tv [untitled] June 5, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT
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>> i was not goingto speak on this because it doesno exercise me that much. i am confed as far as the provisions for the vially impaired. i was on the paratransit executive board r eight ars. urg thattime, the rf for the debit card terminals that are now in the calves was constantly frontnd center constantly beinworked on. everybody wasging input to what the ces should be to best serve the disabled public. paratransit put those termals inhere. if they did not serve the
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paratransit-using public that is one of the reasons it took o ng for the rfp. is ts something that needs fixing? i hear the fare at th end audibly, and it is loud enough r th person in the back sea to hear. do we nd rnven this? r ma it so upon quest that can be rattleout eachtime the meter clicks? i do not even begin to think what kind of complaintsyou would t out that fr drivers. if it can be done, it n be done. >> mary mcguir acabdriver 47with medalon i had a rercustom
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lt year whwas blind. h never ind vingme his credit card. numerous times, i to him he. the back seat is redundant. i do n wantit in my cab. i iis going to havaudio, i amot going to be le to drive thhavany more. tre is so much gadgetry as ere is i will not beable to dre a cab anymore. la from the back seat i am not going to be able deal with that eit we ha small print. there is a lot of taki your eyes off of throad. i have to go thrgh five eps it is to turn of the meter. have ought up thdangers of
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all these electronic equipment things in the cab. yr not supposed to e your cellphone in a vehic. it is dangeus. reto ve a higher rateof brain cancer because they are alwaysn the cellpne. ver use cell phe a vehicle. ll these devices have the se sort of l-level radiati. i wonder thisis just anotr case of workers getting sick for omebody else's convenience. a woman ed of cancer last week is it reted? a womtarted getting si afterhey put the ck at terminals in in 20 years, when peop start getting sk, they are go.
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>> i usean a tt work woerful. i do not need any more units in my cab. squa works wonderful. abot electronic waybills, i have been dring 22 years and ve never once beenasked to theare riculous. they make no sense. the cab comny ha to store them for years. it takes up space. i do not understa the poi of a way bill.
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>> there are too many laws. we are a very ttle guy. a lot orules. we are a little guy. ceo's lose their jobs if they improperlyfile t paperwork. they can lose tir job. last year and this year, the view is like this. th department knows a taxi driver has to do their job. anectronic waybill isust like tracking you. the division already knows the will follow a lot orules and regulation to comply with our
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i saw oneuy in and one guy out. they picked out a lot of stomers. taxi driver, even better. we changeshift at gasstations on and on, somethg likthat. this is like the technologyof how many buses to get in a send. we dnot need to fill up the paperwor that is fine for us as well. mega not even know --e no even knowow t ell it in the stet. maybe it isoo long. on and on. i hope at a driver d you --
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ybills. are you ready? you are incap people. chrpersonnolan: public hearing will bclosed. [alause] if you keep itup i will have you removed from the room. mmbs of the board, do u want to ta these together? it ems to me the first item 12 has a lot of consens around it. anybody have anyproblems or comments on th? >> do want to recoize the id of the way bills. cirperson nolany urther discussion? all in favor the ayes have it. item13. director heinicke: i he some questions. how you respond to equestion that
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maybee shouldfollow e nils port anlet the companies deci. are trying to crea a uniform access for all customers? >> it comes from the board of supervisors asking our staff our agency, what we have done as we go to regulatory changes to try to make irovements for the benefit of the industry. the blic is not alys at this ble for the convertion. next time you get into a san francisco taxi i advise you to look at the rate card and see if you can read it at all and if you can geany information that is useful t y aa passge if not, you t thinkabt thefits of signs to taxhe custers. a consistent problem in theaxi indtristt
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e ge into a taxi. one do not know what axone isn. my thgs can ppen -- something small asgetting away fm sten. you do not know w torespond that situaon. one wa taken from the headlines of last we. >> wwould impose iac e board raer than lettinthe cor schemes jews as ey go? >> the a s compromises in crafting this policy. it is wired to the meter a can pris kind o
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information to allustome. i did not feel e was a consensus on at point, especial gin thsquared device the recent move to allso tlet devices that are connec to theet the can be handed ba to the customerinrdertpress their paymen those devic may not be available signs tohe taxi cuomers. nevereless, they lfilled what bethe bottom line for stf. can th customer choe the tip amount from the backseat? we prer there bauniform soon connectedto the meter b given e wi range of prenced dustry this a compromise solution that woulallothe mpany small as ee tovidesutio
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that wod not be ove burdensom while at the same ti usingsome oth comprehensive technologyh as mthas provide rect einicke: a cversatioth was repte byeveral -- i not think it in this now. do you anticipa that it will b a problem to ro these systemout in a way soth for am t deult is the ing is n udibly unless it needs to be that paicar customer? also customer chces wi rerd to wheer to tu the lights doturn the machine off. those should t be a problem as we roll thiout. s that correct >> i believe weput thatnto thenddsor the legislation.the soun of course shod
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go completely off t the election the peopl inside the car. i have no obctnto those bei the deult lg as there is the ility of t customer toake vantageof he utility in thback at it. finallywe did i fact condu several rods testof several hicl with different onfigurations, ndted by th sf mta safety staff with vaou different equipment designed to measure radiofrequency emissions. the uns th areconnted to thmeters ewed so we would not expect to e aot i act, eresults were far bow any rulatory levels,nd in most cases not even detectable. chairperso nolan: anything else?
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other members of the boar >thank u r carg up the direency exposure. for tho the foowing along in the bopage6 of the attachment. i ameady t make a moti to prove. chairperso nolan: is ther second? all inavor wwi take a 10 mute ea >> we are going to go ahead an get started again. chairmannolan has to leave for
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an engagement. he had to leave fo event, so i am taking over for him. before westart on ite 14 and 15 which i believe we will combine, iould like to go ahead and ask . morley from the city attorney's office to give us a legal opinion on the idea that we perhaps vioted sunshine regulations with o amendme on item 11. thank you. >> good afternoon i am from the city attorney's office. t amendment to item 11 was proper under the sunshine ordinance. the items it was agenda is to reject agend - -- as it was agendized would allow drivers to uheir own merchants. t board was free to decide
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that to decide ty we not ing to alw it. hey re free to allow but subject to conditions. there s violatn. thank you very much. >> i think we an combine items and 15. -- vice chrpson brinkman: scretary boomer: recommending that the department repeal ole" ovisions, in esignating that staff may enforce parkinglaws deleting a sectn whicmakes such designations it orizes the mta to subpoena evidenceestimony relevant tforcemt of motor vecle for hire regulations. it increases penalties for operating aotor vehicle
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or higher without a ermit remembering rious ctions for cla and elimating outdated provisions of the business tax and regulations code. item amends rious sections of division two the transpoion code t add inions amend finitions, add requiren forenalof color scheme permits, and render permits iivif not completed in 60days, requiring all gaand gates medallion vehies changts on lor scme property authorize e directoroimpo oratorium he suce or provide retaliatio. iles a requirement axistaken t ofrvice be retued t seice thin 3 days be permanently replad. it makes authored usof a vehia separate offense
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it requir color chemto port iurce cims fto the a toinsure that are not violatg laws imiting shift leth. it rohibi ertain pracce in connec withaccepting paen paratransitdet card prohibits drivs from taerwith reqd equipmen quiressecurity caras macted fter 2006, upth thata availab to themta and sfpd. it kes changes to procedes r hearings i clarifiepredures on citions sued t permit holders. it clarifieocedures foroving public tice. itkes coloscheme permit olders respoib for nsuring that all te fees chardare wiin t c. those are the two items.
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vi chairperson brinkman: we have speakers on those items? any comment befo publ comment? >> i will reiterate that both of hese moving provisions from the pole code to th transportation code, and the cleanup items, are the result of many years of experience in working throh these codes and identifying problems or loopholes or other things that have been part of ongoing process to clean up and stabilize regulation sthat everybody knows actly what the rule book is. i will remi you that you did approve additional enforcement capabyfor the taxi services division that willelp us in frce enforce those
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gulations. director bridges: -- seetary boomer: namesnames are called] >> speak to item 14. on your pbs file material -on your file material allthese clauses -- if you look at the fil whereasclause it says the proposed ordance would move the jurisdictionof the board of appeals from taxi hearings. if this goes forwardwithout that being taken awaynd severed the medallion holder association and otr dallio holders that are not in o aiaonwill have little chce but to mbard the board of supeisors and implore them not let ur due proc righ btake away by fiat.
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stion 4.106 b o th city charter, esishein 1932 provides the city have an appeals ard as arbiter wh evepermits are granted or revoked. appes tothe department of publ works, publ health, taxi, and many other entities. for you to be dending you decision to have an ordinance to take away a board of appeals protection, we could have unscrupulous regulators, if we do not now. i have sympathy with the idea that we do not want people who do not have legitimate cases to get charged for fraud. they should be able to go to perior court and keep thei income flowing for five years. that s a separate issue that needs to be addressed
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separately. i think the board of appeals made a super majority to overturn. i think these will be slam dunk cases for the taxi. this is a separate issue. thank you veuc >>ood afternoon agn, directors. a lot of stuff in item15 so excuse me for talking fast. some taxis are operated by coanies such as look sir. --uch as luxor. other cabs are operated directly by the medallion holder. the drivers paytheir dates directly to the medallion holder. we aed to make the medallion
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holder responsible for those particular . they are not going to apply to the transaction. we are a little alarmed wi being responsible fothat. there is a burdensome requirements. many of the claims have no merits whatsoever. the statistics about aims have little bearing on reality. we already prepare a loss-run statementso t insurer. be careful about treading on that sensitive area of our business. other sections require us to make weekly and monthly accountings to paratransit regarding certain equipment.
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these are burdensome and not necessary the public interest. these are details that are appropriately left fors to negotiate the contract on. we ask that ou drop section 1114 a altogether. director bridges: --ice chaierson brinkman: thank you. >> good afternoon. there is lot of stuff here. i do not have alot to with the permitting. i apprecie the increase in the level of enforcement. i have seen taxi's offer a white over green crown victoria with the words "bay c." i do not
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