tv [untitled] May 17, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT
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something i would like to focus on if i were on the committee. on my initial application, i had said that i had not attended any of the committee meetings. i did, i turned in the application and went to the may 2 meeting. i was shocked. first of all, the agenda, i added it up on the numbers person, it was 475 minutes. quick calculation, that's 7.91 hours. that's too long. i cannot imagine that we need to have meetings that long. i think there needs to be more of a triage in these meetings. what really are the important issues, what do we really need to look at. and maybe there are some ways that you can spread things down into subcommittees or volunteers or other organizations but i think my key initiative, the thing i would -- other than outreach and education and everything else -- i would focus on making meetings and the committee much more efficient. i have that background.
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i am a process and procedures geek. that's what i do. i don't like to hear people say, well, we've never done it this way or this is how we always do it. no, you have to -- that said, i think you have to stay within -- we have city charters, we have the constitution for a reason. you have to stay within the rules of the game. i keep hearing supervisor kim and campos and farrell saying, well, you change the rules and you've changed the voting -- you know, that's almost a red herring. i'm looking at the deeper level of that is ok, you had to change the rules because you didn't have enough people showing up. that's the symptom. let's look at the cause. why aren't people coming to meetings? there's 23 people on this list that want to be on this committee. if you can't get a quorum of people to show up and i will add when i went to the meeting on may 2 that was called at 4:00, it didn't start until 5:20 because there was not a quorum.
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so let's get people that are active and want to participate and get involved in this committee and if you don't have the people, then, you know, if you can't make the committee meetings, every board that i've been on, if you miss two or three meetings, you're out other than sickness or other emergencies or something. so what i'll end with is something you won't see on my resume, as i mentioned, i'm a collaborator. i am the ultimate middle child. i like to see -- supervisor farrell's laughing. i like to see all sides of the argument. i don't have an authoritative style. i've tried. i'm not very good at that. i'm a collaborator. i'm not dogmatic. i don't walk in with a certain idea. i've been on many, many political organizational boards where decisions are made and i really gotta say, i don't walk in with a decision until i really hear what everybody has to say and sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not so good. so another thing i would bring is, again, i think i would bring
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diversity. i do kind of skip over a lot of different communities. i'm active in politics. i'm active in lgbt organizations. i do a lot of work in the music and art community and i think those are communities that are under served and may not know what sunshine is and what's available to them. that's all i have. any questions? chairperson kim: no. thank you. >> thank you. chairperson kim: next we have owen patrick stephens and then trevor mcneil. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i think there's been a mistake. the sunshine task force, doesn't this have to do with solar panels or something? i make a joke. anyway -- i truly believe in open government and the various candidates that have presented before you, i don't know if this would set me different from them or not, but when it comes to the sunshine task force, i may be one of the few people who have actually implemented it as the president of a major commission in san francisco, the treasury
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island development authority between 2008 and 2010. while serving on that commissioner, i ensured bringing the public interest first and foremost in the meeting, making sure that general public comment was accessible to the island residents, to the people who had so many issues of concern on that island, and even more so very complicated issues presented before treasure island over the last decade and a half since its closure as a navy base and considerable amounts of disinformation to the residents themselves and i made it a huge priority of minot four years i served on that commission to reach out to the residents and ensure they were getting proper information from their government and actually knowing what the plans going forward were and what their future would be in that situation. i would like to bring that expertise and experience to the sunshine task force. i am a policy and procedure wonk, you could say.
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i've been a competitive parliamentarian at one point in my time. i serve currently at the parliamentarian for the alice b. toke lis democratic club and i have advised many entities in the past in best practices in finding ways to follow the procedures which -- i always advocate are never there to hinder or create pure -- bureaucracy and make progress not happen but are tools to make it happen in a fair way. do you have any questions? thank you. chairperson kim: thank you. next we have trevor mcneil and then hanley chan. >> hello, supervisors. my name is trevor mcneil. i'm a 30-year resident of san francisco and happen to be 30 years old. i applied for the sunshine
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ordinance task force in 2006 and am interested in serving again. i've worked abroad. i've worked for transparency international, an international organization that advocates for transparency around the world and helped set up experiments in lebanon. since then, i've been back here and would like to add my perspective to the task force. i have a lot of academic experience including in library science. i am a teacher and have taught this to san francisco kids. i have a bachelor of science and masters in political development and governance and i have experience with the ethics commission, being a three-time candidate for the democratic central committee here in san francisco. i also have worked for voter protection efforts and have been an election monitor both in the county and abroad. i'm an aclu member, and generally a nice guy who is also trained in mediation and i think that could be helpful for any board that is purposefully
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advocating for the people and sometimes not against because that's the wrong way to think about it, but in conflict with other groups that want to get their own work done. my areas of focus, should you honor me with an appointment, to be to make it more user friendly. that's something we've heard a lot about today and my experience as a teacher would come into that but i really want to advocate for the task force to become more bilingual and outreach, if you look at some of the list of complaints over the last year, i think that you could say that there is a need to reach more san francisco diversity. avoiding conflict and focusing on mission i think is very important but we shouldn't shirk from our responsibility. our responsibility is for the people and sometimes that is supposed to be in conflict with other parts of the city government but i also think it's possible to systematize our relationship with the mayor, with the attorney and with the ethics commission. i think we can add civility and
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at the same time enforce our power and we shouldn't be disregarded. i think the sunshine ordinance task force sometimes can be caught in the muck that we actually don't do the enforcement part as well as we could and i understand also that's due to budget constraints on the city attorney's side but again we could work with the city attorney in formulating a way to address budget shortfalls so that we don't necessarily have to balance the budget on our backs but understand that things are tight. this is a common theme we've heard but i would like to work with the technology subcommittee. i think that would help expand the minutes that have been shortened and make them for expansive online and maybe we can cross that video recording bridge with a simple online stream and also records of previous meetings. and also i would like to incorporate the task force's efforts into pre-existing civic
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education programs that already exist in colleges, in schools and in organizations that advocate for public policy research who might, like myself, be very involved in public policy and local politics but still, when you approach that world that is sunshine, it can sometimes be a little confusing, it can sometimes be intimidating, it can sometimes be an insider's game and i really would like to be a young advocate who wants to focus to make the sunshine ordinance task force be transparent in itself. this is a civil right, in the a burden, it's something san francisco can take a lead on and inform public participation in politics and policy is my lifetime ambition and i would be honored to serve my city. any questions? chairperson kim: you brought up language capacity. do you speak other languages? >> i don't but i have experience in civic organizations reaching out and coordinating with organizations that do that. people do this for free. they would love to do this kind
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of thing and i think it's a first step. chairperson kim: i appreciate it. thank you. next we have hanley chan and finally todd david. >> hi, my name is hanley chan. i want to first thank supervisors for giving me an opportunity to speak. i want to make it brief, that's the way you like it. i would like to serve for another term in the sunshine ordinance task force and i vow myself to serve in the task force until the sunshine amendment has passed and it's been four years that we have not put an amendment through. i would like my fellow colleagues to be reappointed and especially one person that i really want to see get appointed is doug comstock. he is an icon to the sunshine ordinance task force. he brings a lot of value to it. at one point, i serve as a chair
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of education and outreach committee of the task force and outreach to a.p.a. community. i have many interviews with the chinese press about sunshine issues and i want to keep doing so. a little bit about myself. i was born and raised in san francisco. i serve in many non-profit organizations. i can't name them all because we'll be here forever. i love to volunteer and give back to the community. another key thing that we need more women in this task force. nine to two isn't a good representation. i do apologize, i haven't been attending as i usually do a lot because due to my baby, i have a newborn, and school, but school right now is over and the newborn is grown up.
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so basically -- and supervisor farrell's question on my colleague brought a very good point to that voting thing, so i just thought it would be better for the public, for the people that needed to i guess get their quorum correct. so basically, if we did something wrong, i think my colleagues and i would actually vote back and follow the charter. if there's any questions -- chairperson kim: thank you, mr. chan. i think you addressed supervisor farrell's question. mr. todd david. >> supervisors campos, kim and
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farrell, nice to see you: thank you for considering my appointment to the sunshine commission. i think transparency is incredibly important. i think that transparency breeds a sense of trust and so there's nothing more important for government than to be transparent so that the voters who have elected you know that you're making really good decisions. i think that one of the key things that i think that the sunshine ordinance task force could really do is i think a lot of people speaking about efficiencies and things like that but really embracing technology to try to avoid violations, that probably aren't purposeful or necessary, so making sure there's training involved at the departments and making sure that technology is embraced at kind of every level to avoid those unnecessary
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violations. and just one comment that i have regarding supervisor farrell's question that keeps coming up to the current members of the task force. i would just have to say that personally, i would take the opinion of the city attorney about the charter much -- take it very seriously over my opinion of it. i would think it's kind of like constitutional law, like we can all have opinion about it but there are people are experts in this area and i would consider the city attorney to be an expert in that area and i think it could be a long road for me to go against an opinion by the city attorney. just personally, i'm the president of friends of noe valley. i am co-founder of san francisco parent action committee, very interested in seeing parents more involved in local government and serving on
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commissions is certainly one of the areas that we as a group and me personally would like to see parents be much more involved. if you have any questions, i'm happy to take them. thanks for your time. chairperson kim: thank you very much, mr. david. i see no questions from committee members. at this time we open for public comment. line up if you'd like to speak on this item. if you did apply for a position, i would ask that you not speak at public comment. >> good afternoon, committee members. my name is chante kinnion and i recommend marc bruno to one of the available seats on the city's sunshine ordinance task force. i am a ph.d. candidate but first met marc in 2004 when i was working at city lights bookstore and publishers as a city market assistant. i volunteered for the annual
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north beach citizens dinner. franceess coppola feeds north beach. at the time, marc was working with north beach citizen and telegraph hill dwellers from that event and the subsequent events i've worked with marc over the last eight years through his work with also the san francisco branch of saint vincent depaul, i know marc to be a capable and caring san franciscan dedicated to the wellbeing of not only north beach and china town communities but all the citizens of san francisco. based on our prior work together, i find marc tweets everyone equally and fairly and in my opinion, the director role i've seen marc facilitate proves his work experience more than exceeds the needs of what is required to sit on the sunshine ordinance task force. marc is always dedicated to managing both the needs of
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organizations he's worked for and also the needs of san franciscan, san francisco citizens. if are these reasons, it is my opinion that there's no better candidate than marc bruno for one of the available seats on the sunshine task force. thank you so much. chairperson kim: thank you so much. >> good afternoon, supervisors, i'm richard knee, outgoing after 10 years serving on the task force. >> thank you for your service. >> believe me, it's been my pleasure. it's a laborious but it's a labor of love. i want first to encourage the committee to reappoint all five of the incumbents. ms. manet works with the new america media which represents minority owen -- owned media, an important constituent in the
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city. jay costa works for map light which is an organization in berkeley that tracks political money trails. certainly that's right in line with transparency. members wolfe and chan and washburn have served honorably. i also want to say that i am on the freedom of information committee of the local chapter of the society for professional journalists and i am pleased to echo the nominations of ben rosenfeld for seat number 1 and doug comstock for seat number 2. i'd like to talk a little bit about ms. fischer's mention of a triage system. one of the reasons that the meetings of the task force go so long is that there is a huge backlog of complaints at the time, at times, and we can't judge those complaints on which are more important and which
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aren't. on the voting, i see my time is running short. i can shed additional light, if you wish, but i see my time is about up. chairperson kim: thank you, mr. knee. thank you for your tenure serving on the task force. >> ♪ well the city exploded in a mighty crash as we fell into the sun and the town was searching for another candidate for the sunshine task force and hailey chan's vote won ♪ ♪ hanley chan's the one, hanley chan's the one, and the sunshine man does the best he can, help for everyone and hanley chan's the one, he's the one ♪
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♪ and he needs a reappointment from you, he's handy and vets all the rules, hey city, how about hanley chan ♪ ♪ if you're broken, sunshine task force, should need repair, then he's the man to see, and you'll wait and see, hanley chan is the best he can, he does the best he can, hey, city, how about hanley chan ♪ chairperson kim: thank you, mr. paulson. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is -- i just get
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thousands of his emails. i'm a former san francisco policeman. i was a latino spokesperson with the san francisco police department for several years in the 1980's. i'm a syndicated radio talk show host and licensed private investigator. i've known hanley chan for 20 years now. we go back to when he was a patrol special here in the city and county of san francisco and when i think of hanley chan as part of city government, i think of what j.f.k. said in 1960, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do if for your country. hanley chan has asked what you can do for your city not what the city can do for you. hanley chan's done it for the lgbt community, for the asian community, the hispanic community, the caucasian community, the african-american community. he's crossed all borders. this young man deserved to be reappointed to the sunshine board and it is my prayer and hopes you do so. thank you so much for your time.
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chairperson kim: thank you. >> my name's lou gordon. here here to support the reappointment of hanley chan also. hanley is really a good community servant and i'm proud to support him and endorse everything he does as a human being. he has a great family. there's another gentleman that i have a lot of respect for, also, and that's mr. wolfe. thank you. chairperson kim: thank you. >> supervisors, good afternoon. i'm tony gantener in support of marc bruno. i've known marc over a decade. during that time, he's represented the saint vincent depaul society as a volunteer and professionally arranging for many meals of the homeless, also distributing blankets, socks and food. he's been dedicated to the less fortunate, literally spending thousands of volunteer hours. marc has been involved in community benefit districts, merchant associations,
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neighborhood organizations in san francisco. he always takes a fair approach to neighborhood concerns. i've also worked with marc on the california public records act request to state agencies and departments pursuant to government code 6252 et seq. he has personally experienced how transparent, responsive and cooperative state agencies can be. he's read and thoughtfully studied prop g and legislative and budget analysis report. i believe mr. bruno has a good sense of how the city's sunshine act should be carried out, believed meetings should be televised if possible and would be a valuable member of the sunshine task ordinance. thank you so much for your time. chairperson kim: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. kathleen dooley. as a member of a commission myself, i really do know what it takes to be on a commission, sit through those long meetings, do
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whatever it takes to get your job done, serve on committees and i'm here to do double duty. i want to echo what others have said about marc bruno. he has always been the parliamentarian for every group i've ever served or worked on in north beach area. he's just got a real good eye for detail and he would be a fantastic person on this task force. i'd also like to recommend chris hyland. he is a new face to city hall, an enthusiastic face. i know he would serve very well. he has a good background in legal matters and i think we need some new blood always to mix in with whoever is still remaining on a force and i would highly recommend him as a person that i think you would really appreciate and he could contribute a lot to city hall. thanks. >> hi, my name is michael nolte,
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executive director of alliance for better district six and our executive committee has reviewed the board packet for the sunshine task force reappointments or appointments and we'd staunchly believe in open government and there's so much more to be done. we believe in community outreach, transparency, access to public documents and especially multicultural outreach. we're recommending the following people to be appointed and reappointed to the task force -- doug comstock, thomas picarello, bruce wolfe, hanley chan and michael kwan. thank you very much. chairperson kim: thank you, mr. nolte. >> good afternoon. my name is paul henderson. i have a lot of familiarity with the task force and i've worked
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with them over the years. there's a number of really strong candidates both that are reapplying and new candidates that are applying. so i was just here to -- in support of several of the new candidates that are coming in from different organizations. i'll be brief and who they are. kitt grant from the national black journalists association, which, i think it's important, you know. i know this is a city that embraces and welcomes diversity so i'm really excited to see the depth of the candidates that are coming here now to sit on this commission. also, david sims whom i've known for a long time, both from being active in the gay lesbian community but also in the legal community, i think he'll bring a depth of knowledge and commitment to the position. also, my friends from alice,
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outside of this building, who have been particularly active and that's owen stephens and louise fischer are great people that i've known for a long time. so while i think there are great candidates, those are the four candidates i would urge the board to support their candidacy. thank you so much. chairperson kim: thank you, mr. henderson. is there any other public comment on this item? >> i think thomas picarello would be an excellent candidate. although we are friends, we disagree most of the time. he's out for a surgery but he'll be up and ready pretty soon, ready to slay dragons with a latte in his hand. i think people talking about
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people not showing up is really rampant is several of the boards they attend and they just get the administrator to rubber stamp an excused absence so to me that's a problem. i think when you talk about the sunshine ordinance, it's a group of people that they're kind of under attack by several things, the aloofness of the ethics commission, the city government just giving them bad administration and they got to weed through all of that. i think the other thing, too, is that whole issue about the votes and stuff like that, if these people don't show up, they're automatically voting no on whatever issue it is and they haven't heard the case for or against. so the sunshine ordinance task force was just basically trying to be fair. and to tell somebody that oh,
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your complaint isn't valid, i mean, before you even have a chance to put your case together, they're telling you that we don't want to hear you, we're going to defend the city whether they're right or wrong. and the other thing, too, is you have one attorney, the city attorney, that just chooses to ignore the sunshine ordinance task force and kind of like ignore what the other attorneys -- sunshine ordinance task force has several attorneys. they made a decision, as well. and the city attorney just didn't even want to talk with them. chairperson kim: thank you. is there any other public comment on the item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. so, colleagues, we have a lot of amazing applicants and i want to thank everyone who sat through our rules committee with us today. i'm incredibly impressed by the high level of
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