tv [untitled] May 18, 2012 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT
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not just on harvey, the city of san francisco. this is a legacy that will inspire and show that lgbt people are patriots, no matter where they are, and we cannot be ignored. i urge your support of supervisor wiener's resolution. >> thank you. >> thank you, supervisors. i am a retired navy captain with 25 years in the reserves. i was also a past president of the harvey milk club in 1990. i'm here to speak on behalf of supervisor wiener proposal. i am unique in his room in that i am one of the few people who actually knew harvey and talk to him at length on many issues, including military, and the war. harvey was aware that i was at the time a military officer and also actively engaged in the
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community. and somehow, those two never caught up with me until very late in my career. harvey was a pragmatic in his approach to all issues. i do not believe we had "pc" back then, but he would have loved this. he would have thought it was the greatest thing bekker ever have happened. we talked often about vietnam. i am a veteran. harvey, of course, was a little bit older. we both thought it was a damn war. neither one of us object -- we thought it -- a dumb wart. -- dumb war. neither one of us objected to the military. thank you very much. >> if anybody else likes to
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speak, please line up. >> i am on the border of the lgbt democratic club. i'm here to urge the support of the resolution to name the u.s. navy vessel after harvey milk. as a navy veteran and a gay rights icon, it is entirely appropriate that the u.s. navy considered naming a ship in honor of harvey milk. i urge your support of the resolution today. >> my name is not tiley notnaftali. i am a long -- naftali. i am longtime citizen of san francisco. i'm speaking in favor of the resolution. when i think of harvey, i speak of gay liberation. for me, this is less about honoring harvey, who has been well honored over the years, and
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it is forwarding the goals of the lgbt liberation movement, which is to include us and to have equity in all things. this is a phenomenal honor. i urge you to support our folks in san diego and vote for this. thank you. >> thank you. if no one else like that, this will be our final public comment speaker. cracks good morning. i am a rape -- >> good morning. i am a retired navy commander and an annapolis graduate. i worked for 18 years on don't ask, don't tell, and have dedicated my cent -- my life to supporting lgbt service members. i'm here in support of supervisor wiener proposal. i want to tell you a quick story. i know i only have two minutes. i served on the uss lexington, and one of the first things i
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did on that ship was i looked at the history of that ship and the naming of it. my wife works in a recruiter's office. she did very well in your verbal. they said she could be a journalist in the navy. she finished good camp and they said they knew had too many female journalists and eight center to be a welder instead. she came out here and the first thing she did was looked up and who's samuel gompers is. do you know? he is the founder and longest serving president of the afl. he is one of the most notorious labor organizers. he did tremendous work for the labor unions. my wife would not have known about him without the naming of that ship. everywhere she went she had the sleeve of uss samuel gompers and everywhere she went people would ask about it.
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we can have a library, a statue, a day. your someone preaching to the choir. when your name a ship the uss harvey milk, everywhere that ship goes, people will recognize that. i strongly urge you to support this and support the veterans of san francisco. >> thank you. see no other speakers, mr. yip will be our final speaker. gregg's i am not taking a position for or against -- >> i am not taking a position for or against this resolution. i would like to offer a suggestion. first, i would like to thank the committee for holding today's hearing. in the past, there were too many canceled hearings. second, the suggestion of naming a ship was actually an idea from some of my colleagues on the east coast who are not allowed to speak out like i do. they would like to name the ship the uss p.u.w.
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a lot of them are -- p.o.w. a lot of them are in support of this, but have to keep a low profile. in regards to the local lgbt community, i might suggest you take up the cause of a gay man named joseph osmond. brecht's -- >> public comment is closed. supervisor olague? rex i do respect the members of the public -- >> i do respect the members of the public coming in this morning asking that the uss harvey milk be christened. but i received quite an outcry from members also of the lgbt community who were concerned by
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the fact that a warship would be named after harvey milk, who in the final days of his life was in opposition to the vietnam war and was also against war in general. at this point, i would not support a resolution to name a warship after harvey milk. but i think, instead, i would like to -- and maybe i will write this congressman myself that' he be honored in this way, since he was the first man out in the military. he fought vigorously for an end to the ban on gays in the military. and he was quite courageous. from that perspective, i think that is something i would support. also, i would like to mention that a week ago here, on the
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board last tuesday i introduced a resolution to urge congress to name harvey milk's birthday national holiday. i think that is something that the community actually needs, to have a national holiday with one of our leaders recognized in that way. there are days that have been sanctioned for cesar chavez, martin luther king, and other people that we respect and can also force this country to reflect on those cultures and contributions of those individuals. naming a national holiday in support of harvey milk is long overdue. to that end, i still support that. i still support again the idea of naming a war ship in support of matlovich, who to the and had
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a lot of pride in their military service to the end. my concern to live again, was naming a warship -- there was a miscommunication with staff, i have to say. i do feel there are more appropriate individuals to name a warship after in the clear community. -- queer community. >> i simply want to thank all of the members of the public for coming out to speak on this issue. when you speak about the war, there are strong feelings about it one way or the other. with this resolution, i am very supportive. i think the public comment that was made, i think several key points were hit. it was spoken earlier about
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being part of a different organization, not necessarily -- the position was not necessarily represent by all the membership. we heard from the democratic club today as well with regard from -- regard to individuals that may have known supervisor milk. he spoke to the possibility that this is something that he would have wanted, would have enjoyed. his longtime aide and friend supported the resolution. and finally, with regard to the second to final speaker, with respect to the impact internationally about what this could mean, how when people look at it they might want to find out about the history of this individual and the contributions he has made to this country and to san francisco. i think those things are important. i would like to make a motion to send this item forward with recommendation. >> supervisor wiener? >> i want to thank all of the members of the public who came out today and to -- who show and
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articulated why this is important. i respectfully request your support. >> supervisor olague, last word. gregg's i think at some point there should be -- >> i think at some point there should be a ship named after mr. caldera. i support that. gregg's -- >> we have a motion and a second. >> supervisor chiu:aye. supervisor olague: no. supervisor elsbernd: aye. two ayes and one no. >> the item moves forward.
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>> item number two, moving a liquor license for club zero mg. -- club omg. >> this is an item we have had here in his committee before. we asked the department to come back and consider if the board were to approve this license, what conditions would be appropriate. would you like to tell us what your findings are? >> i am inspectors are from the police department. the applicant has filed an application with the california department of alcoholic beverage control for 43 sixth st. between stevenson street and jesse street. for the purpose of this hearing, the california department about collett beverage control, abc,
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seeks a determination from the board as to an approval or denial of the license. the application was present on april 23rd, 2012. the application for this license is located in the highest reported crime area in the city and county of san francisco. in addition, the active on sail license for this area is double what is recommended by abc. abc has recommended a denial of the application. but apart and has created a list of conditions in the event the committee decides to approve this license. we respectfully request the following conditions. number one, the sales and consumption of olive beverages will be committed -- permitted only between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. each day of the week.
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two, the sale of all of beverages off of the property is strictly prohibited. three, no noise will be allowed in the area under control of the licensee as defined in the b.c. two hundred 57. the loitering is defined as to stand idly by, lingering needlessly without lawful business. it is prohibited on any sidewalks or adjacent properties under the control of the licensee. five, between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and until one half-hour passed the closing, the petitioner will provide security personnel who will remain ordered iran and prevent any activity that will interfere with the quiet enjoyment of their property. security personnel will be readily identifiable as security. the six, they will utilize electronic surveillance
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equipment that is able to view all exits and entrances on the premises. the recording device will be operational at all times. the set of electronic recording will be kept for a minimum of seven days and will be made available to law enforcement on demand. thank you. >> and thank you for taking the time for going back on that one. applicants, do you have any comments? >> market rent a year today with my clients. -- mark renny here again today with my clients. we heard a lot of testimony about this. there are a lot of new businesses opening in the neighborhood, and they have all welcome this particular applicants into the community. we have gone over these conditions with the police department. we are in favor of these conditions. we think it will help protect
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our clientele and also perhaps improve the street a little bit. the entertainment commission last week has approve this with an unrestricted entertainment license with also some conditions that go toward public safety and things like electronic surveillance out on the street to make that available to the public. we would urge that you pass this resolution of public convenience and necessity and move it on to the full board for a vote. >> is there any public comment on this item? >> good morning, supervisors. my name is douglas yep. i am not taking a position for or against this item. but i do want to state for the record that there are too many liquor licenses on sixth street and maybe we should try to encourage a garage a studio to
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open on sixth street -- a car roddy -- karate studio to open on sixth street just to have it there. second they, if they want to make a long-term commitment to expand their business, if they would consider opening their business in your district four or seven. there are plenty of vacancies to choose from and by having those two parts of the city it would help to open up the neighborhood for different types of businesses. thank you. >> any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor olague. >> i would like to thank the business owner for working with us. we made some recommendations last time for the police department to come to agreement on certain conditions. i think is exciting to note that it is the first clear south asian bar in the country.
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-- queer south asian bar in the country. i wish you all the luck in the world. i think it is a very exciting use for that space, and i trust that he will be responsible owner. with that, i would like to move to approve the conditions that were suggested today. >> supervisor chu. >> just a question for our staff. in the packet we have a discussion draft, i believe, for the department of our collett beverage control for the state of california. one of the conditions listed was the surveillance cameras to be maintained with a means of recordings for a minimum of 14 days. in our conditions we have a minimum of seven days of retention of video surveillance. i am wondering why we are not conforming with the 14 days if it is already required by the state. >> actually, it would be
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whenever the abc would choose. normally, we ask for 72 hours. this time, we went for seven. it is ultimately the decision of the state of california. >> that would be something that would supersede our seven days. >> yes. correct and it is more than adequate, it sounds. >> yes. >> si no other comments, i think we can take that motion without objection. to send the recommendation with the attached conditions. madam clerk, could you please read item 3. >> to consider the issuance of a type 21 outsell general license located at 350 california st. for the convenience and necessity of the people of the city and county of san francisco. >> good morning, supervisors.
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i am offered third tim dalton with the abc liaison unit. we are here regarding the business at 350 california st.. they have filed an application with the california department of alcoholic beverage control seeking a promise to premise, a person to person type 21 off sale general license for san francisco gift and news located at 350 california st. between samson and battery streets. the applicant currently has a type 20 license, which allows the sale of beer and wine for the consumption of sight. 350 california st. is on the ground floor of a high-rise office building. a type 21 license would allow the sale of beer and wine and some spirits for consumption of sight. this sort can be accessed from the street and the lobby. the for the purposes of this hearing, abc seeks a determination from the board of
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supervisors as to the approval or denial of this license. there have been no calls for service that can be attributed to this business from march 2011 through march 2012. there are no police reports to attribute to this is as from march, 2011 through march 2012. this premise is located in plots 152. 220 separate police reports were recorded for this plot. this area is considered high crime. a plot is considered high crime if there are 215 police reports or more in a calendar year. this plot exceeds that definition by 12 police reports. there are currently two of sale licenses authorize by census tract, and 21 active off sale licenses in the census tract. there were no letters of
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support for protest received by the california department of olive beverage control. there has been -- alcoholic beverage control. there has been no office -- opposition from the station and ale you recommends approval. -- alu recommends approval. the sales of alcoholic beverages will only be available from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily. the sales of spirits smaller than 375 million years is strictly by riveted. and -- 375 mm is strictly prohibited. there shall be no plastic cups, disposable glasses, or similar disposable receptacles commonly used for the drinking of beverages sold, furnish, or given away at the premises in
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quantities less than 24 and in their original multi container passage -- package. all items will be sold at or above the prevailing prices in the area and not more than 3 lbs. per sale and will not be given away for free. wine sold in containers smaller than 750 ml, and finally, wine coolers, beer coolers, or premixed distilled cocktail's must be sold in the manufacturer's prepackaged multi unit quantity. >> thank you very much the applicant? >> good morning. >> do you have any comments on the report? >> i agree with the conditions of everything. >> anything else you would like to add? >> know. correct any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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recommend to move this forward with attached conditions. >> i will move that. >> madam clerk, we will take this without objection thank you -- without objection. thank you. would you please read item 4 and 5? rex -- >> emotion to authorize the san francisco department to pass a grant for installing publicly available electric vehicle chargers. item #5, authorizing the san francisco department of the environment to provide service through 2013 using american reinvestment and recovery act funds from the u.s. department of energy. >> department of environment?
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it seems pretty straightforward. do you have anything you want to add? >> these two really just add to our growing infrastructure of building a house ev facilities. -- -- ev facilities. we strongly encourage your support. >> any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed.. >> i make a motion to send it forward to the full board of -- for recommendation. >> item number 6. >> to correct the spelling discrepancy and eliminate confusion in the delivery of public services. >> my favorite item of the day. mr. johnson, welcome. >> i manage the gis program.
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we recently rolled out the enterprise system and this is one of the discrepancies we found at the bureau. we would simply like to have a change. >> very good. thank you. any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i make a motion to move the item forward with recommendation. >> can we take that without objection? that will be the order. any other items before the committee? >> no, mr. chairman. seeing none, this meeting is adjourned.
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