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tv   [untitled]    May 19, 2012 6:30am-7:00am PDT

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what we're hearing here is a declaration that this system can only build housing for the multi-billion ariaires and can y drive working people out of this city. >> desperate for jobs, they are telling you that we need to support this project in order to supply jobs. if this system can only build houses, housing for the super rich and can only supply jobs to build housing for the super rich, the system does not deserve to exist. president chiu: next speaker, please.
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>> kevin o'brien here. in my 16 years, i have appeared at least 50 times, and never in my life have i ever seen a project more ill-advised, ill- conceived with moralizing and malfeasance then this project. this is a con job on the people of san francisco, pure and simple. let me tell you right now that there is too much rushing through, too much softness and too much double dealing. you have a desperate builder here, a desperate developer. and you have a recipe for another fontana towers. that is what this is. i went to clint reilly's house
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and attended a fundraiser for ed lee. he was asked about the absurd attempt to purchase the reservoir and develop it. he said, under my administration, as long as i am here, if the neighbors don't want the project, it won't be built. if you want to have this on your watch that you brought us the sequel to that monstrosity, you folks are going in the right direction. wake up, this is a bad deal. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> i would like to read this
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resolution that was passed by the coalition on may 18. proposing the washington street project and historic waterfront, whereas the height and the massing of the mixed use of luxury condo development at a washington is in appropriately skilled in relationship to the historical ted. -- bulkhead. whereas the project is inappropriate for the location along the waterfront at the edge of the embarcadero and immediately adjacent to the park. whereas the product will build a wall on the waterfront and diminished the pedestrian experience but hawking views of telegraph hill and deny locals and tourists alike of some of
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the city's iconic use. -- iconic views. swim club, a recreational amenity that is part of the redevelopment plan, it serves as not only the residents of the golden gateway, but all san franciscans. and washington street, we urge the board of supervisors to uphold the appeal of the fdir and deny the c.u. for this project. the are only a certain number of sites in san francisco and if we wish to this valuable land for what we need, what we need is a moderate rate housing in a low- income housing. please deny this.
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>> thank you for favoring the old-timers to go home and have better to go to sleep. i come before you as a concerned citizen, 56 years in the construction business. and i come to you in full support of this project and i urge you to approve the eir. president chiu: will be taking comments of hon individuals the support the project later on in the hearing. we will accommodate you early in that part of the public comment, but hang tight. thank you. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, my name is george haymaker.
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a lot has been said about the importance of the health and recreational benefits of the golden gate tennis and swim club. i would like to personalize that just a bit for you so you can see how it does impact some of us. my wife has disabling arthritis, the only practical means is in a warm water pool in the type that exists at the golden gate way. the aqua aerobics programs that you can get there, it can't be replaced have any place else in san francisco. on a practical basis. the reality is that if this glove ceases to exist, her health and her lifestyle, and in turn, my lifestyle, will be severely impacted. she is not alone, nor am i. there are seniors and younger people that require this kind of
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access. for their health and for their well-being. i urge you to reject this project. >> high-end in opposition of -- iam i am in opposition of 8 washington. i am for community life style. i maintain my career and social life in the city and the financial district. i live on the east bay and continue to maintain my membership. we will miss the unique qualities of the golden gate way. to start, four years ago, i was a tennis player. we would figure out where we are going to go because the public
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courts are not maintained in the city and i was looking for a place that had of portable outdoor recreation facilities that had a community and a social setting. it was a unique environment that no other place has in the city. another strong decision point i was -- was lighting in the public courts as well. i am asking me, if this development continues, what will you replace for affordability enand in-like? [chime] we are eliminating the children's center of the swimming facilities, families, and french ships produced at
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this location. of what is your plan for green space? what happened to the ordinance is that the promises the city may years back when we want to keep her green space. it should be considered just as important as the densely populated cities. [chime] it should have the separation in those terms. president chiu: thank you very much. >> good evening, president chiu and supervisors. my name is ray, i live at golden gate way and i have been there for over 25 years. what i am asking you to consider is an obligation that you have as legislators and lawmakers to try to leave this city a better place for our children and our grandchildren. and for the life of me, i can't figure out how to get rid of
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nine tennis courts and two swimming pools is going to make this city better for children and grandchildren. i urge you to think about not your generation, but the generations to come, and what are they going to do to replace something as wonderful as this activity? thank you. houg>> have a small business owr in san francisco. my apologies to the labour community here, i appreciate the need to create more jobs. i regularly walk picket lines in support of working men and women. i am amazed by this. i am hearing that the outcome of the race is not only for the
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democratic county central committee and a membership on this body are at stake in this vote. that, to me, is incredible. i see the forces for development moving very strongly, and to me, it represents a move to the right by the democratic party. in particular, next up is the peace in the paper yesterday about how everyone of you signed a letter to the golden state warriors. to build yet another large facility on the waterfront. i look forward to that debate when it comes forward. finally, i wanted to say that the san francisco green party stands united in opposopposing s project. [chime] president chiu: next speaker.
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>> hi, my name is hiroko, i have a resident in san francisco and i have been an active member of golden gate way tennis club since 2007. i use the facility three or four times a week. using the facility regularly has become a very important part of my life. when changing jobs in 2007, i specifically chose san francisco home so that i can maintain my life in the city, were privately without owning a car. i believe there are many members that like to maintain their work just because of having the club where it is. consider that this kind of project may push people like me to move away from the city of san francisco.
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on a less personal level, i believe having a high-rise condominium will disturb the view of the area, especially the view of the day that is one of the most important landmarks in the area, disturbing to the locals. especially the area is one of the most convenient locations. striving to become green is one of the city's biggest goals, and this project is -- [chime] i am here to express my strong opposition to the project. >> my name is suzanne radcliffe, i have been a citizen of san
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francisco since 1969. i have had a business in this city, i have employed hundreds of san franciscans in that business and i have raised a child here. i am now retired. i have been a member of the golden gate tennis and swim club for over 25 years. i need this when there every day. i cannot use the public pools because they are not open and available for swimming every day. the cost is about the same. i don't like to hear it mentioned as a private club because it is a club you have to pay for, but anyone can belong. this has been fraught with dishonesty, it is inappropriate. i want to tell you one thing. i have a daughter that will not move back to san francisco
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because she said, mom, the city is not kid friendly. i grew up there and i knew from the time i was in school -- the only fun i had was that the golden gate tennis and swim club because you can be there with me in the open space. we can have a picnic, who go swimming, and we can have a good time where it was safe. president chiu: after the next speaker, i have been asked by the stenographers if we can take a five minute break so they can do their tapes. we have plenty of folks that want to speak on behalf of the appellant. do we have the next speaker? >> i have been a member of the golden gate some clever over 20 years, and i just have a few comments and rhetorical
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questions about this project. how can anyone who lives in san francisco want a big, visual block between the water and our neighborhoods? they violate city code for whites. -- heights. how can any of the young schoolchildren possibly be for this project? 8 washington goes against the public trust concept of open space. a public trust land cannot be used for building residencies, apparently. the workers that came here today, can they get jobs just as well, and more long-term, sustainable employment with the asian neighborhood design plan? which is feasible, intelligent, and humane. why can the city give variances
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or conditional use permits for expensive condominiums? many of my artist friends can no longer afford to live in san francisco. this has been a great loss to our city. please vote no. [chime] president chiu: why don't we take a five minute recess, if the three individuals are in line, feel free to president chiu: welcome back to the board of supervisors meeting. i would ask people to take their seats. i think are stenographers are
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back in action. we appreciate your patience. why don't we go back to public comment on behalf of the appellants? >> good evening, supervisors. my husband and i have been san francisco resident since 1994. the boats operate small businesses in the city. we -- we both operate small businesses in the city. we both realize that change is inevitable. the 8 washington street represents the wrong kind of change. it destroys a vibrant, existing community. there was no initiation fee when i joined the gateway. my husband and i love the fact that be regularly meet new friends at the gateway.
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gateway is unlike any other kennedy center were i have spent time. -- unlike any other community center where i have spent time. it is a place where i can spend time your children and elderly alike. it is a gem in the crown of san francisco. the washington street project is not a community center. not a space for family tennis. not an adequate space for a recreational meeting place. i urge you to reject the 8 washington street project. thank you. >> good evening. i am an attorney and business
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owner in san francisco. i am a member of golden gate club. i wanted to vote no on the project. we love this beautiful community. what are you doing? building 100 units and ruining a wonderful community of over 3000 people? building a home to ruin a community does not make any sense. one thing that really upsets me, i see a lot of people saying families for 8 washington street project. what families? certainly not my family. we are against this project.
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my family is against this project. many families enjoy the benefits of this recreation. get this -- they tell us, the people who want to build 8 washington street project, ptolemy i will benefits. i would be likely to buy a condominium in this area. i will never do it in a million years. if they take down at the swimming club, and there is no reason for me to live in this city. i do not want to buy a house in the sinking ground that is going to crumble.
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president chiu: let me call the following individuals to line up. [reading names] next speaker. >> i have been involved in the waterfront since 1987. i have served on many advisory groups. i've also been a 54-year resident of telegraph hill. i am here to speak to the eir. regarding the condition of use authorization, it represents spot zoning. extending special privilege to this developer. spot zoning is widely viewed as illegal. it compromises the planning process.
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you are rewarding the golden gateway -- they have exploited a loophole in prop. 13. has been gradually converting the golden gateway to short-term rental and hotel use without ever going for the regulatory process. you are aiding and abetting and rewarding despite his playground flaunting of our laws. i would like to argue that the process was compromised and incomplete in a clearly vindictive mood. three months after the deadline for public comment on the project. this was a change in the project and the draft eir should have been revised and reopened to public comment. i would like to point out that
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this project is the most blatant example of excess on the part of the 1% that i have seen. i would like to see the -- york -- i hope you'll keep this in mind in determining how he will vote today. thank you. president chiu: next speaker. >> i am currently working as a citizen with the recreation as a group of citizens who have been working with the city's strategic planning department. with the recreation and open space elements, we are going to introduce a 25-year plan for how the city uses recreation and open space. a lot has been said about having the open space and what it is providing.
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what is not there and this plan is the recreation. the national recreation parks association says that for a city of our size, we should have 400 tennis courts. in 2007, we had 156. today, we have 128. the number of public tennis courts is dropping very quickly. you have seen the of the poor conditions of this tennis court. they are going to rely on private funds to help them sustain themselves. our public tennis courts at golden gate park and some had been renovated by the olympic club. there is a another private entity that has renovated other tennis courts. we're taking a look at the privatization of our public and preservation of our private for the use of the public. that is an extremely important part when you start to consider
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the fact that you are going to allow huge height as well as bulk to replace recreation when you have an option. with regard to standards, swimming pools. a city in this size should have 40 swimming pools. today, it has nine. you are taking away to private pools. -- two private pools. there will be more interest in swimming. i do not believe you should increase the bulk, provide a conditional use. president chiu: next speaker. >> i'll let that 155 jackson st.. there are many -- i live at 155 jackson st.. there are many reasons why you should not approve the 8
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washington street project. it violates [inaudible] changes in trust should rarely be made and only when benefits the common good. luxury condos do not to fill this requirement. it violates the except if trends in heights along the northeast waterfront. it asks for a rezoning of the height. the underground parking facilities allocates excessive to the luxury condos and does not solve the parking problem. it destroys the golden gate wait tennis and swim club. a unique recreation facility used by thousands of san francisco citizens. it will increase ingestion and
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pollution along the very busy intersection of the embarcadero and washington street. the eir does not address this issue. it was based on incomplete study of peak power embarcadero traffic on a single weekday afternoon five years ago. the revised eir include similar incomplete data. a real transportation study has not been done. i urge the supervisors not to approve this project. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker.
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>> hello. michael taylor, long-term resident of the neighborhood and tennis player. the demolition of the club will erase outdoor tennis on the east side of san francisco. sftc is indoors. conditions are very windy. competitive tennis needs maintenance of tennis courts. and also reservation times. the only other possible reservation times in golden gate park, those courts tend to be very clustered together. a lot of the balls are running back and forth. these are not sufficient to alternatives to the destruction of the