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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2012 3:00am-3:30am PDT

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>> good morning and welcome to the regularly-scheduled meeting of the city operations and neighborhood services committee. our clark today is gale johnson. can you please read item number two? >> hearing with the san francisco public utilities commission public services agency, the department of public works, planning department, san francisco municipal planning transportation, to participate and provide an update on the street light plan and review the city's policies and practices relating to the public right of way including streetlight maintenance and reliability, the system of responding to and
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addressing street light outages, ways to improve the system, and best practices for lighting. "thank you, madam clerk. -- >> thank you, madam clerk. due to the large turnout on item one, we will continue this item. >> this hearing had been called for quite some time on the state of the street lights and the challenges that we have and what the puc, pg&e, are doing to resolve the situation. none of us anticipated that we would have hundreds of folks come out for the first item, so i cannot ask everyone to wait. i would request that the item be
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continued to monday, june 4th, at 10:00 a.m. and request that it be placed first on the agenda. >> that would be a special meeting but we will do that. that is the motion. before we take a vote, i would like to open it up to public comment on the item. just this item, not the street lights. >> supervisors, street lighting affects everyone including the seniors. since the seniors are here, maybe they should hear a little bit about street lighting. really, we do not know who maintains the polls. we do know in a general way, but we do not know in a precise way. the hearing will be continued i would suggest that the board of
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supervisors to some focus outreach and do some outreach to the seniors off so that they know more about these lights, what will be done about these lights, how the puc and pg&e, how are they going to fix the problem, especially in the areas where the seniors walk and it is very dark. so, continue this item but make sure that you have focused our reach. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? i would like to make a motion to continue this to a special meeting, june 4th, as the first item on the agenda. any objection? >> know. -- no. >> are there any departments
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that are here, could you please check again. >> please read item number one. >> hearing to determine how the department of aging and adult services and other city departments are preparing for the projected surge in the senior population in san francisco. >> this is a hearing brought to us by our colleague, supervisor olague. this is your hearing, your show. >> we do have a lot of people who are here to speak so i will keep these very brief. basically, i just wanted to assess the situation that is going on out there as it relates to the issues that affect seniors that persons living with disabilities. issues affect seniors and a task
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force came out of that. we also have had hearings in the past year, the senior that chick network participating in and the issues that affect seniors that live in single room occupancy hotels. now, finally, there is an assessment of the needs of san francisco seniors and adults with disabilities that the department of aging and adult services published this year. it is time to assess the information out there and find ways that we might collaborate on a deeper level. funding is a constant issue. some folks mentioned that we could come up with a policy statement that had to do with the rights of seniors and persons living with disabilities here in san francisco. this is a conversation that is
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ongoing and one, given the fact that san francisco will be the most populous city in the next 10 years. there will be more seniors living in san francisco than any other city in california. hopefully this will not just be a conversation about will lead to action and we have great partners here, the part of aging and adult services, human services agencies. also, bringing people here, along with community services, the senior action network. i am planning -- happy to be part of the conversation and will look for a solution. since we have the commission, i don't see the need to establish a task force. we should certainly look for some ways of how we can all
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collaborate better beyond what we already do. so, that being said, i would like to open the hearing with -- from a coalition of agencies services. >> good morning and thank you. i'm here representing the coalition of agencies serving the elderly. we're looking at the changing demographics of the city's population of seniors. the collaboration focuses on serving this population. members consider themselves real partners with the city and county of san francisco. we were closely on city
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departments to see what their plans are for serving the growing population. this is not as they want department program, all departments will have to look at this growing need. finally, because we consider ourselves real partners with the city and county of san francisco, we would like to look at the struggles that they go through to continue funding these services that we provide and the cost of doing business. think you very much and i look forward to hearing from the other constituents. >> thank you. next, we will hear from the human agencies department. >> i will set up a power point, just one moment.
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i oversee planning and human services agency which is the umbrella agency. every four years, the department aging and adult services is required to conduct the needs assessment of seniors in san francisco. we just recently completed it and at the end of this, we will have a link to our website where it can be found in its entirety and it is well over 100 pages. the second drills down to specific needs. today, i will talked mainly about the demographics of seniors in san francisco and how they're changing.
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i need to talk about the economic context. on this is the growth with persons of college education as we have transitioned to a knowledge economy. of course, as more people with education come into the city, they make up more money and they drive up the prices of housing. we spoke about families in san francisco. this shows the migration by age in san francisco between 1990 and 2010. the bars on the left. we can see where we have lost a number of our children and we
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have the lowest number of children of any nation. that has enormous consequences. people have raised their children here and their adult children cannot afford to live here and raise our own families and this has a tremendous sense of isolation. you will find in san francisco, the numbers of seniors to have a relative living within 20 minutes time as about half of that the other thing we will see is the increase of young adults, particularly persons between the ages of 45-64. this is not the time when people are particularly raising children. we also have a loss starting at age 65.
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when people retire, that often move to more affordable to be spent when we talk about the tsunami, it is important to remember there are undercurrents there. this is likely to be the population that will be public services. >> and i just ask one question, it seems to strike me and we are getting to it. one of the things that they have to resolve, talking about the san franciscans to have been able to stay here but the children are not. "if they have had to leave, that puts a greater strain on the social that work -- safety net we're trying to provide.
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>> absolutely. i will show a sign that will reinforce that. this is where seniors in san francisco live base in the 2010 census. they are really spread all over the city. particularly the chinatown area. one of the things i want to point out is this issue of isolation which is not confined to one demographic or one in income growth. off -- if this was to show the proportion of seniors, then west portal. it is not these issues of isolation. these are not just confined to low income persons, they affect all seniors in san francisco.
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this is the slide that addresses your concerns. you will see that san francisco has twice the number of recipients. this goes to the issue of requiring public sector support. >> in your age immigration, he spoke of the 20 years with the growth and reduction different populations have been.
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will we see the same growth in these areas? >> well, if your demographics are somewhat fluid. if i had put it this 2000 census up there, it would have been at the height of the dot com bauble. we typically see increases among older adults. weatherpersons are now in their 50's will continue to live here once they retire is a different question. many of them may leave the city for a more affordable area. >> right, but for our planning purposes, going out into 2012. what do you anticipate in terms of the population? would grow at this pace? what are you assuming in your estimates? >> so, san francisco is quite
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limited geographically, so we are talking about absolutely zero some changes in population. i would expect to continue to see people of middle-age coming into the city and city and leade time of retirement and persons who are seniors and in their older years now, staying in san francisco. they may be the ones that have their house is paid off, and they will continue to stay in the city. i have not done the kinds of projections. this compares our seniors to other counties in california, to the state and united states. we are ready out more seniors than other counties. when i talk about seniors, i am talking about people aged 60 and
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above. so we already have 19 percent signed. any increase in older persons is cord to be very significant for san francisco, because we already have a greater number than other counties. -- so we already have 19%. ethnic trends among the seniors in san francisco. growing number of pacific islanders. if we come back and 10 years to do this again, no doubt the age of pacific islander trend would be higher than the white population. they are now about even. this is consistent with long- term trends in the city. if you notice, the number of latinos has gone up slightly. they tend to be a younger population in the city, as do african-americans.
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this has tremendous implications for services in the city. the show's english fluency. persons who are older, almost a third have limited english proficiency. much different from the rest of the state where 70% are white. here, they're much more likely to be immigrants and limited english proficiency. i want to speak specifically about poverty. this shows the party rate amongst seniors. the largest proportion our asian-pacific islanders and whites. as a proportion of seniors, the african american community has a higher rate of poverty. >> the african american population you are referring to, where do most of them live?
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>> mostly in the bayview. >> is that where they are presiding mostly in public housing or their own homes? to go right now it is a mix. we're doing an analysis on public housing right now. one of the things we're finding is even in public developments, there are quite a number of older people in the developments, so public housing are often the only place they can afford to live in san francisco. those are definitely big assets. in the western addition, a large number of senior public housing. in san francisco, the safety net in terms of income is much more ssi than temporary aid to needy
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families. this shows our rate to the 10 largest counties. you see that we are almost a quarter or a third higher than the next highest in terms of ssi recipients. in large part, this is due to the number of immigrants to come in the later years and not able to recruit -- recur enough to get social security. on the right, there are two types of ssi. blind and disabled persons and for seniors. this is the statewide distribution on the right. it shows the majority of recipients are under the blind and disabled program. on the left, as applied chart for san francisco were the majority of recipients are, for seniors. this is a map were older persons
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receiving ssi live. chinatown, north beach. chinatown in the upper right. this has tremendous significance for public services, because poverty interact with each quite a bit. this is california health information survey that is done periodically. it is a phone survey and asks san franciscans of them about their health services. those that are lower income are much more likely to have health issues than older persons. i will speak briefly about
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adults with disabilities. there are 54,000 seniors with disabilities, and 34,000 young for adults with disabilities. i want to point out the wrote showing african americans are much more disproportionate in terms of having disabilities. either as younger adults or seniors. almost half of older african- americans have some form of disability. this is where ssi recipients of the blind and disabled category lived in san francisco. tenderloin is the highest concentration. that is where there is affordable housing for persons living on ssi and accessible transportation. the needs assessment discuss a
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number of different populations, including veterans, homeless seniors, seniors and public housing is described at length. i do not have time today to go through all of them. i wanted to pick just one and emphasize the impact of the recession on seniors. nationwide seniors lost 18% of their wealth during the recession. a number of seniors working today exceeds that of young adults for the first time in history. i also want to point out that a quarter of persons between the ages of 65-74 in san francisco are working, and they are reducing the city's one-stop employment centers. that concludes my comments.
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i have a list of for the full needs assessment can be found. if you go to the san francisco human services agency, you will find it in the reports link. >>supervisor olague: i want to thank you for your research. i know you did a lot of research that inspired the seniors to form and continue their research there. one fact that was very important, i think, and this morning was the fact that so many seniors are having to seek employment, because they lost a lot of their potential income during the recession. also, the facts are around the african-american population and the disproportionate number are
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very telling. >> going back to the employment, the first beaker talk about how this is multiple systems, not just the department of agency. they do not just affect families and children, they affect all people in san francisco. >> that is what i think was important, that it covered the fact that there was broad across the economic range that surviving and staying, which has always been a goal of adult services that is constantly being challenged. >> can you send me an electronic version of that presentation? to kosher. . thank you. >> [inaudible]
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i am going to keep my comments brief, because i am here mostly to listen today, and i see that we have a very full house, and a lot of stories to hear. i want to thank the coalition of agencies serving the elderly for framing the agency that illustrates our needs. the right to live independently in the community but access to supportive services is a civil rights that is affirmed by the olmsted decision issued by the supreme court. it also makes good sense when seniors and people with disabilities have a chance to live independently or in their department that they not only have a higher quality of life and community activities, but the cost of living in support of services are significantly lower than housing someone in an
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institution like a nursing care facility. m in cities like san francisco, they have the potential to be an incredibly efficient place to live if we can harness the political will and direct city resources. our new buildings have elevators in public transportation system and the dedicated network of non-profit service providers and city agencies. our need is great if we're going to meet the potential, and we need continuing support for the in-home supportive services, and these services are a risk due to budgetary decisions that are proposed at the state level. we need, most importantly perhaps, more accessible and affordable housing. the loss of redevelopment funds means we do not have as many resources to construct affordable housing, and the cost of living in san francisco continues to skyrocket in the
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for-profit sector, driving people that are marginally house, into the street. want to lose housing and become homeless -- homeless. , your mental health needs become much more complex. now is not the time to cut funding, now is the opportunity to invest in san francisco's future and create jobs by supporting community-based services and construction. now is the time to freeze -- from the housing needs as is the right. supervisor all lolague: thank you. ann hinton. >> good morning. thank you for the opportunity to have a hearing and discussed the issues that are important to all of us and give the community as
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staff -- a chance to speak to their individual and community concerns. i want to thank them for his great coverage of the issues in terms of demographics and poverty levels and who lives and our community, because it really sets the stage for the comments i am going to make. i handed out to you supervisors, a brief description of the department, but for the audience purposes, i would like to talk a little bit about that. department of aging and adult services is what i refer to as an integrated department. many years ago the comptroller's office did a report and found things might be better in san francisco if we were to poll the various programs together and departments together that serve younker adults with disabilities and older adults, so we became an integrated department.