tv [untitled] June 5, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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times i have lost a fair to him pulling up and driving away. it is ridicous. iastalkg to eorcement about that on thursda the other is the black and gold guy. heis everywhere. i know he has a oodles of mey he owes youguys as it isbut he is opering with impunity. you cannot take his wheels. i donot know how else to do that. i am going toir the complaint. i assume that st drivers are acceptg yment. an iseth came up ll -- a meeting we had a desoto cab is that a lot of times wanting tobe heful,
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you spd a lot of time on the front end and the back end. use secure the passenger in the back. the also have bags and things like tt. you cannot initiate the button until you start to go. omething we would like to e as a driver is consideration of that throughthe paratransit program. hank you for your time. >> i have a rervation out items 14 and 15. the board of peals is an inefficienprocess right now. the rewriting of the legislation allows representation by awyers. what really is happening the personwho want an inefficient
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process is bucking these imprements. i ronglyrecommend you vote in favo of item 14. with regard to item 15, if the director of transportaon imposes a moratorium on the color scheme this badge permits that would t be apermanent sort of thing. the motorium would depend upon circumstances, and so forth. i strong belie it should be impossible. thereare varus intuitively derived calendars by which people could go into business. as iunderstand, it is b one.
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th stu isnot ough. please do not atthe acsso thboard ofppeals. hedirector tendstowiel power like acael. witn th industry and the transporta indury futureirects ve wielded power ke aludgeon. xse me. peviousirecto. tt y be thease with a futu director. the regulatns mustalso prect the persons being psecuted. the board of apals outside e sf mta looper -- loop unlikeheearing
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officer. if u eliminate the bod of appealst m is dge,jury, executier, and cash registe te board of ppeals is latily aordabl if youlinate t the onl thg left istcourts whh cab driv please do no make it so that a pe can onlyge thjuic they can affor failureo appear mesn nal and not suec tourther jucial riew? just for no swing up? whf yo ve a vindictive ex-roommate or ex-spoand not get the informatn u have toppea t year to pear pcludes responding from assertin
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stdi for jicial review. dnot precde judiaeview just becausody es not sh up. please leit behe same notice as every other item. secrety boomer: [names ar ll. ] >> i am going to start my comments about procs again. putouelf iny shoes. ireceiv all thesechanges th agoing to moment asleep affect t industry isweek and tuesday, we arvong on it. there are me issu that ne to be tted. re cotability, higher standards a bei hel accotable for servis. but when all of this is thrown up me withithe week, an we
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are voting tuesday, itis really out of line. c go pecifics. overalli pporis te of anges. i thi if itwaaffeed properly, u uld have a etr piece of legislation in front you. tools. i want iv thagtool to orce this dustry and ke inr. it isthe wi wt o ther i pinion. my ss is dependent high-qualityndards for this stry. at thsame time to throw this out in th nner wi les than ek considatg aaems, spng inutes and two there, i out lin i you wiltake time n thfutuso we can ve u-nded pu in the me i can ready edifferent recommendations
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you mighthink wou be appropriate whenou putthe rus il lea it tt. i support whaarles said. i support changes. i think there should beven strgerule ofnforcement but pase t yourself in my oes. lesthan a we all thesmontous chans. goi to fect my 50 us ivers in my cpany. yu have to make a decision now. >> good aernoon again i hope by the next ti it migh be good evening,but i will say good aftnoon. i want to cor a cole of quick things on item 1 subsection four requires nl the as and kate mellions to change shis on the prerty. long-term leases can do what
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th want. yellow cab changes on the property. this isrying to separate us, just like the gas and gates from the affiliates and color schemes. i think it iappropriate if ther is a dispute, where some one cannot get satition f the ca company or insurance company. the mt should y be looked into it. but 99% of the claims people hit thcab or the cab hit somebody and they are settled. the othertngs are thprivacy iss requiring security camera data. i do not tnk there is an objection to a case by case basis but this looks like a blanket thing. everything theyo in the cab coul
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be viewed byomeone oth than the police othe than related to a crime. lstly you kp talking about coloscheme. he color scheme permit hold is rponsible for the gates being charged. it is appropria that the color scheme beappropriate forthat not the dalln holder. thank you. secretary boomer: [names are called] >> good afternn. very toronto -- barry toronto. gin us two minutes to comment on mething complicated 15 -- a lot of hem makes nse or are impoant,t ey have not been vetteat town
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meetin. we did not talk about electronic waybills at the town hall meeting. it became re enable towd the taxi indtry. today, there wera lot of concerns. sme shoul brougbefore town hall meetings so tcan be vented propey. therere genuinconcerns about he wording. we have not seen these changes until the last few days. i cannot even ret ll to that. regarding 14 themake a lot of housekeeping changes except for the one about the board of appeals. i have a concern about due process. all he permits issued by the ci go to the boardappes. if you do his, y hav legal precent. you ma haveto t ans r permits sh spth bod of appea. youd have o more brd
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appeals.isis lke atby trest of the city governmentas peits the go tothe d of appes. you will have tochange the charter, poib. the city attorneyshould loo to that thother part is it is partf r fees that o toward peals. thatmeans you shousend rend checktoverydy. tof them hapaid i advaefor the next year hf, a me ofthat goes to he board appls. sgiusur fu check, if you agree with that. you can take that out, buhold off on 15 until we have ad town hall meetings. >> mark greuber speaking on behalf of unitedaxicab
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works. these items, neither of them is ready for prime time. the other items you had before you at least had a long history of previous scussion. these are new. i saw this late saturday morning after driving might friday night shift. i get up. i turn n my computer turday. it isthe first timi sa es items. tere devastatg stuff. ts business with the boardf appeals, taking away the t tooto therdf appeals. let y yourd is suspendedfor two months. it meanyou ll not make any oney for two mohs. your only alternate will be t hire a laer for$5or 0,00and takethem to perior court? dilous. som othe other things there a repl
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in the regulations co tt ves e ou that can becharged to somebody who news thr card or rmanentl. hat is a very importt protection i do n kw the anytnglse in thesrules tt would plac th. it has been abused inhe past. there was a poinat hich a notice went out with ome ridiculous fee for failure to renew, doubling the fee or who knows what. call theattention of taxi services to this part of the relations code and they immediately took ba that noti. there is other stuff in here. i have at least a dozen commons i could t in writing. iyou are ting today, you e not vong knowledgeably on ese items. secretary
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boor: [names are lled goooon. my name ishossn. i am from iran. woed in dustry over 42 years tscountry. i used towo bettg b coany aecnic. i purchased a cab a started driving. one person site is fired fr my. iam askin u to let our medallions be transferable. capitalism is work. i id for my medallion i am asking you to give me theame
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rightselly daion. hat isll asked. thank yo>> gd teoo i haveeen driving for yeow almost for 25 years. i uld like say some d i am going to be able to sell medallion, to gi it to my family the day i pa away. becausei have it, big right now. i am from central americ have been ivinga longtime for llowab. but the way weare,almo 90% ofpeople are ppy how bdrive a handl.
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>> good evening once ain. aendments. you only have 27 amenents o the u.s. constitution, but we have tusands of amendmentso txi rules and regulations. they come nonstop every month ever year. more and moreamendments. hf the drivers, or two-thds have no idea what is going on at any given timebecause the have not looked at the last version of the amendmes. i see amendments under 15. i have amedallion. ihave owned itfor two years. hree transmsion later, are stisetting rules on egular taxe
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verses a red bandedallions and taxes. when is it goi to end? no remendments. the lk of me visual and aio -- drivers put gum o the top of the viewer. they put gum on the microphe toe su it is not hearing a voice. f youre going to change th rules, going ck to 06, make su it is not a taxi company represve selling us that equipment. i do not see that in thenew amendmento the amements. knowho that is. thank uforyourimen thes es.
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call >> goodftnoon. ould like to gi very good rito the decr and his tea and doing very well a job for 2 years. we have more than 200 drivers plyi their own medaion, running their own business. there are a whole series of amendments for it st of them a preventing abus from the cab company to the cabdriver. as cabdriver, always losing eir jobs by the cab compan they have no rights. all of these amendments are
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good. so of them are fair and some of them are not fair. most of them are ok. 1113 reires should be going to optional. the credit card machine -- we already have one in the front. we do not need anotheone in the bk. we are chinese. i have a wife and anoth girlfriend. noby makes ce. y'rewhite ma it is a big case f y. pleasei only need one credit card machine it is in e front and the customer has to givthe credit card and letme slide i i doot know what they do, where they take their credit card from. a lot of issues in the town hall
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meeting were alrdy mentioned. if you are a mcdonald's franchise, u have to do the sa food. but we are independen all, individual op we have ourwn small restaurant. you haveeat for it -- you have to eat. his is reallyunreonle. thank you. ice cirman brinkman:thk you. let'hope yr fe n fds sfgov tv. > i agree. if you're going to eliminate thboard ofappeals, we want a refund. we want our money ck. theboard of appeals have a -- has a 2-3month time ame. the current officer drags on his case isorever, sometimes as much as t years.
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you are still using this hearing officer. your sample is a bad one. i sat on that case originally and that person was an attorney. he could carry it to the higher courts without any higher expense. even so, this person still could not carry it to the higher cots even if they had the means. donot eliminate the board of appeals. it is not right. i would li tospeaitem 15. th singper permits. there is a reqrement thats the same as a full-tim medallion. someonewho attended last week's hall meeting was told th th medallns would be given o by je . way bills will be checked after the fact. after a lengthy discussio-- how long have you been talking about this? two years. why the sh? it is june 5.
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in 10days, youright to issue these medallions and then check the weigh bills? i think it is very hard to take something away from someone once they have it in their hands from my experience we nev giv up the medallion. i t as commiioner for seven years. soone will have also purchased the vehicle, iurance, maybe there is another driver on the ift. which brings in the suect of workers'ompensation. what are the requirements r this rmits anhoarthey going akth expen? >> veteran a word i will have to ok up in the dictiary. if you mean more discussion-- vetted is a word i will ha to
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look upnthe ctionary. if you mean more scsion, i think weneed a town hall meeting in order toropey vet thi is hk you. i aee that there has en very le te evieal ofhis for it there was le 180 pages ofstuff to review. most of uarworking d doing other there is n enough time f u to go over it. i understand the probleof peopleendlessly appealin peit revocation. i do not thk is righthat we ould not have the righto goto the board of appea cabdrivs should be allowed du process. the oth thing i noticed is there is a requirement in their that prohibits tampering wh
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requiredquipment in taxicabs. there shoue exception to the cuent xica meras. as you might be aware, therwas cent a hearg e state sate and ansportion housing committee ere the la as intd to be ged but the committee voted7-1. the cab drivers continue to have e rit to disable turoff ese deces. there is no switch on the curren cameras tturn them f. it is so illegal to record audioas california law states you need eressedse before recording a conversatio a lot of the mpies in san francisco coino record audio in the cabs. putting a sign on windows not ough that isnot expressed consent. you ha asked every passenger when they co in if they mind being corded. if they do not, how eeare ey supposed et to whe eyreoing ou -- >> i dnot have much
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say. mainly ecau iid otead any ofhis stuff. [laught] that ki of speaks to it. we wo. i have totake short shifts. normally, i would be working, but i had a short shift to come to this meeting. it isnot parof our full-time job scriion to read this material. there is a lot of . i am noticing that the taxi industry, which is often totally at os,s actually all in agreement that tvote on items 14 and 15 would be too hasty. everybody is saying ey did not have a chance tohoroughly review it. it seedlike t one about the appea seems to be kind of importananthe inry ses
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unedn nting more time to look athatit tnk you. >> directors e drivers should have tight to appeal. as a matter of fact, anyone shld ha the right to appeal. about the securitycamera -- any criminal activity that happens the taxicab r any accident should only be reviewed by the law enforcement and t by the cab companies. he cab companies shou not have access to real-time video. if you allow the cab companies to average out the fee, you shouldall the medallion- holders to avege out the fee in favor of them. to solve this matt have the
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fee avere evy y whatever the gate fees. directors, dving 23 ars and o the dalia list for 13 years, -on the medallion t for 13 years, your policies are hurting drivers like me. we have been suffering from the medallion pilot program giving singleopor permits to drivers who nevesied up for it. you are bypassing the enti waiting list and giving medallions to those who never ask for it. those who have the medallions already, you should oy issue medallions to qualified drivers 3 it im asking for your help. now, not 15 years from now, ecause i will be retired. i lost e page
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ha y very much. >> good aftern cosioners. withn emnumber 15, i want topeak about a tiny portion of that, subpart number5,which autrizes e director to impose a moratoriu the issuance of color sches. most people do not know what color sches are. it is a business license. it allows businesses like yellow cab, desot grentaxio operat usingdallions that are issued by the mta. a an attornewho represen small businesses andusinesses in the immigrant community, i can say tt thisis bad policy that has not bn justified in any way. ye there are public safety reasons. for instance, liming liquor
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licenses. thione is simply an anti- competiti policy that i urg u to reconsider. it has created a black market in the isting color schemes. there are transfers taking right now. people who ntne of these lor scheme permits are paying exorbitant amnts of moneyo get them. soit is a disingenuous request from staff to be authorized to place this moratorium because staff has been denying new color schemes for at least the last yea accorngo imony at the boar appeals,hey ha been dying ifothepast two yes. i can providdomention to thffect. as policy proposal, it is very b poli. at the veryleast, i ask u put some sort of a sunset on this.
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