consistently done this. decisions made for our students should be based on students' needs. it is baffling and we're struggling to understand why this teacher is being consolidated. thank you. >> hi, i am susan watson, also a teacher there. i have worked for the last six years for this language arts teacher. in fact, we were teaching the same subject in the beginning and worked very closely. this teacher and i have spent
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many hours at school on weekends and nights, working together, collaborating at times, helping each other out, in giving different ideas. each year, as our eighth graders prepared speeches for graduation, many of them mentioned this teacher in their speeches. they even share memories from the time in her classroom. it is just unfathomable that we would be consolidating a teacher that has such an exemplary record in the classroom and is so well-liked by her students, and it is just the kind of teacher we need there in the mission is known to continue the work as long as we possibly can. she has helped us to increase our test scores overall every year, almost every year since she has been at that school. >> ok. are we giving names? do i tell you who i am?
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president yee: you are mr. johnson. >> yes, johnson. it really seems that this teacher is being targeted because of activities and also for being outspoken. but we have to understand what is important for the kids. we are in danger of losing an outstanding teacher, ok, when we are talking about an english language arts program in a bilingual school. we have, this teacher has been denied an opportunity to get a waiver, whereas there are other teachers at our school who are in the process or have been given clearance to receive a waiver. she contacted h.r. and was given the green light and was given like three options, and when this information was told to our administration, all of a sudden,
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she has a new obstacle. ok, so we want to pass out -- we have got petitions on our staff where we have 80% of our staff to sign the petition. we want to pass that out as well as timelines leading up to the consolidation. thank you. president yee: thank you. [applause] president yee: we will move on to item k, the advisory committee reports, appointments to the advisory committee by board members. in the appointments? seeing none, item l. superintendent or -- no. this is an action item.
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the subject is a resolution with respect to certificated layoff during proposed decision and to issue final certificated layoff notices. is there a motion? [laughter] commissioner: i will move it. president yee: who is going to set and it? commissioner -- who is going to second it? commissioner: i will. president yee: who will read it? >> she will read it. >> a proposed decision and to issue final certificate and layoff notices. i will read the important parts of the resolution. whereas, pursuant to the education occurred sections, on
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february 28, 2012, the board of education adopted resolution no. 122-28. a resolution to decrease the number of certificated employees due to reduction in particular kinds of services. a copy of which is attached as an exhibit a, as incorporated. these layoff notices were sent to such certificate employees, which allowed -- stated that they were allowed -- april 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, and 13, 2012, before administrative law judge melissa, to determine whether cause existed for the non reappointments of certain certification employees, and whereas as a result of the lay off hearing, be administrative
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law judge issued a proposed decision, attached here to as exhibit b, dated may 7, 2012, proposed, which authorizes the board of education to reduce the certification its staff of the district bought a total of 333 full-time equivalents, and whereas the board of education has duly considered the proposed decision and finds that said proposed decision should be rejected in part and adopted in part with one section and a government code section, and whereas the one of education has determined that it has a specific need to deviate from seniority and skips certificate employees in the superintendent's designer who have special training and
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experience to teach a specific course of study, now, therefore, be it resolved that the proposed decision sets forth in exhibit b is hereby adopted in part and rejected in part as a decision of the board of education in san francisco unified school district. the proposed decision is adopted in part with the exception of the following provisions, findings 11, 12, 16, second paragraph, 18, 20, 24, and 25. legal conclusions 2, 3, every war, and five, and be it further resolved that a total of no more than 123 full-time equivalent seats in administrative services and no more than 210 full-time equivalents in instructional services, as set forth in exhibit because a shall be no
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later than the beginning of the 2012 to 2013 school year. be it further resolved that due to lack of funds, the certification employees identified in exhibit b shall not be reemployed for audience in the 2012-2013 school year, and be it further resolved that the district superintendent or the designated representative is hereby directed to send final notice that services will not be required for the 2012-2013 school year to the certification employees identified in the exhibit c, in accordance with certain sections, and the proposed decision is expected in part and rejected in part by the board. be it further resolved that this resolution and the adoption of the proposed decision is rejected in part and up held in
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part by the board, is effective immediately. >> we are here tonight to finalize the certificate and layoffs. before you, you have the proposed final certificate layoff notices. tonight, we're asking you to adopt the proposed decision by the minister in a lot judge in part, rejecting the judge's determination that the skipping of the 65 junior teachers in the superintendent's zone is valid. this decision authorizes the board to reduce the certification its staff by a total of over 300 fte, including 123 administrators. however, the judge rejected the board resolution and concluded that the district has failed to sustain its burden of proof in order to justify the skipping
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of the teachers in the superintendent's zone. we recommend that the board's stand by the original resolution and the determination that the district has a certificate need to deviate from seniority pertaining to those in the superintendent's zone. the district has made two investments with training and selecting students in these zones to let them go. the results so far this year on benchmark exams show the reforms are working. if we do not take this action, the schools in the superintendent zone will be disproportionately impacted by layoffs at a rate greater than four times than the rest of the district, which is one out of three districtwide that would receive notices are in these 14 schools, the superintendent's design. it remains unfortunate that any action at all is required in this matter, because we have no agreement. we are not able to reduce the number of final notices to
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teachers compared to the initial resolution. we're recommending that you send 218 final notices to certificate of staff, 210 to teachers, and eight to administrators. if you approve, we will mail final notices -- president yee: excuse me. can we let him speak? and you will get your chance. >> if you approve, we will file notices by may 15. as vacancies become available, we will immediately begin the recall process. these laid-off teachers will have rights to positions, and it is our hope that these teachers will be returned to our classrooms as soon as possible. my staff and i are standing by to answer any questions you may have. president yee: thank you. so we have some speakers from the public to have signed up for the public to have signed up for this ite
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