tv [untitled] May 10, 2012 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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turn. >> good morning. on the executive director of the central market community benefit district. we are a nonprofit organization that is funded through property assessments in the district and we worked on a number of different initiatives to improve the well-being and quality of life in the central market and six street area. among those are cleaning and maintenance services, we operate the community guides program on six straight and in central market and a number of different programs and projects designed to make the area cleaner, safer, and more inviting. i am here in support of the liquor license transfer. we work closely with the city of san francisco, the department of public works, the san francisco police department in maintaining the area, making it cleaner and
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safer for the residents and merchants and property owners in the area. one of the reasons i support this is first and foremost, the location as you know was previously a bar. the gentleman who owned a bar served on the board of directors for the central market cbd and was involved in the neighborhood. the two gentlemen are actively involved in the neighborhood and seeing the improvement of the area and i've seen them in a number of community meetings already, becoming engaged in what we're doing to improve the safety of the neighborhood. in addition to this, business attraction is a critical component to the revitalization of the central market and sixth street corridor and activating the six street corridor is
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integral to having businesses that provide nightlife entertainment to attract positive pedestrian activity to the sixth street corridor. [tone] this is why i support this liquor license transfer. thank you. >> i am one of the applicants. we had a vision. our vision is to open the first south asian lgbt bar in the country. that division took a number of years and a lot of challenges, but we finally come around to finding the right spot. six street is challenging, but at the same time, we can turn it around. we have plans and a robust security plan that involves lighting and security staff and putting cameras outside. we want to make sure this place is not only safe just for our
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guests, but it will be the high tech workers to come in the area, the residents that the new construction is bringing in with the mayor's revitalization plan. it will also be the residence of the street and i heard the captain say the other day that putting a lot of light on the street will eliminate a lot of problems. it would remove the drug abusers from the area and whatever other undesirable activities are happening. we believe in this revitalization plan and we believe that our community to support this bar and lounge and i encourage you to vote in my favor.
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supervisor elsbernd: see no other speakers, this will be the last speaker on this item. >> i have lived in san francisco for 60 years. i'm not taking a position for or against this issue, but i have two suggestions for the people who are interested in opening this business. have you considered hiring a patrol special at night to patrol the area? i know the police are overworked, so what we just hire a petrol special and see what kind of results you get from that. if you don't want to spend the money for that, consider bringing in the guardian angels. i know they might be controversial, but i think they do more good than bad. you might want to consider that issue. another thing i would like to
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suggest is no one is against the business. it's the location and i think the police have the stats to prove that even the current business climate is still high crime. i would like to make a final suggestion that in district 4 and district 7, there are plenty of vacancies, some maybe instead of locating and six straight, you could help district 4 in district 7 by locating their it is just a short ride for the customers to go out there and that would help district 4 in district 7. supervisor elsbernd: thank you. next speaker. >> i recently opened a gallery at 66 6 street across from where the club will be going in. this has been historically a bar and entertain a venue and has been a positive contributor to the red fabric. i would like to applaud the
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efforts of urban solutions who have come not to encourage new businesses to start there and the arts and entertainment district which has been touted by the mayor's office. i'm hoping we do not remove the pre-existing license location from the pool of available resources. it's very difficult to open one of these venues and it's very -- already been a positive contributor to the neighborhood and i hope to see it in the form in the future. having mark opened, has brought a lot of new life into the -- having monarchs open has brought a lot of new life into the area. i would like to applaud all the hard efforts of the police department trying to stabilize the community there and keep in mind that san francisco is a social policy of containment have created the challenges from
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63. these people still exist, but don't penalize the businesses were trying to activate that streetscape. i would like to applaud the owners for already reaching out to the art community. supervisor elsbernd: any other speakers on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor olague: i spoke briefly with the supervisor of the district and i believe there will be a motion to possibly continue this item so we can continue to consider certain conditions to impose on this business of that they can afford. i work for a long time admission and six and worked on sixth street at a nonprofit
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located in the knox building. i have seen over the years the transformation of six street. i know that a permit is attached to the location, not the proprietor, but nevertheless, from what i have heard from a community and others, the owner is well respected, he is community oriented and has spent several months building relationships with the residents in the business community, which is something that shows he would be a very responsible proprietor. in that area, and has been heavily reliable on the business owner to the neighbors and community, so i think sometimes a bar can be a positive addition to any bread.
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we cannot put one size fits all, we cannot say it's a bar and it's going to have a negative impact. what i have observed often is it is dependent on who owns it and how it is run. i think it's necessary for the southeast asian square community to gather and many of us in the clear community knows that one of the gathering places, wherever it is, has always -- bars have always been the place that we go. i think it's kind of exciting to know there will be a gathering place for the southeast asian art community. that is overwhelming when you think in 2012 and this is the first place for that. with the technology sector, we see a lot of influx into the mid market area. we have heard for many people
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from the southeast where community who happen to be technology workers and this would be an ideal location. i imagine it will go across class and economic lines, the people going there to seek some kind of refuge for support from their own community. it is an important use and i think cmac is familiar with you and you are a good operator, so i hope we can get to a place, if not today, at the next hearing where we can come up with some conditions. but i support this 100%. supervisor elsbernd: what i would like to do is because the report from the police department is rejection but does not include any conditions
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should the board decide to override the police department's recommendation, i would like to continue this item to the call of the chair to give the police department an opportunity to review the documents submitted by the applicant with their proposed conditions but also for you to take into account whatever other things you need to be taken into account and propose to as if the board were to override your recommendation and grant the license, what conditions would you want to see applied? i suggest continuing to call the chair because i don't want to put an arbitrary deadline on you. i would like you to work with the applicant and as soon as you give us the thumbs up, we will schedule it. but again, not an indication we are overruling you get, but should t full board decide to, i would like them to have the opportunity to attach some conditions you are somewhat comfortable with. does that make sense? thank you. to the applicant, does that
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process make sense? colleagues, any other questions? supervisor olague: i don't know if this is near the western soma area -- the lbgt leather community has been pursuing that. this is a historic location for clear bars, so i hope we can work this out with your cooperation and input. supervisor chu: i would like to make a motion to continue this to the call of the chair and ask the applicants to work on this. supervisor elsbernd: we will take a motion without objection. next item. >> item #2, hearing to consider a tight 21 of the sale of general license from 2449 23rd
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street to serve the convenience of the city and county of san francisco. supervisor elsbernd: to the members of the public, i am sorry i preemptively called your name. >> the applicant has filed with the department of alcoholic beverage control seeking a tight 21 off sale general store license for all love and 92 boroughs street, located next to the northwest corner of 24th street. the premises on the same side and across street from the immaculate conception high school. for the purposes of this hearing, the california department of alcoholic beverage control seeks eight intimation from the board of supervisors as to the approval or denial of this license. please call for service from december 2010 through december 2011, to calls. police reports during that same time, no record.
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this premises is located in plot 453. high crime area is coming as 215 are more police reports in a plot. the plot has 149 police reports recorded for 2010. this is under a the high crime definition by 66 police reports. the applicant premise is not in a high crime area. the premises located in census tracts 210, population for this track is 4559. of sail license authorized is five. active off sale licenses also 5. the applicant premises is currently not located the an undue concentration area. however, issuance of this license would make the census tract and undue concentration area. one letter of protest was received by the california department of alcoholic beverage
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control. no record with that abc for letters of support. there is no opposition from mission station. alu recommends approval. the following conditions have been recommended to the abc -- sales about of beverages shall be permitted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily. no noise shall be audible beyond the area of control of the licensee. no more than 5% of the square footage of the premises will be used for the display of all college beverages. there shall be no cups, glasses, or similar receptacles commonly used for drinking of beverages sold, furnished, or given away at the petitioners premises in quantities of less than 24 in their original multi container packages. all eyes shall be sold at or above prevailing prices in the area and in quantities of not less than 3 pounds per sale and
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shawmut be given away for free. -- and shall not be given away for free. no persons over the age of 21 shells sell or deliver a hot beverages. the sale of distilled beverages in sizes smaller than 200ml is strictly prohibited. note malt liquor beverages shelby's sold with alcohol content greater than -- shall be sold without alcoholic content greater than [inaudible] no beer or malt beverages shall be sold in quantities of less than manufactured pre-packaged six packs per sale with the exception of wine coolers, beer coolers, which must be sold in manufacturer prepackage multi unit quantities of four or more. no wine shall be sold with an
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alcoholic content of greater than 15% by volume accept for dinner winds which have been aged two years or more and maintained in corked bottles. 12, wind shall not be sold in bottles for containers smaller than 750 ls. supervisor elsbernd: we only have a handful of speakers, if you like to come up in the order you would like to come up. two minutes for each speaker. >> good morning. we have been running this business for almost 20 years. i'm sure the police department will know about the totals before. we came in and cleaned it up and 20 years ago, we start this business with organic coffee, organic frozen food and a deli which is i'm sure you know if
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you live in the city, few places had disappeared for a convenience store to have that kind of product, you have to know if you are doing to have quality stuff like this. for bringing beer and wine, the same quality is going to be. is not going to be different because of the clientele you have. we only need for people who come after work and want to grab a sandwich and hot food. if they want a nice bottle of wine or a good bottle of beer, and go home. one comment i have about the average of 5% of all call in the bottle -- people who drink beer nowadays, all the high end quality beer, they are all 8% and 7%. for that quality beer -- the low quality beer is 5% and 4%. i have another store and we don't even sell that. please look into that and we can
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bring you a sample of all the products we have and $9 a bottle of wine is about 7% alcohol. same thing there. thank you. supervisor elsbernd: next speaker, please. >> good morning. i am a neighbor and i live on the block. i live on the block where the store is located. i'm also a member of the development for for the st. james school close by and for the church. we fully support this request for this store. we find this is a family-owned business that is very well respected in the neighborhood. we collected over 150 signatures of people who support this. we have letters from the school and a short -- and the church to
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support it because the family has demonstrated how much they're committed to our community. they're very supportive of a lot of our nonprofits we have from time to time and they always show good judgment when it comes to the people who frequent the stores. i don't have any hesitation that this would work very well for them. speaking personally with regard to wine and stuff, i find it would be very helpful because i don't own a car. to buy something if i needed for having co., have to go very far. having this close by would be very helpful. thank you. supervisor elsbernd: next speaker, please. >> i'm a neighbor and local residents near the store we're talking about. in my professional life, i have
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worked out a lot of liquor stores in the tenderloin to get in to cooperate. i have experience around this. this is a good, family-run business that brings a sense of community. three generations of family work in the store and it has really brought the neighborhood together. i just want to say that i know they're very responsible and i support them getting this liquor license. supervisor elsbernd: next speaker, please. >> good morning. i am a former neighbor, residents in the neighborhood. i still come back to jump start. it's my second home. it is a place that is family, it is a place that i see the young ladies from the immaculate conception who gathered there in the morning and gather in the
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evening. peter and john and their father have always been most responsible in taking care of people in the neighborhood. older people who cannot get help, they will deliver sandwiches and groceries. if someone does not show up for a couple of days, they are busy finding out what has happened to them. they are a good, solid business, family-oriented people. the liquor license would be beneficial to them because things have changed. business is not as good as i used to be. i can sit in the store and tell you that. catching people coming from up the hill, it gives them a place to stop, grab a six-pack or grab some sandwiches and it would be beneficial business wise for this letter license to be transferred to them. i have no doubt they would be most responsible. i know this store that john
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runs and he is most responsible and takes good care of people in the neighborhood. it is my second home. i call it my second office. when i lived down there, that was my ups drop because i was not home during the day. they do that for a lot of people. good people and the good things will happen for them if they can get this liquor license. thank you for listening. supervisor elsbernd: any other speakers on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor chu: given what we have heard, i would like to make the motion we move this item ford with the conditions given by staff. supervisor elsbernd: that will be the order. matt -- madame clerk, item number three. >> item 3, ordnance waiting
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duffy in public-works code section 724.1b for temporary street space occupancy within certain designated streets in the city and county of san francisco on may 13, 2012 and saturday, may 19, 2012, as part of small business week sidewalk sales. supervisor olague: this is the eighth year the office of small business, in coordination with dpw has requested this approval to waive the fee. i think it's a no-brainer and wait -- and makes perfect sense. we want to encourage small businesses success here in the city and to waive a fee so they can have a sidewalk event on may 19 and may 13 is a small ask. it brings up revenue to the city and creates excitement in the neighborhoods. i think it is a small ask and since it has been done before, i
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see no reason not to move this forward. i would like to thank regina for approaching us and think you for your work with small businesses. i would like to move this forward with recommendations. supervisor elsbernd: if memory serves, i carried this legislation at one point and i think supervisor chu carried this at one point. any public comment? you should move up to the front row. >> i am opposed to this item. is more on theoretical grounds. i noticed that the 30-day waiver was given and i also noticed that it was said this ordinance had been approved previously. if we're going to use that, why don't we give that same treatment to other events in the city?
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it is along those lines i oppose it. in regards to me sitting closer, i think we should have more items and then maybe i will sit closer so we don't waste time. supervisor elsbernd: thank you. we have any more public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we take this without objection. are there any other items? seeing none, we are adjourned.
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