tv [untitled] May 16, 2012 8:30am-9:00am PDT
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>> hello? ok. good evening. my name is roberto, and i work at paul revere, special ed, and i came here tonight with a very hard, heavy heart, to talk to you for, what, the 20th time? i have been around. i need to stay to you, stop the bleeding. stop the layoffs. get all of those teachers back to where they belong. we cannot do a better job with less teachers. take, for example, third grade math. there is enough money there. if he can do it, you can do it, so get it back. thank you. [applause] >> good evening, ladies and gentleman of the board. mr. yee. my name is dennis kelly, and i
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am president of united educators of san francisco. b. administrative law judge's decision was a well reasoned want, well substantiated. and you will know that it will cost the district millions of dollars if you accept this this mean to burgeon that is being proposed by staff -- to accept this mutant version that is being proposed by staff. we hope he will consider the minister in a law judge's decision in its entirety and not the mutant version. the advice you were given the advice you were given regardi here's a molecule moving around. it's gonna hit its neighbors, right? sometimes it's gonna hit a neighbor and bound off with more energy. sometimes it's gonna hit a neighbor and bound with less energy. now, when does it gain and when does it lose? look at this ping-pong paddle i have here. see it?
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watch this ping-pong ball come in and hit the paddle. watch this. watch this. [makes sound] see, it went off with the same speed? i could've held this very rigidly. watch again. [makes sound] kinetic energy in, kinetic energy out, same, same. did you see that? this time, i'm gonna move the paddle up like this. now watch. [makes sound] did you see it move away faster? why? 'cause i hit it. i belted a hand, it came in. boom. i gave it energy. when you got a pump and you're pumping air... [makes sounds] you ever reach down and reach and touch that pump? [laughter] that pump is what? - hot. - it's hot. why? 'cause you have belted those molecules. what do you have when you take a ball-- a baseball bat and start hitting balls? what are they gonna do? slow down? they're gonna speed up. and so what happens, that paddle comes in and-- now, what happens in air when air molecules movin' by and it hits-- and it sees another one that's coming toward it?
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ba-ba-boom. it could bounce off with more energy than it started with. this one would slow down. but that can happen. as we see with the paddle coming in--ba-boom. it goes off faster than it came in. how about the converse? let's suppose my paddle is going away. and now my ball hits... [makes sounds] see that? shall i do it again? okay. it dribbles down. it loses speed. so if molecules will hit others that are going away, will they rebound with greater speeds or lesser speeds or is this not clear? lesser speeds. can you see it's lesser speeds? lesser speeds, gang, okay? so what happens when air expands? go right down in there, in the microscopic realm right there, and take a look, and what do you see? "hey, now, where are you guys goin'?" they're all goin' way, yeah? and you're a molecule right in there. now you're gonna bound off all those guys. and when you bound up, you pick up speed or lose speed? - lose speed. - you lose speed. that speed goes out to the air. all that energy spreads out.
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in there, you've got less energy. it's--you put a thermometer-- it's--you--right here. it's really cooler. it's cooler when it expands. does that have a lot to do with weather or not? a lot to do with weather conditions. expanding air will chill, will cold, will become colder. neato? can you see why? pretty neat, huh? yeah. so you're at the top of the mountains, honey, you know why it's so cold up there. that air has been expanding. and when it's been expanding, of course, it's cold up there. it's a lot closer to the sun. no, no, that expansion rate, that expanding of that air cools it a lot. so actually when you heat something, it expands and you happen to put more energy into it because the--for expanding, too, to heat it up? oh, now, we can get a little mixed up here. it turns out that when you heat some air, like you heat anything, you will make it grow. you will make it expand. okay? so you can force something to expand.
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i can take a balloon of air and hold it over a stove. and it will expand. okay? we're not talking about that. it doesn't follow now that expanding things-- --not gonna change or-- well, that--now, to say that you can heat something up and make it expand is one thing. but now we're saying if the air will expand by itself, push outward, when it expands, what happens to the temperature in the middle of that? drop. and that drops. so the reason for it expanding is because it was going from a region of higher pressure to lower pressure? excellent, excellent, excellent. the reason it expands is because the air goes from a region of high pressure, down here, deep, deep down in the bottom of this ocean of air. and when it rises, what's it gonna do? like the balloon, like the fish, like the scuba diver we've all talked about-- these ideas are all connected, gang, huh? and as it goes up, up, up, it's gonna expand. and we learned a new thing today. as it expands, son of a gun, it cools. why does it cool? because the molecules in the middle are making impact with things on the average that are going away.
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and so they rebound with less, less, less speeds. and the effect is big. i mean, it's quite noticeable. there's a third form of heat transfer, gang. and the third form-- not conduction, not convection but what? radiation. radiation. that's right. radiation. and heat radiates from the sun. and it gets to us by the process of radiation. we're gonna talk about that a lot later on. we've talked about electromagnetic theory, and we talked about light. but i wanna talk about one aspect of that now. and that one aspect is is that the frequency of that radiation is directly proportional to the temperature of the source. why i want you to know about that is because i want you to know a little bit about what people are talking about when they talk about the greenhouse effect. you've all heard about it: the fact that there's a layer of carbon dioxide in the world now that is holding in the heat, and the earth is becoming warmer and warmer as the years go by,
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at least that's the idea. i want you to understand that. and to understand that, we have to consider a formula. now the formula makes sense, kinda. it just says that the frequency of radiation is directly proportional to the temperature of the source. let me give you an idea. you see this rubber tube i have, stretched out and connected to the wall over there? can you all, guys, see the rubber tube? what color is the rubber tube? - yellow. - green. can you guys all be lookin' at the same rubber tube? what color is the rubber tube? - blue. - green. well, take your pick, all right? put on your glasses. so we got a rubber-- it looks red to me. yeah, it's a red rubber tube. you guys see the red rubber tube? now i'm gonna shake the tube. [makes sounds] what do you guys be seein' across the room? waves. ain't that right? can you see the waves? now i want you to look at what happens
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to the frequency of the waves when i shake it faster. how many see the waves shakin' up? [makes sounds] how about when i shake it like this? what's the frequency of the waves? [makes sounds] it turns out that the faster i shake, the higher the frequency of the waves. is that far out or not? that's not far out at all. that's common sense. you shake a thing like this... [makes sounds] get long, lazy waves. if i shake it like this... [makes sounds] ...i'll get little, short waves like that. we'll learn about that later, okay? that wavelength, frequency. it turns out-- well, i won't even talk about wave under this point. let me just talk about frequency. that sun: high temperature or low temperature? high. the earth: relatively, high or low? low. now it turns out that everything is emitting waves: you and me and everything else that has a temperature above absolute zero. everything is emitting waves, and everything is absorbing waves.
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we're just gonna concentrate on the sun and the earth for now 'cause we're running out of time. the frequency of waves emitted by the sun are very, very high. the sun's temperature is like this. so the frequency of waves is like that. so high, millions of billions of cycles per second. [makes sounds] and we call that light. and that's--and light carries energy. electromagnetic energy. high, high frequency. why is it high frequency so high it's called light? because the temperature of the sun is very, very high. okay? now that light comes down and... [makes sounds] ...hits the earth. and so the earth warms up. but the earth reradiates that energy back out. but what frequency: high or low? low. why low? because the temperature of the earth is like this. and so the frequency of radiation that's emitted is like that. that's way down below the threshold of the red in the color spectrum.
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we call it below red. in a physics class, you'd never say below red. in a physics class, you'd say what, gang? infrared. so it turns out the sun emits visible light, high frequency, and the earth emits infrared, low frequency. now it turns out different things, different materials are transparent to different wavebands or frequency bands. it turns out the atmosphere of the earth is transparent, very, very nicely to visible light. of course, it is. you can look up and see the sun and the stars right through it. we have a transparent atmosphere for light, high frequencies. it turns out the atmosphere, especially if it has little water vapor in it, is terrible--is a terrible-- well, not terrible but it's a much less transparent material and medium. so what happens to us, gang, is this. this is the sun up here. and the sun is emitting very, very high frequency rays. they come right through the atmosphere.
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and the earth radiates low frequency, and they can't get through the atmosphere. a lot of them can, of course, but a lot can't. and those that can't then, this energy starts to pile up in here. this happens in your car. you leave your car out in the parking lot, gang, okay? why is it when your car out in the sunlight is so hot when you open the door? well, you can say, "well, 'cause there's heat. it's been heating in the sun." but let's look a little carefully. that sunlight is comin' right through that window, high frequency, right through the window pane. and what it does, it hits the inside of your car and heats it up. and the inside of your car reradiates. now if the inside reflect it, you'd be okay. that's why you put that silver stuff on your windshield. that's gonna reflect the light. and that reflected light-- it turns out reflected light doesn't change its frequency. we'll learn later on if you're wearing a blue shirt and you stand in front of a mirror, guess what color your image is, gang? son of a gun, blue.
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now you put on a red shirt and you stand in front of a mirror, what is it? whoa. same shade of red, okay? it turns out that reflection doesn't change frequency, but reradiation does. 'cause you catch it, reradiate it from one source and reradiate it from the other source, honey, you get different frequencies. and that's what's happening with the greenhouse effect. it reradiates a frequency that can't get through, especially that carbon dioxide. and that's holdin' the energy in. you kinda be seein' that? important stuff. okay, more physics next time. yay. [music] captioning performed by aegis rapidtext
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paul hewitt here, a few words. you know who we are and what we're about has a lot to do with the influences in our life, the people who have influenced us. and i, like everyone, have had many, many influences. and i just wanna cite, oh, very few, just three or four here. i know when i was in high school, there was a counselor, edward gibbs, high school counselor, and he advised me to not take any academic subjects because i wouldn't need to, because he was aware of my talent for art. i was the guy that would paint the posters for the dances, make the cartoons in the yearbook and that kind of thing. and so he said i wouldn't have to take academic courses, so i took his advice and i didn't. and so in high school, i took no physics, no science.
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i did mathematics for boys in the freshman year, and there was a general science course and i thought it was wonderful. but that's about it for that. and another one of my influences was kenny isaacs. kenny isaacs was a local boxing hero. and i was one of these kids that was getting beat up all the time by bullies. i wasn't much of a physical specimen. and kenny isaacs was-- he was the fighter of fighters. everyone admired that guy. i remember going to lynn and watching him fight sometimes. i was about maybe 14 years old, 13, 14, and saying, "wow, this guy is so great." i wish i could be there in his corner, be sort of the kid that comes up with the water bucket, you know, and helps him. this is a gladiator, no one beat him up. but anyway, kenny isaacs was a big influence because, to make a long story short, three years later, kenny isaacs was in my corner. and a fellow lived next door to me, eddie mccarthy, who was a professional fighter, 135-pound, lightweight, very good guy.
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and he took me under his wing. but then he went off to the korean war. just before he did that, he turned me over to a local boxing hero, kenny isaacs. and he told kenny, "kenny, take young paul here under your wing. he's my protege." kenny did that. and i was gonna retire as soon as i won the flyweight championship of north america, but i never got that far. i got up to the silver medal for the aau in new england at the age of 17. and that was about it. after that, in the follow-up fight, getting ready for the nationals, i got knocked out, the end of that career. another big influence on my life was burl grey, a sign painter that i met back in the late fifties. burl was painting in miami and i was assigned to paint with him. no one else would paint with him because there was a rumor going around about him that he was, yeah, one of them. he was accused of being, and i found out for myself
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that old burl was an intellectual. and intellectuals didn't cut it at the sign painting circuit. anyway, burl grey influenced me a lot. he's the one that lit my fire to get into science. and many of the ideas i had about things were-- burl sort of demolished. he was a very philosophical type and he was a nontheist. and he, you know, convinced me that things were so much simpler if you took a more scientific view of the world and there's so much that we're taught to believe or that we come to believe that simply isn't true. and how does one determine what's true or not? do you find out when you're an old person ready to die that everything you've been doing is just junk? well, you know, we each need a knowledge filter, sort of, to tell the difference between what's true and what isn't true. and burl convinced me that the best knowledge filter ever invented is science. and so i got into science. i went to school. i went to college, lowell tech in massachusetts,
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after doing a year of prep school 'cause i didn't take the recommended courses in high school, i had to do this, you know, make up for deficiencies. so burl was a big influence of mine. and then i went through it and i got a physics degree. and while getting that physics degree, it was very, very difficult for me. but there was a book i read when i was in graduate school in the summertime. it was wonderful. it was a book called "basic physics" by ken ford. and ken ford became my mentor and another big influence on me. and ken ford's book, awesome. he told it like it is. ken ford is a giant himself. he doesn't have a nobel prize but his friends do. he's one of those type guys. he was the exec officer of the american institute of physics. i'm proud to say now, i'm very proud of him to have him for a personal friend. so he was a great influence on me. and now i find myself, my greatest satisfaction is to realize that i myself am an influence for other people.
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i'm sort of a kenny isaacs or a burl grey or a ken ford to many students. and this many is with a capital m, thanks to the efforts of my friend marshall alenstein who has put together these videotapes a these dvds that spread my lectures from the classroom into the classrooms of many people. and so, it's wonderful being that role model for other teachers and students. and whatever i can do to be a burl grey to other people, to let them see that perhaps a very good foundation for, hey, what's going on in the world, certainly, is science. so let's hear it for physics. physics first, it's a wonderful way to look at the world. it makes sense out of what ordinarily might be just too complex to understand. physics, i love it. i hope you do too.
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