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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2012 2:30am-3:00am PDT

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industry. i sent them a link to the economic impact study, the numbers of people who work in this industry. if even a small portion of them are working a regular 7:00 a.m. -- 7:00 p.m. through 3:00 a.m. shift, they are not going to be able to take advantage of it. there were very open. at the moment, it looks like a one-year grant-funded trial. there is a lot of room to move it around. if there is any way to bridge the gap when trains are actually running, that is what we are after. >> i have a question. the economic impact report -- this came on its own? not because somebody read the economic impact reports and realized there were about 48,000 people and a quarter of them using part would be a big deal?
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>> i do not know the answer to that. if you want to call them, maybe you can. there has been a question for a long time for overnight transit in the bay area, and in particular, one bart board member is pushing not forward. i think i married those today in terms of the statistics we now have from the industry. we will get more and see how it goes. >> just another question. if the board decided to move this forward, do you think muni would follow? >> you are asking me transportation policy questions, and i do not know the answer. >> if bart did it, that would be something. >> unfortunately, and probably cannot go any further, since i did not put this on the agenda, and it was sort of a late query on my part.
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we can continue to talk about that. thankfully, i do not have any corrective actions to report. >> i was actually out of town, so i do not have a lot to report. just a few things. in your binders, you will see my report. brick and mortar, we had met with the ownership of brick and mortar. we had continuous sound complaints. we gave them a deadline of the 26 off of this month to get their new soundproofing into the venue. i have been in contact with neighbors. we will see how that progresses. if that does not happen or is inadequate, and we continue to get complaints, you will probably be hearing the request some kind of bringing them forward, or some corrective action.
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another piece is at the tavern -- abby tavern, out in the richmond. it is an old school college bar. it continues to be a problem. its seemingly continues to be more of a problem. i am not sure which direction we are going with that, i will be talking to richmond station about it. there was a problem in the last few weeks where they did some college graduation super party, and had absolutely no crowd control. the eight units had to be called in to do crowd control. it is something we are going to have to deal with. when i have more information on that -- this is only my first day back, so give me a few days.
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under violence, you will see an incident for the parlor. this was reported at the parlor. think it was across the street. the unit responding used the parlor as a location reference. from the security reports we received, the incident happened across the street from the venue. did not happen in their venue. it happened across the street. their security and park police intervened. they did everything right. they were able to identify this particular suspect. they were able to help police control the scene. this is a positive, not a strike against them. i think it is an important distinction. it could not be a good
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commission meeting without bringing upper [ -- up [ unintelligible]. when we get that compliant -- i have to do a bit of follow-up. my next commission meeting, i should have a pretty straight meeting of whether we want to bring them up for suspension, or revoke, or whatever. this commission asked me to keep them apprised of the particular situation. finally, we had the roger waters concert on the 11th. we had very few complaints on this particular event. there are people in the immediate area who complained, which prepared the much expected. as far as complex across the
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city, it just did not happen. in this particular show, the new sound system style was used, which is known as surround sound. what that means is instead of the traditional large front of house? you see a major the arena shows, they use much smaller stocks in front. they used six smaller stacks stationed around the venue, more behind the crowd as opposed to in front of the crowd, high up, pointing down. that creates a clearer sound with less actual volume. you get a much better sounding show, and it actually controls the sound better. we are talking to at&t park.
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we would love to see a few more conversations before making it a surround sound only venue, but we will see. it is a good possible step, technology finally catching up to the issues we need resolved. if that is it, i have no more for you. >> i just wanted to make a comment about the sound system. the other interesting thing about that type of sound system -- i installed one recently with the same idea at another venue. the speakers are short throw. instead of having an unlimited throw, they throw for a certain amount of feet. in this case, i do not know whether it was 40 feet or 50 feet. the one i installed was 10 feet. i installed 14 stacks. that is an interesting concept. it is new technology. it has been really effective.
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>> it has been effective in venues and concert halls, and so forth. they use less wattage. the bigger the stack, the more wanted to compound through. this is going in the opposite direction. >> i have a question. the roaring 20's and the garden of eden -- how close are they to permanent venues? are they next door? down the block? >> garden of eden is literally within feet. it is probably 30 feet. it is near in paula. it is the other side. garden of eden is within about 30 feet of impala. roaring 20's is very close to
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condor, which is permitted by us. >> the reason i ask is a was commented on your e-mail. >> now that you bring it up, we are starting to get these reports. the littering laws are starting to be implemented. i have no data to back this up. i am hopeful that one of the things the police have been talking about a long time is that these 18-plus strip clubs are some of the problems with robbery. the loitering in front of them creates issues. guys loiter. they get bored. they walk around the street and cause problems. "we are hoping to see -- and i do not have the data to back it up. we will need a few months. with this going on, maybe we will see a decrease in problems and those kind of issues.
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i could be totally wrong there. i am hoping we will have a positive effect. >> i was wondering. you were talking about the short throw speakers, and stuff like that. a few weeks ago, i was talking about el rio, and the use of an outdoor venues. they are frequently open spaces. is there a possibility to have some francisco, for its problems between neighbors and people with back patio's? >> there is the finale that potential. as commissioner joseph has said, it is a new technology. a lot of it is based on digital or computer-based religious systems.
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-- relay systems. the length of sound accord between speaker and source causes delay. they have conquered that by installing these digital systems that, for that delay. it continually equals everything out. everything sounds like it is coming out at the same time. really, there is a computer figuring out where to speed up or slowed down certain things. but it is a new technology. as far as what you are talking about, i think it does have the potential of making big steps in that direction. quite honestly, it is going to take a while. every situation is pretty new with this stuff. working with somebody like sauternes associates, which is an engineering firm in the nation and globally. it would be great to talk to
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them and get some of their data input. but long-term vision, absolutely. >> and they take out a certain amount of megahertz. >> since it is new technology, does that mean it is also more expensive at this point? >> radically so. give it a year, and it will probably be cheaper and more affordable. >> -- president newlin: that concludes the directors' report. any public comment on that? seeing none, police department comments and questions. seeing none, any public comment?
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item five, you are on. hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. this is for bluestem brasserie, 1 yerba buenda lane, limited live performance permit. the actual -- we accidentally schedule this for the last meeting, so we need to do something with that. i missed the last meeting. it was voted on? >> yes. president newlin: ok. why can't we just -- it must be heard tonight? >> it was heard before the 30 day notice period was up.
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president newlin: do we have the applicant here? >> i do not see the applicant. >> we have to rescind it before we discuss it. >> i am not sure the order. >> i move to rescind. president newlin: all those in favor? same boat, col. same house, same call. ok. >> this is located on yerba buena lane near market street. it is a full-service restaurant, and a limited live performance permit would allow live performances to a company brunch service. staff has not received any letters, e-mails, calls, or objections. in front of you, you have proposed conditions from sfpd. that is it.
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president newlin: is there a company b who wants to speak to this issue? are you guys just have nothing to do and want to hang out at our meeting? >> from southern station. southern station does recommend the approval of the application, with the written conditions you have in front of you. president newlin: excellent. vice chair joseph: why is a condition that they stop at 8:00? >> initially, the application was -- we decided to give them an extra window, in case things ran late. this was for the lunchtime crowd. we decided to expand the window by four hours. they ask for 4:00 p.m. [laughter] president newlin: ok.
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commissioners? >> if it is a limited life permit that extends to 10:00? >> that are not open. >> that are open until 11:00 p.m. >> oh, they are? >> after a year, the permit may be extended to 11:00. >> that are only going to be open until 11:00 anyway, right? >> the only wanted until 4:00. we are giving them until 8:00. >> they wanted it for the brunch crowd. we gave them an extra four hours. >> i do not mean to be a
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stickler on a point like that. >> the limited liability is set at 10:00 in general. there are really no residence in the area. it is mostly happy hour. do we do the regular thing until 10:00? >> is that the standard operating procedure? i do not think there will be any objection. president newlin: any other questions? i think we need an emotional -- we need a motion with an amendment. >> i would like to move to approve the limited live, changing condition number four to 10:00 p.m. for consistency. >> same house, same call?
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president newlin: thank you for coming in. commissioner comments and questions. i assume there is no public comment. >> do you want to hear public comment? >> yes. >> ok. >> tomorrow night at the lgbt center, beginning at 5:00 thursday, going until 7:00, i think, or maybe 7:30, will be a conversation with mary ella castro, daughter of raul castro, the president of cuba, and the niece of fidel. why is it relevant? she was instrumental in changing the attitudes and laws in cuba on lgbt folks. she is pro gay marriage, pro transgender health, hiv. she is going to be making a
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presentation. it is open to the public free of charge. come early. it is going to be slammed. >> when is it? vice chair joseph: tomorrow. i suggest you arrive between 5:15 and 5:30 in order to get in. she will probably not be there until 5:45. having said that, that is my comment. >> i would also like to invite everyone to the local production of "the vagina monologues." the cast includes supervisor malia cohen and others. it is women of color united
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against violence. i have been a volunteer in this production for about eight years. vice chair joseph: will everyone be there? >> it is this friday at 7:30. president newlin: anybody else? >> i just wanted to say that last night the harvey milk club had their soiree, which was fantastic. as a result, today, on harvey milk fifth birthday -- happy birthday. today was named jose saria day at the board chambers. and the harvey milk club -- this is the first time he has been recognized with a proclamation in our city. we are really excited about that. he has a street, but the other is a day to go with that street. maybe we would get a parade going.
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also, i just wanted to say that the alice b. toklas club and the hard enough club will be joining us for a clear night life program at the women's center. -- queer nightlife program at the women's center. we are very excited about it. >> on thursday -- i think you have a fire in your books. -- flier in your books. this is asia pacific heritage month. 5:30 is a celebration hosted by mary lee, honoring the secretary of transportation who grounded all the airlines during 9/11. it is a free event.
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there is food. i am producing all the entertainment for the evening. we are going live. it is all live performers. we are going with one of the bands that has played in the japan town area for many years. it will be our backup band. the singers are not all professional. it is going to be kind of like an american idol in city hall. the live performance goes from 5:32 6:00 for the speakers. 7:00 to 8:30 is the live performances. it is in the rotunda. we are taking over the space. president newlin: all the permits in order? [laughter] i would hate to send guys down there. i just have one item. i would like to point out that
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our becker -- our deputies director we did our deputy director, nicholas king, has outstanding taste in clothing, particularly shirts. [laughter] having said that, we will move on to item seven. new business, request for future agenda items. seeing none, this will be my pleasure to conclude the tuesday, may 22 meeting of the entertainment commission for the city and county of san francisco. thank you all in the audience for coming.
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>> there are kids and families ever were. it is really an extraordinary playground. it has got a little something for everyone. it is aesthetically billion. it is completely accessible. you can see how excited people are for this playground. it is very special. >> on opening day in the brand- new helen diller playground at north park, children can be seen swinging, gliding, swinging, exploring, digging, hanging, jumping, and even making drumming sounds. this major renovation was possible with the generous donation of more than $1.5 million from the mercer fund in
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honor of san francisco bay area philanthropist helen diller. together with the clean and safe neighborhood parks fund and the city's general fund. >> 4. 3. 2. 1. [applause] >> the playground is broken into three general areas. one for the preschool set, another for older children, and a sand area designed for kids of all ages. unlike the old playground, the new one is accessible to people with disabilities. this brand-new playground has several unique and exciting features. two slides, including one 45- foot super slide with an elevation change of nearly 30 feet. climbing ropes and walls, including one made of granite. 88 suspension bridge. recycling, traditional swing, plus a therapeutics win for children with disabilities, and
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even a sand garden with chines and drums. >> it is a visionary $3.5 million world class playground in the heart of san francisco. this is just really a big, community win and a celebration for us all. >> to learn more about the helen diller playground in dolores park, go to
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