tv [untitled] May 17, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT
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homeless housing programs, i have been very successful in grant writing. one of the skills that i bring to you and that i offered is my experience in bringing in money from the federal government and through many other different, pd public organizations. i volunteer with the red cross and have been very active in the last, i would say, 20 years. i have worked at the pentagon on 9/11. i also have volunteered with the san francisco suicide prevention, and through that, we to also get calls from people who are homeless and in need of housing. i have a lot of experience in working with coalitions and with
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diverse people. in answer to what i think i can bring, homelessness is a very complex issue. i see where it affects people from all walks of life. the newest population that is being affected now our veterans. who are returning with ptsd and other disabilities, who call themselves homeless. i would like to do anything i can, making sure that there are sororities, fraternities, different volunteers that get involved. we have a very beautiful city here.
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i would like to work on the homeless issue and see what i can do, bear some fronts to some of my labor. i am delighted to have this opportunity. >> thank you. are there any questions from committee members? i do have two? can you tell me your reaction to the care plan? >> i don't know the san francisco one. that -- i have worked at six counties in maryland. i have been an independent consultant. upon retirement, i went into be the ghost writer for a lot of other counties. supervisor kim: have you attended a local homeless
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coordinating board meeting? >> no, i have not. i have looked at the website to see where my talents will fit in. supervisor kim: we appreciate that. thank you. supervisor kim: next, i am going to call up christine ma, and this is for the seat appointed by our controller's office. >> thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak with you. i have been a member of the board since it was reinstated in 2005. i have been a co-chair with ms.
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guzman. i have worked very hard with the rest of the board members. we have been working very hard on a number of issues around policy. i am a pediatrician. i am focused on homeless families for my whole career. that is it. thank you. supervisor kim: thank you, dr. ma. can you speak more about your priorities, particularly to do with homeless children? >> i started out working -- very specifically when i was in metal
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will school -- medical school, a long time ago, a couple decades ago, we looked at the issues for health care access for children in shelters. i started to get to know the services. currently, i run two programs. i work in a program that runs a homeless clinic. all my patients to that clinic are homeless families. there in a transitional housing, things like that. i also provide a nonprofit homeless health clinic. i provide health care for underserved, on insured, homeless. supervisor kim: i was hoping you could actually talk about what you see as priorities for the city to address are around children who are homeless? >> sure. one of the things i have been
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very excited to see in the last two years is the issues are around homeless children really taking more and more up front seat, not only locally, but also nationally. we need to start to understand children are homeless and there will be held issues, mental health issues -- health issues, mental health issues associated with becoming homeless. we have always been at the forefront of the country for recognizing a lot of these issues and i 81 to work towards improving these. supervisor kim: could you be specific? >> one of the biggest challenges children face our mental health issues. it is becoming more and more
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difficult to access mental- health. that is one big area. a second area that is extremely important is the adequacy of nutrition that children are receiving, not only in there schools, but in there lives outside of school. whether it is the shelter they are in or moving around. the third thing is educational. homeless children, on average, 30% to 50% of kids do not attend school on a regular basis. they have a tendency to repeat and drop out of school. starting from the time they are infants, they have issues in developmental areas. they are disadvantaged in this way.
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so, improving the ability to provide these services from an educational standpoint is very important. in the last year with the new education liaison, a look forward to working more closely to improve the situation is here. supervisor kim: thank you so much, dr. ma. we will open this up for public comment. if you would like to speak on this item, please step up. seeing none -- >> well, this is my commentary on the local homeless coordinating board. they are supposed to review there reports -- review reports. i do not think that is happening. then you have to look at there at -- their attendance record. many of these members only show
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up once every three months. i am confused as to who is on the local homeless coordinating board. i just feel like the definite shelter -- they addressed it only in a token fashion. they talked about it and they swept it under the rug. the other thing, too, i have been on this subcommittee and that subcommittee. there is one subcommittee when i go there, none of the members of the local homeless coordinating board -- they are not there. so, they are not there. the other problem i am having is everybody is meeting and out of town waiver. like these people want to come to san francisco, but they do not want to live in san francisco.
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something is really, really wrong. [bell rings] i just -- i just get frustrated. you need to do better. you need to do better. this is not good. supervisor kim: thank you. >> hello, supervisors. my name is meghan alliance. i am the policy analyst for the homeless coordinating board. i want to apologize. this is a bit confusing. it may appear to the public that there are four positions available. there are not four open positions. there are only two positions being considered today. dr. ma has had an excellent
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attendance record and has been very active. i am happy to answer specific questions. supervisor kim: thank you. is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. we have two applicants for one seat and reappointment for the seat of pointed by the comptroller's office. i just want to say, i do know laura it very well. her office has partnered with these advocates of. i would love to see you continue. i know you are not a residence. because of your expertise, we would like to see you continued on.
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i also wanted to say several different clients said to me there favorite -- their favorite place to go was the nrc. i think that is really a testament, when people are telling you to go to mnrc. dr. ma, i was really impressed by your background. i think it is really important having people from the medical community. i was really impressed by many things you had to set. again, i know you are not resident, and that is always our preference, but we would be appointing two very qualified applicants. we are happy to see your enthusiasm and your engagement and wanting to be involved. i highly recommend attending
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meetings of the board and just reading up on what they are actually working on. i know you have expertise in other states. so, i think those things are important and before you come to us. i really appreciate your enthusiasm. basically, everyone is a volunteer on our commission. colleagues? supervisor campos? supervisor campos: thank you, madam chair. i want to thank the three applicants for there willingness to serve the city and county of san francisco. with respect to item four, which is the vacancy for the seat that is currently held by laura guzman.
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very impressive resin made -- resume. it is good to see someone come to the city is so quickly and want to get involved. i don't know if at this point this is the right commission body, but i think it would be very important for the city to utilize your expertise, your knowledge, and i certainly look forward to some of the other positions you have applied for. i do think we could use your skills. in terms of laura guzman, i don't know what can be said that has not already been said. and now we have a preference for people who already are wrought -- who already reside in the city.
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a lot of people cannot afford to reside in san francisco. anyone who works in the city knows that ms. guzman is a critical component of that community and frankly, i do not know what the homeless coordinating board would do without her leadership. i am grateful she is willing to continue to serve, because it is one of those appointments that i think, not making them would be a tremendous loss and a huge mistake for the city. i am proud to support that reappointment, and of course, to dr. ma, very impressive background presentation. i know she will continue to do an amazing job. i make a motion to move in four -- item four to recommend laura
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guzman to the local homeless coordinating board, to provide a residence the waiver for that, and also make a motion to reappoint dr. ma as well. that is my motion. supervisor kim: thank you. i make a motion to waive the residency requirement. we have a motion on the floor. supervisor farrell? supervisor farrell: sure. thank you up for your application. i am one who believes and has voted to make sure we have san francisco residence on this board, but i know the tremendous work that has been done. i think that is terrific and i look forward to seeing you here again. in any case, thank you for your application. i look forward to seeing you in
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some place where you can help our city. let me first make a motion to approve the residency waiver requirements. supervisor kim: we have a motion in the second without a position -- -- without opposition. thank you. we can do this without opposition. thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call item no. 6? >> hearing to consider appointing five members, terms ending march 28, 2019 and march 28, 2014 to the pedestrian safety advisory committee. there are five applicants. supervisor kim: thank you. we have five seats and five applicants. three of which are reappointment. madam clerk, there is a mistake
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in the agenda. it says vacant seat four, suc ceeding john lowell, and i know that is not correct. >> that is completely vacant. supervisor kim: i do know that john lowell was not able to make it today, but he presented to the rules committee last year. he will not be able to speak today. i will be calling you up in the order you are listed on the agenda, so if you can be prepared to speak. is paul here? ok, i did not get that. ok, can we have howard
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strausser. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am asking to be reappointed to seat number six. we have worked with muni. i am part of the group that was an ad hoc committee in 1994, well before this supervisor even dreamt of forming this committee. and we met for a long time he banged it became obvious there should be a committee, -- we met for a long time. it became obvious there should be a committee. at that time, 2003, and usually the secretary of the group -- we are one of the few committees that does not have a paid secretary. what i would like to see us do
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-- first of all, i am a retired professional. that is an important part of what i would like to see us do. when the sfmta wants to provide the bike track in golden gate park, they did not get us involved until it was pretty late and all set. and now it is going to bring back an on site tour of that kind of thing, and a few members are going to be there. i think that is very important. we use to get together at a particular terrible, dangerous intersection and come up with suggestions. i would like to see more of that happen. i would like to see more group agencies. give us drawings. talk to us before you do stuff. we got a little bit involved, i
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think, in consulting on the bike track. they left us out, but we were able to look at it and go, okay, that seems ok. but they should let us get involved early. i would like to see committee members go out more and deal with problems on the streets. those two things would be very good. so, that's it. any questions, i can answer. supervisor kim: thank you. thank you or your service. i know you knapsack on this committee since its inception -- i know you have sat on this committee since its inception. >> i gave you my letter for support for that project. supervisor kim: i did get that letter. thank you for your work. next we have robin brasso.
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>> thank you. i have served on the committee from october 2010 until february of this year. so, i am replying to the committee for seat number seven. i think i am qualified to do that. i worked in the san francisco high school district for 37 years. with respect to something this gentleman was concerned about, i never miss a meeting of this committee, except when i was traveling, and i did business for the committee during one of the times i was away to new york, which i will tell you about an imminent. also, i have to agree with what howard has said. i do think we need to be notified about anything that's
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concerns pedestrian safety. we have concerns that only rec and park and sfmta and the bicycle coalition are part of the design at jfk. the disability council had been involved in that. we were only contacted after the fact. i think there are a lot of questions about it. i do attend sfmta board meetings. the mayor's disability council meetings. i also joined the pedestrian safety joint task force, which i attended religious late. during this time -- religiously. i also served on the enforcement subcommittee meeting, and one of the things i have been advocating -- something called
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the bicycle ambassador program, which i actually found out about because of "the new york times." this is a project that was started through something called transportation alternatives in new york, where they combine public transportation, walking, and bicycling, and advocate for all these things. they noticed bicyclist were not doing the things they should be doing on the streets. of course, we never have that happen in san francisco. anyway, certain bicyclist could be out on the streets with rules of the road. when someone was not doing what they were supposed to be doing -- not stopping at stop signs, not yielding for pedestrians -- they would go over to them and say, you know, we would appreciate it if you would follow the rules. will you take the pledge to follow the rules of the road? i have been campaigning for this. i think it is very important for
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everyone to be safe on the road. they also talk to pedestrians and drivers. so, i think this is a really, really important thing. i do advocate for dedicated bike lanes. i think they are extremely important to support the idea that sfmta staff supported -- presented to the board yesterday. i think that would be much safer for pedestrians. supervisor kim: if i may interrupt, i think it would speed up the process if you would just talk about a couple of things you like to work on. >> the bicycle ambassador program is something i am definitely advocating for. i would like to see right turn signals and left turn signals for cars, because most of the injuries caused to pedestrians happen when pedestrians and cars come together when they're
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making left turns keeping those things in advocating for. thank you. supervisor kim: i appreciate your enthusiasm and your passion for the issue. i also appreciate your commitment and attendance. thank you. i appreciate your bringing that up. >> i have to tell you, i must have left a wake up destruction behind me, because all the schools of which i taught are now closed. i taught at one school that was torn down and martin luther king replaced the. i taught at ben franklin, which i think is a gate school. and then at petro hill. and now isa is there. supervisor kim: thank you.
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next we have zachary marks. >> thank you. i want to go over my qualifications. i have worked in the mayor's office on these pedestrian issues. i have provided many different recommendations. i have studied essentially what other cities and countries have done on this issue. to share my view on the current status of pedestrian safety in san francisco, i believe even one pedestrian death is one too many. i know it is a big issue. i am a resident of district two. for personal reasons as well, i am definitely quite involved with this issue and i would love to join the committee. supervisor kim: thank you. could you talked about what you
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think are the priority areas for psac to work on? >> well, definitely. some of the things i have worked on in the past are at ninth avenue. if i were to join the committee, i would work done many different issue, ranging from -- i have a list here, many different ideas. but i think it is something i want to focus on, because it is a very important issue. i have many close friends that are no longer with us, because of this issue in the city. a plan to focus on streets and improvements and different methods -- >supervisor kim: good to be specific? >> i have a long list. >> just a couple. just the highlights. >> absolutely.
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i think greater warning signs, graders linage -- greater si gnage, speed traps, just to name a few. supervisor kim: appreciate that. >> nice to me you. what are your thoughts on me trying bulgaria? -- on the triangle area? what are your thoughts on the improvements that can be made in that area? >> there are a number of improvements that can be made. i will share with you a personal story. my dog was run over on gramercy street. there have been auto accidents like crazy. there are many things
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