tv [untitled] June 6, 2012 3:30am-4:00am PDT
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as you may know, this inverted market is from a mathematical science known as a universal quantifier. we whaant everyone to know thate are here to engage you. we want to awaken and inspire. let me show you a couple of examples of how you can use this. we have window treatment for everyone. and then we have a new visitor'' guide, a new membership material, a new look. you can take us with you. and also, out and about. i still strongly about this market because it is very versa tile. you can superimpose images from diverse cultures coming asian,
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>> mr. mayer, please. >> good morning, everybody. i want to thank all of the supervisors, my posse for being here. thank you for the introduction. hall also want to give special thanks to tony and kiko for your leadership. p j from the commission is also here. we are a very special city, of course. as you know, charlotte and i have been working together for the last eight months, celebrating this wonderful
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diversity in the city as we will and in so many international visitors that come in. every opportunity we have, we market, but we also say, if you what a great experience, go to the asian. see what we have. it is one of the few cities to have its own asian art museum. that is a wonderful reflection of our city's commitment to not only the history of the population and growth and ties to the far east, but also honors the diverse art we have in the city. so many museums are looking at how they can contribute to not only the residents here, but what i think the nation is on course to do, something that i know charlotte and i talk a lot about, that is promoting our international status, making sure that we have an art museum that appeals to the kids in the
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tenderloin, to the kids all over the city, to the families we have in the city, but also to be special to our international visitors. i think, n.j., your honor, creating -- i think, jay, creating this and branding is a great thing. last year, there was a financial challenges that occurred all over the world. worldwide economic challenges. if the old models of how you depended on certain bonds or going to be challenged, well, of course they became a challenge to our museum. we got together with the city, the board of supervisors, with the leadership of david chiu, eric mar, got together with the
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board of directors and, of course, a big thank-you to ben rosenfield who helped us all to figure out with the mayor's office, how we could put together a real state of financial support and strength to make sure the that the asian could move forward. they responded. not only with an agreement going forward, but with this idea of branding which came out of the number of ideas of how the nation can make sure it is appealing to an even broader audience, making sure that its wells, richness, not only in this place -- we have a lovely room like this for actual performances that are consistent with the asian culture. as you know, some 20,000 kids get invited to come through these halls to learn and see the exhibits. i am very excited about the next exhibit.
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i know the bali exhibit here will have international flavor. with this opening, with this brand name, i want to think the board of directors, the foundation. jay hsu and your work with the city. the supervisors, charlotte, the arts commission, and our controller, for coming together at this time to allow our asian to give an even bigger appeal to an international audience. i think you will find this brand not only on the windowsills of this grand all day and the building, a building that i have been familiar with as my days of the dpw director -- i used to go through stacks of books. to see this as part of the great contribution to the revitalization of our civic center, and to be an
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international destination for so many visitors that come to our city. i want to thank the museum, the asian for allowing us to join you in this 3 branding, and to make sure we are on our way to invite a greater audience to experience all the wonderful cultural things you have to offer. [applause] >> thank you, mr. mayor. that was fantastic. i was just thinking, i have to update my facebook, i have to tweet this great logo. it is beautiful. thank you. it is such a wonderful day to show this off. i forgot to mention one name. the mayor is really good. my apologies. demint these technology as well steve cava, our chief of staff.
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thank you for being here. i also wanted knowledge two guests that i did not get to technology earlier. there are so many people. i definitely wanted to mention akiko yamazaki. she is the president of the -- we also have a strategy director of wolff olins. he is an island in designer. please come up and tell us more about what your involvement was.
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>> good morning, everybody. speaking of presidents, apparently my daughter things i am the president of asia. a friend of hers said, are you the president of asia? apparently i hold that an important title here. anyhow, i wanted to tell you that this branding project has been in the making since 2007, so it has been a long pregnancy. it is so great to see this until today. this started as part of our strategic directions pn. of course, in 2008, with the arrival of jay, started developing a new vision which he started to share with us. the branded product has been instrumental for us to not on define how do want to present ourselves externally, but how we want to have a common value internally. what is our common down here as
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an organization? it has helped us externally and internally. the board has been very active through the marketing committee, being part of the process with the staff's and with the leadership of nick in defining the scale of the project, raising the necessary funds for it. also, key decision making points such as the visual logo, which you see here today. i have to share a story about the logo. after the meeting when i came home, i had a bunch of different ideas that we had been discussing at home. jerry said to me, do you realize this is the symbol in math for all? apparently he was the only one who had been paying attention in math class. i said, is that true? it just felt right. that is when the going really
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hit the mark. we thought that this was really the right logo for us. today, i want to again invite everybody to our new asian. we promised it will be all- inclusive plan and offer you something to be awakened and inspired about. >> thank you. first, it has been a real pleasure and privilege to work with the museum, with such a clear vision, bold vision. it is a dream plan situation for a company like wolff olins to work with the asian art museum. the journey started in january of last year where we did extensive research with the museum. everything from analyzing the visitor journey to understanding macro and museum trends. we did ethnographic research with visitors, lots of insight,
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but a key foundational inside or that visitors wanted to connect more viscerally with museums and the arts. they are looking for museums to provide a platform for discussion, interaction, for discussion, even as an outlet for creative endeavors. some of the challenges that will faced museums like the asian is the subject matter is just a bit more difficult for people in the u.s., so the nation has to work harder to provide more context, almost throwing out lifelines to visitors so that they connect with the art and subject matter and interact with it and on the spot from that they grave. that was when this was designed to do. once a visitor connects with the content, it is a lifelong experience. the depth of the experience is such that it really is a
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lifelong learning experience, pretty amazing and powerful. at the end of the day, it is moving from pure preservation of art to provocation. provoking dialogue, discussion, you are and new thinking. it has come to life as a visual identity, which we are very excited about but we are more excited about is the experience it will bring about, how to brand the visitor experience. so thank you. [applause] >> thank you, nick, akiko. i knew akiko was the president of art, but she is so more than that. nick, you sort of scare me.
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you intimidate me. he is tall, a british accent, used math. people like to stress me out. without further ado, i want to invite our director again to explain some of our upcoming directions. i want to challenge to all, soap ceramics. >> just to follow akiko's interesting example, before i provide you with a preview of one of the exhibitions, art and science has always been together. da vinvi was a great artist but a scientist as well. sometimes, when i speak to people in the valley, i say,
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when you have a first-rate product, how did you describe it? of course, there are several phrases you could use, but one of which is, state of the art. when you reach such a quality, you can get the expression, but you need art to describe the utmost excellence of what you do. this is what we want to do, we want to offer. let me give you two examples of upcoming exhibitions to illustrate how we further implement our brand, starting from today, but it is a journey that will take years. you want to implement our brand by stages, so we are constantly working on improving the service and visitor experience. one exhibition that is about to open all daymaharaja the splendor of india's royal courts. this will showcase 300 years of the indian art and culture. the exhibition will have world
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class objects such as a large -- it did not fit in the doors. we had to take the walls of of the back of the museum and moved inside. on the way out, you may want to peak at the corner to see it. to protect a work of art, you have to let it sit for 24 hours to acclimatize. this tells you the caliber of the objects in the show. to the right is a wonderful piece of jewelry, a turbaned ornaments. the show also includes objects of multimedia. for example, the largest piece. it also includes paintings, sculptures, furniture, a tremendous collection of art. as always, our visitors can
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enjoy the excellence of individual works of art, on an individual basis, but would be what to do differently is to add a new dimension. we want to call out those stories. we want to object to talk about themselves, to tell us what makes a maharaja. how did he conducts his public life? maha means big, raja means king. so literally, and baking. how did he live his everyday life? how did he conducts his religious duties? negotiatinart and politics is an marriage, in this case, too. so we want to offer our visitors
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multiple choices. you can enjoy the art on its own individual basis and focus on its artistic quality, stylistic dilution, but also, if you like, there are stories at your disposal to learn. you can make a journey of self discovery. the maharajah has also inspired contemporary artists. engaging with the early contemporary artists like sanjay patel. is there a semblance between the two? i think it is there. we had given him a book, a catalog of the exhibition, showing the wonderful works of art in the show, including this one. he looked at this and fell in
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love with the objects in the show and came up with a fresh imbricate -- interpretation of what a maharajah is. this is only in detail of his great creation. not only did he increate fresh works of art, but work inspired by the works from the 300 years of indian culture, but also, through hands lens, in joining these treasures. we can also use his work as a way to encourage visitors to the museum. this is a very strategic corner. anyone coming out of the bart station, across indicted nations square, you come to this corner. we want to improve the way
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finding in the city center, to our museum, to enable the visitors to have an easier time. this is sanjay's work. today, we express our community power through parades, and demonstrations. this will help to to guide you to the asian art museum. we live in a historical district. we want to be respectful of the historical integrity and the duty but we're also here to improve service to the public, improved wind-finding, improve the arts in this area. we want our visitors, once they step inside the museum, before entering an exhibition, you will be able did give the evocative environment of the maharaja.
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these are some of the sketches. also, wayne-finding, processions. beyond this exhibit, next spring, we have an exhibition at our museum will be doing for the first time in history. we will generate a self- organized major scale contemporary art exhibition called contemporary awakened the past. the subtitle capture of one dimension of our vision, which is making a connection between the past, present, and future, but we want to cross the contemporary art program with our unique characteristics.
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where are was made, it was always contemporary. so we need to look at the art not only from the time of their making but also from today's perspective. they make a connection between the are being made today. this is one possible work of art. we will and juxtaposed these contemporary works of art with these masterpieces from other collections, whether they were made 100 years ago or two dozen years ago. another thing we are doing, creating a super brand about our contemporary project, making the connection between the part of the past and art of today. the second unique thing about this exhibition is it will not only be presented in the special exhibition galleries, and will be presented also in the second
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and third for collection areas. in other words, the whole building is at the disposal of our visitors to engage, enable them to have an experience. making a concrete, active dialogue between the art of the past and the art of today. let me now in by our associate curator of the south asian art to tell us about the detail of the maharajah, as well, snjay patel to tell us about his inspiration. >> we have already heard about the maharajah expedition -- exhibition, have seen some of sanjay's participation in it, but how did these alamance connect with one another? that is what we are trying to explore further. i have been interested in sanjay's work for some time now.
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not as much for the work itself, as for the process, because he, like many generations of artists before him, have been bringing stories of the past, subject matter from the past, back to life through their own art, making them into relevant pieces of art with his unique style. that is what attracted my attention towards sanjay. what started out as a project to activate the exterior of the building became something completely different. it took on its own life. when sanjay came back to us with a body of work for what was supposed to be a simple exterior project, we were completely blown away. >> that is kind of you.
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first off, she is the smart one. she should know better to pick someone like me. thank you for recognizing my work and inviting me to participate with the museum. before i go into that -- i have to segue. there is one cool distinction with the modern russia. i do not want to give away too much, but all the paintings, he has an awesome mustache. i feeling that is the son of a king. i notice there are not a lot of people here with moustaches except one. one particular person. mr. mayer has an awesome mustache. that is a great sign of his king weakness. it was really exciting. you hear awaken, expire. i am kind of cynical. that is like the corporate man telling me something. the fact is, they were already
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doing awaken and inspire. the fact that nick and his team got beyond the idea just speaks to the fact that the asian was already doing this great work. i was telling stories from my roots. when i got the e-mail, i was woken up. she said, do you want to come by to do something with the exterior of the building? i would totally do it. i was open and inspired thanks to her. once i got the assignment, i started digging into the background of the maharajah. did i go down the rabbit hole. i feel like i am a pro, doing professional art for a long time now that fix our. the one no-no is you do not go off and start and finish something by yourself.
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typically at picks are, you show your early progression. you are showing it to the director. of course, being an idiot, i got totally obsessed and there went down the rabbit hole. i worked on my birthday. i did not update my facebook. i just worked. i work for about a month. we were lucky and smart enough to set a deadline. in a month i showed her but i had. at that point, i had a two-hour presentation. i showed it to my friends at picks are. they said, you need to get some facts of it -- fresh air. we have a term known as a spanking. that means you have to discipline it, and trim the fat. we were able to get it to a manageable size. i brought it to the museum. i showed it and apparently it
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did not stop. happy picks are ending. there was more good news in store, but i will let her explain that. >> the next year project quickly became something bigger than that. it became a second phone call which was, would you like to do a collaborative project where your work is in dialogue, in the same space as amazing work from our collection? that led to another product we are working on, which will open after maharajah, on the second floor of the gallery. here is a preview of what it will look like. >> that is cool. i do not care if anybody else likes it. that is like the inside of my mind.
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i'm so happy with this room. i hope you all come back to check it out. we came up with a fund title as well. the museum was marred and serious. the bees, and demons, and views of staches. i think the exhibition opens november 11. i have one more surprise today. i know you want to check out the show, but i have one more surprise. jay put me up to some work. he said, sunday, i am going to give you permission to put your mark on the asian. what does that mean? i think i know i want to do but i do not want to get arrested because -- this is the city. graffiti is not cool. graffiti is not cool. i do not know, i'm going to try
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