tv [untitled] June 7, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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his limousine and bringing them to city hall at board meetings. i did not see the city ethics commission then. on campaign night, no investigations there. he came forward and said it was drug abuse. no investigation there. now we have ross, being investigated because of an argument with his wife. if you look back in the history of this city, if you look at all of the cases you have not looked at, and now you are exploding on this one, but the biggest deficit in san francisco's history, u.s. prosecutors wasted hours and hours looking for depositions on so-called expert witnesses they are going to find in a phone book -- [laughter] ? is an expert witness on san francisco? you tell me. [bell]
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[cheers and applause] [applause] >> hello. what i want to say is that i was here last time, and i am going to reiterate the same message i gave last time, that this is unnecessary. it is a waste of taxpayer money. ross was working with people in the jails, making life better. it needs to be fixed because the right person is not running it. you have to let him go back and do his job. they say they are doing this to help eliana and their son. nothing i have seen has helped them. let the man go back and do his
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job. mayor lee is a sore loser, but he has got to let it go so the people in the jail -- andross can take care of his family. [cheers and applause] . >> good evening, commissioners. my name is eric bob mcdonnell, and i am here to urge you to drop these charges, dismissed these charges, and reinstate wasa mirkarimi immediately. this case is not about a bruised arm, and i can prove it to you. i myself that two badly bruised arm when a violent felony was committed against me when i was attacked on the streets, only to be denied justice by the very same people. only to be denied justice by the
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very same government agencies who are now claiming the moral high ground in the name of public safety. we need sheriff ross mirkarimi's leadership, and we need it yesterday. i am very upset with mayor edwin lee for bringing these ridiculous charges. he is a long time since the insider who was appointed to his position as mayor without anything remotely resembling a public process. whereas mirkarimi received more than 2000 plus, more votes than mayor ed lee last november, and mayor ed lee is now trying to shamelessly overturn that election. i urge you to not let him do that. if mayor ed lee as 1 ounce of integrity left, he will end this charade and give this city our share of back. i thank you for your time.
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[cheers and applause] >> good evening, commissioners, and thank you so much for allowing us to speak at such a late hour. thank all of you for your hard work. my name is -- i am the co- founder of a support group, and i am here to support share of mirkarimi because i lost a son to gun violence in 1996, and his case remains unsolved. my son was killed before his sixth birthday, so does not have his father. little theo has his father but does not have this father, and
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in the human circle, we are for keeping families together, not tearing them apart. i must say, sheriff mirkarimi, you have failed to look at his record. when homicide happen in our neighborhood at 2:00 in the morning, do you know who is there? sheriff mirkarimi. when homicides happen anywhere in the western addition, he is always there. when there is a funeral, and he is there. when there is a community meeting, he is there. he is there walking the neighborhood, at the farmer's market, talking to us. he is a public servant. he is bigger than a public servant, and i am here to say we spend too much money and tax dollars on unnecessary things like this when they should be spent on unsolved homicide cases. we have thousands of unsolved cases, and mine is one of them.
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i am asking the mayor and the city and you to do the right thing. heard people hurt people, and healed people kill people. let's get in the killing business and start healing our city. thank you. [bell] [applause] >> good evening, commissioners. my name is -- jackson. i am a native san franciscan. i am elected delegate to the democratic national convention and a delegate to a committee. my support for sheriff mirkarimi is a very selfish. i want the people of san francisco the cannot speak for themselves to get the attention that share of mirkarimi was elected for. i am beseeching you to get back to the big six and use your fairness and ethics. i ask that you not be biased by the power of the position of
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mayor with the preponderance of evidence. please recommend a share to be and suspended without pay and returned to share as elected by the majority of san franciscans. again, thank you for all you do, and i think you in advance for your ethical analysis and submit you will deliberate with the highest at the core standards. please do not stack the decks. and again, thank you for what you do. [applause] >> how are you doing? my name is larry ames, and i am 100% supportive of ross. he has always been supportive of our group. it is a complete fiasco and a total waste of time doing this, and it means -- he needs to be
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back in the office of sheriff, where he will do the most good. this is politically motivated. i believe that. thank you. [applause] >> i have been in san francisco since 1965. the one thing that makes me the most promised to mid year is that it is the city in the world where we respect diversity and embrace all of the communities that call san francisco home. today is one of the saddest moments in history. this is a day when we lost one of the mares and george mosconi, and today, we have a mayor who
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is selling his heart and soul. shame on you, mayor lee. it cannot be any more obvious bad your motivation is purely political. you are trying to get rid of one elected sheriff, and shame on you for having a double face when it comes to giving in to the influence of tricky willie and their circus of followers who are always trying to run san francisco. it would not surprise me if we have a hearing in this same room to penalize you, mayor, for the crime you are trying to commit. that is why i am appealing to members of the committee, not under pressure of the so-called powerful influences.
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do not become a paunches pilot -- pawnee as pilots -- pontius pilate. thank you very much. >> i am -- i just wanted to mention a couple of notes that nobody mentioned. number one, ross mirkarimi, sheriff ross mirkarimi was suspended on new year's eve. number two, its share of ross mirkarimi loses his job, that
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means that liberal people cannot act in political circles in san francisco, which is a really, really bad thing to happen, and last and most important of all, we are using all of this money, electricity, and everything, manpower for something that is not really important, and i do not know why politically they are attacking ross mirkarimi. thank you. [applause] >> i will be as quick as possible. i have known the mayor and ross mirkarimi. ♪ whoooo, whooo whoo is
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control, right here in san francisco? ♪ my name is ace, and i am in your face this thing about it is coming here at ♪ city hall, it did silly -- gets silly it gets so silly, y'all, right here at city hall i am telling you, what i have sought, might be against the law, like what you are doing here heard sounds so observed the things i want to tell you all, one thing is for sure ed lee he knows me we
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worked together it is no mystery he will tell you there is a conspiracy on the real ♪ ross has so much integrity and respect. if you would take the polls of the community, you would see that something is going on. it is nasty. the whole world is looking at us. right here in city hall. it gets so silly y'all. [applause] >> commissioners, i am glad and very grateful to you. he demonstrated to me tonight
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that he did take the oath of office seriously. as someone who devoted eight years of their life to this commission and before that, four years on the board of appeals, when that commission had jurisdiction, i can say from personal experience, it is an understatement. it is a thankless tax -- re- tasked to serve on any commission. you have given me faith you are going to follow the law and the evidence in this case. the law is very clear. i quote the former city attorney, "the charter does not authorize the commission to impose any public censure upon individuals who have not committed a violation.
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the commission must find probable cause to believe that's an order related to finance, lobbying, or other has been violated. if no violation is found, no further action will be taken. i hope you will continue to serve as admirably as you have tonight. [applause] >> good evening, i did not need to clarify your jurisdiction. those parameters were quite clear. of inslee, this is out of that range. if that is not clear, maybe we can reference him again. i am here not only because i
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feel he should give the mayor and the rest of the people that are trying to perpetrate a political coup an opportunity to save face and third this case out. i think we need to honor the men and women who died to preserve our right to vote. clearly, our vote means nothing to the mayor and those in power. what matters to them is greed, corporations, and getting ross out from the scene. it has long been said that politics in san francisco is a blood sport. that we know going in. never has anyone lower their standard to such a point to sacrifice a family. that is intolerable. you should have the integrity
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and respect for a man who has had a long history incense and disco to defend the impoverished and neglected. i am asking you, do the mayor a favor, give him the opportunity to save face and throw it out now. [applause] >> how are you doing? outstanding job. i live in western addition, district 5. i would like to say a few things. we all have our problems and issues. one thing about this guy, he has your back. whenever i come to city hall, he has never had a closed door policy. he says, come see me, we will take care of the. he has always been there.
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it is unfortunate we have to judge this man on personal issues. we have to look at his record. he fought hard to make district 5 a safe place. another thing i do not understand, you have police offices, they are not elected. you have bus drivers, they are not elected. he gets suspended without pay when you give cops and bus drivers suspended with pay? i do not understand that. how can you try to kill this man. he is strong. he is going to make it. he is going to be ok. [applause] we have his back. he was sworn in and he did his job. he did his job in district 5 for the african-americans. there were a lot of murders.
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i am sure you all know that. he stopped that, by just talking to them. implementing programs that would give them something to do. instead of being out there on the quarter. -- corner. you have a job. you of doing good. that is why we need him. that is why we need him. [applause] >> good evening. i am here representing billeting a democratic club. ross one the election with 53% of the vote. our entire system comes from the will of the people. when one of elected officials actions have the result of voiding the election of another, that action must be
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addressed -- a wrong that is fundamental to our democracy. to do otherwise sacrifices of our democracy. the memories of disenfranchisement arise from experiences abroad in undemocratic regimes or in experiences in the united states where latinos are denied democracy. this has dared those memories. the process began with disenfranchising a latina. we ask you reinstate share for mirkarimi -- reinstate sheriff mirkarimi. we ask you respect the dignity of every person who enters the
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criminal justice system. these are excerpts of a four page letter. it has been submitted to you. i would like to thank you. you have been very fair and just. we appreciate that. i want to let you know that i am a former commissioner on the commission on the status of women. i understand what it dv and not dv. this is not dv. [applause] >> hello. i am here to ask that you immediately reinstate ross mirkarimi. i hope that we all take a moment to observe that this follows the memorial day weekend. the power of the vote, it is fundamental to this country.
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that is what lawyers have been fought over. another thing that is fundamental -- that is what wars have been fought over. another thing that is fundamental is freedom from government. i have struggled to understand how an ethics commission -- what price, what crime testifies in validating the vote of 53%? this is a commission that looks at election law. that is what happens here. we have a basic issue of democracy at stake. if we are going to be litigating admitted conduct and and convicted conduct, where is our standard going to be for anything that comes forward in the future?
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what president eliciting? what conduct will you be referencing in the future? if you are going to lower the standard as to what will be the basis for in validating an election, it must be a strong case. something where we are going to be litigating everyday activities simply cannot be a presidencedent was set in. i am also a member of the latina democratic club. i hope you'll take our public comments seriously. [applause] >> good evening. my name is richard stone. i am a member of the sentences goh greed party.
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i have served for ross in the past. -- of the san francisco agreed party. i have served for ross in the past. with all the endeavors i have seen him in, dating back to before he was elected, such as being able to get the environmental impact report that stopped the building of a nuclear power plant, up to the time i worked with him with the formation of laws for medical marijuana, the community policing and all of the great accomplishments he has brought to the criminal justice community. i think it is a crime that for something that is not so serious that it would be
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stretched to the limits that it has been. i really think he should be reinstated with back pay. even though it is really sad to have to go through this process, i am glad that the journey to have a due process has come from other than i thought it would. i commend you guys. i hope that in the ensuing sessions, not only will be processed a cold, but used -- will do process take hold, but justice will be served. [applause] an>> commissioners, thank you
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for hearing my remarks. i am here because i am upset that you did not stop this. the sheriff is being railroaded. the mayor is squandering public funds. he is claiming official misconduct. he has not said a single specific conflict of interest. that should be enough for you to vote to recommend that the reinstatement of the share of. the lot is quite clear. -- the share of. the law is quite clear. the mayor has to show he did something he should not have done, or did not do something he should have done. none of the above applies. instead, the mayor is using this to produce a telling a vella -- a telenovela. he should get private funding.
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for the effort the mayor has put into this, you would think the ballots were found floating in the day. that did not happen. mr. mirkarimi has suffered for at arms grabbing. that has nothing to do with official misconduct. you have only one ethical choice, vote to reinstate the share sheriff. do your job mel, please. thank you. [applause] >> good evening. i want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak tonight. i am here because i believe the ethics commission has a duty to the voters of this city to uphold the will of the people
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who democratically elected ross mirkarimi to the office of sheriff. the country is watching what you do. undoing an election is an extremely serious matter. the suspension of our sheriff did not happen because he engaged in official misconduct. he was suspended due to political pressure. the same pressure that has victimized his wife. it has had a dramatic impact on his young son. i ask the commission to recommend that the charge be dropped and give us back our share of. -- sheriff. i also want to submit a resolution that was passed in support of ross mercury. -- ross mirkarimi.
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we oppose the removal of ross mirkarimi. we request the mayor reinstate mirkarimi in the interest of justice. we encourage the members of the ethics commission and the board of supervisors to oppose this. thank you. [applause] >> thank you commissioners and deputies for a service. my name is brian webster. i am a community organizer. i work with the business, labor, and community organizations. i have worked in at san francisco for over 25 years. i support the share of --
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