tv [untitled] June 6, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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project?>> th i tnk tust is still settlin on this, but for the benefit of the public, for those who may not have been watching, thereare $660 million int regl transportation plan tt s set asidefor yet to be deteined w or small start projects in the region. in the past, it has bn important to get the seal of apprrom themt tosa is is regional party. it help our degaon in washington. traditnally, this was a focus on the majorailexnsn. when the game anger s here, we have this new pot of money called small starts. we havprojects like van ness brt andea mving forward. it is a major disappointment for geary. t vanes h been named as cart -- party
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for small starfuwhat did not make t cut for u were geary brt, santa clara projects, under velopment expecting to see mobere thenexrtp od. we are technically precluded from seeking a small start fund but we would potentially be doing so without the benefit of them'benefi-- silver approval. i still tnk we need to ink about how wwill approach this. we have e ck of a federal bill appearedhen the bill passes, we need to see the revenue level, eligibility requirements. mtcafincl in tir lguage, even though it gave prairies to thenext project to the north bay and east bay, the carefully inserted warning that they have to go thugha performance analysis and comply with all the requiments. itay bthat somof tse other projects the magic of for fuing. it i something that we will continue to work on with all of
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you to make sure that our products keep on moving foard. commissioner mar: before these major regnal meetings since in the number s sit on the gionalbodies as we look at the sustainable community strategy other projects, i hod weou stay ucand coordinate with otherallie ike s jose andakland n issues like the regional housing needs assessment to make sure that the so-called wealthier areas are doing their fair share affdable usg devepment as well. the commissiercu:- ea brt i amap to see that there are community megs coming soon. also, of thethank you for the input from the
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people that these community meetings. commissioner campos: we have a question from vice chair wiene commissior wiener: i wanted to followp onhe question about the $660 million. was an odd atio award ecae the mtc representatives from the north bay has been aordinarily supportive of san francisco projts because theay tnkrionally and understand t importance of some otheseproje so it is always awkward and not to be agreed with them. tnk we also all understood that the north bay andeast they aretitl to their fair sha of funding and all that. the way this ended up being worded and our colleagues in the nth they publicly made clear, this not segregate that funding ofo ea bay and noh bay.
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basilly, they give priority. if they come forward with good projects and get access o he money but they come forward with projects thato not rate ll ith the fda, the other even though the wording is not as clear as what e would like to be -- and we triedo clarify ituuccessfu-- they re clear in plicly stating their tention. i think that should be clear at this point. commissioner campos: colleagues, any other questis or comments? commissioner chu. commissioner chu: thank ou. all was also at that meeting. i want to thank supervisor wiener for his leadership on making sure that language was clear even though the amendments did not take. it was clear what the intention s. ommissione campos: thank you, commissioner.
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let's open up to public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. madam clerk pleasecall item 5. >> item 5. program $400,000 in cycle 3 lifeli tnsportion program (ltp) ate transit assistae fus to the san francisco munipal ransportatn agc's (st' free ni for low inme youth pilot prog's ltp prop 1b project priorities including a wait list project in case there are unneeded ltp prop 1b funds. this is an action item commissioner campos: unless there are any questions -- this was an item that was considered by the plans and programs committee. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this ite sorry. we have speaker cards.
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>>midrnoon. -- good afternoon. i wanted to ask for yr suppt of funding. a lot our famili are- inco we do not have her ons r transporting ourse. my us hamultiple children and to have to make multiple trips to pick up our children to and from hool, d akes it ve expensive and difficult for us to be able to suprt our families in thi way, so that is why we are asking or your sport. commissioner campos: thank you. let me read a cue cards. angelina yu. jane ma. estella linda montoya. >> [speaking in spanish]
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me to watc she was tling me out said that even i wanted to give him $2 for him to get to go to school. weare asking for your support. commissioner campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is linda montoya. we have be working on this program for months. want task th wee you thfree psesfor all youth. we edour support to make is happen, and to fund part of this program. from my experice, i am the mother ofa year-old we ride from bayew dictt downtown to school every day. i am not the only family that struggleshi way wheitces tour transportatn. i would also likeo than the bod of supervisors for your support. thank you. commissioner campos: thanyo very much.
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>> i and thyoh organize wh eoplwi an unempyment rights. i want to thank you for your ongoing support so far on this item. am representing the youth from thebvi, ssion,nd exceior, who could no here today. as an organizer, i ride the bus several times a week to talk about their experience on puic transportation. for many people,w countless storie aut mu becong less affdable and ss accessible. for many people, they have to choose between food andbac needs are paying for public reciti whichs otea a choice. it becomes increasingly difficult for amilies who have multiple children to have to pay for all their fares. the young people i have met said they fee unse spping into environment of fear obein ticketed for not been able to afrd their fair. i want to remind us today that muni is their school bus and this is the way they are able to move aroun not to school, but do it services around the
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city. today we have a ge opportunity to make a small investment that could impact the lives of thousands of children, youth, and families in the city. wek forward to your leadership to make this pilot program reality. commissioner campos: thank you. next speaker please. >> [speaking spanish] >> i a mother and i just wt
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to say t e would really appreciate your support and we count on your sup ecause a lot of us are low income and it ifficult for us e if uare able to approve these $400,000 for this program it would mean a lot to us and a lot of families in the city. commissioner campos: thank u. nt speakeplease. >> [speaking spanish
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i aa memberof power, a sgle mother, and i wanted to share with you my experience. i have twoks d is very diffict for me to pay for myhildr te munias well as mywn adults fre. i have also seen children being pulled off a bus. it is sad when they are getting ready to go toschool, ithey do not have 75 cents to ride t bus and to get aeducation. >> [speaking spanish] >> i want to thank all of yo whohave been suorf our campaign so far and i he that you will continue to support us. thank you. commissioner campos: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> my name is angelina yu i have been a part of the
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coalition for youth. over this past year, ihave got a pat chance to work with young people rom allthegoods across san francis sharg what consient voice that affordability of muni is something they really care about. this campaign has been driven by young people. he justicaspect is tt we are eeing youn people sakp abouttheir needs to make transit accessible for them and their families. the transportation side of it, aside fromheee of the campaign e ung people at the tabnow with sfpuc and sfmta. it will be a two-year pilot and a hring many students, many in middle school and high school how they want a program to work. we have been working to design an education and outreach component. the education componts ready to kk off surveys have bee done with high school students and middle school students to understand the relationship with public transit, their needs, and hal
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muni can work for this demographic of young people. additionly about which campaigns are being talked about by yngeople. they re asng how can we let more young people know about this program? this is somethingt will build that sense olifelong ridersp that the ta cares about for the next generation of writers. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i am the chaiof the san frcisco youtcoission i have been involved in this topic since i have been on the youth mmission. i want to be really clear the funds for this program coming -- the $400,000 thayo ll beoting on today - comes from a regional fund specifically for low income people that is what they were created to do. ink it more than fitting to use this money for free muni for low income youth. i encourage you to use that
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oney for s ogram. i think you a for your support, in the past, and moving forward. have a good morning. commissioner campos: thank you. next speaker. >> y i je ani am from power. iwant to thank you for your support n this issue. as most of you know we have secured funds from the mta for th program and the samba schools dist te remaing parof it the piece th y will be voting n today as well as funds we are looking for for the metropolitan transportation commission regional funds. s we go tt regional commissioners and ask r suortof the san rancco oject,it is a board that we are united as a city in supporting this program. because we are still doing all the adcacy the more support we cane todayn support of this funding will indicate to the region that we are rious and united behind this program. i knowsome concerns have be raised about what happens after
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the pilot project. the point of a pilot project is totudyissue ee what works, and spend the time identifying the ongoing funding. i want to assure you we are commied as a community and advocates to work and lg term fundg piece, but we need your support as well. to say we do not want to support this program because we arwa about fufunding is to say that we expect low income children who are trng to get to school to fillithe gap in ou budget. hat is unacceptable youhave ardrom members of power and community members across the city about t crisis that families arehaving d childr a having, being criminalize on their way to school and work and after-school activities. commissioner campos: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> supervisors, you know, toy, they a going to observe this
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day in r ofvey milk. i wt al abo a t leader, sees her job as. i want to put this in context. -- ces chavez. you supervisors, when it comes to payi fiveth t dollars to e like nan f you dt y helping our senior and youth linked to the transrtatio of these hurdles. now, those who are oo those who not havehe ability to represent in the courts they come here and humblreof you but the poor have been trying to say something to you for over 1years. emembewhen you cou
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ride then 25 cents. then 25 cents. then 75 cents. nw whev. it is very ey, with our $6.9 illi, give r free tnsrtion. not only poor youtbut all youth spirit if you cannot get hat, you illnot e able o get ything. supervisors, if you have the guts, do the rig thing. whether i is haey milk, car king, jesus christ theyall wked for the people. thank yovery much. commissioner campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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colleagues, i am not going to peat some of the points tt have been made about this proposal it would finalize the city's commitment by having the county transportation authority dedicate money to this effort. i resptfully ask for yo support. lastly i wa to thank the families, parents, the youth who ha been orng on this campaign to provide free fares, now for low income youth. thank you very much. it is greatly appreciated. commissioner abel los? -- vaavalos? commioner avalos: i just wanted to concur with your comments thank the efforts that have been made roh these many years. organizing an ad accusing across the city with our young people to make this day -- adcating across the city wh our young pele tome isay i realy has been incredible.
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this is one of the greatest efforts i have seen bar any ageof eopl doing this kind ork. i just want to congratulate you on that effort, being here today, and we will get this done. commissioner campos: thank you. commissioner camposkim. commissioner kim: i just wanted to reiterate my support for this program and how proud i am of our youth leaders and families coming to bat on thiprogram. it is an innovati idea foran francisco, pgram at many other cities aeady have, whi is to prove fr rait for our youth going to school. w equire our youth to go to school,we want our youth to go toschool and transit should never be arrier or excuse as to why they cannot get the. i anted alk abou the history ofhhis came to be
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which was ming aso youh far r dramatically to fix the gap in the mta budget, when i as at the school district, we try to negotiate with the mta t ge fds toget dcounte psses for low income youth. it was reallyfratingron yearthat moneyjust s administratively, due lab iesthe ise of handling cash at multiple schoolsites and the immseifcuy of that sfor anenrechoo year youth that were willing to get these discounted passes, were not able to get them. this solution tt ca ou of that challenging process where there was acommitmen to provide a way for our ou peop t trav on p trans but that solution just did not work.
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i thinks was a good solution that came out of that b think theas lg his that got to th point that is important to it knowledge and re it is important for a cit this prog and that we support our young people here in san francisco. thank you. commissioner campos: commissioner olague? commissioner olague: this is an issue that is a no-brainer. i want to thank everyone who organized and for their efforts, the youthommission for their leadersh that they have shownhere school is required. the way things are set up here, the options f attending col near where you live is not necessari present. youth havto travel, in man cases, long distances to do what is ruired of them. certainly, we do not want contribute to issues of a
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it seems to be and a side issue, but we want to do whatever we can to make sure at you if -- youth, especially folks accessing these passes are attending school, ppang for their future. i juswant to thank all of the folks from power and the youth commissiofor the leadership that they have swn on this. i think there are still a lot of things that we have to look at. aain, as i d, sometimes whe you have hoeholds with working parents, it is sometimes hard to make sure that children are beingaccompie on public transportation to get school safely, so there are a lot of issues that we still need to look at regarding th. years we will be able to identify how we need to tweak it in the next f years. commissioner campos: commissioner mar.
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commissioner mar: i want to thank the gra-roots coalition for this as well congratulate em on the victory so far. i want to reiterate what numb of u said, like my daughter, muni is our children paused school bus often with the cutbacks at the ho district, andmany families are struggling, and this would help them make ends meet. as the representatives of power, other ornitions mentioned, thisart the approval today. we stil need to be as united as possible to bring this to the regional body the mtc. i would al urge our colleagues to be as trong as possible in supporting san francisco's effort in this campaign. thanks again to the moer that were outhere and you hat have testified in number of times before ifrent bodies.
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youth, toget free passes, but also to raise awarenesssupervisor chu: thank you. unfortunately i will be scdi on e boat and one to explain why. i understand it is a difficult time and families are having a hard time with regards to t ras thatre crently paid. if we h gone a different direction, ps a deeper discount, that would be something i would ha bn sutiveoth before us on thursd. what we will be sing i thee wi see an increase in revenue because of generalprocds they are not yet balanced. tey d rt falin been stl. belve tre s tentativeness
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with regards the budget. to be able to move forward wit jee isat this i cannot ingood faith do. i thinkhe budget issues are things that we shld take care of and it is a sventte d a system that can pay for thimprovements we need at eans ming re we inst in apal in maintainingth buses so they do t eadown. this is sething tt is goofo entire system. for working pele. i cannott this te suppts the dollars will be when it is finally up and running. pil programs tebeme permanent programs. at thisme h des on this coming knowing the but i's not quite where it needs to be. >> any other comments? madam cle could we havel- call vote on item number 5?
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>> em passes withen vot. if you could callitem no6. >> item 6 program 1,00000 and thousand 942 in stick three lifeind transportation program jobs access reverse commute funds to the sentences go transportation agencies continuation of bus service restoration project. supervisor campos: roll call on item 6.
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