tv [untitled] June 3, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT
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believe will lend themselves nicely to the task force. as some of my colleagues have already stated today, i am also very concerned about the task force position and how it applies. in the rules committee, the charter of the city is the democratic foundation. the center that all of us must live up to. all of our members of these appointed and elected bodies must live up to it as well i understand why you firmly believe in this issue, but i do not happen to share that opinion. i will be supporting the motion put that supervisor wiener has put on the floor. thank you. supervisor chiu: supervisor kim? supervisor kim:
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supervisor kim: what i wanted to clarify, there were four nominations to the task force. it is not be rejected those appointments, we simply ask for more to look through. i just wanted to clarify, doug, stock could still come to the full board, ofc -- ommstock could still, -- commstock could still come to the full board. we wanted to be able to make some decisions there. it seems that most folks have already made up their minds, but on behalf of bruce will, we chatted after the rules committee about the city charter in a number of things that can be done to make the sunshine task force. he is very committed to making sure that the sunshine task force complies with the charter and to working with the board of
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supervisors on how to run these meetings more efficiently. with this very new group of task force members, we will have a lot of new energy on the board committed to the task force. i would like to see bruce will continue on. at this time we will only have one remaining task force member, jackson west commented -- continuing on. i would like to see some balance. i think that bruce in jackson will be very helpful in working with our task force members. supervisor chiu: supervisor mar? supervisor mar: i agree that the sunshine task force needs to make some major improvements, but that new leadership is also critical. the diverse grouping that was
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recommended by the committee has a lot of great people on there. i would say that [unintelligible] david has recently done a lot of hard work with the diversity of people and views improving the task force. i will be voting against supervisor wiener's motion. i have known bruce for many years. whether it was in the school district and corruption in the facilities, he has been a strong sunshine advocate and a very hard worker. i will be supporting bruce wolfe, opposing the notion, but i appreciate diversity for the task force. supervisor chiu: supervisor cohen? supervisor cohen: i do not actually know mr. wolf well, but in the region direction with him i have had, i was impressed and would it be more than willing to support him in a different capacity.
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supervisor campos: on the issue that came up with compliance of the charter, i know that is an important issue. certainly, it is an important issue to me. during the committee meeting i strongly believe it was critical for all government agencies to follow the charter. i also know, having spoken to him following the hearing, he gets the message and the concerns that were raised. i am confident that if he is reappointed, he will make sure that compliance with the charter is something that happens. i do think that the diverse perspectives represented by this group are something that is a good thing.
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but, i think diverse perspectives also means having someone who comes with the background that mr. bruce will has. there is no question that he could also serve another commissions. but he has chosen to focus his energy on this. i think he has demonstrated the ability to do that. i hope that we appoint him. supervisor chiu: supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: thank you, mr. president. i did neglect to mention, before, in terms of my motion with respect to todd david, i will not repeat what was said at the rules committee, but he has been extremely active in the community, particularly around public schools and parental advocacy to improve public schools. he has unending energy and will be an extraordinary addition to that task force.
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supervisor campos: my apologies, my vote against the motion was a vote for bruce wolfe, not against todd david. supervisor chiu: thank you. my clerk just remind me that there were a couple of comments from the fact that there will be almost complete replacement. as our clerk and deputy city attorney has advised me, we still have four seats that would be held over until the rules committee makes a decision, so those individuals will continue to serve. i know that the chairwoman of the committee has requested that appointing bodies send additional names in addition to the income, but that is still a matter in front of the rules committee. that said, unless there is further discussion, why don't we take a roll call vote on supervisor wiener's amendment?
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supervisor chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: no. supervisor mar: no. supervisor olague: no. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: no. supervisor campos: no. >> there are six ayes and five no. supervisor chiu: the motion passes. what we take a vote on the file with regards to seek eight that we just amended? this is a motion to appoint todd david to seek aid. roll call vote please. >> president chiu. supervisor chiu: aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye.
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supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: no. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. >> there are 10 ayes one no. supervisor chiu: motion passes as amended. with regards to seats three, seven, nine, 10, roll call vote, please. aye. supervisor chu: aye. supervisor cohen: aye. supervisor elsbernd: aye. supervisor farrell: aye. supervisor kim: aye. supervisor mar: aye. supervisor olague: no. supervisor wiener: aye. supervisor avalos: aye. supervisor campos: aye. >> there are 10 ayes, one no. supervisor chiu: motion passes.
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with that, it is 3:00 p.m. why don't we go to our special order? could you please call items 21 and 22? >> items 21 and 22 comprise a special order at 3:00 p.m. pursuant to special file. the board of supervisors has agreed to sit as a committee as a whole for a public hearing to hear objections to a report of assessment costs for blighted properties submitted by the director public works and approve the resolution approving the assessment costs, having been paid for from the blight abatement fund. supervisor chiu: as we do every once in awhile, we have received a report of assessment costs submitted by the director of public works with regards to various blighted properties. i know we have a representative here to present that report, and once it has been presented, we will have members of the public
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that wish to object to this report state so in public comment, and if there are issues that can be resolved in the few minutes after the close of the hearing, we can do that, and then we will bring back the report for approval year at the board. with that, dpw. >> my name is tim hines with the department of public works graffiti unit. the administrative code requires property owners maintain their property in the state of blight- reconditioned. the code also requires the department to inspect graffiti and notify property owners to make corrections. at his obligation of the property owner to maintain the property free of graffiti and light. in cases where property owners refused to correct conditions, the city will perform the required corrections and assess the cost to the tax roll. i am here to request your approval of the list of assessment of blighted properties. since there's outstanding balance, we request these assessments be added to the property tax bill.
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supervisor chiu: thank you very much for that presentation. let me ask if there are members of the public that wish to speak with regards to this report and to state your objection publicly. if there are, if you please step up to the microphone. >> i just want to say -- ♪ we work hard for the blighted property so hard for it, board of supervisors we work hard for the blighted property so i want you to treat it right we work hard ♪ supervisor chiu: next speaker please. >> hi, yes. i have one of the properties that is any question, and i hope this is the right time to speak. we have a property at 1758 like in st..
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it is a property on a corner, and as such, and he makes it difficult to keep the graffiti off of it because there is a lot more real estate for vandals to graffiti. nevertheless, we understand that the best way to do so is by staying on top of it and continuously repainting, and we do just that. for the past several years, my wife and i hired a licensed pager in san francisco to paint every single month, and so -- and i have receipts of payments to him for the past -- let's see, since january of last year at least, with me, although we have employed him for longer. we stay on it every single month. it has gotten better. it is a constant problem, and we realize the best way to address
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it is to stay on top of it. i'm uncertain what more i could do to stay on top of it than we already do. supervisor chiu: then you very much. any other members of the public that wish to speak with regards to the report, please step up. please line up on the right-hand side. >> i had graffiti on my garden wall and ask for an extension because i had just injured right knee. the extension was granted to me for two weeks. within one week, i had the wall
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painted, and i spoke to somebody called my key -- mikey. he told me not to worry, that they would drive by. i never heard anything from anyone, and about two months ago received a note at my door saying i have to pay close to $300. yet, the graffiti was repainted. it was done a week after the extension, so i would like, with all due respect, that this issue be raised please. supervisor chiu: thank you very much. >> i have an invoice, if you need. the person who did the graffiti, unfortunately, is sort of a passer-by. it was not a big job.
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i provided all the paint, brushes, and i paid him as well, but i do not know where he is today. just a passerby. supervisor chiu: thank you very much. again, to members of the public coming to protest the report, if you could please wait in board chamber, we will give you an opportunity to interact with staff after the hearing so you can hopefully talk through these issues. next speaker please. >> i am here on behalf of 790 22nd ave. basically it was tagged with graffiti in march 2011. we had gone out to the property and attentive to clean it off. it is a corner building on 22nd and fulton with a brick facade. it is very difficult to get the graffiti out of the brick, but we made several attempts to do it.
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i have invoices for the work that was completed. upon reinspection, i saw pictures that were data that showed there was additional graffiti that was added after we had made attempts to clean it, and therefore i believe there should have been additional time given to take care of it. instead, the penalty was assessed. i have copies of invoices and pictures that are dated to show documentation. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak with regards to this item? please step up. this is not general public comment. this is on this item of blighted properties. >> is this the christening the ship 1? >supervisor chiu: know. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak? if you could use a microphone to your right. >> good afternoon.
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in december 2010, we had a citation notice posted on the property regarding graffiti. we have about 71 feet of frontage, and there was multiple graffiti tag along side the frontage theory the moment we received the notice, we have tried to clear as much as we can with one exception -- there is a mark on the wall painted red, and we cannot take it out because due to the weather issues. in january 2011, recent another notice, saying another notice, plus $258 for the cost of the
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reinspection. we called in to the board, and immediately, they said -- it wanted to know why we were calling, and we said it was for graffiti issues, and they said as long as we cleared it, we could disregard the cost, but later on, we received the third notice saying that we owed the $258. largely it is because there is one spot on the wall we cannot remove. largely because of weather. we had a lot of rainy days. however, i am asking the board to consider to raise the cost because we tried everything. thank you for the consideration. supervisor chiu: thank you.
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are there any other members of the public who wish to speak? seeing none, at this time, i would like to ask for our dpw staffing to step out into the hallway, and foreign members of the public that just came and spoke, you will have a few minutes to speak with separate leaders see if your situation can be resolved, and we will ask when you are prepared to come back with a final report, just let us know, and we will pick up that item. thank you. with that, why don't we go to roll call for introductions? >> supervisor olague, you are first on a roll call for introductions. you refer? thank you. supervisor elsbernd? supervisor campos? supervisor campos: thank you. i have a couple of items. the first i will defer speaking about it during commendations,
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and it is a resolution honoring jose for his tremendous contributions to san francisco's political and cultural life. i look forward to getting into more specifics about that in a few minutes. the second item is an item that i am introducing. it is an ordinance that deals with white zones. much to my surprise, there currently is no law in the books that prohibits individuals from blocking wide zones. we are talking about passenger loading zones on city sidewalks. white zones serve an important public safety function because they reduce traffic congestion by eliminating the need for double parking. they also improved vehicular and pedestrian safety and reduce motor vehicle emissions.
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i am introducing legislation today that would make it an infraction to use any physical items to block the area between a white stone and the adjacent building. this legislation will ensure that white stones will be free to serve their purpose, allowing cars to stop safely and individuals to fully open car doors and exit their vehicles. this legislation will insure that disabled individuals also have a clear path to enter a facility. we have experience that this is an issue that has affected establishments throughout the city, including in district 9, and i look forward to a discussion of this legislation and look forward to your support, colleagues. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor avalos? supervisor mar? supervisor mar: thank you. i am introducing a request for a
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hearing today, and it is to have a dialogue on allocating a portion of the city was the recent unexpected revenue. i believe it was estimated from $20 million to $43.3 million in transfer taxes, in order to support the san francisco unified school district and explore other ways our city can support our struggling schools. under the city deficit is huge, but our schools are in crisis. we recently in schools in san francisco issued 210 layoff notices to our teachers and many more to hard-working staff within the school district in march, and the layoffs hurt both the city's economy, but also student achievement. even more devastating cuts are projected if a statewide tax revenue measure does not pass in november. when i talked with the superintendent, i think he was estimating that the school district faces currently about and $84 million deficit over two years, but it could increase to
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$120 million if the revenue measures do not pass. it is a huge lead in the schools. i think it is critical to keep families in the city by continuing the progress made. also, the city has an obligation based on property each -- crop -- prop. h. it has been a tremendous benefit to schools, but tens of millions have not been given to the schools because of the city's financial difficulties, so i say that there is an obligation to pay back the schools the amounts that should have been allocated over the past few years, and rainy day funds are also critical for the school district, so my hope is that as we discussed this, that this money will help in addition to the rainy day funds. the rest i will submit. thank you. supervisor cohen: i have a
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simple request that we close the board our in memory of a woman named sylvia corpus. sheet is -- was the mother of a friend, the executive director and founder of united way. i ask that we close the board out in her memory. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. supervisor olague, are you prepared? the cake, we will come back to you. supervisor mar? -- okay, we will come back to you. supervisor mar? ok, supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: thank you. i wanted to mention briefly that today, mayor lee is introducing
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the first element of the housing trust fund, a charter amendment that would begin creating that front, and i am proud to be cosponsoring that with the mayor along with several colleagues. this resulted from a lengthy an important process to address how we are going to ensure the continued production and the existence of affordable housing in this city for low-income people, but also for middle- income folks, and that means public funding of affordable housing and it also means having smart housing policies that actually trigger the creation of enough housing to make sure that housing does not continue to spiral out of control in terms of rent and home prices. the mayor oversaw an extensive and important process, and i particularly want to commend -- and there are a lot of people to commend who really played an
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instrumental role here. there will be other pieces moving forward. the funding aspect of it is partially resolve the above by this charter amendment in terms of segregating a tax increment that would have gone to the redevelopment agency. there is continuing discussion about other revenue sources, and i'm sure that will be resolved soon. there will also be implementing legislation because some aspects of this proposal will be done legislatively. i look forward to discussions in the coming months and making sure we take care of the housing needs of the city. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor kim. supervisor kim: i also want to co-sponsor our housing trust fund being introduced today and thank the mayor and his office for their leadership on creating this fund. we are excited to co-sponsor the
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city's first dedicated stream for affordable housing, which we hope will generate $20 million to $50 million a year. this is an important resourced to replace the source of reliable funding sources for the production of permanently affordable housing. due to the dissolution of redevelopment and also because we have sent out our previous affordable housing bond, both on the city and state level. we co-sponsored a hearing on april 9 about affordable housing policies and funding, and we heard from a diverse group of stakeholders about the need for affordable housing in this housing trust fund. it is a huge debt in the right direction. today is a culmination of months of work by a broad coalition of stakeholders, and i commend all of those members and the mayor's office for sticking together to try to bring multiple viewpoints on how our housing production happen and come together on a final peace we can bring to voters in november. this included private
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developers, affordable housing advocates, real estate agents, and others. sometimes folks that sit on opposite sides of the room really work to bring something together that would address this important issue, so you're so excited to co-sponsor this charter amendment as it moves through the legislative process, and we look forward to working with advocates and the mayor's office to create this historic resourced. we are also introducing an awareness month. one of our district's six residents suffered herself from lyme disease for years before finally being diagnosed and has dedicated herself to raising awareness around this pervasive and debilitating disease. i want to personally thank robyn crop for her tenacity and organizing around this issue and working to create opportunities for awareness around public health issue. in the u.s., cases of lyme disease have averaged around
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30,000, which health experts say is 10 times higher than reported due to lack of recognition of sentence and accurate testing. sometimes i think we passed a lot of resolutions at the board of supervisors and wonder where it goes. in this case, last year, a resident who was visiting city hall while this resolution was presented recognized that he might have symptoms of lyme disease after watching several people testified in public, last year. afterwards, he came into our office, lifted his shirt and showed an expanded rash, about a foot in diameter. he had not known until he was public testimony on tv that he might have disease. since then, he has been diagnosed, and we are happy that he is getting the treatment that he finally needs, but it is kind of some good news that happens out of the recognition that we had here at the board. third, wanted to co-sponsor
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