tv [untitled] June 2, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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country, so i would really implore the supervisors and anybody who has any kind of say to try to make a difference and try to make it a little easier on owe -- us parents trying to raise kids in the city. >> hi. hi name is collette. i'm on a team and our team name is called the -- our team name is called the ravens. here are two of course my team members. and we really want our fields -- turf fields because by -- my experience of playing on nonturf fields we have actually injured ourselves a lot from holes and falling over from slipping because of the rain and we just, um, we just agree that we should aturf fields because it's safer and yeah.
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>> thank you very much. did you have something to you -- that you wanted to share? [laughter] all right then. >> good evening. my name is christina vaccaro. i'm i parent of two kids. they both play soccer. my daughter's first year playing soccer this year. most of her games were rained oit because of, you know, the rain, we weren't able to play on the fields. we happen to live across the street from the polo fields, which we would love to go and practice at except for it's locked up most of the time many and this is exactly the reason why i think it needs to be converted into a natural turf field so we can access it on the weekends and any time we want to go out with our kids to play.
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there's plenty of nature in golden gate park to enjoy even with the astroturf. so he -- i encourage you to vote yes. thank you. thank you. >> thank you for having us. i am the mother of three boys. i am a native san franciscan. all of my sons play soccer and lacrosse all year round. we would love to see beach chalet become a friend to look -- a family friendly place. i echo the other gentleman that beach chalet it's pretty much the same as it was 30 years ago. it needs to be upgraded.
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>> i think the turf fields is a great idea because there are lots of advantages. a lot of people can get a lot more playing time. i encourage you to please upgrade the field. it will help everybody in the neighborhood. >> next group. >> i would like to introduce another group. they are students -- i am sorry, forgive me. >> thank you for letting me speak. i have been playing soccer for more than 10 years. i have been playing with this team for the majority of this
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time. having a turf field is a great idea because it enables people to play a lot longer than they currently can. the field is closed for a third of the year. because of renovations and rain and stuff like that. having lights and having a turf field would make it if you want to play a lot longer and a lot later because we used to have practiced at beach chalet. also, i have had a lot of injuries from beach chalet. that is one of the reasons why turf is better. i have twisted my ankle, like, 10 times. the ball does not roll straight
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at all. i was playing goalie once and i missed the ball because the bulk rolled -- ball rolled one direction and bounced in a different direction and a second. i completely support the turf fields, and the lights. thank you. >> my name is gabriel and i play on the same team. i have been playing since the first grade. i am now in eighth grade. in sixth grade, i did a science fair presentation. i studied how much lead there was in the grass field as opposed to the turf fields. i felt that there is 200% more lead in grass field than in turf fields. i sent my samples to a lab, and
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they were willing to help. they thought turf was a great idea, too. i find that turf is much better because the ball rolled straight. it does not bounce up in the air. it is more like playing a real soccer. thank you. >> i also play on the same team. on grass, it is a bumpy and it is not easy to play soccer. it does not help us at all. on turf, bill ball rolled straight, we can play extra hours, -- the ball rolls straight, and we complete extra hours. turf is safer and easier to play soccer on. thank you. >> i have all the same things to say. if we get turf fields, we can triple our hours of playing soccer.
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we can play at night and played in the rain. it is closed for a third of the year to keep the maintenance up. it is hardly ever kept up, so it is difficult to play on it. it would be a lot more easy to play if there were no pot holes and everything. turf is the way to go, thank you. >> while we are waiting for the next speaker, all of you standing in front of the door, can you find a seat? there really is all of view, not just the two gentlemen standing there. it would be very helpful.
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>> my name is angela and i am representing one of our teams. i am here to say that we would really like to support the turf fields because we need more space is a more time for our kids to be saved and have fun. it is really that simple. >> i am here to support the turf field. regardless of the community, we just want to have fun and be active and plays soccer. >> to the woman who is bringing the teams in, how many teams are we talking about? ok. teams that are in support of
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turf? ok, next group of red shirts. >> i am 12 years old. >> i am 11. >> i am 11. >> one reason i think we should change the beach chalet fields is because many of my games have gotten canceled. >> another reason is because the ground is really dangerous with a lot of holes. there has been a lot of injuries. >> the turf will only cover one% of golden gate park, and the
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rest is grass. >> thank you. >> my name is lillian and i am 9 years old. >> my name is sidney and i and 10. >> there is one reason why i think that beach chalet should be turned into a turf, a lot of our practices have been rained out. i feel we do not do as well and we are playing the game. >> when you have games, it is annoying when they get canceled. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> before the next speaker, i need this area cleared out. you have created a fire hazard. you need to find a seat or come to the other side or wait outside.
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>> can we get a share of the up here? -- sharonerriff up here? >> next group. >> i am 9 years old. >> i am 9 years old. >> one reason we should change the fields to turf is because it costs less money and the turf is made from recycled tires. >> i also think because a lot of people that want to play on the soccer fields, but there is not enough space for all the teams. some of them have to end up playing in parking lots and those things. thank you. >> i am 10.
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>> i am 10. >> we should change to a turf because it is dangerous because of all the gopher holes. when it rained out, it is disappointing. >> i think soccer is really fun because, like, you can work as 18 and be with your friends. -- you can work as a team and be with your friends. >> but if there are a lot of holes, it is impossible to have fun. >> ok, we are going to call the sheriff's department back up because you guys are not paying attention. we cannot have the standing against this wall. if they have spoken, they need to go outside.
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>> next group, please. >> i coached a lot of these kids. i coached for the viking club. i am also a player myself. i am in favor of having these fields artificially turfed. i have seen so many injuries, career-ending injuries from flying out at the beach chalet fields. if no other reason, safety issues. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you to all the commissioners. i am a native of san franciscan.
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all the team members represent many different zip codes around the city. we're talking about less than 1% of golden gate park. we had an amazingly city and i think there is enough space for everybody. this is not a nature preserve, it is a soccer field. we're just asking for the field to be upgraded. it will save gallons of water every year. the lawn mowers will not be spewing stuffed into the air. for many reasons, i think it is a great plan. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioners. i live in russian hill and have
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been a resident for 15 years. my husband and i own a business in the city. we raised our three kids here. i strongly believe in the need for recreation for kids to keep them from watching tv, video games, and out of trouble. all three of our girls have chosen soccer as their favorite sport. my oldest girls play in competitive travel teams representing the city. instead of running around building confidence in their skills, they are usually left to fill their free time with more sedentary activities. we live in a city with a long rainy season. it did start during daylight savings and my kids practice is run past 6:30. this is less than ideal and often not safe.
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we need to be dick -- we need to build capacity for the demand that the playing field system cannot address. the city will still be short what it needs, but it means there will be progress. this eir started three years ago. having looked at the eir comments and response document, it is clear to me the issues raised have been addressed and mitigated. now it is time to move forward. please approve the eir tonight. we have already waited way too long. thank you. >> next speaker. >> i play soccer for the viking week. i think the beach chalet should be turned into a turf fields because there is only one big turf field in the city.
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it is all the way down on the south side of town. we need a turf fields in the northwest part of town. turf is way safer than normal grass. it would be much more beneficial to soccer teams if we had a turf field, to buy. >> together, with his brother and sister, they are soccer players. during that time, we watched our friends leave this city, move to the suburbs, they have more fields to play on, they do not face some of the injury challenges. it makes my heart is heavy to see that. i would love it if you all could do something for all of us families in san francisco. we're driving across town to crocker, which is a great facility. to make it easier for those of us committed to the city, and
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who believed in the public- school system year, help us with some of the after-school activities and bring as a field in golden gate park. it is a centrally located place for families to get to. if you could make it work for us, that would be terrific. >> next speaker. >> i am jason mitchell. two of my daughters came to speak. san francisco has the lowest per capita amount of children of any city in the country. i am so heartened by the activists and the activism of all of us. i am also frustrated and irritated. this is a simple thing you could do to value us as parents and children. you have no idea how hard -- to
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any of you have children? >> we are allowing kids right now. >> do something for us as families and children. thank you very much. >> next under 18 speaker. [laughter] >> add does she want to speak? -- does she want to speak? >> the reason that we want beach chalet soccer field is so kids can have fun and have saved fields to play on. >> thank you very much. >> i have been serving the
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across community since 1996. i am going on the record. one of my future superstars, you will see him on tv sunday. that is not why i am up here. i coached a lot of kids that are on tv. it is about teaching. i think that is the most important point. all of these teachers and coaches, we teach these kids to be good citizens, good teammates. >> to respect your teammates and coaches. >> attitude. >> what does attitude mean to you? >> e means effort. [inaudible] >> that is what we are as
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coaches. when you shut down a field and we do not have turf or whites, you shut down a classroom. a couple of years ago -- turf or lights, you shut down a classroom. it is very important that we have a facility like beach chalet. thank you. >> i play for the varsity united. i wanted to say how turf has affected my life. if it wasn't for turf, i would not be the soccer player i am now. the grass is hard to run in and the ball slows down. with the turf, it goes wherever you wanted to go. thank you. >> i want turf because if it
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rains, after 20 minutes or so, you cannot play because it is mighty and the grass is soaked. -- muddy and the grass is soaked. >> i think the field should be turf because if it is grass, there are potholes. people can twist their ankle. i want the field to be turf, thank you. >> thank you. >> ok. i think i want turf fields
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because when it rains, we cannot have practice. we cannot practice when we have games. >> [inaudible] i know you are hearing a lot of comments about the studies that have been done. i hope you are able to make a decision. for her, six months is a long time. i am hoping we can move it along. >> thank you. next group of youth speakers. coach? >> can you speak into the microphone? >> i was a native richmond
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district did. i had my first soccer game at beach chalet. i had my first high school game at beach chalet. a couple of things i wanted to say about artificial turf. better for soccer, less injuries, and i think the arg is that there are toxins in the artificial turf. you can use biodegradable, they use coconut treading right now. more importantly, when i listen to the nature, and i am a fan of all nature, my favorite sound is to your kids laughing and playing. that is what i want to say.
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>> i think there should be turf on the fields because people trip, fall, sprained ankles, and get hurt often because the grass has pot holes. there should be turf. >> is this the last group of kids? i think we are going to -- we kind of understand. [laughter] thank them for coming down here today. >> i want turf because you did not have to water it very often. if you have real grass, you have to come down and water it, like, the whole field.
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>> my name is henry. i like turf fields because if you slip on a pothole or fall in a pothole, you can get seriously injured. there are no pot holes on the turf fields. there would be no injuries any more. >> my name is kevin and i think there should be turf fields. when you play on a grass field, and their brains, -- and if it rains, you can slip. >> on turf fields, you can always play soccer. >> i would like a turf fields because it will not hurt as
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the grass, you can hurt yourself and you cannot play soccer for a little bit. on turf fields, you cannot hurt yourself. >> my name is james. for the generation at san franciscans. i used to play on those fields as a kid. my dad used to play. it has a long history of recreation. parks is an extension of families in the city, at an extension of the residents of the city, for recreation. right now, it is not fulfilling its purpose. the idea of bringing the turf and is being done all across the country. if you google turf fields in this city, you will see hundreds fields being converted
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to turf all around the country. for many reasons. family is one. less injuries being in another. increase in recreation. it would be a crime not to take this opportunity to increase these fields capability. thank you. >> my name is henry. i am a richmond district residents. i coached three teams and often times in the winter, we are forced to practice in the parking lot of the church because the fields are closed. i think it is important that we have a place to play rather than waiting for 8:00 or 9:00 at night. thank you for your time. >>
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