tv [untitled] June 3, 2012 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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next speaker. >> my name is jane and i am from power. i want to thank you for your support in this issue. as most of you know, we have secured funds from the mta for this program and the samba schools district. the remaining part of it is the piece that you will be voting on today as well as funds we are looking for for the metropolitan transportation commission regional funds. as we go to the regional commissioners and ask for support of the san francisco project, it is a board that we are united as a city in supporting this program. because we are still doing all the advocacy, the more support we can have today in support of this funding will indicate to the region that we are serious and united behind this program. i know some concerns have been raised about what happens after the pilot project. the point of a pilot project is to study the issue, see what works, and spend the time identifying the ongoing funding.
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i want to assure you we are committed as a community and advocates to work and long term funding piece, but we need your support as well. to say we do not want to support this program because we are wary about future funding is to say that we expect low income children who are trying to get to school to fill in the gap in our budget. that is unacceptable. you have heard from members of power and community members across the city about the crisis that families are having and children are having, being criminalize on their way to school and work and after-school activities. commissioner campos: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> supervisors, you know, today, they are going to observe this day in honor of harvey milk. i also want to talk about a great leader, sees her job as. i want to put this in context.
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-- cesar chavez. you supervisors, when it comes to paying five other thousand dollars to someone like nathaniel ford, you do not say a word, but when it comes to helping our senior and youth linked to the transportation, everybody has to go through all of these hurdles. now, those who are poor, those who do not have the ability to represent in the courts, they come here and humbly request of you, but the poor have been trying to say something to you for over 10 years. i remember when you could ride you the 4 5 cents. then 25 cents. then 25 cents. then 75 cents.
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now whatever. it is very easy, with our $6.9 billion, to give our youth free transportation. not only poor youth, but all youth spirit if you cannot get that, you will not be able to get anything. supervisors, if you have the guts, do the right thing. whether it is harvey milk, cesar chavez, martin luther king, jesus christ, they all worked for the people. thank you very much. commissioner campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, i am not going to repeat some of the points that have been made about this proposal, but it would finalize the city's commitment by having
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the county transportation authority dedicate money to this effort. i respectfully ask for your support. lastly, i want to thank the families, parents, the youth who have been working on this campaign to provide free fares, now for low income youth. thank you very much. it is greatly appreciated. commissioner abel los? -- vavalos? commisioner avalos: i just wanted to concur with your comments, thank the efforts that have been made through these many years. organizing an ad accusing across the city with our young people to make this day -- advocating across the city with our young people to make this day in reality has been incredible. this is one of the greatest efforts i have seen, bar any age, of people doing this kind
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of work. i just want to congratulate you on that effort, being here today, and we will get this done. commissioner campos: thank you. commissioner campokim. commissioner kim: i just wanted to reiterate my support for this program and how proud i am of our youth leaders and families coming to bat on this program. it is an innovative idea for san francisco, a program that many other cities already have, which is to provide free transit for our youth going to school. we require our youth to go to school, we want our youth to go to school, and transit should never be a barrier or an excuse as to why they cannot get there. i also wanted to talk about the history of how this came to be, which was coming as our youth fares rose dramatically to fix the gap in the mta budget, when
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i was at the school district, we try to negotiate with the mta to get funds to get discounted passes for low income youth. it was really frustrating, for one year, that money just sat, because we could not figure out how to use that money administratively, due to labor issues, the issue of handling cash at multiple school sites, and the immense difficulty of that. so for an entire school year, youth that were willing to get these discounted passes, were not able to get them. this was the solution that came out of that challenging process, where there was a commitment to provide a way for our young people to travel on public transit, but that solution just did not work. i think this was a good solution that came out of that, but i think there was a long history that got us to this point. that is important to it knowledge and recognize. it is important for a city to
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show strongly that we support this program, and that we support our young people here in san francisco. thank you. commissioner campos: commissioner olague? commissioner olague: this is an issue that is a no-brainer. i want to thank everyone who organized and for their efforts, the youth commission for their leadership that they have shown here. school is required. the way things are set up here, the options for attending schools near where you live is not necessarily present. youth have to travel, in many cases, long distances to do what is required of them. certainly, we do not want to contribute to issues of a truancy or anything. it seems to be and a side issue, but we want to do whatever we can to make sure that you if -- youth, especially folks
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accessing these passes, are attending school, preparing for their future. i just want to thank all of the folks from power and the youth commission for the leadership that they have shown on this. i think there are still a lot of things that we have to look at. again, as i mentioned, sometimes where you have households with working parents, it is sometimes hard to make sure that children are being accompanied on public transportation to get to school safely, so there are a lot of issues that we still need to look at regarding this. the pilot program is two years, so we will be able to identify how we need to tweak it in the next few years. commissioner campos: commissioner mar. commissioner mar: i want to thank the grass-roots coalition for this as well, congratulate them on the victory so far. i want to reiterate what a
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number of you said, like my daughter, muni is our children paused school bus often, with the cutbacks at the school district, and many families are struggling, and this would help them make ends meet. as the representatives of power, other organizations mentioned, this is part of the approval today. we still need to be as united as possible to bring this to the regional body, the mtc. i would also urge our colleagues to be as strong as possible in supporting san francisco's effort in this campaign. thanks again to the mothers that were out here and you that have testified in number of times before different bodies. it is truly inspiring for the youth, to get free passes, but also to raise awarenesssupervis.
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unfortunately i will be descending on the boat and one to explain why. i understand it is a difficult time and families are having a hard time with regards to the rates that are currently paid. if we had gone a different direction, perhaps a deeper discount, that would be something i would have been supportive of the. right now we will see the budget before us on thursday. what we will be seeing is the we will see an increase in revenue because of general proceeds, they are not yet balanced. they do have a short fall in relation to contract negotiations that have finally been settled. i do believe there is tentativeness with regards to the budget. to be able to move forward with a project like this, at this time i cannot in good faith do. i think the budget issues are
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things that we should take care of and it is a solvent system and a system that can pay for the improvements we need. that means making sure we invest in capital in maintaining the buses so they do not break down. this is something that is good for the entire system. for working people. i cannot at this time supports this because i do not know what the dollars will be when it is finally up and running. pilot programs often become permanent programs. at this time i have to descend on this coming knowing the but it's not quite where it needs to be. >> any other comments? madam clerk, could we have roll- call vote on item number 5? >> item passes with seven votes.
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>> item passes. supervisor campos: item number 7. commissioner avalos: i am wholeheartedly supporting an gela minkin. she will make a fine member of the community, and i look forward to her serving. thank you. supervisor campos: any member of the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. same house, same call? item passes. madam clerk, can call item no. 8. >> this is an information item.
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we cannot turn his back. to dumn now turn to staff. >> chester and ben will present. the city department agency is here to answer questions. >> good morning, mr. chair and city members. i will do a quick introduction to the presentation and an overview across some of the planning seventh batter in district 3. that we will do the same in district 9. very quickly, this is an effort
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we have undertaken for every district. we're reporting on district 3 and 9. we are reporting on district 4 and 8. then going on down the line. what you see before you is a map of district 3. >> good morning. chester fong. there are two major authority- led efforts. i will start with van ness us rapid transit project. we have achieved important milestones with this project. we will bring forward the recommendation following closely on the heels as the bus rapid
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transit project. current work is on the environmental transportation analysis. we have begun our ouutreach to provide the community with updates on the community project. these are a set of open houses scheduled for the end of june. now i will call on michael schwartz to come up and talk about additional authority-let phases. >> good morning, chair and commissioners. the next betty in the packet is the better market street package, which came with a package amendment, and we will make an informational meeting. if there are any additional questions, i will move on to the next slide, which is other a 40-let projects. it is a multi-agency project.
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this involved looking at different policies and pilot for transportation management. we will have upcoming studies in the neighborhood transportation plan. that is being covered as part of the trends that affect in this plan. >> just a quick update on central subway. we are making significant progress in securing the full funding grant agreement for the project. the current project out is $233 million construction project. there is approximately $57 million in prop k supporting that. we expect a full update in the next quarter. the next project is more to the next list, bicycle facility meat and products. this is a project we have reported on for every district.
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this was a project behind schedule. we worked with mta to select a new list of projects. we will be working with mta on the new list. the first lists are on your slide here. the next project is a broadway street scape and friedman project phase three. this is one of the final connections of the fall five what upgrade from broadway to grant street to batteries street. this is connecting in the middle -- a metal block of the street. this is replanting, streetscapes upgrades and pedestrians daylighting. this is supported by a prop k sales tax. the next project is a federally funded project. this project is moving forward into construction. it is currently in caltrans for
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review for construction application. mta anticipates beginning construction in early 2013 and completing the project by december 2013. the bottom of this blood is the 50 mile per hour/project. that is substantially completed with signs installed at approximately 180 schools throughout the city. we have included the schools that did receive those signs. the next two projects are signal projects. the first signal modification contract, this is to do simple modifications to existing signals like pedestrian countdowns. we included the location in district 3. this project experience a slight delay. the second project here is the
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link to the p r t. brt project. that project is federally funded. and just waiting to coordinate the schedule. the next project is signals and science project. this is to upgrade fligh lightrail vehicles. this project is behind schedule, but it is moving forward in terms of securing federal funds that need to be secured by the end of this year. we will work with mta to get an amendment to reset the schedule for the project. this is just a quick slide. this is an older brand we allocated to the port for
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several years ago and the use their own funds to plan the downtown very expansion project. we will work with them to close of the grants and reassigned the funds. the next project is the escalator rehab project. there are two phases of this project. phase one was high priorities. that project did experience some delays due to issues with america -- fire america requirements. the project is now on track. we worked on an amendment to get that project on track. there is expected completion by 2013. phase ii is currently in design. it is going through little bit of a budget reduction. the original budget included $17 million for 23 escalators. we are now free prioritizing
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capital funding needs. they will be looking at doing between 10-17 escalators. the budget has gone from 70 million to 10 million. that project will also it encounter a scuttled the leg, and we are working to get the amended schedule to realign the project. the final project for district 3 is the over all of the track. this project was recently completed in moving forward. district 9 -- >> before you move to district 9, maybe we could hear from the district 3 supervisor. supervisor chiu: thank you for the presentation. there are a number of items that were attributable to district 3.
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i do hope and wish that in the future we can work more closely with my office and constituents on the district three priorities. from my perspective, what is laid out here, these are decisions that were made year ago but did not reflect what i think our priorities for my district now. i want to state that so we look forward in the future to have been closer discussions about what is really important. there are certainly projects here i support, but as far as i do the transportation priority in the district, i think there are many things we are missing. i know this is now why we're going district by district through the analysis. i appreciate that, and i look forward to that work in progress. supervisor campos: following
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that, one of the reasons why i thought it was important to not only follow the projects in the works, but to give each one of us to highlight the project or issues that are not in the pipeline that should be in the pipeline, and i think the comment that commissioner chiu made is right on point. hopefully as we go through each district presentation, you can talk about some of those projects or issues that you still need to be added. i appreciate that. a general question to staff. and as you are going through these discussions with commissioners, sort of what is the process for possibly including things that may not be currently in the works. and just to make it clear fr
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the folks watching, the authority does not come up with the projects. however, the board has of tremendous amount of influencing. certainly let us know what your priorities are is fantastic. i cannot emphasize enough the window is extremely important, because we have the vehicle registration fee, closed to $38 million in area grant funds, and a tremendous amount of proper k funds, so this is the chance for the board to put its mark on the hot sex. it can include projects that are fully developed in the design or construction funding. we will be scheduling briefings with all of your offices to seek public input on that as well. commissioner chiu: i just want
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to say in that regard, and i state it is privately yesterday, but i have a lot of interest in seeing work and pilots being done on polk street. there are street scape proposals along columbus -- columbus avenue, and the embarcadero needs more work, a project really given the america's cup coming through. in chinatown. lots of ideas of what we can do, and i look forward to work with mta staff and others to figure out how we can find money is to move the projects for work. supervisor campos: thank you. if you can please continue. >> good morning. moving to district 9 -- senior planning -- planner at the planning commission. amid the othe octavia circulatin
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freeway affects cluster nine and several of your other districts. this is a study of traffic circulation, both locally and regionally affecting the cord network right here in our neck of the woods. we expect to bring the power report to their plans and programs committee within the next couple of months. among the corridor identified in this study is the san jose corridor, and we have been working with the partners at caltrans and other city departments to seek for their funds from caltrans to do a more robust design effort. both in that location and within the city area and you see shown on the slides, we are developing more near-term project opportunities to improve safety and traffic, the area. -- traffic calm in the area. >> the next project is one that
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was led by the planning department. it is the east community design plan. it was a visiting effort that looked at how we could change it to the 101 interchanged to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, and generally make it more neighborhood-oriented. interchange is also called the hairball for those of you that may be keeping track. the short-term what that short- term and small-skill improvements. it also looked at reconfiguring the entire inner change as a long-term potential improvement. i will now can't control over to the commissioner. >> that is the last change. district 9 project, at the first one is the green wave in the
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parking project. district 9 project is green wave along 14th street to folsom. i just wanted to also note there will be a larger green wave project -- this is to time green at lights for bicycle access along the corridor. there will be a series of projects that will be coming for prop k allocation, and you should see that in june. the next slide is the reebok to call it -- please call projects. these should be completed by june of this year. the folsom street bicycle project from 13th street to 19th street is completed. you see a picture of the completed picture on this slide. that ties into the next project, that streetscape improvement project.
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