tv [untitled] June 4, 2012 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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has not been done by permit services, the inspections have not occurred, we have to set aside that money to cover that. we are going to work with each controller's office. we had some questions last year and we will try to ensure the number-one thing i want to ensure is that we have enough set aside to continue providing services at a party been paid. and not do it on current revenues. -- services that have already been paid. and not do it on current revenues. questions? >> thank you. >> item 12 b, update on the
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proposed legislation. >> there is not any real update except that the efficiency unit legislation will be going to the planning commission on thursday with some updates by supervisor kim regarding the underutilized vacant buildings, which will not affect test due to the fact that anything that requires a change and use or occupancy or the number of units will require a new certificate of occupancy. that does have some effect on their legislation. we have made it very clear that that will have an effect on their legislation. it will be a change of occupancy in our eyes and will require a new certificate. it will trigger the effects of the rent control board.
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they are looking into it to see if it is going to really affect -- they are looking at the larger buildings to convert them. but we have to cover the bases in every kind of occupancy. that is all the legislation that we have right now, except for the state bills. we will be working on -- working with the mayor's office. >> item 12c, update on permit tracking system. >> i was just looking at the additional penalties for foreclosed properties legislation indicating that it is going to come up before land use after may 3. has there been any movement on that? >> not that i know of.
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>> we are progressing very well in terms of the tracking system. we are on schedule. we completed working with the vendor on ais-is and to be, and then we did that configuration documents to show them how we wanted it all to fit together. they are now working on doing the configuration. they are then going to sit with us as they do the documents and will start doing testing to make sure that what they are designing really is what we want. we are going to start around the first of june. after that, they go into the
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core configuration. i think we are doing well in terms of keeping the timeline. . we have been working with the planning department on overlaps and learned a lot about each other and learned about areas we can improve upon today. so that we are better off. the rest of the information i provided, they're working on some of the interfaces. we had a meeting yesterday with planning to kind of start thinking about how we will go forward with the citizen access so that it is understandable to the person using it. the nomenclature, things that
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people would understand, so they could get the information they expect. we will have a committee that we are going to put together . hopefully, not 50 people. for people interested with insurgent areas of the tennessee -- interested in certain areas of the community. so we could get their viewpoint. that is going to be around july- august. >> thank you. >> items 12d, update on major projects. >> good afternoon.
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you have my package regarding updates of the major projects. yesterday, we had a meeting with director day. try to help them to do a tight schedule and construction. more and more projects are coming anin. tried to move the small projects and the big projects. questions? thank you. >> item 12e, update on q-matic and status of activation. >> we are going live with q-
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matic on june 11. we have translated instructions on what to do and they frequently asked questions sheet. we have those in cantonese and spanish. we are doing the proof of it by people in our department to make sure it is understandable. we are going to do one last work with the people on the first floor to make sure everything goes smoothly. i think we are completely ready for it. we will have people there for a few days to make sure it is working smoothly. the 11th. -- june 11. i hope all of you will be in town to receive the feedback on it.
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>> thank you. >> item 12 f, updates on other technology projects. >> we are trying to focus on the web. we did implement the 3r payment on may 2. we have about 25% of the total requests coming to that. we did have a glitch yesterday with the payment processing. it is used throughout the city for automated payments. we will have a significant amount of refund requests because the system did not work well. but that is not something we can control. that is the first time that has happened. we called the information technology and equipment room,
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-- we call it the information technology and equipment from, that is brewing -- that is going pretty well. i have to get the final approval by the department of technology on the equipment. have theyquote to do -- we have a quote to do the construction. i have been collecting money from a couple of different departments to fiund it. so i think might be settled and have construction began by the mid to end of june. we will cross our fingers.
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>> item 12g, update on disaster coordination unit, a safety kit demonstration. >> both of our coordinators are at a training meeting today to start planning for the california state exercise. it is a major earthquake scenario in the bay area. they are going to report back to you, hopefully, next month on the level of involvement they are expecting from the department of building inspection to do this and what resources we will need to provide. they are completing the draft safety assessment guide with the other city departments for the earthquake annex. that is where they store extra supplies. when they get back ready, we
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will bring it to you for your comments and approval. the safety kit demonstration, we gave this out to all of our employees. it contains what you would normally have in the safety kits at home. i can start explaining everything that is in here, but it is a flashlight, blankets, band-aids, other things that would be needed that they can use at work if the earthquake happens or an event happens while they are at work. this is the kid we have for them at work. the inspectors will have -- this is the kit we have for them not work. the inspectors will have a different kit. this is extra food and water for every individual employees. we also have extra kits in case
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we have citizens in the building. in case the building, in case they cannot get out of the building, we can accommodate the public also. >> item 12 h, items of interest to the bic. >> i put in a newsletter did i get from the building officials. it also has a link to their website. anyone can go ahead and register on it. i wanted to make the commissioners aware of the fact that we have registered with several different organizations that have membership numbers that we can use any time we need to order supplies. we will make a list of those and
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make it available to the commissioners. we will also make available any training that we are going to, or any training that we are providing. the newsletter from the building officials has important information. i thought you could register and didn't electronically -- and gets it electronically. i also assembled for the new commissioners and the existing commissioners, a copy of the appendix d of the city charter. in chapter one of the san francisco building code. it has all of our administration items that we amend at the code. it would be helpful to have the the short version of the chapter
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one instead of bringing the whole book. i copied that for you and i will make it available to you after the meeting. what else? the other thing the department is working noon is a change in r business hours so that we can open up at 7:30. we are working with staff on that. so we can provide some services at 7:30 in the morning. a lot of people have asked for that to happen. i do not know if we can do the over-the-counter yet, but we are working on it. the whole idea is to get the whole department opened at 7:30 and be available for that extra half hour in the morning. except on wednesdays. we will close for training.
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planning is not available on wednesdays, so it makes it -- it is bringing the department to get there. -- together. we need planning to be open at the same time we are to issue the permits over the counter. that is all i have. except for questions. >> thank you for that, it is really helpful. >> thank you, director, forgetting the hour is changed. -- for getting the hours changed. especially for the early risers in the morning. >> we are hoping we can time it along with the q-matic opening. it will give us a week after the
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holiday to get everybody back and. -- in. >> public comment on the director's report items? item 13, discussion regarding the office policy for posting notices of violation. >> i have given you a handout that rose mary prepared for the housing inspection division. we want to expound on that a little bit. president mccarthy provided the posting regulations. >> the package i had was more of the residential [inaudible]
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this is more extensive. >> notices of violations, how it is posted on the site. >> rose mary put it into a bulletin, but we want to be more specific. it will be posted on the front door. we want to make it department wide rather than division wide. and for all kinds of notices, for any kind of notice that have to be posted. take pictures, document, have an actual procedure in place. we hope to have that by next month. >> i think it would have been a lot simpler. thank you for acting on that. >> part of the standing operating procedure would be to
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put the date on the picture. >> we do have the cameras in place. >> we will make sure it happens. >> public comment on item 13? item 14, review and approval of the minutes of the special meeting of december 12, 2011. a motion to approve? >> move to approve. >> second. >> public comment on this item? all in favor? the minutes are approved. item number 15, review and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of january 18, 2012. >> move to approve. >> second. >> public comment on this item? all in favor?
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the minutes are approved. item 16, review and approval of the minutes of the special meeting of february 2, 2012. >> move to approve. >> seconds. >> thank you for catching up on these minutes. >> you are welcome. public comment on item 16? all in favor? the minutes are approved. item 17, commissioners questioned on matters. 17 and a comet increase to staff. at this time, commissioners may make inquiries to staff regarding various documents, policies, practices, and procedures, which are of interest to the commission.
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any comments? item 17 b, future meetings or agendas. at this time, the commission may discuss and take action to date -- to set the date of the special meeting and were determined those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings. the next meeting is scheduled for june 20, 2012. the commissioners mentioned a few items that we will follow up on. we have item 18, adjournment. is there a motion to adjourn? >> move to adjourn. >> second. >> we are now adjourned. it is 1:33.
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director goldstein: good evening, and welcome to the may 30, 2012, a board of appeals. the presiding member is commissioner hwag, and joining her are commissioner frank fung, hillis, and hurtado. there is a vacancy, and the board may have a meeting, and they can overrule with three members. four votes are not needed to overrule a department to action. to my left is the deputy city attorney. her name is francesca, and scott
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sanchez is here. he is the zoning administrator, also representing the planning department and planning commission. joseph duffey is here, representing the building inspectors. and two others are here representing the regulatory health matters from the department of public health. at this time, mr. pacheco, if you could please go over the meeting guidelines and conduct the swearing in process? secretary pacheco: the board requests you turn off all cell phones and pagers and carry on our conversations in a hallway. the rules of presentation are as follows. permit holders and department representatives each has seven minutes to present their cases and three minutes for rebuttals. parties affiliated with visa must include their comments within that time, and members of the public who are not affiliated with the party have up to three minutes each to
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address the board but no were bottles. to assist the board in the actor appropriation of minutes, members of the public who wish to speak on an item are asked but not required to submit a speaker card or a business card when you come up to the podium. speaker cards are available. the board also welcomes your comments and suggestions. there are forms on the left side of the podium, as well. if you have questions about requesting a rehearing or about rules, please speak to someone or call the office. we are located on mission street, room 304, and this meeting is broadcast live on san francisco government television, sfgtv, cable channel 78, and dvd's of this meeting are
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available directly for purchase from sfgtv. thank you for your attention. at this time, we will conduct our swearing in process. if you intend to testify at anything tonight and have the board did your testimony evidentiary weight, please stand, raise your right hand, and say, "i do," after you have been sworn in or a firm. annie lennox speaking without taking this oath, pursuant to the sunshine ordinance in the ministry of code. thank you. but -- members can speak without taking the oath. anyone else? do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? thank you. director goldstein: thank you, mr. pacheco. vice president hwang, commissioners, we have one house
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keeping issue about erecting a building on natomas street. that matter has been withdrawn and will not be heard this morning, so we can move them to item number one, which is public comment. is there any member of the public that which is to speak on an item not on tonight's calendar? ok, seeing none, we will move on to item two, which is the election of officers, or opposite. with the resignation of commissioner michael garcia, who was the president of the board, the office of president is now vacant, and the board needs to hold an election in order to fill it. the torrent of this presidency -- the term of this presidency will be after january 15, 2013. is there any member of the board who would like to nominate a colleague or themselves for the office of president? commissioner: i will. i will nominate commissioner hwang.
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director goldstein: ok. are there any other nominations? seeing none, are there any comments on the nomination of commissioner hwang for president of seeing none, then, mr. pacheco, could you please call the roll? secretary pacheco: we have a motion from commissioner hurtado to elevate vice president hwang to the presidency of the board of appeals. on that motion, commissioner fung. commissioner fung: aye. secretary pacheco: vice president hwang, commissioner hillis. the vote is a four-zero, and chris hwang is elevated to the position of president. [applause] president hwang: thank you.
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director goldstein: seeing that vice president hwang been elevated, the position of vice president is now open. either any nominations? presidents hwang: i nominate commissioner fung. director goldstein: any other nominations? is there any public comment? seeing none, mr. pacheco, could you please call the roll? secretary pacheco: we have denomination from our new president hwang elevate commissioner fung to the position of vice president. on that vote, commissioner fung, hillis, hurtado? the vote is 4-0, and commissioner frank fung is elevated to the position of vice president of the board. director goldstein: congratulations to you both.
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item number four, -- item number three, commissioner comments and questions. seeing none, we will move to item number four. for your discussion and possible adoption are the minutes from the meeting of may 16, 2012. president hwang: i move their approval. director goldstein: other any comments on the adoption of minutes? seeing none, mr. pacheco, could you read the roll, please? secretary pacheco: on the motion from president hwang to adopt the minutes, vice president fung, commissioner hillis, commissioner hurtado? thank you. the vote is 4-0. those minutes are adopted. director goldstein: ok, i will call the next item, which is the
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beginning of our addendum item, number fivea. the board received a letter from peter ryan, the attorney for the north waterfront restaurant group, asking that the board to jurisdiction over permits 0021 and 0035, permits that issued by the department of public works bureau of st. use and mapping on february 21, 2012, and march 8, 2012, respectively, and they ended march 7, 2012, and march 23, 2012, respectively. it is for a sale of everything except for hot dogs for both permits, and i believe that's commissioner hillis as a comment to make. commissioner hillis: yes, i asked to be recused from this item. my employer had something with the permit holder.
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