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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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those who participated in some of the deliberations and what i see here is that every time somebody comes to give a presentation on this topic, it is very convoluted. these are the derivatives. in the name of the youth, we should do the right thing. i remember when it was 10 cents, 25 cents, up 35 cents. you have given $400,000. if you dividewe need to get some items to see how many people will benefit from this pump -- from the point of view of the fed.
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she was trying to talk about this, that, and the other, very tactical, but very convoluted but having no transparency and no accountability. if you have an auditor and you have some questions -- we are getting the money from four parts and we're going to do this and that. let me speak to the youth. they have to learn to be educated on issues. [tone] we have a group formed a long time ago and i appreciate we have a youth commission, but the youth have to learn to do the right thing and the right way and not follow some of the supervisors here who do the wrong things in the wrong way. wrong things in the wrong way. youth need help, seniors need
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help and others need help but we need to do the right thing in the right way. [tone] >> [speaking spanish] >> i am here because i want to thank you for taking the time to consider this very important issue. >> [speaking spanish]
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>> access for youth is a very important. it's very hard for me to get the money together to cover all of their fears and my other expenses. >> [speaking spanish] [tone] >> this is a very important
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issue that you find the funding for it. as for other single mothers or mothers of multiple children, it may seem like a small amount of view, $21, but when you think about someone with three, four, five children, it's a large amount of money. i ask you to please consider this. >> [speaking spanish] >> i hope this is really hitting home in your hearts and thank you. supervisor avalos: next speaking -- next speaker, please. we will now close public comment. >> as you may recall, this is a 22-month pilot. the cost is about $8 million
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plus. we're talking about 400,000 leveraging what ever is provided by the region and we are ultimately talking about 40,000 kids who would benefit from this program, which if you compare our application to the other application submitted for this amount of money, you are talking about a fraction of that number being served in the other application, so we are very proud of the fact we are maximizing every single dollar that would be provided to us. i also want to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of the community, the youth and different organizations involved. i want to single out my age who has been doing a lot of the heavy lifting here, so i would like to think sheila for that. supervisor avalos: thank you for
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your work on this project. supervisor farrell: just a quick question of staff -- we are voting on a $400,000 and an affirmation of the project priorities. are these two separate votes or can you explain to me out into related these are? >> these are two pieces of one action which you could choose to split if you want to. the $400,000 is for the authority share of the lifeline fund. for the record, so folks who are watching are not confused, and page 21 is the line by line funding plan. the separate but related part of this is the priorities. i'm bringing them both because they're both going for approval in june. supervisor farrell: just a
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comment as relates to free muni for low-income use, no commissioner campos has spent a lot of time on this and has organized on this. i'm not comfortable with the program right now. for me, it's a funding issue in terms of the financial picture overall and a slippery slope for seniors, what have you. i'm sure those issues have been vetted already but from my point of view, as relates to that point, i'm not prepared to support it. i would ask to split the file and take that out because the project priorities -- i'm happy to support the other part. if we could split the file. supervisor avalos: that is a motion to split the file and vote on each side. we will hold that and go on to
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other comments. do you want to comment on splitting the file? supervisor kim: i want to speak on the item itself. like to think the community members who have worked so hard for many years because this is an idea that first came up in 2003 providing muni for all youth and i'm sure the concept has been around longer than that. i grew up in new york city and i had a pass and didn't pay to take the subway or bus. i was surprised to find in san francisco we did not have that and we actually have our kids pay to go to school. i think that's incredibly backward and this is a strong investment and a policy statement. i understand we have to make choices when we put our budget forward and make choices in
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terms of what we prioritize. we want to subsidize our use and transportation to school and i want to reiterate some of the comments i heard today from parents with multiple children to have to buy multiple passes and what a struggle that is and the stories i've heard as a youth organizer and member of the board of education. i had older high-school students that would take younger siblings to school, often being late themselves because they had to transport younger siblings. waiting for bus drivers who were familiar with them and who would let them on for free -- those are the stories we don't like to hear. at that point we're at, we have many who cannot afford it and get on the back of the bus and end up getting tickets which is something i try to help students with when they got the hundred
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dollar ticket. that's not a system we want to support in san francisco. second, this is a pilot. one of the worries is when you offer something for free, you have to continue to pay for. but it's important we figure out what the benefits of a program like this are. we can collect data on the impact of the young people with public transit and collect data on increased attendance in school. that type of data is important for the city to collect and i'm excited to support this. i strongly support this, and i think we as a city should say this is something we are prioritizing for our young people here in san francisco. supervisor avalos: thank you. supervisor olague: i also want to echo my support for this. it seems to be that education has received many cut from the
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state level and more and more burden is placed on working family -- placed on working families to make sure they're getting inappropriate education and i think this lens to our commitment to keeping families in san francisco, keeping working families here, and supporting education for all youth. this is not at the exclusion of seniors. we can certainly continue to look at how we might in the future pilot programs to reduce the rate or provide free muni for seniors. i think this begins a conversation of looking at those who need these services and how to provide them to the public in a way that meets their own circumstance. i strongly support this. i have said this before -- the day of the yellow buses is long behind us.
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there was a time when transportation was something the school district's provided for children and we don't anymore. i'm happy to support this small gesture to make sure students remain in school and there is not additional burden placed on working families in san francisco. i am happy to support this and i hope at some point in the future, maybe not to this committee, maybe to the school or some other committee that we look at discussing safe transportation for children because a lot of these youngsters are getting on buses and there is overcrowding and a -- there are a lot of related issues that need to be worked through. at least this is the beginning and it's a good pilot program. supervisor cohen: i just wanted
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to also go on record acknowledging my support from day one for this particular budget priority. it's very important. as a child growing up in san francisco, i took public transportation to and from school every day. i'm also the oldest of five, so i understand extremely well the burdens of transportation. i wanted to acknowledge supervisor campos in his office for his leadership and acknowledge those members of the youth commission. it's important we continue to support and encourage them. its incredible they have taken up this position on this policy discussion and we're teaching them through this process and supporting them on how to go ahead and implement and positively implement public policy.
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i also want to acknowledge several conversations i've had with seniors in the community. many of them in my particular part of san francisco. i ask them if they had concerns about the free muni fast passes. the conversations i have had or that the seniors felt they have lived their lives and made their contributions and understood the importance of supporting young people, getting them set for life and ensuring they are on the right track. by having this conversation, it further strengthened my resolve in supporting this legislation. it's almost like having a blessing from our elders acknowledging the fact that it's important to continue to make a financial -- making our youth a
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priority even if it costs us some money. i'm honored to support this initiative thank you very much. supervisor avalos: thank you. can we have a roll-call vote? we are going to split out -- supervisor farrell: motion to split out before and a thousand dollar allocation. supervisor avalos: we will have a separate vote on the $400,000 allocation. >> on the first vote for the $400,000? supervisor avalos: aye.
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supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor farrell: no. >> the item passes. [roll-call] the item passes. supervisor cohen: i just wanted to say thank you for supporting this lifeline process. it's an unbelievable resources that connects the southeastern neighborhood to the inner parts of the city from downtown to chinatown. it's absolutely critical. thank you on that. supervisor avalos: it also
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connects part of my neighborhood -- ballpark to rapid transit as well. madame clerk, if you could call item no. 3. >> the citizens' advisory report. this is an information item. supervisor avalos: mr. flanagan? are you representing the citizens advisory committee? he please come forward? >> today's agenda has three items that were viewed last month.
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adam 5 recommended programs of cycle 3 lifeline transportation program and jobs access reserve -- reverse commute findings to the mta costs continual bus service restore project. the cac -- the discussion centered on how the free use pilot program fit into zepa lpt priorities, to which the mta responded that it would include
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funding for the free muni for use pilot program. [unintelligible] this item was passed unanimously by that cac, on the study similar to what other cities have done regarding parking pricing to suggestion. the authority responded that the park program was unique because
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of its sample size. the annual call for project -- these items focused on free maintenance while the cac is planning and many have expressed concerns about the transfer costs to residents. the major concern was that there was not a system of due process for residents who may not have the economic captivity for are suffering from economic hardships like maintaining
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trees or residents who are not capable of covering it. dpw stated they do not have the evaluation system of due process they did state that there were hardship of valuation for sidewalk repair and home maintenance. they asked if there was a process issues and why there wasn't due process maintenance.
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dpw said it was not clear as to why there was one system and not another. that concludes my report. supervisor avalos: thank you very much. any comments from the supervisors? seeing none, we will go on to public comment. >> one issue he read was free passes for the youth. your deliberation, you must understand you are just catering to those youth who would we termed indigent, very poor.
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in other statement -- in other places, all youth get free passes other is a discrimination that you must understand and point out to the people at home. all youth below 18 should ride for free, not just that indigent youth. and he was talking about the trees and the way he was reading things was not very clear. i stated before that the city right now, we have about 33,000 trees that the city right now is trying to phase out, not maintaining the trees, encouraging the owners to maintain the trees. we need some explanation from the transportation authority in
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their deliberations in how this has come about. [tone] and what should be done in the future. we need a more astute discussion and solution from the citizens' advisory committee rather than just reading something which means nothing. so when we come over here, the people who read the statement for give the presentation, we need something that states something to the fact and some solutions. [tone] supervisor avalos: we will close the public comment. that was an information item. madame clerk, -- let's go on to item no. 6 before going with item no. 5. >> recommend the appointment of three members citizen to the advisory committee.
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this is an action item. supervisor avalos: i believe the representatives applying for districts 4 and district's five -- is the commissioners would like to continue those items. if we have people like to speak for applying for those positions, we will hear their comments. >> good morning, mr. scherer and committee members. by way of background, the authority has an 11 member citizens' advisory committee. each member serves 82-year term. the plans and programs recommends and the authority appoints citizen advisory committee members. neither staff are -- on page seven, you can see who has submitted applications to be on the citizens advisor committee.
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you can see some information on the numbers. to qualify for appointment commie have to be a san francisco resident and need to appear once before the committee to speak to our interests and qualifications. we currently have three vacancies on the committee. this has resulted from it resignation of rosie was from district 11 and the term expiration's of chris jones from district 5 and conrad woo from district 4. i can either take questions or invite applicants. supervisor avalos: i know there is one from district 11 who is here. >> good morning. i have been a resident of district 11, the excelsior
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district for over 25 years. i currently sir as co-chair of the community police advisory board and i am on the steering committee of the excelsior action group which is tasked with revitalizing the commercial corridor from geneva to silver. i'm a member of the excelsior district improvement association and i have been very involved in public safety and lighting in the excelsior district. i have recently retired from the state of california where a was an administrative law judge. i continue to work for the state public utilities commission.
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i feel like i am well qualified to review and read legislation, to think about priorities for my district and how to bring all of these various policy issues together. [tone] i'm also very interested in building a consensus. i'm a trained mediator and have volunteered with community boards. i'm happy to take any questions and i'm really looking forward to this opportunity. supervisor avalos: thank you very much. you could talk about what kinds of improvements you like to see in terms of transit, pedestrian work in our district and what you feel you could contribute in terms of moving an agenda for word -- moving our agenda forward. >> our district is very
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populated. working class, people rely on public transportation, particularly safe public transportation. i think access to safe transportation, more efficient transportation options is really important and i would like to work on the committee to help make those priorities a reality. i know the policy and funding decisions are made by this commission. i also think efficient transportation will help with business attraction, which is something really important in district 11. there needs to be easily accessible, rapid transit. we're seeing changes with balboa park