tv [untitled] June 4, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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arts commission for civic design. i consulted to the city planning department on the city's original design plan and served on a board of directors for eight years and currently on their advisory and project review committees. i also served on the northeast waterfront citizens advisory committee at the time of the preparation and the hearings or the north east waterfront. for the rebuilding of the embarcadero roadway and its adjacent often port properties, that process of about five or six years was long argued, agreed upon, codify, and is in the record. the project before you express's the city and port goals. i have a good deal more i can go into, but i think my time will run out. my parochial northeast credentials are being president twice, and i strongly disagree
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with their current position before you on the matter. as an affordable housing advocates, i have tried for a number of years to find colleague investors for the program and was unable to do so. chair mar: thank you very much for comments. next speaker? >> supervisors, i am president of the jackson square association, and i represent the residence, the merchants, and others in jackson square. we very much support this project. we especially liked the fact that there is a trade-off. this is what the whole communities will benefit from.
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this is especially for the merchants in the area. we think that overall it is a win/win situation, for the city and for the arts community. we hope you support the project. chair mar: thank you. it looks like this is the last speaker. >> party. i am charles. i am speaking on a narrow issue, which i think everyone agrees with, actually. the there are always trade-offs in medicine. obviously, the public will lose if the project goes ahead with certain things. the private sector will gain many things.
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we would have a replacement pool. there is no guarantee that anything will be built, for what is set aside for the pool area. they would not be restricted to recreational use. there is nothing there. this is really a quite lovely design. this is to gain some support. i do not think at this juncture having both the eir and common sense, and the people who swim at the pool, all of us are agreeing that we should have a replacement recreation facility, that you should pass on this to condition any approval you might make with regard to the design modifications, condition that on a restriction so that the
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remaining area, where millions on resale, so there is quite a bit to it. that this be restricted to mitigate the losses that the public will suffer. chair mar: thank you. if there is any other speakers, come forward. ms. hester? >> sue hester. you have references to a number of things today. the waterfront design and access plan. both of these had environmental review. if it has any reference that has gone through environmental review that says this should be, they should provide it for you today.
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there have been a lot to the embarcadero study, and they did not want to have a study that was not tested. by eliminating the median, that study is taken as gospel, even though it never went through environmental review. when did go through the environmental review is the downzoning of the golden gateway. 1972 to 1976. the city changed the height limit for the golden gate way because they had the unfortunate experience of the buildings that had already been built. this downplays everything that had not been built them 84 feet. there were two eir's for that,
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and you have no reference to that, in the northeast embarcadero steady or in this case report, nor by staff. this went under the rug, because that study found that those over 84 feet have an adverse impact because they violate the urban design plan. that is in the record on this case. the planning department wants to adopt that issue. ask them about that. >> thank you. -- chair mar: thank you, ms. hester. >> as lee radiner spare you, eight hours at the last testimony, they have decided to focus their efforts. but a number of you did say in the first round that you're
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going to increase the affordable housing. we will like to see how you will make that happen. but a couple of things quickly, we have heard about the great design. i have to say the developer has done some fabulous renderings. the video in the eir, you look along the edge, and this is what supervisor chiu was talking about earlier. and you put a 70-foot wall next to it, that is what it looks like. this is a very little common narrow sidewalk. you could not move that 5 feet. all it would do is to decrease the interior by 5 feet, but it would make for the kind of elegant prominent we all deserve -- elegant promenade we all deserve. the developer increase to this, but since then, it has shifted.
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>> it is whether or not we are going to lose a view of a giant, tall, a defense and gain more for san franciscans. thank you. chair mar: thank you. seeing no other public comment, we will close public comment. [gavel] we will begin with president cjiu -- chiu. president chiu: this is the democratic process and how we consider various land use decisions, and i want to thank everyone for caring so much, as you do, about the future of our
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waterfront and the future of our neighborhoods. i want to stay at the outset, and this is something that our constituents know. i have not opposed any or all development at this site. what i have had some debate concerns about is about the height increase. the bulk increase. and if we as a body are going to be providing with these extraordinary land use bonuses, there ought to be some good reasons for this. it is no surprise at this moment that we do not necessarily see that, but i do hope that in coming days, at the finance committee or at the financial terms and next tuesday that we will be able to talk more about what is specifically appropriate here. that being said, i do understand a desire to move this forward
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and to call into question. colleagues, what i'd like to ask for this committee to do is to move this forward without recommendation, for several reasons. we have a committee on wednesday. we have just started to learn about changes to financial terms. i am still waiting for information from the developer and waiting for information from the court here to see exactly what this entails. of course, during that time, i think it is inappropriate for deciding to move forward. i do know that there will be ongoing discussions about the various parties to see if there are better ways to resolve what we have here, if there are any changes that we need to be made. so with that, colleagues, i would like to ask for you to do that. chair mar: thank you. i would just like to thank everyone for coming to speak, including the ports and all of the people from the
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neighborhoods around the development that has come to speak, as well. i also wanted to say that i have been in close conversation with supervisors olague and kim, the very much care, like i do, about working with the port and about affordable housing as a priority for us, but also, i think the parking spaces, the public parking spaces are another issue that we want to work to reduce the number of parking spaces perhaps by 20%, but we will continue to work with you. this open space is something that is a tremendous benefit to neighborhoods, in addition to the other benefits, but i wanted to make sure that we are addressing a number of issues that were brought up from around the area, and the last couple of items, i did mention that i am
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familiar with the swimming area currently in the golden gateway swim and tennis club, and i have been here with my daughter, and i do know that that is the space. that should be opened up for more public access, so i look forward to more communication so that the public can have access to that, the aquatics, as well. and then there is much more money going to the public general fund. it is appreciated. i look forward to continuing to look at whether it is the budget analyst's report coming up, to look also at ways that the general fund is supported in the project. the last thing i want to say is that this is an upzoning, and i am looking at the foot print of what is being upzoned.
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this does seem to be in one corner of the lot, which scope'' downward, as well, which i appreciate the planning department with the excellent presentation that looks at the sloping down from the higher heights of the golden gateway and the alcoa building. i look at where is the equity and where is the equitable approach. i look forward to making sure that we maximize this. so i will be supportive of the president's motion to move this forward with that recommendation. colleagues, if you have other comments? supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: thank you, and thank you to everyone who came out today. i would be supportive of moving it with or without a recommendation. what matters is where the boats
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are going to be at the board. it is not so much whether or not the committee put a label about with or without a recommendation. i will be willing to support putting it out without recommendation. chair mar: supervisor cohen? thank you. cell, colleagues, can we move this forward with that recommendation? thank you. thank you, everyone. ms. miller, is there any other business before us? clerk miller: no, there are no other matters. chair mar: thank you. the meeting is adjourned. [gavel] captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> the next time you take a muni bus or train, there could be new technology that could make it easier to get to your destination. many are taking a position of next bus technology now in use around the city. updated at regular intervals from the comfort of their home or workplace. next bus uses satellite technology and advanced computer modeling to track buses and trains, estimating are bought stocks with a high degree of accuracy. the bus and train our arrival information can be accessed from your computer and even on your cellular phone or personal digital assistant. knowing their arrival time of the bus allows riders the choice of waiting for it or perhaps
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captioned by the national captioning institute supervisor chiu: the afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. thank you to sfgovtv further help in televising these weekly meetings. these culpable. supervisor avalos: -- >> supervisor avalos, president. supervisor compos, president. supervisor chu, president.
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supervisor elsbernd, present. supervisor care -- supervisor kim, present. supervisor mar, present. supervisor olague, president. supervisor wiener, president. supervisor chiu: ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag, indivisible, but the body and justice for all. -- with liberty and justice for all. supervisor chiu: colleagues, we have our april 17 and 18th board meeting minutes. seconded by supervisor compost, those minutes have been approved. madam clerk, are there any communications? >> there are none. items one through six comprise the consent agenda and will be acted upon by single roll call vote. unless acted upon by a member.
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supervisor chiu: colleagues, would you like to sever these items? roll-call vote on items 1 through 6. >> mr. president? aye. supervisor:? r cohen? [takes role] l] there are 11 ayes. supervisor chiu: the resolution is adopted. next item? >> an ordinance extending the film rebate program to june 30, 2014, increasing the total amount of available funds up to $2 million. supervisor chiu: thank you. supervisor farrell: this extends the film reprogram through june
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30, 2014. a quick recap of the history of the program, it dates back to 2006, when reports from the film commission. since it was created, 135 san francisco residents were employed by this program, bringing in $12.5 million in -- -- wages to san francisco residents. film production spent over $6 million in the city of san francisco on labour, hotel accommodations, supplies and other services. i believe that we mean it -- we need to maintain the critical jobs in the city. there are a number of new jobs coming out, including a new woody allen film that was
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announced, which would continue to extend the film industry's prominence a little bit in 7 cisco. it would diversify our economy and i hope that this is something that i can get your support on. thank you. supervisor chiu: colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? or do we need a roll call? san house, same call. next item. >> item #8. ordinance authorizing the department of the environment to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $403,000 from the california public utilities commission, through pacific gas and electric company, to study the impact that the replacement of old refrigeration equipment in san francisco businesses would have on energy usage and peak power demand in the city, and amending ordinance no. 146- 11 annual salary ordinance, fy2011-2012 and fy 2012-2013) to class 5640 environmental specialist grant funded position (.25 fte) at the department of the environment. supervisor chiu: same house, same call? this is passed on the first read. item #9. >> item #9. resolution authorizing the lease by t-mobile west corporation of approximately 160 rentable square feet of ground space located at 720 moscow street for
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the san francisco fire department. supervisor chiu: colleagues, i understand that supervisor avalos lives within 500 feet of this location. can i have a motion to excuse him? seconded by supervisor campos. another jet -- without objection, his excuse. if we could take the roll call vote on item number nine? >> item #9, roll call vote. [calls the roll] there are 10 ayes. supervisor chiu: that resolution is adopted. thank you, item 11. >> item number 11. resolution approving an amendment to the contract with apollo health street, inc., for retroactive claiming of aged accounts services to $3,675,000 for an additional four years.
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supervisor chiu: roll-call vote? >> on item 10, president chu. mr. president, i skipped over 10. item number 11. [roll-call vote] there are 11 ayes. supervisor chiu: the resolution is adopted. we can take it back to item number 10. >> item number 10. resolution approving an amendment to the contract with addiction, research, and treatment, inc., dba baart, for methadone maintenance services to $26,043,065. supervisor chiu: colleagues, can
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we do this same outcome -- same house, same call? without objection, adopted. next item. >> item number 12. resolution approving an amendment to the contract with asian american recovery services for fiscal intermediary services to $113,859,922 for an additional four years. supervisor chiu: colleagues, can we do this same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. item number 13. >> item number 13. resolution approving an amendment to the contract with triage consulting group for retroactive claiming of aged accounts services to $1,823,761 for eight years. supervisor chiu: colleagues, some house, same call? this resolution is adopted. >> item number 14. resolution authorizing the san francisco recreation and parks department to accept and expend a grant administered by the california state parks and recreation department in the amount of $4,000,000 for the project. supervisor chiu: the resolution is adopted, some house, same call. >> item number 15. resolution authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of state transportation development
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act article 3 funds for various pedestrian and bicycle projects in san francisco in fy2012-2013, totaling $907,824 including $453,912 for the department of public works and $453,912 for the san francisco municipal transportation agency. supervisor chiu: colleagues, house, same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 16. resolution determining that the premise to premise transfer of a type 48 on-sale general public premises liquor license from 181 eddy street to 43-6th street (district 6) to mark e. rennie for club omg!, llc, dba club omg!, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the people of the city and county of san francisco, in accordance with section 23958.4 of the california business and professions code, with conditions. supervisor chiu: same house, col. this resolution is adopted. item number 17. >> item number 17. resolution urging the secretary of the navy to christen a ship as the "u.s.s. harvey milk." supervisor chiu: supervisor wiener? supervisor wiener: thank you very much, mr. president. colleagues, before us today is a resolution to support a great honor for one of the most iconic figures in the history of san
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francisco, as well as the lgbt community. this idea came from the community in san diego. as you probably know by now, supervisor harvey milk was a naval officer who served in korea. this was an important aspect of his life. i am told by those who know him that he talked about his military service and that, although, like many people, he was against the vietnam war, he remained proud of his military service. if you go to harvey milk plaza, in the muni station there is a series of photos of supervisor milk in various points in his life. one of those photos is a photo of him as an officer in the navy. supervisor milk wore a navy dealt with a master divert bought call. someone sent me pictures -- master diver buckle. someone sent me a picture of him
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wearing it at his headquarters, on the stump, making speeches. lgbt people have served in the armed forces for many years. our community was hidden in the press in the armed services. now, because of the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, our community can serve openly and properly. be must support our lgbt soldiers, past and present. i can think of no better way to do that than to name a vessel for a navy officer who went on to become one of the most important lgbt civil rights leaders in history. some have questioned whether a navy vessel should be named for harvey milk, given that harvey milk was for peace. i will note that the navy has named vessels for cesar chavez, edgar members, and samuel barber.
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