tv [untitled] May 17, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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pedestrians trying to cross illegally. those those of the sources of many collisions. >> we also had the increased fees and bus passes. what is your role on those before the board, whether it is the simple fare or the monthly passes? >> i don't know much about that issue so i would need to get up to speed before i can add to that intelligently. >> i know one of the issues that we often see is that with the rising fair or the fast pass, a lot of that is to meet budgetary needs but we have boat in comes that can afford to buy monthly fares. the single cash fair is something that many of us rely upon. that has come off as an issue a lot. we have also talked about how we
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could work more in supporting our homeless disabled population. we would like to work with you on that. i don't know if you have any opinions on that. >> i would like to work on helping our vulnerable community and people that are trying to get off of the streets. as a general matter, i would like to see improvement on that. >> thank you. how do you plan on having meaningful public participation, particularly those that rely on muni? >> i certainly intend to attend the various groups that are around. i know that there is a great amount of activism in this city. everyone has strong feelings
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about muni. we will hear from the local people getting in touch with the last local people is a challenge. i engaged in a lot of community organizations currently. i'd planned to be a part of more community organizations. the best way is to get out there and talk to people about the concerns. >> thank you so much. i think that is all the questions from the rules committee at this time. >> thank you. >> at this time, we will open it up for public comment. >> good afternoon, chairman. it is so good to have the opportunity to speak to you today. i wanted to come and give my support to the appointment of christina to the board. long before i had the pleasure,
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i had heard about her reputation. last year, and had the pleasure of working with her on a special project that was undertaken by the bar association of san francisco. this is about doing some out reach to small business owners against lawsuits. what cristina and the folks at the bar association did was to put together a panel which included myself at the mayor's office of disability as well as the director who is here today. a community group is there to provide some funding to help small business owners and also the office of small business. i was impressed with the efforts to reach out to the community and to give them some of the
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tools they needed to try to make the business is accessible and also to protect themselves from these lawsuits. my observation is that she is articulate, she is collaborative, she works well with both the city and the community as well as the advocacy groups and i think she would bring a very collegial presents to the board and would be a valuable addition. i do support her on that. thank you. >> thank you so much, ms. johnson. i will call out the speaker cards that i have. we have the former director of the mayor's office on disability. >> good afternoon. i am speaking as a private citizen but a person with a disability that has a
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longstanding history for working on this. i have known christina for several years. through the bay area of the disabled sailors, and the boaters to work on the america's cup. i strongly endorse her candidacy here. i find her to be not just smart but thoughtful. she is not just a leader but an organizer. she is able to be a spokesperson for the disability community but does not presume to speak for everyone until she has spoken to the people. she is someone who has worked in many different contexts with many different type of people with disabilities.
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i also think that it is important, the questions you have asked are important to go to the issue that she is not as a candidate to represent the disability community, she would have responsibility in terms of governance. i think she would be a very appropriate and a good candidate. she can be an advocate and she sees the full picture. she understands financial constraints and competing interests. i think she would be able to balance and work collaborative lee with the mta, the city, the board, and the community. >> we're glad to see you are still here in san francisco. next speaker, please. if i called your name, could you please line up?
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>> good afternoon, supervisors, counsel. it is with great pleasure that i speak here in support of the nomination to the sf mta. as the officers and directors of our organizations lined the south beach got clubbed and the bay area association of disabled sailors, which is a non-profit, we have collaborated on a number of projects and committees in the face of constrained resources. these products include greater community access and use access to water through a combination of south beach yacht club assets and programs, the development of management to bring and hold national and world access regatta's to san francisco bay, and various projects and events
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pertaining to the america's cup. heard leadership and the recruitment of still resources has brought to bear a more energetic and effective board to bear on these projects. her commitment to south beach yacht club has brought that members opposed to the family. today, the members enjoy greater involvement in the south beach shout club program and committees and more personal one-on-one relationships with the members and their board. much of this can be credited to her pursuit of self-sufficiency as the foundation for any service of programs the disabled -- programs developed for the disabled. she brings consensus around the issues in difficult situations
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and her commitment to development and growth of any organization in which she becomes involved. it is because of these qualities it is a much more vibrant organization today. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i am delighted to be here in support. i have had the opportunity to work with christina for a number of years. i came here right after law school. i needed plenty of guidance and she was always there to offer me her advice and support. if i had to describe promote saving characteristics, i would
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identify her willingness to take on any task and her desire to see everyone succeed. she has been an invaluable mentor to me. i'm not only here to talk about her skills as a lawyer or what a perfect mentor she has been. you can see her dedication to service reflected in the number of committees and boards she serves on. what i think she will bring to this board is her understanding of how public transportation and inaccessibility keep all of this city's constituencies involved. everywhere you go, she sees people she knows from groups she belongs to or people that she speaks to as a member of the community. she talks to people, she listens to people. she really cares about people. she has brought public
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participation no better help and accomplish. i cannot imagine a more outstanding candidate. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm here on this item to speak as a private citizen. i have added chance to read the application and her qualifications are perfect for this. i also applaud you infighting and continuing legacy as having a person with the disability on the board. being someone who has a sister with a disability and as a person with aging parents, i think it is well worth it in dealing with the issues. we are really getting there. we are really getting there. i would urge you to seek her appointment and and move the
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recommendation to the board. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i would like to support the appointment. and i'm definitely impressed with your insight. i want to commend her on her approach. we invited her to bike to work day last week and she took the time to come out to city hall with all of you and learn more about what biking is in san francisco. she got to hear what community members think and with business leaders think about biking in san francisco. really, as an organization of
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the coalition, we work often with the staff. it is that kind of approach. people that are interested in learning other perspectives it is what is most appreciated by us. this improved transportation the most when you have that kind of approach. i support her. thank you. >> if there is any other public comment, please step up. >> [singing] time to add christina to the mta that is what i have to say call in everyone to ride along to another short we can ride the bus again, you will be free once more right, christine, ride
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you are the border directors, making it better every day for everyone ride, city, ride, with christina on the board she will make it better than it has ever been before ride, city, ride >> thank you, mr. paulson. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i would like to speak in favor of this appointment. the appointee mentioned that she would be asking relevant questions and i think that this board really needs someone who will examine it inside and out. she mentioned she was going to be independent. i would suggest that if she was
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really independent, she should look into lowering some of the administrative salaries at the mta, which in my opinion, our way overpaid. also, since she will be dealing with touchy subjects, she might as well deal with the problems of running the parking lots and the garages and also the taxi industry. also, i hope she is going to have a fair opinion the central subway and with a fair consideration of cancelling this project. since she is being appointed by the mayor, i hope she will be a watchdog and not a lapdog. on the subject of pedestrian safety, i would like to mention that we need to say for bikers because especially at night, i
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see too many bikers biking without adequate light. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i would like to say, thank you for coming forward and thank you for all of the people that came to speak on her behalf. i think the mayor has made a great pick here and a look forward to working with you in the upcoming years and i'm happy to forward her to the full board. >> >> thank you. i'm happy to support the motion.
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one of the things that i enjoyed about our conversation prior to the hearing was that i thought that you were very thoughtful and insightful and i recognize that this is an individual who does not necessarily have professional expertise in the area of transportation but the reality is that what we want is someone who has firsthand experience of what it means to be a writer of public transportation. i think the transportation experience in terms of knowledge and some of the issues is something that can be acquired and i think that in many respects the fact that you don't necessarily come from the transportation world can actually be a positive thing. sometimes a fresh perspective in making sure that this agency
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looks to different ways of approaching issues is a good thing. i also believe that your someone who is taking this very seriously and who will get up to speed on a number of issues that will be before the commission pretty quickly. i was especially pleased to hear of your commitment to doing outreach to different committees, certainly within the disability community, but also others in san francisco. i think that is one of the most important roles that the mta director serves because you can hear different things in city hall but at the end of the day, you don't know what is happening.
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especially from people who often do not get an opportunity to speak or they don't even know how to navigate the system to convey their concerns so, in that sense, i think that that is something that will serve you well. other than that, i look forward to working with you. thank you very much. happy to support the motion. >> thank you. i also want to say few words. are a number of pedestrian safety issues that i would love to partner with you on as we increase making our city safer for our pedestrians, which all of us are. you can probably interface with
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some of the individuals in the room today. i highly recommend attending a meeting to learn more about the we are engaging in and the priorities that the pedestrians would like to see. but another priority for my office is cigarette out how we can work with the mta around tokens and with a clientele that come into our centers. this is so that people can go to shelters, their house and appointments, job interviews. that is initiative that we would like to work with you and the mta on and as we discussed, many of our homeless clients are disabled and that is a huge barrier for them and for a variety of different issues entering into the housing and unemployment every now. i'm happy to see you here. i think that you are incredibly thoughtful.
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you will engage with many of our meetings -- many of our members and attend meetings. we appreciate your willingness to spend this time because it is a huge commitment. this is of importance to so many people here in this city. i'm here to support this motion. we do have a motion to move forward with a cost of recommendation and we can do that without opposition. thank you very much. l madam clerk, can you call item number 3? >> item number3, hearing to consider appointing four members terms ending march 19th, 2015, for the child care planning advisory cancel. >> and for july, that the candidates were able to make it. for the sake of the public, they were nominated by their district
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supervisor >> district 3, 4, 5, and the president of the board. they are all reappointment to their seat, so they currently sit on that child care plan, and budget council. >> i am happy to make recommendation to forward all through to the board. >> if it had been district two, six, nine, they would have been here. >> [laughter] normally i would like to see the applicants to any of our advisory body. in this case, they are all reappointment and they are recommended by their distance supervisor. at this time, we will open it up
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for public comment. these are of what is to our child care, planning, advisory council. >> [singing] want you bring them back for another term they will do real good there oh, don't let them go. we want them back >> is it any other public comment on this item? -- is there any other public comment on this item? >> i have a problem with this. they are not showing up in front of you to be reappointed, who says they will show up in their meeting like they're supposed to? it just seems like we have a major attendance problem with
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some of these bodies. they get appointed and they show up once every three months. we should look at the attendance record of these people before we push them on. are they even showing up at the other meetings? i have to question it. it is is really annoying. are they really even invested in the city and county of san francisco? >> thank you. is any other public comment on this item? seeing none, this is closed. i do share the concerns that if these were not nominated by the district supervisor, i would not have removed these forward. >> i would not put a name for the loss of look at that issues. >> we do have a motion to move
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forward 3 upon -- 3 appointments to the child care planning and advisory council. we can do that without opposition. please call item number four and five together. >> item number 4, hearing to consider appointing one member to the local homeless coordinating board. item number five, reappointment -- resolution reappointing christine ma term ending october 21st, 2015, to the local homeless courtney the board. >> i will call each of you as you appear in the agenda. we will call laura guzman. >> i have been serving the board
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since 2005. i have been the co-chair and for the last seven years, the co- chair of the finding committee. i certainly want to say that this has become a very important powerful source in terms of gathering the stakeholders around the homeless policies. one of our main tasks is the event of funds. this is many many ways the work we have done. we have done some amazing work. i have been doing work with homeless committees in the city for 17 years. we still have a lot of need for
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shelter. we really need to finance the housing lines of people get into housing. we have the housing to work together. i am seeking reelection to that we continue to do this. we would like to help the homeless of one of the wealthiest city in the country. >> my one question would be, are there areas that you want to prioritize and your next term? >> well, we will be working closely with you and the mayor's office around shelter access, which we consider to be a tremendous challenge. my second one is that we figure out a way in looking at the
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housing pipeline and see how we will truly start the financing. those are my two main ones. i continue to be an advocate for the homeless. i have been trying to really bring the voice of thomas immigrants to the table for the past seven years. >> thank you. -- i have been trying to bring the voice of the homeless immigrants to the table for the past seven years. >> thank you. i'm very sad to be losing you to district 9. >> me too. >> our office will continue to work with you. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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i was born in new york city and i have spent the last 50 years living in maryland and washington, d.c. area. i am new to san francisco. i have been here for seven months. you would see that i have done a lot of work with governors, senators, congressmen, and with the national association of counties, and many different human service organizations. i would very much like to be involved in the life and breadth of san francisco and your community. i have done 40 years of work in the disability community, primarily in the mental-health community. i have worked extensively with the homeless. i was the director of mental health for a large county, 800,000 people. in the area of housing,
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