tv [untitled] June 6, 2012 1:00am-1:30am PDT
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are needed. once we know how the industry really works, we should issue medallions as they are genuinely needed. the whole idea of more cabs on the inside of the box, and permitted black market on the outside of the box, it is not the way things ought to operate. >> thank you. >> i missed 14 and 15. history looks back at society and judges them about how they treat their weakest members, oldest members, the sick and elderly. san francisco is a really expensive place to live. when the city was without tabs
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-- cabs, and many grandparents are taking care of their grandchildren, even their great- grandchildren. children are very expensive. i know because i have seven stepchildren. it is just not fair when those people are in an older and weaker state, to wait for them to die so the city can get the full value of the medallions. it is not in line with the kind of values that the west has always exhibited in terms of how to make things fair for the most people as possible i have really appreciated the effort by the sfmta to try to deal with so many of opposing forces.
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i really think we could make the city public works a lot more efficient. i think there are other sources of income than preventing these people, who are now very weak, and who doesn't budget not to be able to sell their >> the mta board of directors met in closed session. total compensation for the value of the lost goodwill and the non movable fixtures resulting from the condemnation of the property on stockton street. the board also discussed labor negotiations, but took no action spurred -- but took no action. >> do i have a motion? >> all in favor? >> thank you. we are returning to the best
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part of the meeting. >> no comment on that. four hours after being rudely interrupted, a few quick things. we do more than taxis at the sfmta in case of folks have forgotten. san francisco, this past week, was part of the kickoff of the green lanes project. it is a new project that is being launched by the foundation with the intent to bring more protected by ways to -- bike ways to u.s. cities. we were one of the cities
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chosen to participate in the project. it will be supporting development of these kinds of facilities and networks over the next two years. we were selected along with austin, chicago, memphis, portland, and washington, d.c. we had our kickoff last week in chicago, and were we were joined by the administrator of the federal highway administration. strong support from the u.s. to permit a transportation for this initiative. cities were recognized for their ambitious goals and their -- ambitious goals. we, for example, presented not just be recently implemented jfk bike way, but as well as the polk street project.
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we were selected also because of the quick work we have done since the injunction. people have been pretty impressed at how quickly we were able to get projects out the door after having to sit on our hands for three years. the recent work in golden gate park and the plans we have going forward. one of the reasons that this foundation is pushing for this is because they found that these protected bike lanes can be a game changer in terms of getting more people onto bicycles. the board of supervisors adopted resolution setting a goal of 20% by 2020. we have 50 -- 50% over the next
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six years. we need a significant increase in bicycling. it is the most cost-effective for us to increase. we're very proud to be -- to have been chosen as one of these six and we will report back as appropriate on progress under that initiative. bicycling magazine announced its top 50 by friendly american cities for 2012. san francisco was identified, at number 8 on the list. number 8 out of the top 50. we would like to be higher than eight, but it was pretty good. considering that we were enjoined from implementing a lot of good projects for those three long years. we were cited in the process post-conjunction -- post-
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injunction. traffic signals that give cyclists the right of way. all of which led to 71% increase in cycling in the last five years. that is pretty phenomenal. on the revenue bonds that you had previously authorized, we subsequently got approval from the board of supervisors to issue those bonds. the good news is that we got our first of two ratings from credit rating agencies. we got our rating from moody's a week or so ago, and we were given a aa3 rating, which was very positive. a strong statement that the language in the document that issued the rating cited the agency's strong financial management. credit are great cfo for that as
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well as your leadership in adopting the great financial policies you have done to make sure this agency is well run. we got that great team and a stable outlook, which will support a good interest-rate when we issue. which we expected due within a few weeks. our first round will be $68 million issuance of 30-year bonds. as a reminder, it will refund all of the outstanding -- refinance all the outstanding parking garage tdebt as well as provide that first round of funding for a little bit of parking garage work. good news. we are still waiting for the second reading, but the first one was good. -- rating, but the first one was good. we had our big nine-day
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shutdown. we had the the line completely shut down. we have been j shut down north of market. gary significant work. the good news is -- a very significant work. the good news is everything got done on schedule. if you have not been by to see the improvements, it is a very significant investment. i want to thank the board for their support of that kind of important capital investment. there was a disruption, but by and large, the feedback is that it was reasonably well handled. it was phenomenal work by a lot of people from across the mta, the outreach folks, the
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construction management folks, certainly, the muni operations folks, the inspectors, the operators who were running the show, a lot of people worked really hard around the clock to make that to go smoothly. a good success there. the next weekend work is after the july 4 weekend. we have two more before we get to a substantial completion. h/as we discussed, but i wantedo let you know that yesterday, we published on the sfmta web site, the collective bargaining agreements for which we had just completed negotiations. we are responsible for negotiating eight agreements in total, five of which are expiring in a couple of weeks at
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the end of this month. in conjunction with the city, we completed successor agreements for those five contracts. there were local 1021, international association of machinists, local 1414, the electrical workers local 6, and a very small unit of twu that represents one category of maintenance workers. we did reach agreement with all five of those. they generally have 31% wage increases to about the term of the contract. the timing of those increases it varies slightly. the previously emplace 12 furlough days have been eliminated.
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there are some modest welfare cost savings benefits. there were some incentive pay is that we eliminated. there were a number of language cleanup updates, such as eliminating committees and removing out dating or expiring language. those agreements were all reached over the past month. in accordance with the charter requirement, we did make those available to the public. as of yesterday, they are all up we will bring them forward for your consideration along with the rebalancing. i guess i will just -- i do want
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to welcome our newest to the board. you missed a good one. i want to close on that note. commending the incredible work by the taxi service folks, by the staff, for the volume of things that came before you -- not that they were without controversy, i think you saw they were very well thought out, very deliberate, and a lot of due diligence when and to bringing these forward. i think we are at a good point and we will be bringing some things back, we will be bringing medallion reform that, but really a tremendous effort. that is the end of my report.
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>> thank you. for those of us do our reason to the board, the taxi items are very confusing. she has done a good job of bringing us all up to speed and making it less confusing. i saw your congratulatory e-mail to staff on the results of the shutdown. i love that you do that. nobody has to hear about how much i like cycling. all the improvements are making a difference. a lot more parents with kids on the back, a lot more women my age, a lot more youngsters. i look forward to all of that continuing. i think we are done. >> that concludes the business before you. >> thank you very much.
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please call item 2. approval of the minutes of the >commissioner campos: is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, this is an action item. actually, [roll call] -- roll call. >> [roll call] the item passes. commissioner campos: thank you. please call item 3.
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>> chair's report. this is an information item. cmissioner campos: ank you. as have indicated in ior meetingswere working on a focusing what is happening theferal government and in specific, in congress, on a number of bills that are pending before the hsef sena.sentatives in the u.s. one of the things we are trying to figure out is what will ome is a greatdeaof uncertainty in terms of the federal funding thaton unrscores theti. importance of state an local funding of public transportation. as you kn, in terms of wh metropolitan transportation commission and commission of bay area governmentsrecently
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prove the eferred land use and transportation investments in error for the regional transportation plan and sustainablecommunity strate. this was truly an historic en which creates a, for e first time, the region's first sustainable community strategy, as required bytatew, senate i 3. the person they're concerates 70% of the region's four test jobs and population growth over the next three decades into development areeraging patterns of owthtt make ansit use, walking and cycling, more viable options for more peoplehere in the b we are very proud to have been a part of that process. a of workwent io that effort, not only by san francisco, but als rest of the region. i am also prdto note, one of
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the good things that happened was,er as a commitment that discriona funding be focused on high priority projects that san francisco , includingaltrai electrification, van ness station, brt, among others. i wantto thank myofce and in what they have done foriener helping to make that happen. i know that it was important for n frcisco to play an active i also want to thank the san francisco commisoners of abag that also made sure that our considerionsten. i also want to thank the mayor's ffice who so played an important rolein mang su that our concerns were taken into account.
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we also saw the introduction last week of an ordinance to put into place theransportation systemf it -- sustainability program. we are going to make sure th weontinueto mitor that the first. -- that effort. with respect to the transportation authority, we are continng to ardictly on te vaous types of projects district by distct lel.a tnk the prestation from staff andthe various agencies working on projects in each one of the 11 districts is sething individual discussions of what is happening at each one of the districts, that this can lead to a larger discussion about h we, as city, can work together
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in a me efficient and collaborative way, and how we can maximizee coordinati of these projects delivered on time, but in the most caught -- i look forward to working with all of you. that concludes my report. is there any public comment? please come forward. >> chair, i have been listening to you very closely ever since yo aumed the roleofhe chair. someone personally, but in this case, i think i should. talking about transparency and accountability. could i have the overhead please? we see as much as the
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transportation authority talks about what ever they talk about, san francisco is ranked third worst in the nation. this does not mean that we do not have the ability to think outside the box and do better, but we have to stop painting a rosy picture. stop painting a rosy picture. to some of you that i trust, i sent you an e-mail regarding some agencies and entities that wanted to erase a five years worth of e-mails linked to the high speed of light rail. there again is about transparency and accountability. i have faith in you, mr. chair, as i have known you for a very long time, and i do keep in
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touch with you from time to time, and i admire what you do. i watched you at budget sessions, here in the chambers, at the committee meetings. you bring your experience, having worked for the san francisco unified school district, and other places, and you represent district 9 well. so i am proud of you, and i hope that you cast a shadow, one that is bright enou, where there is documents, there may be light. commissioner campos: thank you. that would like to comment on this ite seeing none, public comment is closed. madam clerk, please call item for. >> executive director's report. this is an information item. >> good morning, commissioners,
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maria lombardo. iwill be ief, highlighting primarily some upcoming community of reach. i do want to follow on a few remarks that the chair just made. e are still in limbo about a federal surface transportation bill. unlike our committee, the conference committee that has been set upis having its proceedings in secret, so there ismuchation available. senator boxeris chaian of the committee and said that they have until the first of june to w are keepinglose tabs on that. wen we t information, wil be able to see how it affects san francisco. the governor releasedsome worsening news on the state signifany, primarily due to lower than anticipated revenues. on the transportationside, the as not then as bad as it
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ulve been. thloan oposal that could haveaffected transportation right now is to transfer some of the off-road diesel fuel this is permissible, according to the fuel tax swap. it does impact transportation because it meansless revenues areavailable, but we do not know much more things that we care about, such as the state level of asstance recommendationfor $700,000 to caltrans to provide better coordation the blended rail services a high speed rail in northern california. i will follow on the chair remarks in terms of the action thathetc and abag just recently took . of fronts and over all we did 12 --hink seventh ofthe
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seven ofthe 12 projects that we saw supported received funds. there was also more ey irected to the one b area grant whereget mo money there were dinitely some dippointments, ikth r the $660 million reserve of new and small start funds, going primarily to the north and east bay. a f of coming reac thing to draw yo attention to. on t geary corrido rt s, there is targeted outreach,lante s neighborods on june 24, 25, and 26. there is more information at ou. n the idge replaceme project,e havebeen working
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clely with commissioner cohen's office. this is a caltrans own the bridge that needs to be repce du its age. if we ree it,wdootant to precludit pay featu of pocono station. we are wng to evaluate, and tions availae for co and we anticipate coming back to the an a py coittee the jul eet. caltrans is holding a public information meeting on thursy ma24 n changes they have done this has been a road et, reducing traffic lanes, imovg pestrian and bicycle and safety. that is at the san francisco zoo, if anyone is interest in attending. commissioner campos: thank you. we have a question from commissioner olague. commissioner olague: i'm
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wondering what the seven >> i will give you se of them. e van nessbrt project. you the effect of this project. -- van ness effectiveness project. commissioner campos: we have a question for commissioner mar. commissioner mar: thank ou mtc/abag meeting. the positive things are really great, and i and whether you enologist them, but could i ask u about the impact of the ecision to prioritize north bay and east bay for the new small starts funding and how that will impact the van ness brt or geary brt
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