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tv   [untitled]    May 12, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT

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>> i wanted to thank the supervisor -- i wanted to thank the supervisor for that. i want to take a moment and thank all of you for being here for the ceremony. maybe i will wait for 30 seconds. thank you very much for being here. this ceremony every year is one that i am always very excited about. for me, it involves very difficult decisions. as a representative of chinatown, we have so many amazing community organizations doing so much. i want to point out that today,
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we have on areas that do work in my district -- cauteries that do work in my district. i want to also thank supervisor cohen because we decided to honor two great individuals. come on up. [laughter] [applause] she is someone that all of my colleagues know, who has been advocating so strongly for young people and families. i have worked with her for a number of years. but i did not know your full story. she was born and raised in hong kong. she came to this country when she was 16 years old. after she graduated from uc- berkeley, she has had a very
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community service history including working as a mental health worker at the asian community mental health services, working as a youth service community member at the american red cross. and she has devoted much of for time in her career to youth development. her experiences at her current organization include having worked up and down the ranks of the organization as a counselor, project coordinator, program director, and currently as its executive director. she also serves as a commissioner on the juvenile probation commission. she and her work has been featured in world journal and others. she's helped secure grants. i know her experiences as an immigrant in a challenging environment has helped to make sure that san francisco is educating and building the next generation of asian american
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young people that will hopefully be helping to run things here at city hall. i want to thank you for your work with young people and for your incredible modesty, your hard work, and for always having a smile any time i see you. ladies and gentlemen -- [applause] >> thank you. thank you for your leade the last couple of years has been especially challenging because of the devastating budget. it has been a special time for me to make friends and work with many wonderful supervisors. help us to continue our everyday work. san francisco is my second,. it has provided me opportunities to work with young people. that is what wakes me up every day and go to work. my staff is very passionate and
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dedicated and work beyond their hours per day. this -- because of all your support, we are able to continue our work and expand to district 10. this is a special year. this award inspires me to continue the great work. i am looking forward to continuing to work with the supervisors. [applause]
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president chiu: supervisor campos. you are next. supervisor campos: let me begin by noting what an amazing group of individuals that we are lucky to have lived in the city and county of san francisco. it is my honor and pleasure to add to that incredible list by calling on rachael to please come up. all of us have a couple of people, those are the people you go to when everett something needs to get done in a neighborhood. -- whenever something needs to get done in the neighborhood. when we think about district 9, rachael is the executive director of the neighborhood
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center, the person you go to when you need something done is rachael. it is for that reason that rachael is involved in so many different issues. there is the old saying that if you want something done, you ask a busy person. rachel is that a busy person. in addition to being the executive director of the neighborhood center, she is involved in many different activities. she represents district 9 on the bicycle advisory council. you can see her riding her bike every day. she makes it up that hill, which i do not have the ability to do that. on behalf of district 9 and on behalf of the neighborhood, thank you for everything you do. it is not just the fact that you
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are a member of the asian community, i know we are celebrating asian pacific american heritage month, but it is not just because you are an outstanding member of that community. you are an outstanding member of the entire community. i am grateful that you do the work that you do. on behalf of district 9 and on behalf of the board of supervisors, for your leadership and vision, for being a passionate and articulate advocate on behalf of the oppressed and marginalized communities in san francisco, for a multitude of talents, including graphic design, incredible cooking, driving in parades', and from the most creative parties in town -- to throw in the most creative partisan town. i know there is a birthday coming up. it is my honor to recognize your
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extraordinary work and contributions to our city and county of san francisco. thank you, rachael. [applause] >> [speaking foreign language] good afternoon. thank you, everyone. i am honored and humbled at receiving this acknowledgment. it was a little over 25 years ago, 1987, when i boarded a plane for a very first time and i said goodbye to the philippines. as a young immigrant, i had no idea what lay before me. having come from a family where academics took priority over activism, i had very few instances in participating in civic engagements in my homeland.
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the combination of the challenging adjustment to life in the united states, the pain of coming out, union and community organizing, artistic activism, at the helm of one of the most dynamic organizations in san francisco. from that day to now, it was quite a journey. i stand here before you accepting this honor and humbling dedicating it to anyone who has made it possible for me to get to this place. i stand on the shoulders of these proverbial giants, past and present.
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i am privileged to serve and work every day. my friends and family, who pushed me to be my best and complete self. to all of my colleagues and fellow activists, who never cease to amaze and inspire me. i promise to continue to stand with them and all of you to continue the struggle. [applause]
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>> did in to the top of the alphabet. -- getting to the top of the alphabet. supervisor avalos: before i start, i want to congratulate all the honorees. these events are always a lotf fun and very insightful learning about the work that has been done over the years. the difficult -- difficulties and struggles that have gone through. congratulations to everyone who is being honored today. i am honoring two people. they are on the same certificate. i would like to call up craig and tina long.
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[applause] they are good friends of mine. people who are really part of what is great about the district community and a family that represents the fabric of the excelsior and the city as well. both making enormous, quite contributions to the city, to our school district. tina is an incredible parent raising four kids. she is involved in the school. the schools in district 11, cleveland elementary school. the work of both of them have put into our school district. sometimes, all the work, you never know what the outcome is going to be.
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teachers use struggled with -- both of you, it is not as about your kids, but it is about all kids, and making sure we have a city that works for all. an education system that works for all. i have been very impressed with the work that craig has done it through his ministry work. he is not a minister, but he does a lot of work as a community organizer. making sure we have a lot of organized -- a lot of organizing in the interfaith community, supporting social justice. making sure our sanctuary city can be whole. meetings with elected officials, including the mayor, to make sure we have the most robust protections we can have for
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people who are documented and undocumented immigrants in san francisco. i just want to say thank you for your great work. i think it is important that we honor your work. raising a family. jeremy, and jake, kirby. jeremy to statice championship event at at&t park. washington won again, but we know next year he will be there again. you'll be right there rooting for him. thank you for all of your great work. it has been an honor to be friends with you and to know you. [applause]
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>> i want to thank you and all the members of the board. it is a privilege to be here today. i represent the interfaith coalition on immigration. it has been a privilege to work with you in upholding our sanctuary ordinance. it took some heavy hits in the previous administration. we are looking forward to continuing to work with you. the struggle for immigrants well-being and rights is a part of my own family story. in fact, i would not be here if it were not for a dedicated group of people. in 1917, -- my grandmother was detained, the first major
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detention facility in the u.s., and her six months of incarceration would have resulted in suicide were not for a presbyterian congregation that advocated for her release. it was not only a congregation, but also activists and lawyers, and public servants. they have to work together to fight for the rights of so many chinese immigrants to be here. if it were not for their labor, my grandmother would not been able to stay here. my mother would not have been born here as a naturalized citizen. and i would not be here as a result of that. although i am honored to receive this recognition today, i want to echo what supervisor kim said. there is no work of justice and compassion that does not take place collectively.
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everybody is working together. i am just a part of a larger fabric. i am proud to be a resident of district 11. a neighborhood that symbolizes the very diversity and inclusiveness that makes our city great. my ancestors fought for. i been blessed to know supervisor avalos, looks out for the most vulnerable in our city. i am also honor to be included in the company of all of the honorees today. and all of you in this room. you want san francisco to be a city for all, documented or undocumented. i would like to quote isaiah.
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god is for a place where children do not die and old people live in dignity. does to build houses live in them. i want to thank you for the way that you fight for that very vision. all of you to work together for the good of the city. thank you very much. [applause]
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[applause] president chiu: we do have one more presentation by someone who signs all the legislation that we pass. that is our mayor. here to present on behalf of our marriage is the legislative liaison to the board -- on behalf of the mayor is the legislative liaison to the board. >> bob is the executive director of the japan town task force and has been serving in that role since september of 2006. he is a tireless community leader working with local business -- a tireless committee leader working with local businesses on many projects that preserve japanese culture and promote civic participation. as the executive director of the task force, bob has spent years building consensus among
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community members. bob co-founded a successful japan town economic development and marketing committee. and the merchants association. for all of these accomplishments, the mayor would like to proclaim to date may 8 as his date in san francisco. congratulations. >> members of the board of supervisors, i am extremely honored to be recognized for my career work in japan town. i choose to accept this recognition on behalf of many that made this recognition possible. i accept this recognition as a recognition of the progress we are making on the planning for the preservation of the future of japan town. it is the oldest japan town in
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the united states. me and my community leaders involved in the planning process believe strongly that the preservation of the japanese and japanese american culture and history is something worth saving. it's preservation will continue to provide economic viability to the city of san francisco, and provide a cultural place for future generations of our ancestors. we are all committed to the development of the neighborhood plan that we hope to have before you before the end of the year. it will include culture preservation ideas and proposed legislation that will be cutting edge and innovative. i want to express my appreciation to the special effort and patience of our planning department and planning director. and the planning commission. i want to recognize the city
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planner, paul lord. i wish him the best in his retirement and i look forward to his return to take us to the finish line. finally, i want to think the support of -- the mayor's office of housing and economic development. they have taken the time to understand their special needs and are always full of ideas to further our progress. i've introduced -- five interpreted -- i have interpreted the data to support the town -- the fact that the businesses have held their own during the recession. many of our oldest family businesses are closing. there seem to be many signs that there are new small and micro businesses that will take their place. keep your fingers crossed and
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please find ways to continue to create incentives that promote new business formations in san francisco. thank you for this recognition. i am honored. thank you and congratulations to all of the honorees. [applause] [applause] president chiu: that concludes today's ceremony. i want to thank all of the honorees, your families, friends, colleagues. i do hope that this month, he will take part in many of the activities we have in san francisco. thank you again. and with that, colleagues, why don't we move to roll call for
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introductions? supervisor mar: i did have a couple of items. i want to ask my colleagues to adjourn the meeting in honor of a pretty amazing person who has passed away. we have a number of his family in the crowd at the conclusion of my remarks, i would like to ask everyone to join with me to end the meeting in his honor. i would like to adjourn today's meeting in honor of jack cohl. he passed away at the age of 76. he was a parish member of st. monica's parish. he is survived by his children.
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we also have here with us their children. thank you so much for stand for the whole meeting. many of you may know cathy as a longtime activist from san francisco. her father's grandfather was a police officer. jack did not own his own car until after he retired. his family believed in the importance of public transportation. he was a third-generation city employee. he was a public library in for 35 years. until he retired in 1992. he believed strongly in providing professional service to his patrons and saw public service as a privilege and a calling. he was among the first iteration of librarians to fight for
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recognition that required graduate training when it was still considered a lesser job. he was extremely proud of having grown up in the richmond district. he was a product of parochial school in, jack and his wife said all three of their children to the san francisco unified school district. they were proud to put their first child on her first day of kindergarten on the first buses to go across town as part of the great experiment for the racial integration and equal opportunity of san francisco schools. a 43-year resident, he was a volunteer for a democratic causes.
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he was proud of this irish- american heritage, love to walk with people, and was an expert on san francisco history, especially public transit. he embraced progressive ideals of social justice and equality. he took comfort from his faith. he was a proud union man, as for his father and grandfather. he also stood for professionalism and fairness in hiring and promotion practices, especially for women, people of color, and lgbt staff in the library system. he was a social justice catholic. a supporter of san francisco city of refuge century ordinance. his final wishes were that he not be forgotten. he asked about his family and
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the san francisco community community to show -- intended to show each other respect and loving care that he did to all of his friends and neighbors. collins, i asked to and are meeting in honor of jack. -- colleagues, i asked to and are meeting in honor of jack. president chiu: i also want to join in our condolences. i also have a memorial myself or someone you meant a lot to me. 16 years ago, when i was living on east coast, judge browning made me a job offer. for those of you did not know him, he was a legal giant. if you visit the ninth circuit court house building, you will find his name on the james browning courthouse building. judge browning was appointed in 1961 to the ninth circuit by president john f. kennedy.
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he held the bible at kennedy's inauguration. he became the appeals court law asserting judge before taking senior status in 2000. during his tenure as chief judge, the ninth circuit was transformed from a republican majority to a democratic majority. judge browning is well known for countless opinions over the decades. i want to say, for those of us about the opportunity to clerk for him, he taught us analytical judgment, taught us how to be progressive and independent comment and taught us how important it is to stand for civility, humility, and decency. that is far easier said than done. on behalf of all of us to have the honor for