tv [untitled] June 2, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT
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we will not be having a parking lot sitting in that prime location. and the fences that have hit a lot of the open area will be coming down, so i am pleased about that. i think the people -- most of the people who are concerned have walked out, but the issue of children's wing at the pool, i have spoken with the project developer. there are big issues and small ones. we have to fight for families to stay in san francisco and have amenities, and this is an area where we can help on that. i spoke to the developer -- ca't it is my understanding the developer worked out a deal to carry on the summer camps. it is the small things that we will be seen as well. again, as i say, nothing is
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perfect. i want to thank all of our staff for the hard work they have put into come up with something. it full benefit the port in the long run. thank you. -- it will benefit the port in the long run. thank you. >> i am probably the newest commissioner. i joined about a year ago. all of the benefits of the project, everything that has been said about them, the price has been very -- the process has been very thorough. i agree there are some things we can never make perfect for everybody in terms of their perspectives, but for all of the benefits, we have to continue to talk to those who do have issues.
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the port staff and the developer have all been willing to come to the table, and that includes the parking in the ferry building and we are trying to work on solutions and we are here so we can resolve these issues for everybody. i want to thank the staff because i think they have worked very hard. i do think that we have listened and there has been a lot of listening going on, and i think we have brought up most of the things that have been brought to bear. and on the legal grounds as well, i think we've worked hard to make sure that we can move forward as well. i think we're ready for a vote. all in favor? resolution no. 1246 and 1247 have passed. >> item nine c, presentation all information for the."
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of -- for the pier cove park planning and design. >> good afternoon, commissioners. david beaupre. i'm here to give you an idea of the planning for the pier cove park. the park is located in the year 70 area, generally between 19th street on the north and 70th street on the south just east of illinois street. -- 17th street on the south just east of illinois 3. -- illinois street. efforts are being funded through
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the neighborhood parks general obligation bond. the park planning builds on the previous work conducted, including the port's waterfront use plan, eastern planning effort by the city, the pier 70 planning, and the greenway planning, all of which have been under -- in the works for years. the first phase is to develop a park master plan, including cost estimates and a phasing plan. the second phase is to develop schismatic plans based on the available funding for the initial base of the funding for the project. again, the park does not have complete funding for the entire eventual buildout. just to show a little bit, again, i am reminded of the context in which the crane cove
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park are identified. -- is identified. this illustrates two schedules for the project and is included in attachment b of the staff report. the top schedule is the overall several for project delivery. it shows the master planning and the top schedule in green, and then further detail in the bottom schedules for design work. the top schedule, we are looking for project delivered by the end of 2014 with the available funds we have in place. on the bottom schedule, we show the various phases getting to later this year where we deliver a park master plan and identification of the first phase. you also know there are several locations where i will be
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reporting to you and presenting information to the public and other various stakeholders. this slide illustrates the context of this light -- of the site. it is in the context of not only pure 70, but also in the context of mission bay, dog patch, patrol hill, and other areas around pure 70. it is important to note that crane cove park opens under these conditions as well. as a part of the opportunities and conditions constraint analysis -- and again, this is part of your attachment d. we identified a variety of opportunities and constraints with the site access issues, grade used to and from the site , site contamination and geologic conditions for the film
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major -- for the feel and nature of the park. the legend is long and it relates to the complexity of not only this project, but all issues that are pure 70 related. one thing to note in this slide is creating a park next to an active ship repair yard, there are some use compatibility issues. but we have and what -- working with the operator be a systems and understanding with the navigational plans are. it is highlighted in purple how the public would be accessed, alister and with the green dots. we talk about the impact of sea level rise, the prevailing winds, site access. and another issue that may not
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be highlighted or clear on this, but along illinois street between 18th and 19th street -- 19th street is the southernmost street that cuts across into the shipyard. the great fluctuates at illinois and 18th street. it meets the street there, but at 19th street there is about a great difference. we need to look at how to design a park that is accessible from illinois street. another part of the analysis from the existing conditions analysis, and an issue that arose was the opportunity to look at some of the adjacent uses and how it impacts the site. crane cove park is directly adjacent to the existing boat repair yard to the north. we talked about the boat repair operator, which is sf boat
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works, and the ship repair operator, bae systems, we had the idea of moving the boat repair yard from where it exists today to an area directly adjacent to bae systems. on the left is alternative one using the existing site boundary develop from the preferred master plan. alternative two is looking at taking the boat repair use, which is in the northern portion of the site in illustrated in blue and moving it to be directly adjacent to bae systems. as a part of this, there are several benefits to relocating the boat repair yard, which includes providing a buffer used between the ship repair operations and the park with a more compatible used for restoration and the boat repair. opportunity to relocate along in the north street currently south
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of 18th street north of the east bookworks near the access point of the restaurant, and bringing more of the frontage along illinois street. improving safety and access to the existing restaurant ramp is offset from mayor oppose the street and is a dangerous condition for accessing -- from mariposa street and is a dangerous condition for accessing the restaurant. and it will eliminate an existing barriers to the waterfront. the boat repair yard is completely fenced off. there is no public access. moving it adjacent to the ship repair would make it more accessible as well as increased access to the water's edge.
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the consultant team developed what they call project aspirations, which are a tool to allow designers and stakeholders to begin developing goals by expressing the desirable outcomes of the project. individual aspirations often conflict with one another, but as you move into the development phase, you can establish what criteria are more important and what could eventually become project goals. the project aspirations were broken into eight different categories and are in the outline in attachment d in the staff report. and finally, to the concept of what we are at today, each concept had several elements in common. these common elements include adaptive resources, interpretation of the site,
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shoreline cleanup and protection, facilities to support human powered boat access, and an extension of 19th street, which will provide not only access to the park, but will take truck traffic off of 20 the street and provide more direct access to the ship repair operations. that benefits not only crane cove park but multiple benefits across the peers 70. -- pierre 70. -- pier 70. vehicle parking, approaches to handle contamination with the environmental feasibility study , and sf rap, which you heard about from carol prior.
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those development sites along illinois street as well as other development sites south of 19th street and at the 20th street buildings. alternative one, which is illustrated here today, tells you to keep those existing resources primarily from the world war ii era that left there. this includes the former realize that crisscross across the site. as well as the cranes and other remnants that still exist. the park boundary remains the same as identified in the preferred plan. the new 19th street is a pile- supported structure that provides a little bit of focus.
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and sea level rise is accommodated by maintaining the site where it is accepting the condition that as c level rises, the site will be inundated at certain times -- as the sea level rises, the site will be in a bid at certain times of year. it will allow interpretation and evolution of the sites rather than just looking at what exists today from world war ii. it looks at the history of the site and how it was built and used overtime and how they rearrange themselves and are reconfigured between the various war efforts and shipbuilding efforts. the historic uses that to replace -- that took place were on the water's edge again.
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access to the site would be accommodated by an expanded entrance along terry françois boulevard as part of an existing access point for the restaurant operation as well as expanded -- an expanded area along illinois. 19th street would be brought up rather than piles supported. water access would be accommodated through a softer shoreline edge able to accommodate human powered vessels. and sea level rise would be addressed by the 19th street been brought out in elevations of the portions of the site would not be inundated at peak storm events in the future. the next steps are to develop concepts for each of the
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concepts. the next step is june 1st at 5:30 p.m. and then report back to the commission regarding the concepts that we have heard it and get additional direction and and ideally address the council planned later this fall for implementation. with that, i'm available for any questions. >> public comment. corinne woods? >> corrine woods, co-chair with the central water advisory group, which started 12 years ago as did peter 70 the advisory group as recovery would get something done then. simon, your project is not the
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longest. we have had one community meeting about this concept for crane cove park. it was well received. there are, of course, people who want to look at specific pieces. the human-powered boat group wants to work out what potential conflict there might be with ship repair operations so that we can have human-powered votes in the park. i think there is tremendous support for moving the boat repair operation around the corner. that opens up a potentially wonderful view from mission bay park across the street. we would love to have you guys weigh-in. are of course, money is part of
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the problem. it could cost $1 million just to rehabilitate the crane. so we are going to need that next bond badly to make sure the project gets finished but we are very excited about it and hope you will join us in supporting it. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? commissioners, questions? >> you may have said this -- bae and the boat operators -- they are ok with looking at the possibility -- >> yes, we have spoken with both tenants. we spoke with a general manager of bae systems. they were open and receptive to investigating it. bae, in fact, shared with us
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the facts and they liked the idea of the location being moved because they like the idea of a hand uninhibited access to their park where there is a lot of security, access issues. they thought the boat repair facility, which is not as intense as theirs but is compatible with ship repair and open space, would be a nice, transitional use. >> approximately how much do you think that would cost? >> i would love to get back to you on that. [laughter] >> if it is advantageous to bae, is there a chance they would help from that aspect of it? >> i would let them discuss it. noaa the complexities of their sight, the cost to maintain the structures that they have, it is something that we want to look at in terms of the long-term
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operations of that leasehold. depending on what the costs are, it might be something where we need to work with the operator to also determine what their long term plans are for the existing boat repair yard. if there is a need to relocate it were the concept proved to be feasible, it likely would not happen as part of an initial phase anyways, based on current funding we have, but we can hold the sites for that use and better articulate the phasing of it and then work with them on a long-term solution on how we could allow that to be -- to occur, so that it is mutually beneficial. >> isn't there another interested stakeholder for city? >> that is part of our outreach, too. we have been meeting with both
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city and odi on the development of the existing conditions and constraints which have been conducted to date, some of the design and thinking about the condition that are out there in the park. they are obviously key stakeholders that we will be working with brought the planning and design process -- throughout the planning and design process. >> when do you think you will have the numbers, the feasibility? >> we hope to have preliminary cost estimates prior to june 20. we are working on that now. i can try to get back to the commission prior to that. the first part of this task -- the first phase of the work is to develop a master plan. we estimated as part of the budget of the pier 72 budget planning process, about $20 million.
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potentially as high as $30 million. we want the consultants to really think outside the box, think about how much funding we can raise through general obligation bonds and other sources, but not bootstrap them too much, recognize that we will need to phase the project. we will come up with preliminary cost estimates based on these alternatives. >> my concern is i do not know if we want to spend $20 million to $30 million on a park, because we have so many other pressing needs. i want to tear out the feasibility of it and the cost for everything, before we take off. of course, everyone will want the best project, but can we find it, with all our needs? >> we will be developing cost shortly and can get back to the commission on a framework of where we think the cost ranges. >> thank you. >> i would like to add, i
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understand you explained the differences and alternatives, but it is hard to envision. as we get closer to something that we can really look at, i would physically like to go out and see. it is hard to look at this and understand what it looks like. >> more than happy to bring any or all of the commission out there at any time. i am happy to coordinate it, any day of the week. i am out there often. too often, probably. >> thank you. >> item 9d. informational presentation on a proposed design for teatro zinzanni related to a proposed lease of a portion of seawall lot 324, at the corner of broadway and the embarcadero.
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>> good evening, commissioners. the port's leasing manager. i am here to give you a presentation on the proposed design for teatro zinzanni. following my introduction, mark miller will speak. he is the principle of mk think, the principal designer. the staff presented the lease for teatro zinzanni which was formally at pier 29. the new site is seawall lot 324 at the embarcadero and broadway. staff at the meeting explained the design is under refinement to address the historic preservation guidelines found in the northeast waterfront historic district. at the february meeting, this commission expressed interest in having the opportunity to comment on the proposed design
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early in the process, well in advance of the staff request for approval of the lease. at this point, i want to bring up mark miller to walk you through the design. >> thank you. nice to see you all today. i am pleased to update you on a project that we originally brought to you on the 23rd. the and dances and modifications have to do with input we received from port staff and the city's historic preservation commission, all of which have been in informal contact, but as
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we have been searching how to best provide the project to be in accordance with urban criteria designed and historic preservation carbide's. the proposed approach is trying to look of two elements. the festive character of the program and the interim nature of the facility by focusing upon the tents with the facilities has diminutive and a discreet as possible. you have seen this in the package, the festive nature of what goes on inside teatro zinzanni comment as i believe many of you are aware. now i want to get to the urban criteria and how it is formed. this is an exploded metric of the site. the design approach to the program elements as related to distant parts. modest scale pavilion sit on a three-foot pace that rests on
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the existing parking lot. there are no considerable foundations or disruption to the ground except for a few utility requirements. we are holding everything done by weight. the centerpiece is the historic peace, the focal point for the composition comment on the inside as well as from the urban criteria. we're introducing a secondary tent as the pre and post- function space. also reflecting the interim nature and tied together the design and material with the historic 10th. excess restructure's will contain all of the support capabilities. we have also advanced it so that the tense it's been three pocket parts as it meets the urban landscape introducing green and smaller scale appellants, where it wilindividuals meet the stre. talking about the architectural features, the tents are the
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historic forms. the tent at the center rises to 32 feet. it tapers to around 16 feet at the edge, including the tent. the tents will be clad primarily in patterned fabric. there will be a glass facade element facing the embarcadero. everything will be patterned fabric. we are facing the embarcadero. you get a sense of the interior theater to my left. the character of the tents in the middle show you the fabric. on the right, we are using inspiration from the ticket booth, and historic carriage, making its way into the ticket booth to my right, the start of the support buildings.
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as it approaches the public domain, this one has more character. primary drop-off will be on the broadway side here on the right side of the image. you can see the red trim on the tent. the historic spiegel tent is the prominent element in the middle. you can see the facets that it is around. on the left, behind the trees, as we move west along broadway is the beginning of the support facilities which are about 10 feet sitting on a three-foot base, and a wraparound to davis strait. on the bottom, you can see a photograph from the residences on the south side of broadway. you can see there are four large streets on the ride and two or around the corner on davis. you can see the four trees aligning with our structure from an elevated point. davis street is on the top and loin
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