tv [untitled] June 5, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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informed with that. we will continue an annual exercise and bring the military together with civilian responders and managers to really start to test how we work together with dod. we have all seen the line diagrams. this is very complicated. usually things get stopped. first you have the mayor, who asks the governor, who asks the president. this can get really complicated. we have started to exercise with this and this is how it all works from a policy perspective. we have a topic last year, which is a national challenge. we also had a walk around how we would work together for that. knowing, this was a big ugly complex that you would not fall
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a couple of hours. we were able we want to narrow the focus and get down to some gran new layer tee on some of the issues -- gran layer tee on some of the issues. so there will be three tracks that are going to happen more or less simultaneously. the first is a command and control exercise. actually the scenario for that is being bounced around. it will be route clearance and the debris management plans. and the idea is, how do we work together? the second is the communications peels. we wants to bring the military in with the communications experts from san francisco and actually have them talk to each other. it's not as easy to bridge some of these networks as it seals. and i'm not the communications guy. so the idea is to spends the first part of that exercise talking to each other and
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learning, and the second part, send them into the field and let them play with the toys and do it. get that experience, get to know each other. finally, the third track on this is to continue on the medical surge portion of it. we're trying to put together an experience that will introduce some of our hospital planners, our hospital administrators to the world of the national disaster system in a very real way. if all goes as planned, we'll be bringing them together for a briefing. from there they will be boarding an aircraft and taken to moffett. a military aircraft or helicopter, taking them to moffett, where the national guard has offered to put on a display of a c-130 j, the big car go planes, that's what will be there. and another briefing from the medical people there on how this all works. it will be a kickoff to what we
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would like to be a year-long effort at really planning for how we would move patients out of san francisco if we had to in a logical and safe fashion in exercising with the d.o.d., culminating with the summer of 2013. if it goes as planned, culminating in 2013 with an actual patient movement exercise, where we would have the hospitals, have their operations centers open, actually have to make some of these decisions, work with the health department operations center, work with the e.o.c. and work with d.o.d. to actually, over two days, plan for, organize and execute a patient movement. it sounds very ambitious, but our friends in the military are very confident they can do it. and i'm throwing the challenge out to our health community, because i think we can do. i when you actually get right down to it, it needs to be done. honestly it's the first time that any of us have seen this happen. i think san francisco is the place to do it. and with that, i think we're done. >> thank you, rob.
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very exciting. yes, monique. >> two comments, if i may. first and foremost, i just want to make sure everybody in the room is aware that there will be america's cup events in 2012 during fleet week. that will create a lot of excitement and a lot of activities. and to that end, i want to make sure that we look at the refund plans, because the assets we normally have available will not be available, so we might want to have others identified. >> as part of the planning and the three exercises, we did raise those issues, monique. but thank you. president chiu. >> post exercise with briefings with my colleagues and i. we are getting dozens of suggestions every week on what
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the city is doing [inaudible] >> we would be happy to do that. they're not totally put together yes, correct? >> the first draft of the action is being released, they'll get feedback and we'll be able to release it formally once we get there. >> we will definitely do that. thank you. any other questions or comments? ok. then i'm going to turn it over to our resilience and recovery manager, alicia johnson, who's going to tell us about all the great stuff we did in april and are still doing. >> thank you. as the mayor said, we have a campaign going on right now with current retailers throughout the community. i believe you also have a disaster checklist in front of you, a shopping list. these are things that are sold at retailers. out in the hallway we have a
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poster similar to that graphic here to give you an idea. an example of the displays that a local retailer has put up in honor of april and the campaign. additionally with that, we also have or have had a radio campaign going on with f.m. 106 cameo. this is the website that they have had up. so we, too, could get ready and go directly to our 72-hour page. in addition to that we have one more opportunity that -- for you all, and it's actually part of the family and that is what the museum through park and rec. our partnership with that particular organization showcases how to drop cover and hold and what to do if there is a tsunami alert and you are near low-lying ground. we have an opportunity to reach out to children and, again, help implement the culture of
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preparedness that the mayor mentioned earlier. and just a reminder to let you all know, we do continue to talk about not only our emergency preparedness, but our emergency management skills through all of our social media channels on twitter, facebook and others to help spread the awareness and the preparedness. thanks. >> thank you, alicia. any questions? april is always a fun month for us and lots of activity. so april and october are our two biggest months. this year even bigger with america's cup here. we are starting to highlight each meeting we're going to highlight one our community partners. so i'm going to ask michael pappas, director of san francisco interface council, if you would like to spend a few minutes giving us an update on where you are and maybe tell us a little bit about your program coming up next week.
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>> thank you, director cronenberg. my name is michael pappas, the executive director of the san francisco interface council and a member of our city's human rights commission. our council was founded actually 23 years ago in response to two crises in the city. a homeless crisis and an earthquake. we received our initial funding from church world service because they wanted to give funding to a group that was interfaith. so a group of faith leaders who were in the mayor's office at that time again met and that was the genesis of the interfaith council. we have 800 congregations in the city and counties of san francisco, as well as their respective jude ca torres and the faith-based social services agents sis that provide essential services to some of the most vulnerable in our community. you're talking about april being the month. like a very long certainlyon,
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we've extended it into may -- sermon, we've extended it into may. [laughter] it's hard to believe, but i'm looking at one of our partners, and jim turner and director cronenburg. this is going to be our fourth biennial conference. as many of you remember when katrina hit it was the big community that was there right at the outset and continues to be there. we've been blessed to work with great partners like the american red cross and d.e.m. this year we are very excited on may 2. we are going to be gathering again at st. mary's cathedral. i'm pleased to tell you that we have exceeded capacity. we have more than the 200 that we planned for, so we're ordering more food. we are blessed to have as our speakers both chief joanne hayes and director cronenburg is going to give us a briefing
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as well. we are going to be welcoming from the u.s. department of homeland security the director of the center for faith-based and neighborhood partnerships, david meyers, and the region nine fema administrator, nancy ward. we're going to begin the wram with a memorial service for all of those who perished in the crises and disasters over the last two years. interestingly, when we sent the invitation we extended it not just to the clergy, but the facilities managers as well as the key volunteers in communities, and we seat those who attend by neighborhood, so that they can get to know one another. this year we are really pleased to be working with the city in a neighborhood empowerment network. they are rolling out something called resilient bill. a tabletop exercise that's going to be making its debut both at our workshop as well as in new wellington, new zealand. so we will be celebrating that. following that there's going to be a panel of stakeholders who
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have had firsthand experience in the december, 2011, western edition fires as well as those who are doing ongoing disaster preparedness up in diamond heights. i'm pleased to tell you that our support -- the funding for this particular program is coming from the california pacific medical center, who we've had a very, very good relationship with regarding disaster preparedness. and i gave all of you copies of the save the date card. if you want to pop your heads in, there's a registration card there. i'm sure that there will be enough food for everyone. >> thank you, michael. we're going to make this a regular feature of disaster council, where we let our community partners share what's going on next -- i guess july is our next council meeting. we're going to ask alessaadamo if she wants to come forward and share with us.
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last meeting we had the american red cross. so we will continue to do this. and we also -- and i didn't want to put the city administrator, kelly, on -- i didn't want to put her on the spot today, so we're starting it at our next meeting. but as a regular agenda item, we are going to have updates from the lifelines council, because the lifelines council meets about a week before disaster council, so it seems like a natural that we would get updated on the great work that you're doing there. so at our next meeting. and if there are other things that folks would like to see that we're not covering, let me know. we're trying to make this a little more interactive. i also -- you know, these meetings used to be an hour and a half. i think an hour is plenty of time. everybody's very busy. but, you know, we don't want people to sit here. we'd really like your input. so share your ideas, if you have anything that we're not doing that you think we should. so this is your opportunity to tell us what's going on in your
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world. are there any updates from councilmembers 1234 members of the board, are there things that you would like to share with us? yes. >> i'm with the building owners managers association. we represent the commercial office buildings downtowns, approximately about 200 of them. i'd just like to thank the fire department and the police department and d.e.m. in particular, because we have a great working relationship with each of those three city departments. we're conducting this year, in august, a um -- could of building evacuations, emergency preparedness things. we had a shooter at 101 cowell a number of years ago. we need to replicate these kinds of instances in office buildings to make sure they don't happen again in reality. so i just want to, on behalf of boma thank the police departments, the fire department and d.e.m. for working closely with downtowns and in particular, with the building owners and managers association. thank you. >> thank you for all the good work you're doing. other announcements?
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yes. >> both the department heads are probably aware of the ongoing recovery techniques and tools. the introductory version of this is being given once during may and we've been in touch probably with your chief financial officers to capture those who haven't had that level of training. and the next level of trainer deeper into the same materials, more sophisticated. so we have a really good core of people that know how to do fema cost recovery being built in the city. the controller's office will do that, a deeper one also during the month of may. and depending how good it is, then we can make some improvements and invite other departments after that. so just to make you aware those are happening. if you have somebody that needs introduction to cost recovery training, again, we've probably been in touch with them already, but let us know if there's somebody who looks like that.
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>> thank you, peg. other announcements? >> maybe just a reminder about the [inaudible] >> thank you. >> will reopen monday, 5:00 a.m. >> thank you chief. yes. >> question -- i've heard there's going to be an early closure of the golden gate bridge on may 1. [laughter] >> thank you, ken. >> i want to start off by thanking you for your kudos. monday tuesday of this week -- boma is an excellent partner and has also helped us get the word out to your members on what to expect. you've clearly done a lot of
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groundwork on how to respond, to make sure that the activities are facilitated and not problematic. so i thank you for that. we have been meeting with the golden gate bridge authority and c.h.p. regarding the potential first amendment activity that may occur on the golden gate bridge on tuesday. c.h.p. is the lead law enforcement agency for that. the golden gate bridge authority is all over it as well, national parks, and we have a component of it as well. so there's several working plans in place to facilitate that, as with all first-amendment actions. making plans for how to facilitate and plan for things that might go awry. it is an event that has a beginning, middle and end, intended to draw attention during the morning commute hours. so i would be mindful of it but know that there's already plans in place. and the labor council has been
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>> there are kids and families ever were. it is really an extraordinary playground. it has got a little something for everyone. it is aesthetically billion. it is completely accessible. you can see how excited people are for this playground. it is very special. >> on opening day in the brand- new helen diller playground at north park, children can be seen swinging, gliding, swinging, exploring, digging, hanging, jumping, and even making drumming sounds. this major renovation was possible with the generous donation of more than $1.5 million from the mercer fund in honor of san francisco bay area philanthropist helen diller. together with the clean and safe neighborhood parks fund and the city's general fund. >> 4. 3.
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2. 1. [applause] >> the playground is broken into three general areas. one for the preschool set, another for older children, and a sand area designed for kids of all ages. unlike the old playground, the new one is accessible to people with disabilities. this brand-new playground has several unique and exciting features. two slides, including one 45- foot super slide with an elevation change of nearly 30 feet. climbing ropes and walls, including one made of granite. 88 suspension bridge. recycling, traditional swing, plus a therapeutics win for children with disabilities, and even a sand garden with chines and drums. >> it is a visionary $3.5 million world class playground in the heart of san francisco. this is just really a big, community win and a celebration
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for us all. >> to learn more about the helen diller playground in dolores park, go to >> good afternoon. and welcome. welcome to san francisco. my name is lisa villareal, and i am here during this lunch representing not only the coalition for community schools, but also president and ceo of these and francisco foundation. she could not join us to introduce the mayor of san francisco. let me tell you a bit about our mayor and let me tell you about
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the passion he has for community schools. rarely do we find an elected official, and mayor that comes with so many vital skills and experiences that relate directly to powerful community engagement. from his early days as managing attorney for the asian law caucus, to key positions including the director of employment relations, director of the human rights commission, the director of city purchasing, director for public works department, and finally, city and administrator prior to his election. mayor edwin lee has experienced every civic perspective. his dedication and a passion for children and youth are evident by his extraordinary support for the san francisco department of children, youth, and families. one of the first national city
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based initiatives to support children and youth. to be matched only by his outstanding partnership with the san francisco unified school district that is one that many districts across the united states within the -- would envy. they have forged a partnership to deepen schools and embrace the full-service community schools initiative across the city of san francisco. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the forty third mayor, and the first asian-american mayor of the city and county of san francisco, mayor edwin m. lee. [applause] >> thank yo, lisaou, lisa, for t introduction. welcome to san francisco, how do you like the weather? first of all, i want to thank her and marty from the san francisco foundation and sam
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hernandez that is not with us today. they are doing a good job with our educators to make sure that the school district is never isolated. i knolerned that -- learned that a long time ago. the best cities are the ones that place education at the very center of what we are trying to do as mayors. i want to welcome the mayors of lincoln, nebraska and hartford, connecticut. thank you for being here. i want to welcome the various school board members and administrators that are here today on this important topic of community schools, thank you for coming to san francisco. thank you for taking this opportunity to learn from each other how we can do better.
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i was talking with my education adviser, hydra mendoza. it doesn't go a week that we don't talk to each other about the value of education. whether it is hurt, carlos garcia, or the incoming superintendent, we will always place education at the center of our agendas. that is what we have to do. i can't conceive of any city in the country who would not place education the highest part of their agenda. it just doesn't seem like you are a city if you don't do that. in san francisco, we value that because we are knowledgeable. we know how important it is not only for our kids, but the role of education and everything that we do.
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and the fact that our community school concept is alive and well and our city -- in our city. we have had those years where we look at the school district and we say, wait a minute, we don't have to work with them. they are a state agency. and the state gave it up and they keep giving it up. we keep having to respond. for me, i am sick and tired of responding to what the state is not going to do that we have to anticipate the bad news and we have to embrace these school districts and to make sure that they are always part of our city. that is why we have been working on ideas and programs to make sure the health department is engaged. to make sure our public safety agencies are engaged with the school district. our mayor's office, the budget office, the board of supervisors. all the other elected officials
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have to find some way to engage our school district, the administrators. that is why i have been talking all morning about how to get a meeting with the ceos. yes, our principles of our school district. they are like the ceos. we have to engage everybody to make sure that we are doing the right things to balancing all the things that they need to run a successful school property and a school program. i benefited from public education many years ago. now that i am 60, those years are being recollected slower. as a recipient of public education, i have known for some many years that i was and passion that -- i was passionate about succeeding as an individual. there are more barriers to success these days. financial barriers.
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every time we turn around, there is another barrier presented to successful education. that is why the cities must be involved and the community schools have to be a concept that everybody embraces. i want to thank you for holding this important meeting here because we have been trying to champion the whole community schools concept. we know that the success of our kids have to do with everybody being involved. from army dunton to carlos garcia -- arne duncan to carlos garcia and everyone involved with this movement, we have to involve everybody at the early stage. we can't let our schools fail by allowing them to be isolated. with your help, with your ideas, with the programs that are the foundations that we are coordinating and implementing, the greater idea is to involve everyone else in the community
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with our schools, that is going to be, i think, the way out. the only thing -- the other thing that i would like you to know, the other efforts are to involve more of our businesses with our schools. in san francisco, we are leading the effort to make sure that the technology companies in of a -- innovate and find success as part of our city. i would like that success of innovation that many technology companies are bringing to their businesses to also happen with our school district. i know that if we can innovate our way to better taxi dispatch is like we are doing with technology companies were better ways to service delivery, we can also innovate ways in which education can be a greater part of every kids' lives and all parents. and making sure that we can use
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technology and the business community to do that. we will be introducing these ideas, working with our principles, working with the school boards and the superintendent to make sure that we can also link the businesses that are doing great things and discovering fantastic ideas of businesses. we can also link them to the school districts and make them an innovative part. thank you for being here, thank you for sharing, and thank you for being part of our great movement of community schools in our city and our country. thank you very much. [applause] >> enjoy your lunch, we will resume the program and about 10 minutes. -- in about ten minutes.
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